In the original work, Jubia Rox originally belonged to the "Ghost Dominator" union, one of the "four elements" of the water element, and joined Fairy Tail after the dissolution of the Ghost Guild.

It is also a talented magic guide, powerful strength, visible to the naked eye!

Jubia, who is the same age as Lisana, has not yet joined the Ghost Dominator at this stage, let alone Fairy Tail.

That is to say, he can cut off his beard and cut off the rain girl Jubia.

According to the intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps, Ron could learn that Jubia's family moved to Roque Town two years ago, and it was from that time that Roque Town began to rain continuously, starting to rain 365 days a year.

Of course, only around Jubia.

Because Jubia's magical talent is too strong, he awakened water flow magic since he was a child, so that he could not control his talent well, resulting in rain all the time where he was, which is what happened to Jubia.

Because of this, Jubia was disliked by her classmates who studied together, by the residents of Roque Town, and by everyone.

Like Miraj at the beginning, Miraj also awakened [receiving magic] on his own because his magical talent was too powerful, and also received demons, but in the end he was hostile, hated, and hated by the ignorant villagers! !

Today, Jubia is experiencing the same thing, being rejected by the ignorant inhabitants because of his powerful magical talent.

Ron, who understood everything, rubbed his chin with his right hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and considered for a moment.

For the golden key of the Virgo Star Spirit Baluge, he needs to complete the A-level mission [Crusade against the Black Rose Dark Guild], so he needs to go to Roque Town, and the rain goddess Jubia is also in Roque Town.

The train of thought is instantly accessible, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, his choice is all.

Whether it's the golden key of the Virgo star spirit Baluge, or Jubia, take it all!

As the first affectionate Jubia of the demon tail, loyalty is also a full existence, and it is worth pulling into the Dragon Empire.

And it has to be sooner rather than later.

After all, the Ghost Dominator is also eyeing Jubia.

It is necessary to capture Jubia and cut off Jubia before the ghost dominators.

For the strength of the ghost dominator, Ron did not underestimate it, no matter how to say that the ghost dominator also represents one of the two most famous wizard guilds in the country, the other is Fairy Tail, a guild where powerful wizards gather.

And St. Ten Joseph Pola, a bit tricky.

So you have to hurry, get ahead of the curve, and cut off the beard.

Because, according to the intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps, during this time period, Joseph Pola seems to have begun to pay attention to Jubia and discovered Jubia's amazing talent.

This made Ron also feel pressured, did he want to rob people with Saint Ten?

Like, it's interesting.

In a hurry, Ron still followed the original plan, let Miraj cultivate Rebby first, and wait until Rebbe grows up, then go on the mission, everything is safe.

And just like that, the time passed for a few days.

In the past few days, Miraj has been frantically exercising, cultivating, and training Rebby.

Master Yan became a high disciple, relying on the assistance of [Enlightenment Against the Heavens LV2], coupled with Miraj's strict teaching.

Rebby also made great progress and finally grew into a B-class Magister.

The speed of progress was also terrifying, which made Ron sigh.

It is worthy of being a member of his guild, or he is more powerful, creating the guild bond [Enlightenment Against the Sky LV2], Rebbie's progress can be so fast.

When Miraj was crazy to train Rebby, Gurefia on the side of the Witch's Sin was also a crazy special training black magic guide girl.

After this Potter's training, the black magic girl also improved rapidly.

Also, the crime of the witch is temporarily resting these days.

Despite this, the legend of the sin of witches still remains throughout the wizarding world.

The entire wizarding world is also in the wind, and it is always on high alert for the sins of witches.

Not only that, the Magic Council also sent heavy troops to take down the crime of the witch.

As a result, when the Magic Council struck hard, the crime of the previously lawless witch suddenly disappeared.

Just one night, after killing the five C-level dark guilds, the crime of the witch disappeared completely again, as if it had never appeared, completely disappeared, no news, no sound.

This made everyone confused, at first the witch's sin was menacing, just when everyone thought that the witch's sin was going to harden everything, it disappeared again.

More importantly, throughout the whole process, the boss of the witch's crime has never appeared, and the mysterious fog has always shrouded this behind-the-scenes mastermind, making everyone curious, who is the other party?

In this way, in the past few days, the entire wizarding world is still not calm, after the storm of the witch's sin.

The Sin of the Witch disappeared, but not completely, because all the dark guilds were walking on thin ice, living under the horror and haze of the Sin of the Witch.

The Magic Council was no better, and they wanted to punch hard, but they hit the cotton with a heavy fist, and the feeling that they couldn't make it powerful was really uncomfortable.

When neither the Dark Guild nor the Council of Magic was comfortable, Ron was comfortable.

In the past few days, when Mirajet trained Rebby, he had been staying in the guild, acting as a doctor again, and began to heal and cultivate.

Because the Dragon Empire is near Fairy Tail, in the past few days, he has healed many members of Fairy Tail, including Fairy Tail's elders Wakaba and Macao.

This made Makarov even more optimistic about Ron.

In his eyes, Ron is a good man.

It is again untying the knot of Laxus's heart, and the people who help heal the fairy tail.

Ron, this little ghost, that's great!

How could such a person be the boss of the Witch's Sin?

Yajima is really confused!

In this way, under the gratitude of Makarov, under the gratitude of everyone in Fairy Tail, this time the treatment, Ron rarely did not charge.

After all, both Fairy Tail and Makarov helped him a lot.

This wave of treatment is still free, it's just a little bit of a pain in the flesh.

Fortunately, through these few days of healing cultivation, new rewards have also arrived as promised.

Ron has obtained a new divine power, that is, an enhanced version of the divine power of the void realm-the ability to sense, communicate, share, etc., and can also glimpse the future and predict prophecy.

This is [Void Realm Divine Power LV1]!

The new Divine Power [Void Realm Divine Power LV1] Enhanced Edition is also successfully available.

Because his Black Dragon Heavenly Template was an enhanced version, all his divine powers, including the Divine Power of the Vientiane Realm, the Divine Power of the Colorless Realm, and the Divine Power of the Void Realm... And so on, all of them are enhanced versions.

Ron was satisfied.

Perhaps, this is the reward of good people and good deeds, free treatment of Macaou and others, the luck brought by him, so that his strength has increased a lot.

More importantly, although the divine power of the void realm at this time is still lv1.

But the faint sixth sense and weak ability to predict the future allowed Ron to vaguely predict when the Asura Realm's divine power reached LV10 and when the Black Dragon Heaven Template Fusion Progress reached LV10.

He can get extremely rich rewards, trying to glimpse the future, he also sees the future.

The boundless dragon roar exploded in the ears, like thunder in the sky, shaking the body and soul, and the majestic dragon shadow flashed in his mind.

...... The dividing line....

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