That's it.

Ron within the Dragon Empire.

While pondering the divine power of the Void Knowledge Realm that he had just obtained, he recalled what happened just now.

The healing cultivation in the past few days was really not in vain

Lying on the recliner, with his back against the back of the chair, Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking back to the future he had just glimpsed because of the power of the divine power LV1 of the Void Realm.

Dragon Song, Dragon Shadow, is this a dragon?

When the Asura Realm's divine power reaches LV10.

When the Black Dragon Sky Template Fusion Progress reaches LV10.

Are all his rewards dragons?

This is the prediction of the Divine Power LV1 of the Void Realm.

At the same time, it is also Ron's conjecture.

After all, the current divine power of the void realm is only LV1, and the predicted future is extremely vague, and everything in the future is possible.

For this ability, Ron is also extremely satisfied.

He knew that as long as he continued to upgrade, omniscience and omnipotence were also possible, and the divine power of the void realm had great potential.

In addition, this wave of healing cultivation allowed Ron to obtain more than just [Void Realm Divine Power LV1].

There is also [King Kong Realm Divine Power LV1], which is purely based on attack and defense, greatly enhancing combat capabilities, and greatly enhancing the combat ability of its own attack and defense.

After all, it is an enhanced version of the Black Dragon Sky Template, so [Vajra Realm Divine Power LV1] is also an enhanced version.

With [Vajra Realm Divine Power LV1], his physical skills will reach the pinnacle, reaching the peak, and the same is true of his defensive ability, reaching the peak.

It can be said that this wave of healing cultivation has gained a lot.

While the Witch's Sin was resting, Ron's upgrade speed did not slow down, which is the benefit of the two-line upgrade operation.

Of course, he knew that the whole world was now looking for the crime of the witch, and the Magic Council was about to pinch the crime of the witch like crazy.

He wasn't a fool, so why did he have to go head-to-head with the Magic Council?

The original intention of creating the Witch's Sin is, of course, to improve his strength and build his trump card power.

So, everything is profit first.

When the limelight passes, the crime of the witch will reappear, this is a flexible battle plan, only fight a war with interests.

At the same time, Ron can also get rich rewards by treating patients, and the two-line upgrade operation makes his strength improve faster.

To sum up, in the past few days, Ron has obtained two major divine powers [Vajra Realm Divine Power LV1] and [Void Realm Divine Power LV1], and his strength has increased tremendously.

For the next task, the A-level mission [Crusade against the Black Rose Dark Guild] is also ready for the final preparation.

Today is the day of departure.

In the past few days, whether it is Ron, or Miraj, Rebby, they are ready.

On the eve of departure, Ron also secretly ordered [Black Shadow Corps lv2{Ice and Fire}] to guard the base camp of the Dragon Empire and prevent it from being stolen.

Also let the Black Magic Guide Girl, Gurefia, and Himejima Junai protect the Dragon Empire.

After all, he, Miraj, and Rebbie set out on a mission.

This squad is currently the strongest squad and the strongest combat power of the Dragon Empire!

Rebbie is also the current Dragon Empire, the strongest auxiliary magician.

Miraj is even more under one person, above Kana and others, the strength of the demon does not need to be questioned.

The rest of Elfman, Kana, Lisana... Wait, it made Ron really a little worried.

The main thing is still the current Dragon Empire, and there are really too few guild members.

Moreover, the fairy tail in the original book is often stolen.

In addition, after having the [Void Realm Divine Power LV1], Ron's sixth sense is also full, and he can often predict some futures, although it is very vague.

But Ron could predict that this mission to fight the Dark Guild would not go too smoothly, and the Dragon Empire base camp seemed to be in crisis.

For the sake of safety, he let the Witch's Sin guard the base camp of the Dragon Empire.

And the crime of the witch is also his strongest combat power at this stage, if someone dares to steal the house, it will make the enemy unable to eat and go.

It is precisely because the strength of the Dragon Empire and the guild members are still too weak, so Ron is eager to recover Jubia and Baluge, quickly increase the strength of the Dragon Empire, and catch up with the pace of the witch's sin as soon as possible.

Whether it is the crime of the witch or the dragon empire is his power, he can't leave too much.

While Ron was thinking, the noise in the Dragon Empire Guild broke his thinking and brought his eyes back to reality.

I saw that Rebbie and Milager had already arrived.

The two of them packed large bags and prepared their luggage.

Miraj still wears a Gothic-style collar around her neck, a camisole and hot pants, and a little sister.

Rebby is a small pink dress and looks like a lively girl next door.

After seeing Ron, Rebbe beckoned lively, and said with a bright smile: "President, are you ready?"

Miraj crossed his waist with one hand, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Yo, Ron! "

Ron put his arm around Rebbe and Miraje's shoulders, hugged him left and right, and smiled: "Of course it's ready." "

"Target: Roquetown, let's go. "

"The Black Rose Guild is near Roque Town, and I investigated it clearly. "

Rebby's pretty face was a little red, don't go over, her eyes did not dare to look directly at Ron, and said weakly: "It is worthy of being the president... It's all investigated. "

Miraj's original little sister-like arrogance instantly annihilated a lot, but he did not resist Ron's actions, seemed not to resist, and snorted: "Uh-huh, let's go." "

"Finish the task early!"

While speaking, Miraj waved a small pink fist, his eyes were fierce, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and said: "Can't let the crime of the witch be too arrogant, our dragon empire is the most cock!"

"This time, we must complete the task perfectly!"

For the crime of the witch, Miraje's competitive psychology continues to improve.

In this regard, Ron has maintained an Oscar-like light smile, pretending that nothing happened.

Rebby, who was encouraged, was also bent in the crescent, and her beautiful eyes reflected the figures of Ron and Miraje, and nodded obediently: "Uh-huh!"

"Come on all!"

The first mission was to set off with Miraj and Ron, which filled Rebbe's heart with a sense of security.

In her mind, Miraj and Ron are synonymous with power.

She is also looking forward to this adventure.

What exactly will happen to the interesting story?

Suddenly, Miraj frowned, stared at Ron with interrogative eyes, and said coldly: "By the way, President!"

"I suddenly found a problem, every time you go out and come back, you can bring back a girl!"

"Before, when we first arrived in Magnolia, you said to go out and stroll, and then you brought Kana back. "

"Later, after playing the Lightning Guild, you said to go out for a walk, and then brought Rebby back!"

"This time, let's go to Roque Town so far away, shouldn't you bring another girl back to the guild?"

Ahem, Ron shrugged, spread his hands, and said, "Am I that kind of person?"

"Mira, you actually look at me like that. "

On the side, Rebbe nodded seriously and agreed, "Yes, Sister Mira is right. "

"Moreover, President Makarov often tells us to be careful with you, saying that you little devil is very bad and will only provoke girls. "

Miraj's eyes were also full of suspicion, terrifying, and the fierce gaze judged Ron.

In this regard, Ron looked innocent and said honestly: "This time, I will definitely not bring another girl back to the guild." "

"Don't worry, I can guarantee that. "

Rebbe and Miraj, who were assured, just looked at Ron more, did not say much, and began their journey, target: Roque Town.

As for Ron's words, of course, it is also true, he will definitely not bring another girl back to the guild, is he so weak?

Because this time at least two, at least two, Balug and Jubia.

Young Xiaola and Little Rebby, actually underestimated him?...... Ron silently complained in his heart.

In order not to be underestimated, for the sake of fighting for breath, for the glory of the Dragon Empire, everything is for the guild.

He decided to make a big deal this time and let the Dragon Empire grow rapidly!

After all, the Dragon Empire still has too few members now.

As the president, he must have to worry more.

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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