In an instant, the thoughts in his mind were in all directions, and Ron understood everything in an instant.

Coupled with the assistance of the divine power of the void realm, the super sixth sense combines all this.

Here I accidentally met the legendary Saint Ten Joseph, and the purpose of the other party was obviously not him.

Because he has nothing to do with Joseph now.

When he was still near the village of Reims, Joseph seemed to have thought about recruiting him.

After that, he and he can be said to be two parallel lines, and there is no longer any intersection.

Joseph could not have come to Roquetown for his sake.

So, Joseph's purpose was only one.

It was also for the rain goddess Jubia that she came to Roque Town.

Ron, who understood everything, still had a calm expression, as if he was fine.

Joseph's gloomy gaze examined Ron, considered for a moment, and asked, "Little ghost of the Dragon Empire, you were lucky some time ago. "

"The incident of the Lightning Guild, if it weren't for Makarov's old immortal protecting you, you would be in trouble. "

"Also, what are you doing here?"

In Joseph's eyes, Ron's talent is good, but that's about it.

He is a Saint Ten Magus himself and the leader of the Ghost Dominator of the Super First-Class Magic Guild.

He is also a genius, and his fame has resounded throughout the entire Fiore Kingdom and the entire Ishgar Continent.

When facing Ron, Joseph was filled with the superiority of the superior, and this superiority was undisguised.

Ron shrugged and said, "Do the delegated task." "

For Joseph's arrogant attitude, Miraj and Rebbie showed disgust and were silent on the side.

Joseph frowned and said in a suspicious tone, "Little ghost, are you sure?"

Ron took out the task order from his arms and showed it in front of Joseph, the A-level mission [Crusade against the Black Rose Dark Guild], explaining: "The base of the Black Rose Guild is near Roque Town, as if it is in the Valley of Roque Warcraft. "

Seeing Ron's glance and evidence, Joseph snorted coldly and said, "Okay, I see." "

"You can go. "

In this regard, Ron did not say anything more, glanced at Miraj and Rebby, exchanged glances, and the three left directly.

Joseph stared at Ron's back, rubbed his chin with his right hand, thought in thought, and muttered, "This kid makes me feel weird... However, the base of the Black Rose Guild is indeed near the town of Roque. "

"This kid does have a task order, and his target should not be the rain girl. "

Thor rubbed his hands and tilted his head and smiled strangely: "No~No~No~!"

"President, whether the other party's target is the rain girl or not, we don't have to be afraid. "

"Because we are ghost dominators, they are just a small guild and can't fight us. "

"What's more, you are a wise and divine existence, and there is no accident with you. "

Under Thor's slap, Joseph breathed out a sigh and said with a sinister smile: "Yes, it's just a little ghost, it's not scary." "

"Sol {Sol's foreign name}, you're right. "

Thor smiled strangely: "Thank you President for praise." "

"So shall we go to the rain girl's house now?"

Joseph waved his hand and said, "No hurry, we can observe the surrounding intelligence before we strike." "

"Anyway, no one robbed people with us, we can come steadily." "

Thor patted the horse and said with a grin: "The president is wise~!"

Obviously, under Thor's slap, Joseph was a little on the head, and commanded: "First go to the neighborhood, find the residents to learn about the rain girl's intelligence, and then go to the rain girl's house." "

"It's called knowing oneself and knowing that the other is victorious. "

Thor continued to pat the horse: "President is mighty~!"

On the other side, Ron, who left, suddenly changed his plans!

Originally, he, like Joseph, planned to go to Roque Town, first find the nearby residents to learn about a wave of rain women, and then go to find the rain women.

However, this is not the case now.

Joseph is coming, Saint Ten is coming, and the Ghost Dominator is coming!

Now Joseph, the strength is definitely above him.

However, he was unwilling to give up Jubia, the rain girl.

You can only take the lead and go directly to Jubia and then recover it!

Only gambling on a wave of luck, Ron's expression was solemn, and his pace gradually increased.

It's very simple to find Jubia, just look at where it rains in Roque Town, after all, Jubia is a rain woman.

The town of Roque was not big, and Ron looked past and found a place where it rained.

The place of local rain is in the heart of Roque Town, near Roque Cathedral.

Having found his target bearing, Ron moved straight forward.

Throughout the whole process, Miraj and Rebbie remained silent, following closely behind Ron.

Along the way, Ron also took time to explain to Miraj and Rebby.

The two were told the story of Jubia, the rain woman.

The two were also informed about Joseph's plans.

The two who learned everything were very angry!

After all, the Ghost Dominator is also a well-known rogue guild and a notorious existence in the wizarding world.

However, relying on the strong strength of the guild leader Joseph and the strength of the Holy Ten Demon Guides, he has always been safe.

For Joseph's domineering, high-spirited, and high-ranking posture just now, Miraj and Rebbie were naturally very unhappy.

Miraj trotted all the way, followed Ron, brandished his little pink fist, and said, "I understand Jubia's mood!"

"After all, I've also experienced magic getting out of control, being hostile, hated and isolated. "

"Ron, although you are going to take the girl back to the guild again this time, I support you!"

"Can't let Jubia go to that rogue guild ghost dominator. "

"Moreover, I have also heard about Joseph's scandal in the wizarding world, who can do anything for financial gain, and is known as the dirtiest and most despicable Saint Ten. "

"So, we can't let Joseph get it!"

Only those who have been exposed to the rain will know how to hold up an umbrella, and it can be said that Miraj knows Jubia quite well and knows Jubia's loneliness.

Rebbe nodded approvingly, "Uh-huh!"

"Let's pick up the pace. "

For the understanding and well-behaved of the two, Ron shook the small heads of the two as a reward.

This made Miraj blush slightly and snort coldly.

Rebbe pouted, her gaze averting from Ron.

In this way, the three of them worked together, quickened their pace, and at a very fast speed, about ten minutes, they came to the rainy area of Roque Town.

In the surrounding situation of blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining, except for the area near Roque Cathedral, it is rainy and rainy.

It was raining, and everything around me seemed dark and lackluster, filled with frustration and decadence.

Residents passing by all held umbrellas with displeasure on their faces.

After all, the entire town of Roque, as far as it is raining near Roque Cathedral, is it still rainy, and there is no sunlight in the vicinity, and no one will like this terrible weather.

At this time, Miraj took out a black umbrella from his backpack and silently held it up for Ron, and Rebbie also obediently hid in.

Stepping under the rain, stepping on the ground, splashing small splashes, the shadows of the stagnant water on the ground reflected the figures of Ron and others.

The three of them held an umbrella, which was fine, but it was a little crowded.

Ron didn't care about this, came to the Roque Cathedral, locked his eyes on the Roque Cathedral, pondered for a moment, and muttered: "Although it is raining in the vicinity." "

"However, the amount of rain also varies greatly. "

"The farther away from Roque Cathedral, the less rain will be. "

"Conversely, the closer you are to Roque Cathedral, the heavier the rainfall will be. "

"So, Jubia, the rain goddess, is inside Roque Cathedral. "

...... The dividing line....

Illustration by St. Joseph Pola.

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