On the side, the companion Jun was like a tiger, Thor's body trembled like a sieve, and he said in a trill: "No~No~No~!"

"President, calm down. "

"We are gentlemen~!"

Seeing this, Jubia's parents' expressions froze, revealing fear, the person in front of them should not be a magic guild, but a fool and a madman.

Snap! Just close the door!

Let Joseph and Thor make things worse, and eat another closed-door soup.

Although the Ghost Dominator has a bad reputation, it is a notorious rogue guild.

But, no matter what, Joseph was also the Holy Ten, the leader of the Ghost Dominator, and a member of the regular guild.

For ordinary people, he can't do it directly, he can only eat huanglian dumbly, and he can't say it if he suffers!!

Facing the closed door, Joseph turned livid, his eyes cracked, he gritted his teeth, and roared: "So1 Er!!."

"I must slaughter that smelly boy from Ron!"

"How dare you fool me!!"

"Looks like it's going to have to play yin, damn the Dragon Empire, damn Ron!"

"Sure enough, the guilds that are close to Fairy Tail are all damned, ahhhhh

"At that time, Yajima, Makarov, and Kildas were in the incident of the Lightning Guild, and I should have found out that something was wrong with this kid!"

As a great Saint Ten, I was actually tricked by a stinky boy, I am such a fool!"

As a gentleman, Joseph, from this moment on, completely collapsed, completely crazy!

The so-called gentleman's style, long gone.

On the side, facing the furious Joseph, the evil magic smells of death everywhere.

Let Thor also tremble, and said in a trill: "No~No~No~!"

"Guild leader, Ron's entrusted mission is [Crusade against the Black Rose Dark Guild], and Black Rose's base is Roque Warcraft Valley. "

"This shows that Ron must still be in the Valley of Roque Warcraft at this time, and we still have a chance." "

Hearing this, Joseph frantically groped Sol's head and said with a sinister smile: "Yo West Yo Yo West, it's good!"

"You forced me, Ron!"

"Let you see what the wrath of the Holy Ten is!"

If you don't get it, you will destroy it, this is Joseph's style, and it is also the style of the ghost dominator.


On the occasion of Operation Kalien.

On the occasion of Operation Joseph.

Ron, as the person concerned, is also in action.

He took Rebe, Miraj, and Jubia to the Valley of Roque Warcraft.

The terrain is surrounded, winding and dangerous.

Everywhere there is a crisis, everywhere there is a lot of danger.

The roar of the monster sounded from time to time, startling flocks of birds and skimming over the dome of the remnant sun.

The time has come to dusk, and in the Valley of Roque Warcraft, it is very dangerous to travel at night.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people.

Ron and the others, as wizards, can ignore this rule.

Along the way, Jubia held an umbrella, also for Lord Ron, silently holding the umbrella, following Lord Ron, as if close to the maid.

This scene made Miraj, who had a big bag and a small bag, a little unable to complain, thought a lot, and finally wanted to say nothing.

Rebbe also obediently followed the troops, very curious about everything along the way.

For everything now, Ron is also full of emotion, and Jubia is cool.

After all, characters like Jubia and Elusa, characters full of potential, have to cut off their beards early.

Once the beard is cut off, everything is empty talk.

After all, Jubia and Elusa are both love brains.

Although Elusa has a very queenly personality, very strong, bold, strong and brave, and has the spirit of not admitting defeat, she is worthy of the name of the queen.

However, Elusa is also a contrasting cute character, which is a complete contrast in love, just because of meeting Jellal, after being named right, she completely fell into the dead circle of love.

Ron naturally knew that if he wanted to intercept Elusa, he had to get the naming right before Jellal, and Elusa's naming right.

Along the way, Ron diverged his thinking and thought about everything


Next second.

The divine power of the void realm is 1v1 powerful!

The super sixth sense foreknowledge made a blurry picture flash in Ron's mind, and he glimpsed the future again!

This time, the future he glimpsed turned out to be Elusa!

Elusha can be said to be the strongest female wizard in the younger generation, and this is Elusha's potential.

Once she grows up, she is the strongest female wizard in the younger generation, and there is no one!

He wants to cut off his beard and make Elusa the Queen of Dragons, not the Queen of Goblins.

Recalling the scene just now, the picture flashing in his mind, Ron could clearly feel that Elusa was also in Roque Town, and also in Roque Warcraft Valley!

Nice, everything was perfect!

At this point in his thoughts, the corners of Ron's mouth were like an AK that could not be suppressed, it was too difficult to suppress!

Seeing this, Miraj's good-looking brows frowned slightly, and said, "Ron... What are you thinking again.?"

Ron was in a good mood and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay." "

Miraj was suspicious and said, "I always feel that you are weird today.... "

Ron smiled lightly, "No, you think too much about Mira. "

Now that Ron is full of power, he has learned that Elusa is nearby, according to the prediction of the Divine Power of the Void Realm 1v1.

This neighborhood is the territory of the Black Rose Dark Guild, so he must solve the Black Rose Dark Guild early, otherwise Elusha may be in danger.

Because, according to the prediction of the Divine Power of the Void Realm 1v1, Elusha came here and came to the vicinity of Roque Town precisely because she was in danger.

After solving the Black Rose Dark Guild, his strength will definitely be greatly improved, and even if he faces Saint Ten Joseph, he will be a sure winner, and he can slowly find Elusa.

In short, Elusa, the queen of dragons, he will definitely cut off his beard.

Elusha's powerful potential is enough to increase the overall strength of the Dragon Empire several times in the future.

This is Elusa, absolute talent, potential, all this without a doubt!

Elusa's naming rights, he will also cut off his beard.

He was not interested in asking Jellal to name Elusha again, which was too green and too bullish.

In this way, Ron and the others, all the way forward.

Walk through secluded forests, winding mountain roads, and endless waterfronts.

As time passed, night also fell, and the full moon hung high under the dome, sprinkling the cold moonlight.

It makes the entire Roque Warcraft Valley more bleak, weird, and secluded, and it is full of dangerous aura everywhere. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After coming to the center of the Roarke Warcraft Valley, Ron and the others were also relieved, finally approaching the base camp of Black Rose?

I have to say that this Black Rose Dark Guild is really enough chicken thief.

Build the base camp in such a dangerous and dangerous place.

Ordinary regular guilds really can't hit here.

Along the way, Ron, Miraj and others also eliminated many Warcraft.

Along the way, I also overcame all kinds of difficulties, and finally came here, came to the core of the Roque Warcraft Valley, and came to the vicinity of the Black Rose Guild.

Looking at the ink-splashed dark night sky, Ron pondered for a moment and muttered, "Next, there is a battle." "

"Be careful. "

"In front of me is the base camp of the Black Rose Guild, and I feel the evil breath, the evil magic. "

Hearing this, Miraj, Jubia, and Rebbie looked tense and nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, they moved on.

In the next second, an invisible wall blocked in front of them, which was the magic enchantment, similar to the magic setting "magic enchantment" of Thor Philid Justin.

Use the rules to create an artistic enchantment, so that those who do not meet the rules cannot enter the enchantment, blocking the steps of Ron and others.

Miraj frowned tightly, and crossed his hands at his waist: "Abominable!"

"What is it?"

Ron's patient explanation made everyone understand that the invisible wall in front of them was the magic enchantment.

After a pause, Ron added, "This shows that ahead is the base camp of the Black Rose Guild. "

"That's why the Black Rose Guild arranged a defensive magic enchantment here. "

Miraj wondered, "So, what now?"

"We couldn't go in. "

"Blocked by invisible walls. "

Ron patted Rebbe on the shoulder and said, "Now it's up to Rebbe." "

His purpose in bringing Rebbie is precisely this.

As an auxiliary magician, Rebbie is good at literature and can also translate several ancient texts.

Most of the artistic enchantments are constructed from ancient scripts.

Now Rebby, with the blessing of [Enlightenment Against the Sky 1v2], it is only a matter of time to unlock the surgical enchantment in front of him.

For a while, the eyes of Miraj and Jubia looked at Rebby.

Rebbe was a little shy, and while taking out the dictionary of ancient words from her backpack, she also took out a book on the magic enchantment, which Ron asked her to bring.

Wearing the glasses of the magic prop, Rebby looked at the magic enchantment in front of her with a serious expression, and said, "'President, I'll come on!'"

After putting on the magic prop glasses, the invisible wall in front of you, the enchantment wall constructed of ancient words, appeared one by one in front of Rebbe's eyes.

Then, Rebbe held the book in one hand and manipulated the brush of the magic prop in the other, and the brush wandered on the top of the enchantment wall, rewriting the ancient text, and murmured.

"This is a relatively common surgical enchantment. "

"People who are not members of the Black Rose Guild are forbidden to enter inside. "

"Give me fifteen minutes and I can lift this magic enchantment. "

Miraj clenched his small pink fist and waved it gently, cheering for Rebby, pursing his lips tightly, not daring to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Rebby.

Jubia obediently stayed by Ron's side, silently waiting for Rebbe.

Time passed minute by minute, ticking and ticking.

At about thirteen minutes and fifty-eight seconds, Rebbie completed the task and successfully unlocked the Invisible Wall Technique Enchantment in front of her.

After the end, Rebbie breathed a long sigh of relief, relieved, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's untied!"

She knew that she was only an auxiliary wizard and did not have many opportunities to play.

For this rare opportunity, she did not want to live up to the expectations of Ron, Miraj and others.

Seeing this, Ron took Rebe's little head, felt very good, and praised (Wang Zhao's): "Rebby, good job." "

Rebbe raised her index finger and said expectantly: "When I go back, I will be rewarded." "

"Give me spoilers [Lord of Mystery], I want to see your draft. "

"Otherwise, I'll send you blades face to face!"

"Good, good~!" For Rebby's small request, Ron readily agreed.

Miraj is also excited, full of fighting spirit, is it finally going to fight?

"Rebby, nice job!"

Miraj gave Rebby a thumbs up.

Jubia was also envious: "Rebby, you are so powerful!"

"Jubia, so envious. "

Rebe was a little shy, her pretty face was slightly red, and said: "No, no, the next battle depends on you." "

"That's all I need. "

This is just a kind word, with the blessing of the guild bonds, Rebby's real combat power is not very weak.

Compared to ordinary magic guild members, Rebby is already very strong.

Ron chuckled, "Enough." "

"Rebby, you're already fine. "

Hearing this, Rebbe's heart warmed, and she raised her eyes to gaze at the boy in front of her.

Under the cold moonlight, the teenager's blue pupils are still dazzling, making people addicted.


Next second.

A sinister laugh sounded.

Breaking the silence of the scene.

There was no doubt that at the moment Rebbie cracked the enchantment, the Black Rose Guild had already learned everything.

The magic enchantment in front of you is both a gate to block the enemy and a bell for alarms.

...... The dividing line....

Aries Aliyes illustration.

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