The magic enchantment is broken!

The Black Rose Guild in the Valley of Roque Warcraft knew everything in an instant.

Then, in an instant, the battle mode is turned on, and all the members of the Black Rose Guild attack!

They gathered like thunder, and the mighty army of a hundred people surged from all directions.

A piece of darkness suddenly appeared in front of Ron and the others.

Obviously, the Black Rose Guild is much stronger than the outside world describes.

Their faces are hideous and terrifying, their eyes are tyrannical, they are holding all kinds of magic weapons, they are full of accidental leaks, and their roars continue to sound!


"Is the enemy actually a bunch of imps?"

"It's so funny, it's actually a bunch of imps!"

"The Iger family is wasted, and they actually entrusted the task to a group of imps!"

Obviously, for Ron, Miraj and the others, Black Rose did not put it in her eyes and heart.

It's just a bunch of imps, ridiculous.

The boss headed by the Black Rose Guild is named Wild Luke.

It was a man wearing a large black trench coat and a black fisherman's hat.

The nails were done on both hands, and black nail polish was painted, and the nail pattern was the coat of arms of the Black Rose Guild, which looked very strange.

Luke's expression was confident and calm, slowly walked out of the crowd, stared at Ron and the others in front of him with an arrogant attitude, the back of his hand was displayed, revealing a strange manicure, and the corners of his mouth were picked: "Yo~ The little ghosts of the Dragon Empire are really a group of little fart children who have not dried up." "

"The Lightning Guild is really wasteful, and it even lost. "

At this point, Luke regretted it a little.

In order to cope with the crusade mission issued by the Iger family.

In order to deal with an impending strong enemy.

He also spent a lot of money to find a helper Dark Arts Order.

Now it seems that looking for the Dark Magic Order is redundant.

However, he still had to pay a large commission to the Dark Arts Order.

Thinking of this, the corner of Luke's mouth twitched, a little flesh pain.

After seeing the appearance of the dark guild Black Rose, he instantly surrounded Ron and the others.

Ron was still calm, and Miraj and Jubia instantly entered a state of battle.

The same goes for Rebby, although she is only an auxiliary magician.

However, relying on 633 guild bonds, 1v2, guild leader's gift 1v2, morale fury 1v2!

With the blessing of various buffs, Rebby's strength is much stronger than that of ordinary B-level magicians.

Rebby's weakness is only relative to Miraj and Ron.

For ordinary Magisters, please call her Rebby, God of War.

Seeing this, after seeing that Rebe, Miraj, and Jubia all entered a state of battle, Ron showed a pleased look and nodded with satisfaction: "Although it is a shot." "

"Go ahead. "

Miraj was wrapped in black and purple magic, roaring and surging like a tsunami, and while rubbing his fists, he said excitedly: "That's a must!"

Jubia also nodded slightly, and said seriously: "Lord Ron, Jubia will fight for you." "

Rebbie also looked serious, and breathed lightly: "I will not hold everyone back." "

In an instant!

The two sides are under confrontation.

The big war starts in an instant!

Dragon Empire vs C-level Dark Guild Black Rose!

The members of the Black Rose's guild, one by one, like chicken blood, charged and roared loudly!

"Brothers, rush! slaughter these imps!!"

"There are a hundred of us, there are many of us, and the other party is just a few imps, and the advantage lies in me.... "

As a result, the next second, the voice stopped abruptly!

It only took a second to start the war, and the battle situation was instantly occupied by the Dragon Empire!

Miraj directly incarnated as Satan, [Receiving Magic] received Satan's soul all over, and turned into a "Satan" posture all over his body.

The demon Miraj went online again, and the terrifying killing intent and endless malice invaded like a tsunami, instantly covering the audience!

As soon as he appeared, the demon Miraj raised his hand to hit DarknessStream, and a black magic array appeared in front of him, producing dark giant claws, and directly bombarded more than a dozen people with one blow.

Blasted it into the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the moon, and eventually disappeared under the moonlight.

Seeing Miraj so fierce, Jubia pouted, making up everything in his mind.

Miraj fought so badly, was this to attract Lord Ron's attention?

Don't... This is the so-called love rival!!

Jubia, who felt the great crisis, also entered a blackened state.

Jubia can't lose! For Lord Ron... Subconsciously, Jubia activated the human bond [for love to live, for love to die, for love to hit the wall].

Under the shackles of love, Jubia's combat power instantly increased by 30% for one minute!

Not only that, but the guild bonds are also added!

Gift from the guild leader 1v2: 5% increase in mana!

Morale Rage 1v2: Increases attack power by 25% for 30 seconds.

After a stack of buffs, Jubia directly pulled it up!

Magic Water Flow Slash Out: Manipulate several water knives to kill several people in an instant!

Magic Water Flow Whip Blast: Manipulate the whip formed by the water flow, fiercely attack, and annihilate several people again!

A water laser burst out, attacking the water stream in the form of a laser, and a water laser shockwave blew up more than a dozen people!

In a short period of time, Jubia killed the red eye!

This scene shocked the audience!

The members of the Black Rose Guild resisted one by one with various magic moves, such as the Magic Kun Shockwave, the Brute Bull Iron Mountain Back, the Black Rose Shockwave, and the Black Rose Wind...

In the end, under Jubia's ferocious offensive, all resistance was in vain.

Jubia's water current offensive, destroy everything, destroy everything, annihilate everything!

Jubia, who killed the red eye, was as if blackened, and it was directly dozens of times stronger.

It is a huge contrast to the previous introverted and inferior personality.

This is Jubia, for love, can change everything, even blacken.

Along with Jubia's offensive, the members of the Black Rose continued to fall.

They were also horrified to find that the god of war girl in front of them turned out to be Jubia, the rain girl in Roque Town!

"I lean, isn't that Jubia, the rain girl, when will she also be magical?!"

"I, Nima, when I went to Roque Town for a drink two days ago, I also met the rain girl Jubia, who was drenched at that time, what is the situation now?"

As the Black Rose Guild living in Roque Town, they have naturally heard the legend of Jubia, the rain woman, and many people have also seen the rain woman Jubia.

They just know that Jubia, the rain woman, is a little imp whose magic is out of control.

As members of the Dark Guild, they didn't bother to care about the imps.

Instead of taking these matters to heart, their goal was only the Book of Jelf.

To this day, Jubia, who can't do magic in their eyes, is now directly killing crazy.

Annihilating more than half of the members of the Black Rose Guild, this scene is enough to shock people, enough to shock the audience! (Read the violent novel, go on the Feilu Novel Network!)

The members of the group of black roses who killed were farts and urine, crying and shouting, fleeing all the way and losing their will to fight.

Under the joint efforts of Miraj and Jubia, the Black Rose Guild collapsed in an instant, and the mighty army of 100 people was vulnerable!

This huge gap in strength caused a sensation in the audience, making everyone already stunned.

Seeing this, Rebbie (AFCF) is not far behind.

Compared with Miraj and Jubia, her combat power is indeed weak.

But ah, with the blessing of the guild bond leader 1v2 and the morale fury 1v2, she is the god of war Rebby!

Between the hands raised, all kinds of magic are also blasted out!

The three-dimensional text "Fire Flame" magic: emitting a row of flames, pushing out at high speed, burning the members of the black rose in front of them, screaming in an instant, and the smell of roasted meat also wafted away.

Three-dimensional text "Storm" magic: summon a powerful gust of wind that blows away the enemies in front of you!

Three-dimensional text "thunder" magic, three-dimensional text "stone" magic, three-dimensional text "water flow" magic... All kinds of magic, skillfully used!

Under the special training of Miraj and the blessing of the guild's bonds, Rebby, a girl next door with a weak appearance, is also incarnated as a god of war and is killing on the battlefield!

After a while, the members of the Black Rose's guild fell one after another, and there were not many left.

They couldn't understand that the girl next door, who was still weak one second, turned directly into the god of war the next.

Jubia, the rain lady who couldn't do magic a few days ago, now directly kills the red eyes, more like the people of the dark guild than them.

Not to mention Miraj, he is simply the embodiment of the devil, the embodiment of Satan, the embodiment of sin, and Satan has to tattoo a full back of the Miraj pattern on his back!

There is no doubt that this is a crushing battle.

Under Ron's command, Miraj, Rebby, and Jubia hoisted the Black Rose Guild and beat it, just like a father beating a son, and there was no backhand on the opposite side!

This scene made Luke, who was fighting in a battle, impatient, his face was livid, his lips were white, and his heart set off terrifying waves!

The leader of the Dragon Empire on the opposite side, a little devil named Ron, has not yet made a move, and their black rose has already collapsed, and the momentum of defeat, like a collapsing avalanche, can not be stopped at all!

In the first few minutes, he also laughed at the Lightning Guild, from ridicule, questioning, and abuse.

Until now, understand the Lightning Guild, become the Lightning Guild, and even surpass the Lightning Guild.

Luke's pupils quake, and it was difficult to calm his heart.

I can only force myself to calm down, he still has hole cards, fortunately he also found a helper, the sky does not die my Black Rose Guild!

Now, Miraj, Rebby, and Jubia have all exhausted their physical strength.

And he is still full of physical strength, magic power, state full, peak state!

Then, as soon as reinforcements arrive, the Order of the Dark Arts.

As long as they kill the little ghost guild leader Ron in front of them, the victory will still belong to the Black Rose Guild!

That's right, that's it!

He can still win, he can still limit the big turnaround!

At this thought, Luke's scarlet eyes flashed coldly.

At this moment, Ron was also paying attention to Luke's every move.

Throughout the battle, he kept an eye on Luke to prevent Luke from attacking.

After all, the other party is a dark guild, and anything can be done.

As for this level of battle, as the main general, of course, he disdained to make a move.

He is not a nanny, and he must let Miraj, Rebby, and Jubia go to them.

This kind of battle is also a kind of cultivation, honing the strength of Miraj, Rebi, Jubia and others, and improving their combat skills and combat experience.

After Miraj and the others improve their strength, they can complete more guild entrusted tasks and get more money for him.

Obviously, the final money is the point.

As time passed, the defeat of the Black Rose Guild, the battle has reached a white-hot stage, and it seems that it will end at any moment.

Quietly, near the battlefield, a beautiful figure quietly hid in the nearby bushes.

The crimson hair looked very good under the glow of the moon, and the girl's pupils trembled, staring at the battle in front of her, and murmured like a trill: "So strong... They're all about the same age as me, but they're so strong.... "

"If only I could be as strong as them. "

"In this way, I will not be bullied, will not be hunted down by the Dark Arts Order, will not live on the streets, and I can even eat well..." "

These are small, very small wishes, small wishes, but difficult to achieve.

For the girl, this is a complete luxury.

Her envious gaze stared at Miraj, Rebe, Jubia and the others in the battle.

She also wants to be that kind of person, with a heroic fighting posture.

At the same time, she turned her gaze and looked at the other side of the battlefield, the blue-eyed boy who had been silent and did not move, his dry and cracked lips twitched slightly, and muttered: "Is that person Ron?"

"I have to find a chance to tell him that the Black Rose Dark Guild still has hole cards, and has found someone from the Dark Magic Order to attack the Dragon Empire. "

"Time is running out, I have to hurry. "

The girl is none other than Elusa, although she is weak now.

But she knew that it was because of her that the people of the Dark Arts Order came to the vicinity of Roque Town, and it was she who had dragged Ron and them.

Therefore, her gaze gradually became firm, and she gritted her teeth lightly, and she had already made a decision in her heart!

Queen Elusa, the reason why she is a queen, is not because she has grown older and become a queen after her strength has become stronger.

But because of Elusa's mentality, she has been a queen since she was a child.

It is also this unique charm that Elusa can grow into a queen admired by all.

...... The dividing line....

Elusa illustration.

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