
Between thoughts.

A data panel came to Ron's mind.

It was full of dense data that only Ron could see.

[Host: Ron

Template: Black Dragon Days

Fusion progress: 1v10

Divine power: Colorless Realm Divine Power 1v3, Immortal Realm Divine Power 1v3, Vientiane Realm Divine Power 1v3, Asura Realm Divine Power 1v10, Void Realm Divine Power 1v1, Vajra Realm Divine Power 1

Divine power progression: 1v5

Divine Skills: Colorless Wall 1v3, Thor's Fury 1v1, Eternal Ice 1

Artifact: Black Dragon God Ring S-Class]

[Guild President: Ron]

[Magic Guild: DragonEmpire/Dragon Empire]

【Guild Rank: 1v2】

[Guild members: Miraj A Magister, Elfman B, Lisanna B, Kana B, Rebbie B, Himejima Juno S-class Magister, Gurefia S-class Magister, Black Shadow Corps 1v2 Ice, Fire, Jubia C-class Magister, Cat Cat Legion S-class, Black Magi Girl S... True red-eyed black dragon S-class, blue-eyed white dragon S-class]

[Guild bonds: Enlightenment Against the Sky 1v2, Gift from the Guild Leader 1v2, Morale Fury 1v2]

A wave of browsing.

A blank data panel from the beginning.

After this time, crazy cultivation and upgrades, the entire data panel has been filled.

And this wave, the Asura Realm Divine Power and the Black Dragon Heaven Template fusion progress, both reached 1v10.

Let Ron gain a lot, directly obtained the Double Dragon True Red-Eyed Black Dragon and the Blue-Eyed White Dragon, although the strength did not reach the SS-level Dragon King level.

But the powerful strength is enough to shake the current Ishgar continent and shock the entire Fiore Kingdom!

This is a dragon, a long-lost legendary dragon on the continent of Isugal, on the kingdom of Fiore.

Ron could already imagine when he acted as the mastermind behind the scenes, summoning the true red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon.

What a spectacle these are!

How exciting such scenes are!

How shocking such scenes are!

This is a real dragon!

Through this wave of cultivation, it didn't take any effort, and Ron finally obtained a dragon-level guild member.

At this moment, Ron's mood was also extremely excited, and he was also looking forward to the strength of the true red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon.

However, he also knew that he had to hide the true identities of the true red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon.

After all, in this world now, there is also a terrifying black dragon Akuno Lokia, who is looking for dragons and killing dragons all over the world.

If, by the black dragon Akuno Lokia detected the existence of the true red-eyed black dragon and the green-eyed white dragon, he would find out his relationship with the true red-eyed black dragon and the green-eyed white dragon.

Then, he will inevitably be targeted by the black dragon Akuno Lokia, which is not a good thing.

The powerful strength of the black dragon Akuno Lokia is the ceiling of the demon tail world.

This is a real ceiling, not the kind of Gojo Gojo who is the only one second in the sky and the world, and the next second he is directly cut off by someone, and said: "Su Wu did not exert his full strength at all" and "failed to show it all to Su Fu. ", literally speechless.

Although, at the time of the century-old mission, the Kiltina continent north of Albares appeared, and the so-called five divine dragons and six divine dragons appeared, claiming to be comparable in combat power to the black dragon Akuno Lokia.

But Ron knows that this is purely taking off his pants and farting, as if Lü Bu is alive, everyone is inferior to Lü Bu, Lü Bu is dead, and everyone is known to have Lü Bu's bravery.

In the original work, when the black dragon Akuno Lokia was alive, the so-called five divine dragons and six divine dragons fled directly to the continent of Kiltina.

Good fellow, when the black dragon Akuno Lokia died, everyone began to emerge, and began to compete with the black dragon.

Therefore, for the black dragon Akuno Lokia ceiling-level combat power, Ron is still cautious.

Before the strength reaches the peak, never take the initiative to provoke the black dragon.

In any case, for the new guild members, the true red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon, Ron was also extremely satisfied.

Not only that, in addition to the true red-eyed black dragon and the blue-eyed white dragon, he also obtained an artifact: Black Dragon God Ring S Class!

The Black Dragon God Ring S-level is the ring of Black Dragon Heaven, and there are two hideous dragon heads on the ring.

It was actually the two dragons on the back of the Black Dragon Heaven, and their appearance looked extremely domineering.

The Black Dragon God Ring belongs to the enhanced version, which can perfectly hide the breath of the dragon.

During the battle, he released a terrifying black dragon aura, and two dragons could grow behind Ron, return to his true form, and help him fight!

To sum up, the Black Dragon God Ring S-class can help Ron hide his breath and hide the breath of the dragon on weekdays, so that he does not have to encounter the hunt of the black dragon Akuno Lokia.

When fighting, you can release Ron's original power at any time to restore him to his original form, and the double dragon behind him is also as promised.

There is no doubt that with the Black Dragon God Ring S level, Ron's strength has also improved a lot, and the fusion progress of the Black Dragon Heavenly Template has also improved tremendously.

The Black Dragon God Ring S-class has double dragons, plus true red-eyed black dragons and blue-eyed white dragons.

This wave of promotion rewards is indeed just four dragons.

Let Ron's strength skyrocket directly!

After the strength increased, the corners of Ron's mouth were as difficult to press as AK.

But he knows that he has improved a lot now compared to before.

Compared to the level of combat power of the black dragon Akuno Lokia, he is still too far behind, so he still has to work hard.

Between his thoughts, the noise of the scene broke Ron's thoughts and brought his gaze back to reality.

At this moment, after Elusha took down the High Priest of the Dark Arts Order, she was surrounded by Miraj, Rebby, and Jubia, who seemed to be comforting and encouraging Elusa.

No one has their eyes on Ron, including Jubia who is in love with the brain.

In the quiet, under the glow of the moon, the breeze blows, blowing by, very comfortable feeling.

Ron's forehead swayed in the wind, and the corners of his mouth turned up.

He also sighed at the harmonious picture in front of him.

All this is peace in exchange for strength, if the strength is not enough, they have already fallen and been killed by the Black Magic Order and the Black Rose Guild, where is the peace now?

At Ron's feet, his shadow was reflected on the ground.

Under the cold moonlight, the reflected shadows, the shadows swayed. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the shadow on the ground, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

This black shadow wears a black mask, revealing only a pair of scarlet eyes, and the person who came is the black shadow killer.

Seeing this, Ron's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were ancient and waveless, as if nothing had happened.

The Shadow Killer quietly reported information to Ron.

After a while, after the report is completed.

Immediately, the black shadow killer directly merged into the shadow and disappeared again, as if it had never appeared.

According to the intelligence of the Black Shadow Killer, this is the Black Shadow Killer sent by Gurefia to report the information.

In the Eastern Suburbs Warcraft Forest near Magnolia, the Demon Blue Demon Scorpion leads the Blue Poison Legion, a mighty army of fifty people, waiting for an opportunity here, and the target seems to be the Dragon Empire.

Because, the army led by the Blue Devil Scorpion is in the Eastern Suburb Warcraft Forest near Magnolia.

Over there, it had long been monitored by Gurefia, and the Dark Shadow Corps was patrolling everywhere.

Where there is a black shadow, there is the Black Shadow Corps, and as scouts, intelligence troops, and patrols, the capabilities of the Black Shadow Corps are also full.

Perfect monitoring of the entire Magnolia, as long as there is a wind and grass, there are hostile forces, can not escape the intelligence network of the Black Shadow Corps, will be targeted by the Black Shadow Corps.

Including the Demon Blue Demon Scorpion, as well as the mighty Blue Poison Legion, they have long been targeted by the Black Shadow Legion.

Moreover, according to the intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps, the demon blue demon scorpion seems to belong to the demon under the gate of Hades, which is a bit interesting.

Ron didn't have much surprise about this.

After all, when he started the game, when he saved Miraje, he offended the forces of Cool Moon Sky Serra.

The demon that Miraj received seemed to be the demon on the side of Cool Moon Sky Serra.

Things were getting more and more interesting, and an idea popped up in Ron's mind.

According to the combination of various things, coupled with the sixth sense foreknowledge of the divine power of the Void Realm 1v1, Ron has learned that the demon blue demon scorpion is the power of Liangyue Tianceira.

Take advantage of the time when he goes out to carry out a commissioned mission, so as to sneak up on the empty Dragon Empire base camp, and then kidnap Lisana, Elfman, Kana, and finally threaten him.

Rubbing his forehead, Ron's eyes flickered, and he said in his heart.

"'You can steal home, of course I can't.'"

He now has Double Dragon True Red Eyed Black Dragon and Green Eyed White Dragon.

He can also carry out a wave of stealing against the so-called Great Demon Liangyue Tiansella, giving the other party a big surprise!

As for the crime of the witch, it is his most critical card, and he will not expose the crime of the witch until he has a last resort.

After all, once the Witch's Sin helps the Dragon Empire, anyone with a discerning eye can see the relationship.

With a new hole card, it is natural that the witch's sin can continue to hide her identity.

Let the new hole card, the green-eyed white dragon, the true red-eyed black dragon, solve everything.

Dragons that have disappeared for hundreds of years should be shocked when they reappear.

Even if the enemy is the demon Serra, he will drop his jaw, after all, this is a real dragon!

Of course, Ron couldn't let the Blue Poison Legion attack the Dragon Empire and then let the green-eyed white dragon strike.

He will strike ahead of time and let the green-eyed white dragon attack the Blue Poison Legion in advance.

In this way, he can perfectly hide his identity and hide his relationship with the green-eyed white dragon.

After all, the dark guild has many enemies, and it is not his business to be suddenly killed by a dragon outside, others will only be shocked by the arrival of the true dragon!

Then, let the true red-eyed black dragon sneak attack the enemy's base camp, the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, and it can be regarded as a little warning to Serra.

Let you steal his house, Ron wants to see, who can steal more!

With a soft breath, between his thoughts, Ron had summoned the green-eyed white dragon and the true red-eyed black dragon.

With the Asura Realm's divine power reaching 1v10, Ron can already summon the Descending Blue-Eyed White Dragon and the True Red-Eyed Black Dragon from a distance.

Let the blue-eyed white dragon descend on Magnolia and kill it before the Blue Demon Scorpion leads the Blue (Zhao Wang Hao) Poison Legion to attack the Dragon Empire.

On the other side, let the true red-eyed black dragon descend on the Blue Poison Wetland.

There is the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, so that the true red-eyed black dragon directly kicked off the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion.

As for the Blue Poison Wetlands, the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, the specific location information was provided by the Black Shadow Legion.

Although, Ron knew that the real mastermind behind it was one of the members of the Nine Ghost Gates in the Tartaros, known as Serra in the Cool Moon Heaven.

But the specific address of Serra, the current Shadow Corps cannot be excavated.

After all, this is the gate of Hades, and the current Black Shadow Corps is still a little weak, only 1v2.

Therefore, Ron can only abandon Serra and steal the Blue Poison Legion of the dark guild belonging to Serra instead.

Just like that, quietly, Ron finished the layout.

It's time to liven up the boring world.

Let the arrival of the real dragon, the roaring dragon roar, slightly shock the little hearts of these humans and demons.

This kind of thing seems to be quite interesting.

He can also hone the strength of the blue-eyed white dragon and the true red-eyed black dragon, thereby improving his strength.

After completing everything, everyone in front of them was still surrounding Elusha and caring about Elusa.

Ron didn't pay too much attention to what was in front of him, but in his pocket, he quietly felt out the small piece of paper that Yoruichi gave him and scanned the information on it.

Look at Yoruichi's intelligence, as well as the secrets and treasures of the Black Rose Guild, what exactly is it?

...... The dividing line....

Illustration of the Black Dragon Sky Double Dragon.

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