Through the sparse and bright moonlight, Ron browsed Yoruichi's card, his eyebrows gradually stretched, understanding everything, and feeling infinite emotion in his heart.

Sifeng Courtyard Yeyi is worthy of being the former captain of the second team of the thirteenth team of the protective court, the former commander-in-chief of the secret maneuver, the commander of the general army of the first detachment, and the twenty-second generation of the four nobles of the corpse soul world.

Strong strength, as well as strong reconnaissance ability, intelligence detection ability, directly full!

In a short time, Yoruichi had already gathered intelligence.

The contents of the note are the secrets of the Black Rose Guild, as well as all the treasures.

Yoruichi is deep in his heart, and according to Yoruichi's description, the Black Rose Guild is also a leader in the C-level Dark Guild.

Because of the great strength, the treasure collected is a total of five million j!

With this wave of money, he is also one step closer to buying a house.

With the gradual increase of guild members, continue to rent, the cost performance is too low, so it is better to save money to buy a house.

Ron never expected that as a crosser, he would also have to worry about housing prices.

Also, through Yoruichi's intelligence, Ron also learned a major news, that is, the person who issued the mission of the Iger family has been captured by the Black Rose Guild.

So, people are in the hands of the Black Rose Guild.

Baluge's golden key is also in the hands of the Black Rose Guild.

Not only that, but nearby, there are Joseph the leader of the Ghost Dominator, and the earth element Thor, who is also eyeing Ron.

At the exit of the Valley of Roque's Warcraft, Joseph and Thor were already in ambush, intending to sneak up on Ron and destroy Jubia.

This... When he saw this, Ron's eyes were cold.

After obtaining the Black Dragon God Ring S Rank, he was already not afraid of the so-called Saint Ten Joseph.

In that case, eye-catching flies, get rid of them.

And sneak attack on him?

And to destroy Jubia?

Dream big!

But I have to say that Yoruichi's reconnaissance ability is simply full.

This kind of information can be obtained, and it is also of great help to Ron.

Next, on this small note, the address of the base camp of the Black Rose Guild was also marked.

And where the people of the Iger family are tied, and where the Golden Key of Balug is hidden.

All the information is available, which makes Ron also an eye-opener, and Night 517 is simply a know-it-all.

In addition to admiration, an even more astonishing piece of information made Ron's expression stunned, and his expression gradually became serious.

I saw that Luke, the president of the Black Rose Guild, also had a desperate hole card, that is, the Book of Jelf.

Ron hadn't forgotten this, according to Yoruichi's description.

Luke combines the Book of Jelf with the Virgo Star Spirit Golden Key, one of the zodiac signs, and locks them together in the base camp of the Black Rose Guild.

Under the effect of the surgical enchantment, the two have been locked.

Whoever takes the golden key of Balug will be devoured by the Book of Jelf and become a sacrifice, sacrificing himself to summon the demons in the legendary Book of Jelf.

That is to say, people who do not know the situation, rashly take away the golden key of Baluge, will be eaten back by the magic enchantment, become the nourishment of Jelf's book, be devoured by Jelf's book, and finally summon the demon of Jelf's book.

This is Luke's final hole card!

Use the life of the incoming person to summon the demons of the Book of Jelf.

The clever use of the magic enchantment binds and combines the two.

I have to say that this design is really ingenious.

And according to Yoruichi's intelligence, this technique enchantment is also quite strong, it is difficult to unravel, and those who are recruited can only wait for death.

To sum up, the Balug Golden Key is the bait, the magic enchantment is the trap, and once the prey is hooked, it will be devoured by the Book of Jelf.

The scheme is quite good, but it is a pity that Luke died early.

Moreover, Ron, with the help of Yoruichi, also saw through Luke's scheme.

More importantly, in the small Roarke Warcraft Valley, there are not only the Black Magic Order, the Black Rose Guild, the Ghost Dominator, the Dragon Empire, Elusa... Wait a minute.

Unexpectedly, the Star Spirit Wizard Karian Lilika also came to participate.

Karin's goal is also the golden key of Baluge.

For Kalien, Ron certainly had an impression.

This star spirit wizard from the cyan pegasus is also a talent, using the star spirit to let him do power trading, and is the contractor of Leo Leo and Aries Aliyes.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes flashed, and an idea came to mind.

Since (afaf) Karian's purpose is also the Golden Key of Baluge.

Then let Karen go and seize the golden key of Baluge.

Make Karen a pawn, unlock the magic enchantment formed by the Book of Jelf and the Golden Key of Baluge, and let the Book of Jelf devour Kalien.

According to Yoruichi's intelligence, this magic enchantment allows the Book of Jelf to devour only one person.

In this way, after Karen is devoured, the magic enchantment will be automatically unraveled.

When he arrives, he only needs to defeat the demons of the Book of Jelf.

In this way, things are much simpler.

What's more, he remembered that Karen was a powerful Star Spirit Wizard, but he had two golden keys to the zodiac.

They are Leo in Leo and Aliyes in Aries.

For Leo, Ron was certainly not interested.

For Aliyes, Ron was very interested.

This wave, can you harvest the two star spirits?

Baluge and Aliyes, let them join the Dragon Empire together, and the guild bond [Understanding Against the Sky 1v2] will also be greatly improved.

As for Leo, with Leo's character, Ron refused.

What's more, Leo's level of combat power, Ron is not lacking at all.

After a moment's consideration, Ron had already made his decision.

Since Karen wanted Baluge's golden key, just give it to her.

After the Book of Jelf devours Karen and the magic enchantment is unraveled.

He only needs to defeat the demons of the Book of Jelf to get the Golden Key of Balug and the Golden Key of Aries Aliyes.

Therefore, this is the optimal solution.

Karen is not dead, he can't get a golden key.

As soon as Karen dies, he can not only unlock the magic enchantment, but also obtain two golden keys, which is simply numb, and Karen is sorry for him if he does not die.

After solving Kalien, and the demons of the Book of Jelf.

After collecting the golden key and the treasure of the Black Rose Guild.

This mission is not over.

Because, at the exit of the Roque Warcraft Valley, there was also an old Six Saint Ten Joseph hidden in the shadows.

Either way, everything is still under control.

For Joseph, Ron also had a countermeasure.

On the other side, it is also thousands of miles away,

Control the blue-eyed white dragon to descend on Magnolia, control the true red-eyed black dragon to descend to the Blue Poison Wetland... Everything is under control.

Ron breathed softly, his mind racing.

Connect everything one by one, and then solve it one by one.

After putting everything in order, Ron's gaze returned to reality again.

The Elusha, Rebbie, Jubia, Miraj and others in front of them have long been acquainted, and they have already informed each other of their names. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Miraj looked like a big sister, put her arm around Elusa's shoulders, and the corners of her mouth turned up: "In the future, I will be your big sister, I will cover you!"

"Who dares to bully you!

At this time, Elusa has not yet awakened the queen's aura.

But it is not that kind of soft and weak character, holding his arms in front of him, he snorted: "No, I want to become stronger by myself and cover myself!"

"Oh~!" Miraj looked at Elusa with interest.

For a while, the two had a feeling of colliding.

The hot sight, facing head-on in the air, produces a fierce spark!

The current Elusha is not very strong and has not yet grown, but her momentum is no longer inferior to Miraj.

Seeing this, Rebbe helplessly raised her forehead, looked at Ron with a helpless gaze, and seemed to say: President, persuade them~!

Ron shrugged, shook his head with a wry smile, and seemed to say: I can't help it.

So, Rebbie could only bite the bullet, play the round, and laughed: "Elusa, sister Mira, it's okay~!"

"We're already partners, so there's no need to think about that. "

"Are you right? Jubia. "

Jubia held the sunny day doll in her arms, stood obediently on the side, and said with a bow: "Jubia thinks it's right." "

"We are already partners. "

At this time, Elusha and Miraj already have the momentum of the female version of Natsu and Gray, and they are incompatible, as if they are going to fight in the next second.

In the original work, Elusha and the sister's version of Miraj is like this, which is simply the female version of Natsu and Gray, itchy all over the body without fighting for a day.

Seeing this situation, Ron helplessly covered his face.

Endure it, no need to endure it anymore.

Coming to the two of them, their hands are two brain collapses.

Of course, the strength is not as exaggerated as the brain collapse of manual Geng.



Give both Miraj and Elusa a brainstorm respectively.

The high momentum of the confrontation between the two instantly went down.

Suddenly, Miraj and Elusha gasped in unison, holding their little heads in their hands, and looked at Ron with fierce eyes.

Seeing this, Ron rubbed Elusha and Miraj's little heads, felt good, and soothed: "Okay, okay." "

"It's not over yet. "

"Don't make trouble first, go back, and then make trouble slowly." "

Immediately, Ron explained.

Intelligence he had just obtained.

This huge amount of information made Elusha, Miraj and others have their pupils quake.

For Ron's ability, they are even more reverent, and the ability to collect intelligence is too terrifying!

Of course, at the exit of the Valley of Roque's Warcraft, they were still squatting down, intending to sneak up on their ghost dominators, the great Saint Ten Joseph, and the earth element Thor.

Ron did not tell Miraj and Elusha about this.

Because, he intends to solve this matter himself.

Speaking out now will only worry them.

After all, the opponent was Saint Ten Joseph.

What's more, it's useless to tell them.

It's better to wait and see what happens and solve it yourself.

After explaining everything, Ron clapped his hands and said, "Okay, things are clear to you, let's move on now." "

Miraj crossed his waist with one hand, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "OK~!"

Immediately, everyone embarked on the journey again.

Only Elusha remained in place, her crimson hair swaying in the wind, pursing her lips lightly, and looking at the back of Ron and the others leaving with envious eyes.

Slightly lowered eyes, small face can not hide the loneliness, Elusha looked at her bare feet, already scarred, is she alone again?

The incident with the Black Rose Guild has been resolved.

The matter of the Dark Arts Order has also been solved, and she will no longer be hunted down.

However, Elusha looked at Ron and the others who left, and her heart always felt empty, and there was a strong sense of loss.

The fingers of her hands were crossed and squeezed, she didn't know what to do with the rest of her life?

She was originally helpless and had just found a small town that could barely make ends meet.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, it was destroyed by the Dark Arts Order.

For the future, Elusa does not know how to be good.

In Elusha's confusion, a urging voice sounded.

The boy's loud shouts woke Elusha up like a dream.

She seemed to see a beacon that illuminated the road ahead, and the boy was like a beacon, guiding Elusa.

"Elusa hurry up, you're going to be left behind. "

"Still in a daze, hurry up and keep up!"

Staring at the back of the teenager, Elusa's beautiful eyes were swirling with tears, wiping away the tears, her little face was slightly red, full of joy, trotting all the way to keep up with the pace of Ron and the others.

Next, Ron also found time to treat Elusa's foot injury.

This wave of healing, although it was only a minor injury, also upgraded Ron's Immortal Realm divine power to 1v6, and upgraded three levels in a row!

That's the benefit of healing the main character, and the rewards are great.

Miraj also gave Elusa his spare new shoes.

Although Miraj looks like a little sister on the surface, she is actually very gentle inside.

For the new members such as Jubia and Elusa, they also take 100% care, and they look like big sisters.

Of course, Elusa doesn't recognize Miraj as a big sister.

Her own aura is not inferior to Miraj in the slightest.

That's it.

Guild members are added one more.

Future Dragon Queen ~ Elusa!!

Also, in the night, Ron and the others who were rushing.

According to the map drawn by Yoruichi, it only took about half an hour.

In the Valley of Roque Warcraft, they successfully found the base of Black Rose, which is the so-called Black Rose Base Camp.

The golden key of Baluge, the treasure of the black rose... It's all here.

...... The dividing line....

Karen Lilika illustration.

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