Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

Without completely killing Saint Ten Joseph, Ron was not at ease.

On the events of the battle for Jubia, the rain goddess.

There is no doubt that Ron has offended the Ghost Dominator and the so-called Saint Ten Joseph.

In particular, Saint Joseph was not a good man, and vengeance, cruelty, meanness, and shamelessness were synonymous with Joseph.

Because of this, Joseph wanted to take revenge on him and kept squatting at the exit of Roque's Warcraft Valley.

Crookedly beaten, was squatted by Joseph and others to the legendary Book of Jelf Demon, it is also cheap Joseph them.

This is also Ron's chance!

Taking advantage of the fact that Joseph and Thor fought the Wolf of the Red Moon, the two fought and lost both.

Ron can also sneak up on Joseph and annihilate them in one fell swoop!

Joseph must be killed, Thor and the Wolf of the Red Moon must be completely killed... That's Ron's plan.

The reasons for completely killing Joseph, Thor, and the Wolf of the Red Moon are: 1: To prevent the enemy from taking revenge, either not to shoot, or to kill the enemy, but also to mend the knife, completely kill the enemy, this is the purpose of Ron's battle.

2: Besides, Joseph is also the Holy Ten of the regular guild, or the leader of the Ghost Dominator, and if he kills Joseph in an upright manner, there will be a bunch of trouble, and he feels very unhappy if he doesn't kill this b.

Therefore, he intends to hide his identity and attack, completely obliterate Joseph, and erase everything.

In this way, you can not only kill Joseph without getting into unnecessary trouble, but also hide your identity and strength well.

After a moment of consideration, Ron had already concluded that there would be no trouble in hiding his identity and killing this b, and this was the best way, there was no one.

With the sound of explosions at the scene, the noisy fighting sound pulled Ron's eyes back to reality.

At this moment, the flames burst into the sky, after the Red Moon Wolf released the Shadow Demon Pack Wolf.

This group of extremely vicious demon wolves has already killed Roque Town!

Many humans have fallen, in pools of blood.

All kinds of grief cries for help, screams in the bottom of the bottom... It resounded throughout the audience.

This scene made Miraj, Elusa, Rebe, and Jubia's little faces tense.

Seeing this, Ron also breathed a sigh of relief and took out Baluge's golden key, as well as Aliyes's golden key.

Wave the golden key!

"Open it! Virgo's Gate Baluge~!"

"Open it! Aries Gate Aliyes~!"


Two star spirits appeared!

They were Balug in a maid costume and Aliyes in a small white wool velvet dress.

Both of them had pink hair, Baluge was still a pink-haired maid, her hands were locked in handcuffs, a serious expression, bowed slightly to Ron, and said reverently: "Hello master, are you teasing me?"

Baluge is a shaky man, which is a well-known thing, but it can't be said in public.

The corner of Ron's mouth twitched and said, "Next time, next time." "

On the side, Aliyes looked very frightened, a weak look, her small hand lightly covered her lips, and said: "Master, I'm sorry~ all blame me." "

"If you want to, you can also tweak me. "

Ron waved his hand slightly, and said helplessly: "No, I don't blame you." "


Balug and Aliyes, two star spirits, one kept letting Ron tweak her, the other kept saying sorry.

Seeing this, Ron covered his face helplessly and sighed softly: "Okay!"

"Listen to me. "

"Destroy the enemies in front of you first, and kill all the shadow demons and wolves. "

"After the mission, I will train you well. "

Hearing this, Baluge's eyes burst into stars, looking very expectant, and said seriously: "Master, I understand!"

Aliyes's pretty face turned crimson, and she said delicately: "I'm sorry master~I'll cheer~!"

In this way, after summoning Baluge and Aliyes.

Under Ron's guidance, these two also successfully joined the Dragon Empire and became new guild members.

When you fight, you will also have to be blessed!

In terms of strength, you can get a huge boost.

Along with the addition of Balug and Aliyes!

It's also one step away from the 1v3 guild rank!

At this time, Miraj, Elusha and the others on the side watched Ron with a complicated expression talking with Baluge and Aliyes, this scale is really amazing.

Finally, Ron explained, "You know, this is a new version of communication, and communicating with the Star Spirit is like this. "

Jubia blinked her beautiful eyes and said curiously: "Lord Ron, what is tuning~?"

Ahem... Ron said: "It's a game. "

Jubia looked forward to it: "Jubia also wants to play!"

The corner of Ron's mouth twitched and said, "Okay, next time!"

That's it, after a simple flicker.

Gazing at the flaming town of Roque, Ron commanded, "Miraj, Rebby, Baluge, you team." "

"Elusa, Jubia, Aliyes, you are a team. "

"Elusa, you lead the team to eliminate the shadow demon wolves in Roque Town. "

"Miraj, you lead the team to eliminate the shadow demon wolves in the Valley of Roque Warcraft. "

Under Ron's instructions, Miraj and Elusha and the others all nodded in tacit agreement and completely obeyed Ron.

In a flash!

The counterattack has officially begun!

Before leaving, Miraj glanced at Elusha with a defiant gaze, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "Elusha!"

"Let's see who killed the Shadow Demon Pack more wolves"

Not to be outdone, Elusha clasped her arms in front of her and snorted: "It must be me!"


The two led their respective teams.

One person in the Valley of Roque Warcraft, constantly hunting the shadow demon wolves.

The other is to kill Roque Town, hunt the shadow demon wolves, and protect the surrounding humans by the way.

With Elusa, Miraj and others joining the battlefield, the battle situation was instantly reversed!

In the Valley of Roque Warcraft, Miraj directly used [Receiving Magic], receiving Satan's soul all over his body, and turning his whole body into a "Satan" posture!

In an instant, all kinds of guild bonds were added, and the buff was directly full!

All kinds of magic are also bursting out!

Dark Wild Current~!

Dark Spark~!

Super sadistic and furious~!

These shadow demon packs of wolves who beat them, screamed, and instantly retreated!

Not to be left behind, Rebbie uses word magic to create all kinds of fire, lightning, and storm attacks, slaughtering the shadow demon wolves!

The new addition of Aliyes, she is also a brilliant player when she comes on the field for the first time.

While saying sorry, he threw out a ferocious attack, wool shooting Woolshot!

The right hand is drawn into a pistol-like shape, creating pink wool bullets, and a small demon wolf falls with one shot!

Not only that, but Aliyes can also use the wool bomb Woolbomb.

The pink wool bomb, as soon as it was thrown out, directly blasted a dozen phantom demon wolves!

With the blessing of the guild's savvy 1v2, the leader's gift 1v2, and the morale fury 1v2, Aliyes's strength has greatly improved!

In one breath, he killed more than thirty Phantom Demon Wolves in succession.

This powerful strength made Aliyes herself slightly startled, while attacking the shadow demon wolves in front of her, she muttered to herself: "I'm sorry~ Is this Lord Ron's power?"

"I only found out now!"

The strength of the star spirit is closely related to the strength of the contract master, plus the blessing of the guild bond, as Aliyes of Aries, his strength at this time has long surpassed that of Leo.

This is the horror of the guild bonds, which shocked Aliyes!

In this way, the shadow demon wolves in the Valley of Roque Warcraft were also eliminated one by one under the explosion of Miraj, Rebbie, and Aliyes.

After finishing everything, Miraj raised his eyes to look at the Red Moon Wolf under the dome.

This demon of the Book of Jelf, with its huge body and powerful strength, is daunting!

Rebbie exclaimed: "What a terrifying malice, this is the ultimate malice, condensed into the demon of the Book of Jelf." "

"On the northern continent, there is also a legendary demon of the Book of Jelf, named Déliora, who is in ruins wherever he passes. "

Aliyes looked weak and said, "I'm sorry~ I didn't get rid of Diliora, and the Red Moon Wolf in front of me blamed me." "

The corners of Rebbe's mouth twitched and comforted: "Anla, Aliyes, you are already very strong." "

"The president said, the wolf of the red moon in front of him will be handed over to Joseph of the Holy Ten, and we can just watch the play." "

"Our target is only the Shadow Demon Pack Wolf. "

Aliyes looked like she was about to cry: "I'm sorry~ I'll keep going!"

Miraj covered his face helplessly and complained: "Aliyes, we are all partners, you don't have to keep saying sorry." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Aliyes's pretty face turned crimson and said weakly, "Okay, I see... I'm sorry. "

Miraj and Rebby: ...

The other side.

Rock Town.

There was a lot of artillery fire in the town.

Of course, this is real gunfire, not Valentine's Day in the hotel.

The Shadow Demon Pack of wolves has already invaded Roque Town, and the residents flee and those who flee slowly have to die.

Amid the screams of grief, Jubia's parents hid in the corner of an alley.

Strangely, none of the shadow demon wolves passing by walked in.

Because, they were all quietly hunted by the Black Shadow Corps.

Of course, the way the Black Shadow Corps moved was also extremely hidden.

Jubia's parents didn't notice it either, but just felt that they were lucky.

After a while, with the arrival of Elusha and the others, the counterattack was officially launched!

After some searching, Jubia also found her parents in the corner of an alley, and after some shushing and asking for warmth.

Jubia also entered the battle state, and various water currents of magic burst out

The water flow is broken, the water is whipped, the water is rising, the water is laser... With the blessing of the guild's bonds, Jubia's water magic power was directly filled, destroying all the shadow demon wolves in front of him!

Seeing their daughter's growth, Jubia's parents smiled gratifyingly, and the two were full of emotion.

"Jubia has grown up and will protect us~!"

"Yes, thanks to Ron, the next time I see him, I must thank people well." "

"Hey, don't say it, don't say it, I always feel that Ron and Jubia are a good match, will they be in the future?"

Unwittingly, Ron has been approved by Jubia's parents.

For a time, the residents of Roque Town fled to Jubia's parents to seek Jubia's help.

At the same time, they also apologized for their previous behavior.

"I'm sorry, I used to blame us badly. "

"After Jubia joined the guild, she has grown so much, it's really enviable. "

"Yes, your family is really powerful!"

For these flattering words, neither Jubia nor Jubia's parents are ignored.

Jubia only wants to protect her parents, and Jubia's parents only want Jubia to live well, nothing more.

Meanwhile, Barug rewarded Ron by tying her up, insulting her, humiliating her... Wait a minute.

This is a reward for Baluge.

For the reward! Baluge is also fighting!

All kinds of magic is used, the lock of Virgo, and the shadow demon pack wolves in front of you are sealed with earth!

In the cave of pearl stars, Baluge condensed his power through his hands, and then turned into a ball of light to attack the shadow demon wolves in front of him!

With the blessing of the guild's bonds, Baluge's strength is also beyond Leo Leo, the head of the zodiac.

Blasted out the incomparable Pearl Star Cave and directly exploded a group of Shadow Demon Wolves!

This is the current Baluge, the strength of the terrifying shaking m

At the same time, Elusa is not far behind, and directly transforms into the Queen of Dragons!

Although, the current Elusha does not have armor to replace.

The so-called [Dressup Magic] requires special armor to be prepared in advance in a specific space for battle.

Since, he had just learned [Dressing Up Magic], and there was no special armor in Elusa's specific space.

Therefore, the current Elusha can't use [Dress-up Magic] normally!

However, Elusha can still control weapons, even hoes, axes, iron bars, and other things, she can still control!

In this way, Elusa used powerful, majestic, and endless magic power, like an ocean of boundless magic!

Control the weapons of the entire Roque Town, including hoes, axes, sickles, iron rods, etc., and make a civilian version of the armor of the heavenly wheel

Let the countless weapons behind him, the weapons suspended behind Elusa, swords, spears, iron bars, sickles... There are many of them, more than two hundred in total!

Under the cold moonlight, Elusa's eyes shone brightly, and a civilian version of the armor of the heavenly wheel burst out!

Countless weapons, like 10,000 arrows firing in unison, slammed into the shadow demon wolves in front of them!

In a flash!

These weapons have great destructive power under the blessing of Elusa's magic.

Each weapon can penetrate the body of a phantom demon wolf, nail it to the ground, and then die completely!

This scene directly shocked the residents of the entire Roque Town.

Their amazed, shocked, reverential gazes stared at the crimson haired girl in front of them.

The girl bathed in the flames of war, her crimson hair swaying in the wind, and her heroic posture are very charming under the moonlight like golden sand.

Let them feel the queen-like aura, the powerful strength is unmatched, and the shadow demon wolves that instantly kill everything!

It was also from this moment that people from the outside saw the figure of the Dragon Queen Ai (Mo Hao) Lusha for the first time.

The title of the Dragon Queen also began to spread slowly from this moment.

Time passed slowly, under the struggle of Elusa, Baluge, Jubia and others.

The town of Roque ended the fighting in the smoke of war.

All the shadow demon wolves have been annihilated.

At this moment, the fleeing residents were also stunned one by one.

For Elusha and the others, they only have reverence in their hearts, the other party is so strong, is this the Dragon Empire!

"'The rain girl Jubia is so powerful, she seems to have joined the Dragon Empire, and then she became stronger!'

That crimson haired girl, like the Dragon Queen, is so strong, she single-handedly destroyed most of the demon wolves!"

"In any case, they saved Roque Town, we must report to the Magic Council, so that the Magic Council will reward them and the Dragon Empire." "

Quietly, the applause sounded consciously, and the applause was thunderous, which was given to Elusa, Jubia, and Baluge who saved Roque Town, and this was also a round of applause for the Dragon Empire.

For these, Elusha and others did not care.

They raised their eyes to look at the Red Moon Wolf who was still fighting fiercely under the dome, this is the real big boss!

For a time, under the dome not far away, lightning and thunder, dark clouds rolling, electric flashes, and flames were monstrous, and the sound of explosions pierced through the golden cracking stones and resounded through the sky.

All kinds of magic are constantly attacking under the dome, and explosions are rising and falling, shaking the sky, and the ground is trembling.

Obviously, the battle between Joseph and Thor vs the Wolf of the Red Moon continues.

Suddenly, a young man's figure, strolling under the cold moonlight, crossed the dense forest, and quietly came to the vicinity of the battlefield.

The blue eyes flickered slightly, raising his eyes to look at the battle in the sky, and the corners of the young man's mouth were slightly raised: "Is this the battle of Saint Ten?"


Let him join in such an interesting battle.

At the moment, there are four people on the battlefield, Joseph, Thor, the Wolf of the Red Moon, and Ron.

When this battle is over, there will undoubtedly be only one person left on the battlefield.

A big scuffle, start fighting now!.

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