
The ink-splashed dome burned out the vicissitudes of life, and the smoke of battle covered the sky and the moon.

The Red Moon Wolf, Thor, and Joseph, who were fighting fiercely, did not notice Ron's arrival.

They are still fighting fiercely, and under the reflection of the moonlight, the Red Moon Wolf is even more full, and the spell power has reached the peak!

Looking up at the secluded crescent, the Red Moon Wolf roared, unleashing a terrifying spell frenzy!

Spell! Moon roar!

Under the long roar, lower the state of Joseph and Thor, turning the two into a negative state.

Followed by!

Spell, the roar of the red moon!

A spell shockwave shot out from the mouth of the Red Moon Wolf again, like a jet god of war!

Spell, Red Moon's Slash!

The claws turned into invincible weapons and slashed fiercely at Joseph and Thor!

In the face of the onslaught of the Red Moon Wolf, Thor did not dare to be careless, and quickly waved his hands, frantically creating an earth-colored magic array, and bursting out endless magic!!

SandDance: Make a smoke screen made of sand to make the Red Moon Wolf lower his eyesight!

Rock Concerto: Blasts the Wolf of the Red Moon with blocks of rock!


Spell, Red Moon's slash smashes the rocks of Rock Concerto and knocks Thor out!

Suddenly, Thor was like an upside-down kite, embarrassed.

Finally fell to the ground, the castration was not reduced, ploughed out a large ravine, raised endless gunsmoke, slid all the way for tens of meters, the butt was sparked, and finally stopped castration!

Joseph was no better, waving his hands, creating a dark magic array, and bursting out terrifying dark magic to resist the attack of the Red Moon Wolf.

Dark magic! Ghost arrows blast out!

Unleash a ghostly black arrow.

Facing the spell of the Wolf of the Red Moon, the roar of the Red Moon!

Black wild current against wave red shockwave, a wave head-on attack!

Explosions sounded!

Shake the sky!

Stir up endless smoke!

The air began to distort, producing ripples that gradually spread.

Rolling up the brutal wind, blowing everything around, the trees blew 323 into the sky, and the fallen Thor continued to fly more than ten meters!

That's it.

The fierce fighting continued.

Whether it is Thor, Joseph, or the Wolf of the Red Moon, the physical strength and energy of both sides have been consumed a lot.

However, despite this, the Red Moon Wolf's hideous vertical pupils still locked Joseph and Thor.

In his eyes, these two people are very good people, and they must not be let go!

The ferocious pursuit of the Red Moon Wolf made Joseph's heart also cry bitterly, cold sweat constantly broke out on his forehead, his face was tense, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You paralyzed Jelf's Book Demon!"

"I'm going to be serious, don't kill Ron today, and I'm going to do my best to get rid of you!"

"Even if I kill you, there is no money, there is no benefit, I will kill you!"

At this moment, Saint Joseph was angry!

At first, he also wanted to retain a little physical strength, magic power, and wait to pinch Ron.

Until now, he was really annoyed by the Red Moon Wolf!

This stupid dog also kept saying that he was a "good person" because he was a "good person", so he wanted to hit him, which made Joseph feel very speechless!

Thor was covered in ashes, got up embarrassed, and coughed and said: "No~No~No~!"

"President, we are ghost dominators!"

"We should have it all, Ron and the Red Moon Wolf can't let it go!"

While speaking impassionedly, Thor came to Joseph's side, intending to fight side by side with Joseph, fight seriously, and take down the Red Moon Wolf in front of him!

Joseph's eyes were cold, and he said grimly: "So1, you are right!"

"It's all over, let's fight seriously, after everything is over, we'll eat barbecue tonight.... "

Just set the flag, just planted the flag.

In an instant, Joseph's words came to an abrupt end.

Just because an ice gun pierced through the air.

At extreme speed, towards Joseph and Thor, skewers are burned, and slammed in!

This is an ice spear condensed from eternal ice, wrapped in boundless divine power, with ultimate destructive power, speed, power, and power.

Simply put, this gun is invincible!

This shot, the gun is like a dragon!

Let Joseph and Thor look horrified!

Thor felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, subconsciously waved his hands, created a huge magic array, used all the magic power of his body, and directly performed a special move!

Gypsum Sonata: Thor's strongest magic, smashing huge punches formed by large amounts of sand to smash opponents.

As a result, the magic array has not yet been formed!

The ice gun has already penetrated Thor's body!

The ferocious power, unabated, took Thor's entire body out, glided through the air, and finally nailed him to the ground.

Blood gushed out and flowed along the ice spear to the ground, staining the land red.

And Joseph's reaction was much faster, after all, it was also the Holy Ten.

Using dark magic, the ultimate magic power is instilled in the legs, and the teleportation is used to avoid this ice gun sneak attack!

After this ice gun sneak attack, there were four people on the survival battlefield, the number was reduced by one, and the earth element Thor died.

During the whole process, Sol, who was nailed to the ground by the ice gun, had his pupils wrapped in endless unwillingness, fear, and horror.

Until death, he did not understand, what was going on?

After taking Thor, Ron's figure greeted the ghostly moonlight and slowly walked out.

He appeared in the field of vision of the Red Moon Wolf and Joseph, with a light smile at the corner of his mouth: "Long time no see, senior Joseph." "

There is no doubt that the ice spear spurt just now is Ron's move.

Use the Eternal Ice 1v1 under the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, condense the ice gun with your empty hand, and then throw it out, sneaking through Thor's body!

The only regret is that Ron originally wanted to make skewers, and a spear was directly inserted through Jose Gasol.

Unfortunately, Joseph is a holy ten after all, and it is not so easy to grasp.

But everything was still within Ron's expectation.

Seeing this, seeing Ron coming out, Joseph was angry and corrupted, the green tendons on his forehead were beating, and his trembling pupils reflected the figure of the boy, and his eyes were torn!

"Stinky boy, you're looking for death!"

"Fool me in the morning, fool me, cut off the rain girl Jubia!"

"Now, sneak up on me again and hunt down the earth element Thor... You're dead!"

The scarlet vertical pupils of the Red Moon Wolf stared at the young man in front of him, and his face was full of stunned.

After thinking for a moment, he immediately said firmly: "It's all human beings, they all deserve to die!"


Survival War! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The remaining three, keep attacking!

When Ron appeared, the battle situation changed.

Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon were not fools either.

They tacitly attacked Ron in unison, intending to take Ron first!

Of course, Ron is not Gojo either.

If he is not sure of the battle, he will not rush to attack.

He had calculated that after Joseph, the Wolf of the Red Moon, and Thor went through (affb) fierce battles, physical strength, energy... When everything reached its lowest point, he sneaked up and attacked!

This is the best opportunity!

In a flash!

The Red Moon Wolf created a huge scarlet magic array in front of him.

A spell: Red Moon's hesitation blasts out!

The endless red moon shockwave, forming a red pillar of light, penetrated the heavens and earth, and exploded towards Ron!

Everywhere it passes, it is all ashes, this is the ultimate spell, the strongest shockwave that has been blasted out!

Joseph was furious, and his eyes were already burning with fire.

When he saw the Red Moon Wolf, he had already attacked with all his might!

Joseph also knew that the blow had to take Ron.

After that, make plans to kill the Red Moon Wolf.

Ron's body has too many unknown variables.

This brought the Wolf of the Red Moon and Joseph a huge sense of crisis!

This also prompted the moon wolf and Joseph to tacitly attack Ron.

It is necessary to take it down before it is possible to solve Ron.

Without hesitation, Joseph also went all out and was in full condition!!

Dark magic.

Death Storm.

Joseph created a huge dark magic array with both hands!

Immediately afterwards, his hands gathered a large amount of dark mana, generating an ultra-powerful dark shockwave to attack Ron.

This move is already Joseph's limit.

Already Joseph's strongest magic!

In this way, one left and one right, the Red Moon Wolf and Joseph blasted out their strongest moves in unison, striking Ron left and right!

Spells: Red Moon's Wandering and Dark Magic: Deathstorm.

A crimson beam of light shockwave!

A dark black blaster!

The earth-destroying offensive turned into ashes everywhere it passed!

Trees, stones, ground... Everything turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

In the face of such a ferocious attack, Ron's eyes were ancient, his expression was waveless, and his forehead hair was swaying wildly under the strong wind.

In the face of the tsunami-like offensive, the offensive in front of him, Ron still did not move.

This scene made Joseph ecstatic, and said with a sinister smile: "Scared silly, stinky boy!"


"This is the strength of Saint Ten!"

"What are you fighting with me!"

The Red Moon Wolf was also slightly startled, and immediately said disdainfully: "A human being as small as an ant, am I overestimating the other party?"

There was no accident, and the next second, in the gaze of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

Ron was blasted into powder by the furious attack, and the ground was blasted out of a large hole.

On the entire ground, the earth dragon rolled, raising endless gunsmoke.

When the smoke faded, the devastated ground suddenly appeared, full of potholes.

Under the fury of Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon, under the stunts of the two, Ron has become ashes, and there is no dregs left, and he is completely dead.

This scene made Joseph full of disdain, the corners of his mouth were crooked, and the dragon king laughed: "The fly that got in the way is finally dead." "

"Next, it's you, Red Moon Wolf. "

"Don't worry, I'm in a good mood now and I'll give you a pain." "

The Red Moon Wolf's expression was fierce and fierce, his vertical pupils were shining, and he said coldly: "Small human being, you are dreaming!"

After the fall of Ron, the Wolf of the Red Moon and Joseph continue to face off, intending to fight in a rematch to determine the final winner.

Only, in the next second, a leisurely voice sounded.

Under the cold moonlight, slowly came.

Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf's expressions were shocked, distorted, and collapsed, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

"What gives you the illusion that I am dead at your hands? "

Suddenly! Behind them!

A young man's figure suddenly appeared.

Moreover, behind the young man, two hideous black dragons had already extended from his back.

The black dragon continued to roar low, emitting a breathtaking dragon roar, making Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf subconsciously take a step back and keep a certain distance from the teenager.

Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon both have the same question, why Ron is not dead yet!

"How is it possible... Why aren't you dead yet?"

Obviously, both Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf had just fallen for Ron's scheme.

Their strongest move, only destroying Ron's doppelganger.

A doppelganger created using the Eternal Ice and also using fog and ice reflections to completely disturb the sight of Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

In the end, he reached a deception and used Pinga to deceive Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon.

And Ron's true body has long been lurking behind Joseph and the Red Moon Wolf.

Everything is ready, let the Black Dragon God Ring S-class who is waiting for the opportunity unleash its true power and summon the double dragon on the back!


Double Dragon is out.

Kill towards Joseph and the Wolf of the Red Moon.

The double black dragon killed them by surprise!

...... The dividing line....

Double Black Dragon illustration.

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