When the Blue Poison Defender Army was confused.

When the dark guilds were confused.

The true red-eyed black dragon has been fully charged, and the black flame is also full.

The black flame condensed in the mouth, the black flame like a tsunami, is as majestic as a sun, dazzling and shining!


Without the slightest hesitation!

The black flame bomb blasted out, and a black flame bomb that destroyed the sky and the earth directly blasted out head-on, forming a black flame-like red pillar of light that swept through everything.

Everywhere it passes, it is all ashes, and life is ruined!

Just one face, everything, under the black flame, all beings are equal, bombarded into powder, dissipated in the air.

The so-called Blue Poison Legion defending the city, the so-called melon eating and watching the dark guild, Mokun Taimei, Dark Nine Turns Da Chang, Dark Butterfly... Wait a minute.

Under the black flame, all beings are equal, and all life has disappeared in an instant, completely extinguished!

Indiscriminate attacks, the black flame that destroys everything, destroys everything as far as the eye can see, this is the true red-eyed black dragon, absolute strength.

These dark guilds did not even have the strength to resist, and under shock, horror, fear, fear, and trembling, they had perished.

After finishing everything, the true red-eyed black dragon looked up at the red moon, and then the pitch-black and hideous claws tore a crack again under the dome, and the crack gradually widened.

Finally, the true red-eyed black dragon flapped its terrifying wings and flew directly into the crack.

Immediately, the crack closed like a zipper, disappearing under the dome, as if it had never appeared.

The true red-eyed black dragon came gently, and then walked gently, spraying black flame without taking away a cloud.

The whole process is fast, snapping, and it is already over, and it lasts less than a minute.

Only the endless black flame was left, and the black flame rushed straight to the sky, dyeing the entire firmament, and the black flame burned the sky, and at this moment the night was like day.

Wherever Black Yan passed, the dark guilds in the vicinity of the Blue Poison Legion were all implicated, turned into ashes, and there was no slag left.

The White Bone City, the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, is only a big pit, with endless black flames and gunsmoke in the sky, which is extremely tragic.

This scene made the melon-eating masses farther away tremble.

Fortunately, their dark guild is far away from the White Bone City, the base camp of Blue Poison, otherwise it will be finished!

The Dark Guild that is close, Mokun Taimei, Dark Nine Turns Da Chang, Dark Butterfly... Wait, it's all a painful lesson, eating melons and watching the play turned out that the entire guild was gone, and it was bombarded into scum by the endless black flame!

"This... Fortunately, we are far away. "

"Ahem, is this a real dragon? One blow is enough to destroy everything, it's terrifying... It's so scary, I'm about to frighten and pee. "

"I'm already scared to pee... This Nima, how did the dragon suddenly come, and the dragon that has disappeared for hundreds of years has actually returned!"

"It's terrifying, I'm going to have a nightmare, is this the dragon, the former overlord of the continent of Ishgar, is humanity going to end again?"

For a time, this group of dark guild people were also shrouded in a haze of fear.

The terrifying figure of the true red-eyed black dragon had long been deeply imprinted in their minds, lingering and becoming an eternal nightmare.

This is the dragon, the absolute strong, the absolute ruler!


When the Blue Demon Scorpion led the Blue Poison army and prepared to attack the Dragon Empire, he did not know that his home was gone.

That year, the Blue Devil Scorpion attacked the Dragon Empire, but he had no home.


The other side.

In a secluded hall.

The dim yellow light and shadow are extremely strange.

On a luxurious throne, a cold royal sister-like figure, half-lying on the throne, holding a book in her hand, is reading carefully.

The graceful figure is difficult to hide, the delicate face of the cool moon sky Sera, a cold look, makes people have a desire to conquer, gently pursing her delicate red lips, reading the book in her hand.

Last time, the book I read was "Cover the Sky".

Although she has always wanted to read it, this kind of book is still too strong in human breath after all, and the book is wrapped in too many human emotions, which is really boring.

After some research, Serra abandoned [Covering the Sky] and looked at other new books, also human books.

This book, but it made Serra's eyes shine, a new book called "Dao Weird Immortal", the author is [Ron's Pen].

Serra, who has been chasing books, for this book, the more she reads, the more she likes it.

This is the true book of the devil, without any mercy!

Is the author of this book really human?

Thinking is not at all like humans, this is the real devil!

"Baby, you're in love. "

"Haha, Master Dao, I'm done!"

"Hehe, hey, Xinsu is really fun~!"

After reading this book, these words were like a devil's whisper, always haunted in Serra's mind.

Suddenly, Serra suddenly realized, could it be that this is also a kind of magic, a kind of spell?

After a moment's consideration, she slowly closed the book, looked solemnly at the brown parchment cover, and looked at the author's pen name [Ron's Pen] on it.

In an instant, Serra's beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

[Ron's Pen], [Ron]!

This book was written by Ron!

Serra, who discovered the new world, had a hint of a smile on her cold and delicate face.

Sure enough, Ron was a good fit to be a demon.

The idea of transforming Ron into a demon grew stronger.

However, she has already sent the Blue Scorpion and the Blue Poison Legion.

Blue Devil Scorpion, they are all real demons, mean, shameless, cruel, cunning... Wait, you can definitely take Ron, capture Ron, and offer it to her.

For a while, Serra's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had already begun to imagine a better future, transforming Ron into a real demon.

Based on Ron, she wants to create her own demonic story, because demonic stories have no mercy.

And Ron can write such an excellent work as "Dao Weird Immortal".

I think I can also communicate with her and create more terrifying demon stories together.

Also, the update of [Dao Weird Immortal] is a little slow, and after catching Ron, she can still urge it face to face.

A book with an excellent style like "Dao Weird Immortal" is very much in line with Serra's taste, and faintly, she is also looking forward to it.

In anticipation, a little brother demon looked flustered, broke into the hall, and hurriedly reported.

"Lord Serra... Big things are bad. "

Serra opened her eyes slightly, and the cold face of the royal sister looked slightly displeased. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The younger brother demon continued: "When Lord Blue Demon Scorpion led the team to sneak up on the Dragon Empire. "

"White Bone City, the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion, was also sneaked in. "

"Oh, is it?" Serra looked calm, as a demon, as a member of the dark guild, being avenged, it was a normal thing to be avenged, just like eating bread when hungry, it was a matter of course: "Who did it?"

"People from the regular guild?"

"Or someone from the Dark Guild?"

"Or is it a demon?"

As a result, in the next second, the little brother demon looked terrified, as if thinking of something terrifying, and said in a trill: "It's a dragon... Legendary dragons!"

"The dragon that had disappeared for hundreds of years descended on the world again, and a black flame attacked, directly destroying the White Bone City. "

"The dark guild near the Blue Poison Wetland, Mokun Taimei, Dark Nine Turns Da Chang, Dark Butterfly... and so on, all implicated, all reduced to ashes, all destroyed. "

"Everything that the black flame reached was burned. "

"The whole process... It's less than a minute. "

Speaking of this, the little brother demon was already sweating and his face was livid, as if he was telling something terrifying.

Hearing this, Seramei's eyes slowly opened, her pupils expanded rapidly, and the face of the cold royal sister was also slightly startled, and she muttered: "Dragon... The dragon, which had disappeared for hundreds of years, actually returned. "

What's going on here?

Slender fingers gripped the book in her hand tightly, and Serra narrowed her eyes slightly, pondering for a moment, as if she had thought of something.

"I'm going to set out for myself to conquer the Dragon Empire. "

Hearing this, the younger brother demon looked horrified and said, "'Lord Serra. "

"You are one of the Nine Ghost Gates, your status is noble, there is no need to do it yourself.... "

"What's more, Lord Hades has already ordered that patience must be achieved. "

"We need to prepare more, prepare well, and then get ready for the final "big show". "

"Before that, we all have to endure, have you forgotten?"

For the persuasion of the little brother demon, Serra's royal sister-like cold and beautiful face, cold eyes glanced at the little brother demon, slightly raised the jade finger, pointed to the little brother demon, cold voice, said: "Order the spell." "

Immediately, he ordered the long sword on the waist of the little brother demon.

In an instant, the long sword poured spell power, automatically pulled out the scabbard, and then penetrated the heart of the little brother demon.

The sharp blade pierced everything in an instant, staining everything red.

During the whole process, the little brother demon's eyes widened, and he didn't have time to react at all, and he was already defeated.


Blood splattered out.

Spilled on the ground.

The whole process was done in one go.

The little brother demon's face was full of puzzlement and horror.

In the end, he fell down and fell in blood.

After finishing everything, Serra glanced coldly, and the little brother demon who fell in a pool of blood muttered: "Hades sent you to spy on me." "

"I always knew that. "

"So, you better die. "

Of course, she knew that Hades would make a big move next.

However, for these, she cares more about whether she can write perfect demon stories, demon stories without mercy.

As long as she takes Ron quickly, it will not affect Hades' plan.

As for the matter in front of you, I'll talk about it later, it's just a small episode.

In the Blue Poison base camp White Bone City (Qian De's), after being annihilated by the dragon.

The sixth sense tells her that the Blue Scorpion's mission will most likely fail.

Therefore, she planned to take down Ron personally and quickly, so as not to dream more at night.

After all, people like Ron are born to be demons.

That's it.

Serra also embarked on a journey.

This time, she will personally arrest Ron.

As everyone knows, this wave will be Serra's white giving trip.

The other side.

Ron is controlling the true red-eyed black dragon and completely annihilating the base camp of the Blue Poison Legion.

Ron, as the mastermind behind the scenes, was not satisfied with this.

The grand show continues, continuing to control the Stardust Dragon.

Summon it to the base camp of Thunder Roar, intending to destroy this so-called B-level regular guild in one fell swoop!

After some operation, Ron was also full of emotion, and with the continuous improvement of the divine power of the Asura world, his ability became more and more powerful.

Summoning a true dragon can also be done remotely, just chant the summoning spell before summoning, and everything is smooth.

That's it.

Between thoughts.

Ron's mind moved.

His gaze turned to the Stardust Dragon who was waiting for an opportunity in a different dimensional space.

Let tonight's performance come more violently, more spectacularly, and more grandly!

Let the entire continent of Isugar tremble, whether it is humans or demons, all fear, all surrender!

Stardust Dragon, it's you!

...... The dividing line....

Cool Moon Day Serra illustration.

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