The original Elusha was still hesitating, worried that she would cause trouble for Ron.

However, time waits for no one, she can hesitate, but Kagura can't afford to wait.

In the original book, Elusa also sacrificed herself to save Kagura, which led to her being captured by the Dark Arts Order.

In reality, Elusa also wants to sacrifice herself to save Kagura, but there is a slight deviation.

So, in the end, she escapes, and Kagura is caught instead.

To save Kagura, she had to turn to Ron.

On the side, Kildas rubbed his chin with his right hand, made a thinking gesture, and muttered, "The headquarters of the Dark Arts Order... It's tricky. "

Elusa looked worried: "I'm sorry... If it really doesn't work. "

"I'll figure it out myself."

"I also know that when I first joined the guild, I asked you for these things, which is very troublesome to you."

Although, Miraj likes to scare Elusa.

However, in serious matters, Miraj was still very moral, looking like a big sister, put his arm around Elusha's shoulders, and said: "Elusa, what are you doing!" "

"We are the Dragon Empire!"

"Order of the Dark Arts?"

"Exactly, kill them all!"

Jubia held the sunny day doll in her arms, her expression was timid, but her tone was firm: "Jubia, she will also support Elusa!" "

Rebe waved her little pink fist and smiled: "Yes! "

"Elusa, don't worry."

"We're partners."

For a while, everyone's eyes turned to Ron.

After all, the person who spoke was still Ron after all, and the person who made the decision was also Ron.

For Kagura Mikazki, Ron is still very optimistic.

A brilliantly talented Magister, worthy of cutting off his beard.

Suddenly, as Ron pondered.

The divine power of the void realm is activated, and the strong sixth sense once again glimpses the future.

Black and white pictures, like watching a lamp, flashed in Ron's mind, this is the picture of the future!

Because, at this time, the divine power of the void knowledge realm has been promoted from 1v1 to 1v3.

The ability to predict is also greatly improved, and the picture that can be seen, which belongs to the picture of the future, is also greatly increased.

Accuracy of foreknowledge, precision, events, times, places, people... All of this, there is a huge improvement.

After this wave of foreknowledge, Ron has learned that Kagura's incident even involves Uru and Urutia, which is amazing!

Not only that, in the picture of glimpsing the future, he also saw the two sisters Kongno Agulia and Yukino Agulia.

In other words, although Elusa asked for help, only Kagura was rescued.

However, as long as he promised Elusa, he would go on this mission, defeat the headquarters of the Dark Arts Order, and save Kagura.

According to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, he will also come into contact with Ulu, Urutia, Kunoi, and Xueno.

If he's lucky, he can even cut off his beard entirely.

Cut off Ulu, Urutia, Yukino, Kuno, Kagura, all of them!

This wave, coupled with the original guild members, the strength of the Dragon Empire on the bright side will be improved.

Ulu, Urutia, Yukino, Kuno, and Kagura are all powerful Magi, and their great strength and talent are beyond doubt.

Ulu: With the talent of Saint Ten, as long as it develops normally, it is at least Saint Ten!

Urutia: Bug-like ability lost in the arc of magic time, and born with huge magical power, powerful talent, has long surpassed the Saint Ten.

Moreover, Jalal's strength in the case of the mind body is all Saint Ten, such a powerful strength can be brainwashed and controlled by Urrutia.

This shows that either Urrutia is very powerful, or it is in order to wash Jellal hard, so that Urrutia forcibly carries the pot.

A person who thinks about the body can be holy ten, but also can be brainwashed and controlled, and finally whitewashed.

Moreover, after Jalal's whitewashing, he got the love brain Elusa again, and he got Kagura's kiss again.

It's good, one is Simon's crush for more than ten years, and the other is Simon's own sister.

Heaven is good, don't care about Simon's.

In order to atone for his sins and whitewash, Jalal also formed a guild with sisters.

With Melty and Urrutia all day, pretending to be forced everywhere, and Elusa, who has a love brain, has been waiting for Gerald.

Then, Jalal personally killed Simon, Simon's sister Kagura forgave Jalal, in order to save Jalal, and kissed Jalal, what is really a good thing, was all taken up by Jalal.

On the other hand, the whitewashing of Urrutia's tearful sister, directly gg off the line, sacrifice decades of life, and finally become an old man, which is too miserable.

It's all whitewashing, and the treatment is different.

Urrutia also had to carry the black pot for Jellal.

Moreover, the reason why Urrutia in the original book fell into darkness, has been chasing Jelf, learning the arc of lost magical time, all with the ultimate goal, is just to go back in time and regain the love of mother Ulu.

In the end, in order to atone for her sins, Urrutia also sacrificed decades of life, from a royal sister to a gray-haired grandmother, which was really tearful.

It can be said that the life of Sister Urrutia is full of endless tragedies.

He has been pursuing the love of his mother Ulu all his life, as well as atonement, and the final end is also extremely sad.

Even, at the time of the final battle, the Tear Sister Urutia's Missing Body had to come out to help fight the twelve shields of the concubine.

In all aspects, Urutia's strength and talent are all full existences, and they must be cut off!

In the previous life, Ron also saw a lot of demon tail fandoms, and as a result, Urrutia in the fandom was also a whole who had to be blackened, and had to die a mother, and had to fight with the protagonist group, was abused, and finally took Urrutia.

This time, Ron suffered the same thing.

Of course, he cut off Huulutia in advance, and even cut off Huulutia, directly pull full!

As for Yukino and Kuno, one of the original is a member of the Saber-toothed Tiger and the other is a member of the Six Demon Generals, both of whom have undergone blackening and have been successfully whitewashed later.

Jalal can forcibly whitewash, he intercepts Hu Xue Nai and Ku Nai in advance, and can also be regarded as helping the homeless girls Yukino and Ku Nai to reunite them early.

What's more, the strength of these two people, at least S-level, is worth wooing and cutting off.

The above is the picture of Ron's divine power and foreknowledge in the realm.

Because the current divine power of the void realm has been 1v3, the content of foreknowledge has also increased significantly, and he has also foreseen.

The Kagura incident not only implicated Ulu, Urutia, Kuno, Yukino, and the Dark Arts Order.

Unexpectedly, it also involved the remnants of the Ghost Dominator, as well as Liangyue Tiansera, and even the assassination of the guild "Skeleton Society Three 'Ravens".

Although, the specific content, Ron could not predict.

But from the details, he has learned that once he goes to save Kagura, a series of unknown events will be implicated.

These include the remnants of the Ghost Dominator, the Cool Moon Celestial Serra of the Gate of Hades, and the assassination guild "Skeleton Society Three Crows"... And so on, all of them are implicated.

At this point, Ron raised his forehead slightly, the thought just now, the time consumed, was only a few seconds, and his eyes returned to reality.

The eyes of Elusha, Miraj and the others were still staring at him expectantly, as if waiting for his reply.

Rubbing Elusa's forehead with a sigh of relief, Ron explained, "Investigate the information of the Dark Arts Sect headquarters before planning the next step. "

"The Dark Arts Order just took Kagura to work as a laborer, and with Kagura's talent, the Dark Arts Order is reluctant to kill Kagura easily."

"So investigate first to have a clue about the next step."

Ron's mental goal is clear, because according to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, Kagura is still very safe, but he is only locked up.

Therefore, he planned to secretly make a move, go back and prepare a wave, and first let the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion go out together to inquire about Kagura's intelligence.

Undoubtedly, another wave of big wars followed.

Because, according to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, there are too many forces involved.

It's just that I can't know the specific content of it, so I also need the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion Four Maple Courtyard Yoichi to find more detailed intelligence information for him.

After a pause, Ron, who considered for a moment, glanced at Elusha, Miraj and the others, and said, "All in all, don't worry." "

"Kagura is also an important pawn for the Dark Arts Order, so Kagura is safe for the time being."

"Next, just leave it to me."

"Within five days, I will find out all the information and then act."

Hearing this, Elusa's heart warmed, and her pretty face turned slightly red: "Ron... Thank you. "

Miraj patted Ron's shoulder and laughed heartily: "President, it's very good!" "

"You are also very reliable sometimes!"

Ron shrugged: "Mira, I'm not very reliable sometimes, I have always been reliable." "

"Especially, relative to you."

"I don't want you to say that."

Miraj pouted, she wanted to say that Ron's unreliability was that he often brought girls back to the guild, from Kana to Rebbie, to now Elusa, Jubia... Wait a minute.

It's just that today's Ron showed full marks, and Miraj just snorted in the end and didn't say much.

However, young Xiaola, it is not clear that a small step back now is equivalent to a big step back in the future.

She is also subtly getting used to Ron, accepting everything about Ron, including taking girls back to the guild.

Suddenly, Elusha, who thought for a moment, pursed her lips, raised her eyes to look at Ron, and breathed lightly, as if she had plucked up enough courage and asked, "Why are you so nice to me?" "

Save Elusa from the beginning and defeat the Order of the Dark Arts.

Then accept Elusa and teach her magic.

It can be said that this is the best person Elusha has ever met in her life, and there is no one who is the best for her.

It is also one of the few warmths in Elusa's life.

It can be said that it was Ron who changed Elusa's life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, Elusa knows this.

Including now, she asks Ron to save Kagura.

Ron also did not hesitate and agreed directly, which greatly moved her, so she asked what she thought.

When Elusa asked, Miraj, Rebbe, and Jubia also looked at Ron expectantly.

Only Kildas, with a melon-eating look, with a lewd uncle's smile on his face, he

It's funny, if only Kana and Lisanna were there.

Kana, that girl, still so hot-tempered, she is even better, Kildas thought.

In the face of a desperate situation like the Asura field, of course, he would not stupidly admit that Kagura's talent is very good, and he needs Kagura's talent, as well as the information to dig out the sisters of Urutia, Ulu, and Kuno behind.

Because according to the information foreseen, the Kagura incident involved Uru and others.

Sometimes, it's not about lying, but about white lies that are more cost-effective.

Ron pondered for a moment, his eyes were calm and waveless, and the corners of his mouth tugged: "Although I don't have a dream, I can protect your dream." "

You guys --

- this word.

Let Elusa, Miraj and others think about it.

"Although I don't have a dream, I can protect your dream. This phrase has been floating in their minds.

Elusa: Protect my dreams?

Miraj: Is that for her?

Rebby: Is that hinting at her?

Jubia: Sure enough! Lord Ron said it to Jubia!

Obviously, everyone will think that they are the real destined woman.

As everyone knows, Ron is just casting a wide net,

Moreover, Uncle Kildas was also caught.

Kildas also looked thoughtful, which made Ron unable to complain, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "'Uncle, this does not include you, don't think about it.'" "

Kildas pulled his head, showing a very hurt look, and said decadently: "We are so familiar, can't we?" "

Sweat hair stood up, Ron felt cold in his heart, and helplessly covered his face: "Refuse." "

"But I can help and guard your daughter's dreams."

Anyway, he didn't have a daughter, and Kildas laughed: "Good, good, good." "

That's it.

After making sure to save Kagura.

Ron is also quietly sending out the Black Shadow Legion and the Cat Legion, and the reconnaissance troops have been dispatched.


He just needs to wait quietly.

To Jubia, Elusa... Wait, after finishing the beard.

A new storm has appeared, how can it stand still, new truncated missions: Ulu, Urutia, Kagura... And so on, also as promised.


Time passes.

After ending the mission to conquer the Black Rose Guild.

Ron, Elusa, Miraj and the others returned to Magnolia and returned to the Dragon Empire.

Although, the shocking glimpse of the green-eyed white dragon directly frightened the entire Magnolia.

However, as time passed, everyone also discovered that the blue-eyed white dragon really left, so they also plucked up the courage to move back to Magnolia.

Including Elfman, Lisana, Kana, and everyone from the Fairy Tail Guild.

Immediately, for the return of Ron and the others, Kana, Elfman, and Lisanna were all surprised.

Ron and the others went out of the house for three people, and the last five returned, with Elusa and Jubia two more.

Moreover, under Mirajer's explanation, Kana and the others were even more shocked, there were still two Star Spirit Baluges and Aliyes, but they had not yet come out.

Of course, after the shock, Kana and the others were interested in Elusa, Jubia... The new members also expressed a warm welcome.

After all, (King Zhao), the Dragon Empire has finally grown!

The number of people has finally grown!

They must be happy too!

Then, for Elusha, Jubia... and other new members, held an orientation party.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, four days have passed, and the Dragon Empire is safe and harmonious.

Kana takes Jubia to learn about the environment of the Dragon Empire, as well as to learn about Magnolia.

In the end, Kana also accepted Jubia as her younger sister.

Elusa is taken by Lisanna to learn about the information of the Dragon Empire and play to get acquainted with Magnolia.

In the end, Elusa accepted Lisanna as her younger sister.

This made Miraj very angry, it was clear that Lisanna was the senior, but she turned out to be Elusha's younger sister.

More importantly, Lisanna is her own sister!

Of course, these are only brief episodes.

In the past few days, Ron seems to be staying in the Dragon Empire every day.

In fact, the Black Shadow Legion and the Cat Cat Legion behind the ground have already killed crazy, searching everywhere for intelligence information!

Finally, on this day, Ron was in the Dragon Empire, leisurely lying on a bamboo and rattan chair, drinking frozen orange juice.

In the shadow next to him, the figure of the black shadow killer appeared, and his scarlet eyes were full of killing intent.

Ron glanced at the Shadow Killer at the corner of his eye, and quietly communicated with the Shadow Killer.

After a while, the information of the Black Shadow Killer had been reported.

This is the intelligence collected by the Cat and Cat Legion and the Black Shadow Corps.

This information has been conveyed to Ron at this moment.

Very good, intelligence has been collected.

Next, it's time to cut off Huulu, Urutia, Kagura... Wait for someone.

Moreover, according to the description of intelligence.

This time, he can not only cut off his beard.

You can also rob and rob the dove who assassinated the guild "Skeleton Society Three Crows", and the Cool Moon Sky Serra of the Gate of Hades.

Since you can't cut your beard, let's rob, which is also a good choice.

The talent and strength of Madara and Liangyue Tiansera are extremely strong existences, and they can be robbed of the witch's crime and become a force behind his back.

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