According to the intelligence collection of the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion, after the efforts of these days.

From the information obtained, Ron could tell.

Serra sent out the Blue Scorpion Legion, which was annihilated by him.

Throughout the incident, Serra, who has always been behind the scenes, finally made a move.

This also surprised Ron, knowing that Serra is one of the members of the Nine Ghost Gates in the Tartaros, the title is "Cool Moon Heaven", powerful strength, visible to the naked eye.

And this time, Serra is also ruthless, and is about to take down the Dragon Empire.

To be honest, Ron is also confused about Serra's true motives, is there such a big hatred? As for this?

In any case, for Serra's shot, he also had to mention the spirit of twelve.

According to the description of the intelligence, Ron has learned that Serra first attacked and took down the ghost dominator who lost Joseph, let the ghost dominator fall into darkness, and then manipulated the ghost dominator to swallow up the headquarters of the Dark Arts Order.

In other words, the real ruler of the ghost dominator who has fallen into darkness is actually Serra, and has also annexed the power of the Dark Arts Order.

Serra integrates the Ghost Dominator and the Order of the Dark Arts into a new dark force, much more powerful than the Ghost Dominator of Joseph's time.

There are also mentions of Kuno, Yukino, Kagura... After being captured by the Dark Arts Order, these people have now fallen into the hands of Serra.

So he wanted to save Kagura, the homeless girls.

You have to beat Serra first.

You have to declare war on the ghost dominator!

To save a homeless teenage girl... Ahhh!

It should be said that it is, for the glory of the Dragon Empire!

In Ron's heart, a decision had already been made.

Between thoughts, Ron continued to sort out the information in his mind.

Thinking about the best plan, take down the Ghost Dominator, and then take Serra, and save the homeless girls.

I have to say that the intelligence capabilities of the Four Maple Courtyard Night One Cat Cat Legion and the Black Shadow Corps are indeed full!

Most of the intelligence was collected for him, which saved him a lot of time.

Moreover, this intelligence is of great value, and the impact on the war situation is also huge.

Ron's eyes flickered, and according to the intelligence, he could also learn that Serra had also laid down a heavy capital in order to take him down at one time and take down the Dragon Empire!

Unexpectedly! Spend a lot of money to hire the legendary assassination guild Skeleton Society assassination group Sanyu Wu to assassinate him!

You know, the powerful strength of Sanyu Wu is also undoubted, the legendary unit that assassinated all the generals in the West in the Kabria War belongs to the assassination force of the golden legend level!

In particular, the captain of the Miwa U 510, Madara Dove, a cherry blossom-haired royal sister, dressed in a white kimono, and armed with a red long knife.

Strong strength, in the original work, in the Tower of Paradise, you can also live two moves with Elusa, and once suppressed Elusa.

In any case, this sexy royal sister with long cherry colored hair is worth robbing and collecting it as a witch's crime and making it his pawn.

What's more, at this stage, the turtledove is only seventeen years old, and with the bond of the guild, his strength and talent will be greatly improved, and the future can be expected.

Although the current dove is still an enemy, Ron has begun to regain the turtledove, which is called precautions.

What makes people sigh is that for this battle, Serra is also fighting, has been in a crazy arms race, planning to attack the Dragon Empire and pinch him.

At present, the assembly has been reorganized, the headquarters of the Black Magic Order, the remnants of the Ghost Dominator, and the Skeleton Society assassination group Sanyu, this is Serra's current hole card.

Of course, this is just information that Ron knows.

Perhaps Serra still has a secret hole card that he has not dug out.

This also requires the continued efforts of the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion to continue to dig up the intelligence that found Serra.

There is no doubt that this battle, ostensibly a battle between the Ghost Dominator who fell into darkness VS the Dragon Empire, is actually a battle between Serra VS Ron.

Serra and Ron face off against each other, both of them control their respective forces, frantically engage in an arms race, and fight for the final battle.

Then, according to the foreknowledge of the divine power of the void realm, Ron can also know that once the ghost dominator who has fallen into darkness is annihilated.

The ranking of the Dragon Empire will break through the top 30 and become the A Magi Guild.

As long as he grasps this opportunity, he will take down the ghost dominator who has fallen into darkness in one fell swoop, as well as Serra, to complete this crusade mission.

The Dragon Empire will definitely be able to become the top thirty A Magi Guild.

Once you become an A-Magic Guide, you can naturally accept S-level entrusted tasks.

You can get information about the crusade against Deliola, as well as the mission, which in turn involves Uru and Urutia.

An extremely dangerous demon like Dailiorah belongs to the immortal doom demon, and it is extremely dangerous to fight this kind of demon, and it must be a guild of Magi above A.

The crusade against Déliorah is also an S-class commissioned task, and without the approval of the Magic Council, rushing to carry out such a dangerous mission will also be targeted by the Magic Council.

So, Ron decided anyway to follow the rules.

First take the Ghost Dominator and raise the ranking of the Dragon Empire to the top thirty, making it an A-class Magi Guild.

Go on a crusade against Deliola again, cut off Huulu, Urrutia... Wait a minute.

Good, the idea has been sorted out.

With the intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion, Ron's mind suddenly cleared.

For the next plan, there is also a clear goal.

There is also that Serra on the opposite side has been in a crazy arms race, crazy to improve his strength, intending to secretly take down the Dragon Empire and take him down.

It is a pity that he has the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion, and he already knows Serra's hole cards, knows Serra's plan, and knows everything about Serra.

For this reason, of course, he also has to respond, with sufficient preparations, to meet the arrival of Serra, and prepare a big "surprise" for Serra.

After all, in Serra's eyes, he still knew nothing.

As everyone knows, in terms of intelligence warfare, Ron has already killed Serra!

In the following time.

Over a period of one month.

Ron had to launch a crazy special training on Jubia, Elusa, Miraj and others.

Improve their strength and tap their potential, so as to increase the combat power of the Dragon Empire and maximize the strength of the Dragon Empire.

Before the decisive battle, let Elusha, Miraj, Jubia and others reach the peak of strength and become the real Queen of Dragons Elusa, the demon Miraj, and Jubia, the rain girl.

This is Ron's plan, let Elusha and the others grow, and then fight for him!

Instead of him, he had to do everything himself with all the time and finally become a nanny.

This battle!

The pinnacle showdown of the Guild War!

Dragon Empire VS Ghost Dominator who fell into darkness.

After this battle, the reputation of the Dragon Empire will truly rise on the continent of Isugar and become a famous, top-level, and powerful guild of magicians.

This is also Ron's ambition to make the Dragon Empire truly rise.

Don't miss the past. Seize every moment.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop.

Rise and fall.

Success and failure.

Darkness and light.

In a thought.

It's a world of difference.


Take a breath, a thought.

Ron integrated the intelligence of the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Cat Legion and made the final decision.

Immediately, continuing to half-lie on the bamboo and rattan chair, Ron leisurely drank frozen orange juice, picked up a copy of the Fiore Kingdom Honest Newspaper, and read it carefully.

See what's the big news happening lately.

No surprises.

Front pages, headlines, banners in newspapers... All of them are reporting the same thing.

That is the big event of the dragons returning to Ishgar, a huge event!

Ron, as the mastermind behind the scenes, browsed his glorious deeds in the newspaper, which was also a special taste.

The report said: The Ishgar continent has been calm these days.

It can be seen from this that God blesses the continent of Isugal.

God was also on the continent of Ishgar, so that the continent of Ishgar escaped this calamity.

The return of the dragon herd is just an accident, you don't have to worry, don't panic, just continue to live normally.

This is a lie concocted by the Magic Council in order to appease the panic of the masses.

As for the purpose of the dragon group, no one knows, no one is clear.

From beginning to end, the dragons have always been shrouded in a mysterious, powerful, terrifying, and kingly haze, which makes the entire Ishgar Continent tremble to this day.

It's just that life has to go on, anyway, according to observations, the dragon group has indeed not reappeared in the Ishgar continent in the past few days, and time will slowly forget everything.

To sum up, that night was called: the legendary night of the return of the dragons to the continent of Ishgar.

It was after that night that the continent of Isugar returned to calm again.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, the Magic Council can only comfort everyone that the dragons will not reappear, and everyone will continue to live well.

This is probably what happened, Ron, who was the black hand behind the scenes, squinted his eyes slightly, his expression was leisurely, and muttered: "God is not in Ishgar, there is no so-called God in Ishgar at all." "

"All this, it's just that I still need time, and I still need time to develop."

"Next time, when the dragons return."

"The entire Fiore Kingdom can be taken by me."

Ron had never believed in the so-called theism. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is better to put your hopes in the ethereal god than to put your hands together, become your own god, and then work hard.

Between thoughts, Ron held the newspaper in both hands and continued to read.

At the end of the newspaper, I saw the wonderful comments of the five-star wizard MacArthur.

"The dragon group that has disappeared for hundreds of years has descended on the continent of Isugar again, destroying everything!"

"Fortunately, God also blessed me on the continent of Ishgar, and in the following time, the dragons disappeared again, just like the sins of witches."

"I think there must be gods in this world, and under the protection of the gods, the sins of dragons and witches will disappear and disappear."

Finally, the ubiquitous five-star wizard MacArthur also made the final comment on the Dragon Empire.

"To be honest, the recent development of the Dragon Empire has been too stable."

"After becoming famous, after the incident of the Lightning Guild, the Dragon Empire under the leadership of Ron, actually stopped and the ranking has always been one hundred and fifteen, to be honest, it is a little mediocre..."

Ron didn't take MacArthur's comments to the five-star wizard to heart, as he read the newspaper.

Miraj, Elusha and the others walked into the guild while making trouble.

At the same time, Jubia, Rebby, Kana, Lisanna and others also came to the guild one after another.

For a while, the guild gradually became lively.

While eating dessert, Elusha and Miraj scare each other, eat dessert, and scare each other.

"Dry bad girl, what do you want to do!"

Miraji rubbed his fists, his small face was fierce, and his eyes glared at Elusha: "Dead fat pig, what do you say!" "

"I eat dessert every day, no wonder it's so fat!"

"Let's fight!"

"It is not only divided into superiors, but also life and death!"

Elusha's eyes flashed coldly, and the corners of her mouth picked: "Come on!" Who is afraid of whom! "

Seeing that it is about to fight, Ron's divine skill: brain melon collapse!



Give Elusha and Miraj one each, and easily win the double kill.

The two immediately hugged their heads, curled up, gasped for air, and looked at Ron with a fierce gaze.

Ron shrugged and said, "Okay, be quiet. "

"I have something to say."

On the side, seeing the deflated Elusha and Miraj, Lisana, Jubia, and Rebbie hid their snickers.

Kana drank the juice with a big grin, took a sip of the juice, and burped, as if drinking spirits, and said with a smile: "President... What's wrong? "

"Are there any new delegated tasks?"

Ron converged his previous expression, his expression was instantly solemn, and his eyes flashed slightly: "According to intelligence, I have learned that the Ghost Dominator fell into the darkness and also swallowed up the headquarters of the Dark Magic Order. "

"To sum up, Kagura is currently in the hands of the Ghost Dominator."

"In order to save Kagura, the Dragon Empire will launch an arms race with a one-month time limit, and then frantically improve its strength."

"Finally, after a month, fight the ghost ruler who has fallen into darkness, save Kagura, and make the reputation of the Dragon Empire resound throughout the Kingdom of Fiore and through Ishgar."

No doubt.

A good show is coming soon!

The big war is about to begin!

The previous attack of the witch's sin and the return of the dragons to the continent of Ishgar, although they were all Ron's handiwork.

However, whether it is the crime of the witch or the return of the dragons, these are Ron's behind-the-scenes operations.

This time, it will be completely different, the attack of the Dragon Empire, the more powerful ghost dominator, the ghost dominator of Serra.

It belonged to Ron's open forces, the first official attack.

Achieve fame in one fell swoop!


The entire Dragon Empire was silent.

Elusa, Miraj and the others were slightly startled.

Naturally, they had heard rumors about the ghost dominators.

Since the fall of Saint Joseph the Tens, the Ghost Dominator has been devoured by even greater power.

Fall completely into the darkness, fall into the abyss, and become a dark guild.

After falling into darkness, the strength of the ghost dominator is also stronger.

With such a terrifying dark guild, did the guild leader directly declare war?

And, it's just a month away!

Suddenly, Elusa's pretty face turned crimson, her ten fingers pinched the corners of her clothes, tears were rolling in her beautiful eyes, and a trace of warmth welled up in her heart.

Ron's words came to mind again: I don't have dreams, but I can protect your dreams.

Was everything Ron did for her?

For her, even directly declare war on the Ghost Dominator!

After some self-attack, Elusha was greatly moved.

Although, the declaration of war on the ghost dominator is also mixed with Ron's personal feelings, such as: Kagura, the Yukino sisters, Urrutia... And so on, including Serra and Madara Dove, their strength and talent are indeed very strong and worth recovering.

After Ron declares war on the Ghost Dominator.

The entire Dragon Empire was silent for a moment.

In the end, Elfman raised his fists and shouted with joy: "As a man, I have completely burned!" "

"President, let's take down the Ghost Dominator together!"

Miraj crossed his waist with one hand, ruffled the hair next to his ear, heroic and sassy, and smiled slightly: "That's right!" "

"Since the Ghost Dominator has fallen into darkness and swallowed the Dark Magic Order, Kagura is also in their hands."

"There's nothing to say, we're the Dragon Empire! Just do it."

"That's right~ Jubia will also come on!"


For a time, the entire Dragon Empire was full of fighting intent!

This scene was seen by Makarov and Kildas, who came to visit the door.

The two of them, after learning that the Ghost Dominator had fallen into darkness, had just thought of coming over and asking Ron to be careful about the Ghost Dominator's revenge.

After all, Ron cut off Jubia, the rain girl, and had a feud with the ghost dominator.

As a result, a second ago, the two had just entered the gate of the Dragon Empire.

In the next second, the two heard everyone's passionate declaration of war!

The Dragon Empire, under the leadership of Ron, actually directly declared war and fell into darkness, an even more powerful ghost dominator!

You know, the Dragon Empire's ranking at this time is only 150, and it is only a C-level guild.

And after the Ghost Dominator fell into the darkness and swallowed the Dark Magic Order, his strength rose to a higher level.

In this case, Ron also dared to fight the Ghost Dominator?!。

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