It was Junai Himejima!!

Characters from the Demon High School!

Fallen angels, humans, and demons in one Himejima Juna!

As the witch of thunder, Himejima Juna's strong strength is undoubted, and Ron is very satisfied with this.

After all, who can refuse a super shaky royal sister, and the strength is still very strong.

For the new guild member, Junai Himejima, Ron did not choose to summon it immediately.

After all, now he still has Miraje, Lisana, Elfman and others in front of him, and when there is no one else, he will summon Himejima Juno to this world.

At the same time, for this Black Dragon Heaven Template, Ron also has a deeper understanding, it is indeed an enhanced version of the Black Dragon Heaven Template, this Asura Realm divine power, after upgrading the level, all directly summon guild members from the Ten Thousand Realms!

For a time, Ron was also more and more looking forward to this ability, as long as he continued to fuse the Black Dragon Heavenly Template and improve the divine power of the Asura Realm, what kind of guild members would he summon next?

Maybe it's {Iruma characters} Azazle Emery, Eri Uesugi, Demon Girl, Tennu Beast... Wait, it's really exciting.

To sum up, this wave of battles, the rewards are still extremely rich, first the colorless realm divine power lv1, the colorless wall lv1, upgraded to lv2, and the Asura realm divine power also increased to lv3

There is also one more guild member, Jijima Juna.

For the Black Dragon Sky Template, Ron is also more and more familiar.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Coming back to his senses, the village chief and the villagers had dispersed, and Ron, Miraj and the others returned home.

Because, after this series of events, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna have decided to follow Ron.

So, after going home and packing his bags, he followed Ron and set off.

Although the whole house was empty, there was nothing to clean up, and Miraj simply packed some clothes and could follow Ron on the road.

After packing, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna each put on a small backpack and planned to follow Ron out of the village where they grew up.

Because of what the villagers have done, they do not have much nostalgia for the village.

What they miss is this former home, the memories of them and their parents, the warmth that has been dusted.

As the sun set, the red red sun of the residual sun fell on Ron, Miraj and the others, and the elongated figures reflected on the ground, standing in front of their homes.

Miraj took one last look back at the former home, where they grew up, and said, "Goodbye." "

Say goodbye to the past.

Meet the future.

Welcome to new students.

Goodbye Mom and Dad.

I will continue to take good care of my younger siblings.

At this time, Elfman suddenly pointed to the dome stained red by the residual sun and said excitedly: "Sister Mira, look!"

Lisanna also widened her beautiful eyes, and said in a loud voice: "Sister Mila, look at the sky!"

Miraj raised her eyes to gaze at the sky, and she saw two humanoids condensed by the clouds, and these two humanoid clouds snuggled together, gazing affectionately at Miraj and the others in the sky, showing a gratifying smile.

For these two humanoid clouds, Miraj, Elfman, and Lisanna are certainly familiar.

The sunset is gentle, warm, and the cool evening breeze blows by, the ends of my hair sway across my delicate cheeks, and my thoughts of memories go back to the early summer of that year, when Mom and Dad were still there, fishing in the river, catching cicadas in the trees... A warm picture rippled in his mind, and Miraj also smiled and said, "Well, goodbye parents." "


The other side.

In the lair of a dark guild, it is dark, eerie, and terrifying, dimly lit, and exudes a terrifying aura everywhere.

On the throne of the hall, a female demon like a royal sister sits on a red luxurious throne, with her back against the back of a chair, her right elbow supporting the armrest, her right palm supporting her delicate jaw, and holding a book in her left hand, reading carefully, whispering softly in her mouth.

"The story of humanity is really boring, saving disasters, self-denial, heroism... What a boring and hypocritical story. "

"It's hypocritical that the human race who created this kind of story should be extinct. "

This young female demon is one of the members of the Nine Ghost Gates of the Dark Guild Hades, Liangyuetian Serra.

A long silky and bright purple hair, draped on a graceful figure, the whole person exudes a knowledgeable royal sister atmosphere, black silk wrapped a pair of round long legs, making people see that there is a feeling of wanting to conquer.

While reading the book, Serra muttered to herself: "It's still the demon story I made up, the story I created has no mercy, this is the real story." "

In order not to let the human story be too arrogant, she decided to prove to the world that the story of the devil is the most dick, and she will continue to create more demon stories and then spread them.

While Serra was quietly reading a book, a click sounded, the door of the hall was suddenly opened, and a demon looked like a demon hurried in.

"Lord Serra... The task failed. "

"The demon we transformed was defeated by a girl from a remote village, as were the dark wizards sent in the past. "

Hearing this, Serra, who was reading the book, narrowed her eyes slightly, stared at the little brother demon in front of her, and said coldly: "What happened?"

The little brother demon told him truthfully and told Serra everything he knew.

"Huh?" Serra, who learned the truth, his expression changed subtly, his slightly narrowed eyes also opened, and he muttered: "The other party also has a partner, an eight-year-old boy, and the ability to use is not magic or spells, but a strange and powerful ability?"

The little brother demon responded truthfully: "Yes. "

"According to the intelligence, it can be learned that the other party instantly killed thirty black magic guides. "

"Interesting. Serra closed the book, her beautiful eyes showing interest, and murmured, "Perhaps, he will be an interesting material, suitable for becoming the new protagonist in my book, transforming him into a demon, and then writing a demon story, which should be interesting." "

"Now, our goal has changed, it's that teenager. "

The little brother demon said reverently, "Lord Serra, we understand. "

Obviously, for Ron, Serra is very interested, so he acts very decisively, the other party is just an eight-year-old boy, there is nothing to fear.

It's wonderful to transform the other party into a demon and then write a demon story.

As everyone knows, ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel.

Serra, who is immersed in the wonderful world, does not know that the gears of fate have begun to turn, hesitation will lead to defeat, decisiveness will give in vain, decisive Serra embarks on a road called white giving.

[PS: In addition to the guild members summoned from the Ten Thousand Worlds, some powerful demons and star spirit wizards in the original work... Wait, you can also cut off the beard, or dig the foot of the wall, this is not a takeover, just digging the foot of the wall guild, Serra has never been in love. 】

[Illustration of Jijima Juna, asking for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for monthly tickets, asking for data, thank you brothers for your support!]

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