The situation in front of them made both Makarov and Kildas stunned.

After a moment of silence, Makarov came to Ron's body and said in surprise: "Ron, is what you said true?" "

"According to information from the Magic Council, the Ghost Dominator has fallen into darkness and become a dark guild."

"And, it also annexed the Dark Magic Order."

"More importantly, after the fall of Saint Ten Joseph, the person who took over the ghost dominator was none other than the Cool Moon Celestial-La of the Gate of Hades."

"It can be said that the current ghost dominator is even more powerful than the ghost dominator of Joseph's time."

The ghost ruler of Joseph's period, although also very strong, did not even collect the four elements after all, and was cut off by Ron from the water element Jubia.

And now?

Under Serra's control, the Ghost Dominator directly swallowed up the Dark Arts Order and integrated into Serra's power.

It can be said that the ghost dominator at this stage is quite strong, and his strength has reached its peak!

Either way, Ron had no way back.

Feeling Makarov's concern, Ron shrugged and smiled: "Old man, don't worry about me." "

"I'm very strong, and the Dragon Empire is also very strong, trust me."

"What's more, if the guild wants to improve, it must constantly climb forward and climb up, and only by becoming an A-level Wizard Guild can it accept the S-level mission commission."

"Moreover, the strong people of the guild also need the experience of S-level task entrustment to become stronger, which is a very simple truth."

"Since the incident of the Lightning Guild, the ranking of the Dragon Empire has been stagnant."

"So, I needed an opportunity."

"The ghost dominator in front of you is a good opportunity."

"Let the opportunity of the rise of the Dragon Empire and make the name of the Isugar continent here."

This is also Ron's plan, multi-line operation to develop forces, the return of the dragon pack, the crime of the witch, the cat legion, the dragon empire... Wait, whether it is the forces on the surface or the forces behind the scenes, they are his trump cards, and he will cultivate them well.

Ahead, the Sins of the Witches, the Cat Legion, the Return of the Dragons... Wait, it has already been performed, and the grand performance that belongs to them has ended.

Next, there is no time to nostalgia for the past, and the time that belongs to the Dragon Empire should also come!

Only war can make rapid progress in people, which is a simple and crude truth.

Only by bathing in blood can you regain new life and gain greater strength.

The law of the jungle has always been the law of the jungle, and it is also the law of the world of magicians.

Elusha, Miraj, Jubia, Kana... What is lacking is the experience of war and the bathing baptism of blood.

Therefore, when the opportunity comes, facing the Dark Ghost Dominator is the best opportunity.

Immediately, under Ron's words, Elfman, Miraj and others looked excited!

As magicians, as a member of the Dragon Empire, in their hearts, the Dragon Empire is faith, and Ron is faith!

Let their faith, let the glory of the Dragon Empire, and make the Ishgar Continent famous, just thinking about it, will make people's blood boil!

Makarov and Kildas were also slightly startled, and immediately showed a sudden smile.

Kildas scratched his head and patted Ron's back: "You boy, it's very deep!" "

"Look at your usual, it seems that you don't care about anything."

"Unexpectedly, you still care about the glory of the guild."

Makarov clasped his arms in front of him, his expression solemn, and nodded approvingly: "That's right... Although the ghost dominator who fell into the darkness is indeed strong. "

"But the Dragon Empire really needs this battle to improve the guild ranking and obtain the qualification for S-level mission commissions."

"It can be said that this battle is also very important for the Dragon Empire."

As he spoke, Makarov rubbed his chin with his right hand, squinted his eyes slightly, looked thoughtful, and muttered: "Ron, the Dark Ghost Dominator is indeed too powerful now. "

"Otherwise, let's fight together."

"Fairy Tail unites with the Dragon Empire, with the help of Kildas and Laxus, and I, plus our power, will definitely be able to take down the Dark Ghost Dominator."

Kildas's eyes flashed and he echoed, "The guild president is right. "

"With the Dragon Empire alone, it is still too difficult to fight the Dark Ghost Dominator."

"After all, the current Dark Ghost Dominator, although there is no Saint Ten Joseph, but there is more Cool Moon Heavenly Serra, as well as the power of the Gate of Hades and the Dark Magic Order."

"So, Ron, let's join forces!"

For Ron, Kildas and Makarov are still quite optimistic, so there is a kind of behavior of protecting the calf.

After all, the Dark Ghost Dominator is too powerful.

At this stage, the Dragon Empire is still slightly green.

It was difficult to seize this opportunity, which is why they wanted to help Ron.

For the kindness of Makarov and Kildas, Ron shrugged, his azure eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Although it's good, I refuse." "

"If Fairy Tail also goes to war."

"The nature of things will change completely."

"In the end, even if you successfully take the Dark Ghost Dominator, the Dragon Empire will not be able to be promoted to the A-level Magic Guide Guild."

"Elusha, Miraj, Jubia and the others, with the protection of Fairy Tail, cannot get sufficient cultivation."

"Therefore, this battle can only be fought by the Dragon Empire alone."

See Ron's determined gaze, as well as the confident tone.

Makarov and Kildas were also amazed, and I have to say that Ron is really imposing and awe-inspiring now.

This is like a guild leader, a leader of a powerful Magi Guild!

Makarov looked at Ron with appreciative eyes: "You kid has a good momentum!" Keep it up! "

"If you need help, just say!"

"You know, Fairy Tail and the Dragon Empire will always be one!"

Kildas grinned loudly, "Ron is good. I'm very optimistic about you. "

"Since you have decided, we can only support you."

Ron smiled, "Thank you." "

Taking down the Dark Ghost Dominator, in addition to saving Kagura, Kuno, Yukino... In addition to others, you can also improve the ranking of the Dragon Empire.

This is very important, allowing the Dragon Empire to cross the class and directly become the A Magi Guild, so as to accept the S-class mission commission, raid Diliora, and then cut off Huuru and Urrutia, time does not wait!

For Ron's decision, Elfman, Miraj, Kana and others were excited!

Elfman waved his fists: "The man supports the president's decision!" "

Miraj crossed his waist with his right hand, his left hand naturally hanged down, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "That's right!" "

"This time, we must let the reputation of the Dragon Empire surpass the crime of the witch!"

"This time, no one can steal the limelight from the Dragon Empire, are you right? President! "

For the crime of the witch, Miraj has an unusual obsession.

The corners of Ron's mouth twitched, and he resumed his smile: "Yes, beyond the sin of witches." "

At this time, Elusha pursed her lips and said, "Ron, thank you." "

"I thank you for Kagura too."

Tapping Elusa's shoulder, Ron soothed, "Thank you, I'll talk later." "

"What you need to do now is special training, crazy improve your strength, and then take down the Dark Ghost Dominator."

Elusa's eyes were firm, and she bowed her head: "President, I understand!" "


After a few simple small talks.

Makarov and Kildas left the Dragon Empire one after another.

There is no time to continue wasting, Elusha, Miraj, Jubia... and others, immediately start special training.

Crazy acceptance of mission commissions, are all combat type mission commissions.

Actual combat is the best way to cultivate, and it is also the fastest way to improve strength, and there is no one.

And that's it, over the next month.

Elusha, Miraj, Jubia and the others began to cultivate wildly.

Accept the task delegate!

Then fight cultivation.

Complete the task delegate!

Go and take on a new assignment!

Go to combat cultivation again.

Then, complete the task delegate again.

This cycle keeps repeating, fighting, completing tasks, improving strength, and making money.

During this period, Elusha and Miraj also fought against each other many times.

This is also a kind of cultivation, opponents with equal strength, through continuous fierce battles, can also promote the improvement of strength.

Jubia and Kana, Rebbie and Lisana, Elfman and sandbags, stakes, task commissions... Wait, through continuous fierce battle cultivation, the strength is also rising.

About half a month has passed, and Jubia has relied on the blessing of the guild bonds, plus his own talent, and his strength has reached the level of a magic guide.

The rest of the people are also above the B-rank magic guides.

In this way, in the Dragon Empire, there are already three A Magisters, Elusa, Miraje, and Jubia.

Although they are all A magic guides, the strength of Elusha and Miraj is still far above Jubia.

It is worth mentioning that relying on the blessing of the guild bonds, Kana inherits the talent of Kildas, and her own level is also quite good, and after this wave of cultivation, it is also close to the level of an A-level magic guide.

However, the most improved is Elusa. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because Elusa's magic is [dress-up magic], you need to prepare special armor that needs to be changed in advance in a specific space.

Before Elusha, she had never had special armor, and she could not fully exert the power of [Dress-up Magic].

Now, Elusa has already prepared special armor, stored it in a specific space in advance, and summoned it when using [Costume Magic].

The special armor is made by fashionbrand-HeartKreuz.

It is a fashion specialty store that is especially popular with young women, and originally did not offer manufactured armor.

However, under the "request" of Elusa and Ron, and the invitation of Nuclear Good, HeartKreuz can only accept it with tears.

Immediately, after possessing the special armor, Elusa's combat power also soared significantly.

Miraje, who was originally the same name as Elusha, is now faintly weaker than Elusha.

This is Elusa, the Queen of Dragons, absolutely gifted strength, incomparable!

During this month, Ron was not idle, spending a lot of money to build a new version of the guild building!

In the end, two extremely luxurious buildings were built.

On the roof of the building is planted the guild flag of the Dragon Empire, swaying in the wind and fluttering the colorful flag.

The surrounding body of the building is carved with many real dragon patterns, which are lifelike and majestic.

These two new buildings, the new version of the guild, were still purchased in full, spending a total of 25 million J, directly hollowing out Ron's family base.

Yes, not distressed at all.

One can only hope for the next big war.

It can replenish blood a little from the body of the dark ghost dominator.

As for why it is two buildings, because the new guild is a building that integrates accommodation, task commissioning, entertainment and leisure.

After all, there are differences between men and women, so it is better to build two guild buildings, one for male members and one for female members.

Since Ron likes to be lively, he temporarily and permanently lives in the women's building.

Cheap Elfman's smelly boy, who lives alone in a male building, shouts manhood every day, crazy cultivation, crazy fitness, and never tired of it.

Of course, this is only temporary.

In the next plan, when Ron intercepts Hu Wulu, he will naturally intercept Hugray and Leon by the way.

At that time, Elfman will be with him, and the huge building will be cheaper for these three smelly boys.

After Ron's busy schedule, after building two new guild buildings.

A month is also passing in a hurry, and three more days will be the day of the great battle against the Dark Ghost Dominator.

In this month's time, Elusha and Miraj have undergone a lot of special training, and they are also one step away from the S-class magic guide!

This kind of talent is enough to shock the Ishgar Continent.

During this period, in order to meet Kildas as soon as possible, Kana also riveted and practiced hard, and eventually became an A magic guide, the fourth A magic guide in the Dragon Empire.

What makes Ron happiest is that in Elusha, Miraj, Jubia, Kana... When he waited for others, crazy special training, crazy to complete the task commission, he also earned a full five million J!

This made Ron, who emptied his family, also feel a little relieved, and his wallet finally rose back a little.

No doubt.

After this period of special training.

The strength of the Dragon Empire has been improved in all aspects.

The strength of Elusha, Miraj and others has also reached its peak!

Ron planned to let Elusha, Miraj and the others directly conduct the assessment of S-level magic guides after cutting off Ulu!

If he has the opportunity, he also wants to form a joint S-level assessment with Fairy Tail, and take the opportunity to go to the holy land of Fairy Tail Sirius Island.

See if there is a chance to contact Mebis, the original leader of Fairy Tail, and find an opportunity to cut off the beard.

That's it.

After the special training.

The remaining three days are spent at leisure.

The tranquility before the storm.

After this period of crazy cultivation, Elusha, Miraj, Jubia... The body and spirit of others have also reached the critical point, and they are already exhausted, and they need to relax and restore their physical and mental state.

The combination of work and rest can maximize combat power, and Ron knows this well.

Therefore, the Dragon Empire, the second guild gathering also began as scheduled.

Location: West of Magnolia, in the forest of leisure.

This is the place for Magnolia residents to relax, have fun, go for wild camping, and team building activities.

Ron and others picked a vacant lot and chose a sparsely populated place for picnic camping.

As a rest on the eve of the Great War, everyone seemed very relaxed.

Ron was half-lying on a beach chair, wearing sunglasses and drinking frozen orange juice, looking relaxed.

Miraj and Lisanna showed their cooking skills, and Rebby chose to read quietly.

Elusha ate dessert while directing Miraj.

This made Miraj very unhappy, and he almost dried up again.

Elfman was shouting manhood while exercising, practicing desperately in the forest, and finally running away, it is estimated that he will come back before eating, it is estimated that ...

Quiet leisure time, birds singing, sunny and moderate, gentle breeze caressing and sultry dreams, the beauty is always short-lived.

While Ron and the others were enjoying a rare vacation time, the figures of four uninvited guests slowly walked out from the dense forest.

Their eyes were warlike and their expressions solemn, staring at Ron deadly!

The visitor is none other than Laxus, with his freshly baked trio of Thor, Freed, Aba Green, and Pigusro.

The person at the head was Laxus, with his hands in his pockets and a terrifying momentum, and he looked directly at Ron as soon as he came up: "Ron! "

"Accept my challenge!"

For Laxus's challenge again, Miraj was very excited, and while rubbing his fists, he said defiantly: "Yo, I haven't seen the yellow hair for a long time, are you coming to die again?" "

Just as Miraj was about to make a move, Elusha put down the dessert, stood up first, and blocked Ron's body, the queen-like momentum surged like a tsunami, and the corners of her mouth turned up: "Yellow hair is bad, although I don't know you, and your three partners." "

"But, I don't mind, you go together."

As soon as these words came out, Laxus and his Thor gods, the four of them were slightly startled.

Immediately looked furious, is this insulting them?

Let the four of them go to eight together?.

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