Meanwhile, on the other side, in the base camp of the Dark Ghost Dominator.

In the secluded and eerie hall, dim lights flicker, and a cool breeze blows by.

On a scarlet sofa, Serra's sultry posture sat on the sofa, her elbows supported on the armrest, her palms slightly against her chin, and her delicate and pretty face revealed the cold aura of a royal sister.

In front of Serra, three people stood.

They are none other than the assassination guild Skeleton Society assassination group Sanyu, and the trio of Turtledove, Scounda, and Vaderludas Eagle.

The successive failures made Serra unbearable.

Since he has already personally shot, he must completely take down Ron!

As a demon, Serra did not attack according to the rules, but planned to decisively sneak up on Ron this evening.

This is exactly what the Skeleton Society assassinates the group Sanyu Wu, and is about to take Ron in one fell swoop!

As everyone knows, hesitation will lead to defeat, decisiveness will be given in vain, and Serra has no turning back on the road of giving in vain.

Veda Ludas Eagle was dressed in a black robe, and his face was full of gloom: "Lord Serra, we are willing to serve you and take Ron tonight." "

Serra narrowed her eyes slightly, and tapped her fingers on the armrest: "I hope so." "

Vida Ludas Eagle smiled coldly: "This is inevitable, we Sanyu Wu have never failed to do things." "

"Especially the captain Madara Hato, since joining Sanyu, he has won all the battles, and the task has been completed perfectly, and he has never missed."

"My hell rock will also bury the Dragon Empire to hell."

Whip, shaped like an owl, owl's head, humanoid body, strange cry: "Oh woo ~ That's right, justice will win!" "

"We who stand righteous under the light will definitely take Ron!"


Obviously, whether it is the Veda Ludas Eagle or the Scound, they are full of confidence in their own strength.

After all, they are the invincible assassination guild Sanyu Wu!

On the side, Madara Dove holding a red long knife in his plump arms, cherry colored long hair, wearing a white kimono, slightly squinted eyes, slowly opened, and the corners of his enchanting mouth pouted with a light smile: "Ah La ~ Lord Serra, please rest assured." "

"Since the money has been collected in the next place, things will inevitably be done."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes to look out the window, and the cold moonlight spilled in, and the swaying shadow of the moonlight reflected on everyone's body, and the turtledove continued: "Night, it has come. "

"It's time for us to act."

"Lord Serra, please wait for our good news."

The scourge clasped his arms in front of him and shouted strangely: "Oh oh ~ That's right, justice sneaks attack." "

"Let's beat Ron in justice!"

"Justice will win!"

Justice is a hammer, they are a dark guild, or an assassination group, and now they have to sneak attack, and they want to beat each other in groups, does this have anything to do with justice? ... Vaderludas Eagle silently spat on the cane in his heart.

However, Vadarudas Eagle still had a smile on his face on his face and echoed: "That's right! "

"Justice makes my rock frenzy more ferocious, sending them all to hell, I'm already hilarious enough!"


Madara took the lead, holding a red long knife in his arms, suddenly disappeared from everyone's field of vision, and went straight to the Dragon Empire, target: Ron.

Immediately afterwards, the whip uses jet magic, and the wings on his back are also bound to two rockets, the rocket is jetted power, and the wings soar to attack: "Oooo "

Watching the scoundrel and the dove leave one after another, Vadarudas Eagle bowed slightly towards Serra: "Lord Serra, please wait for a moment." "

"After this evening, I will send you back good news."

Immediately, Veda Ludas Eagle also left and disappeared into Serra's field of vision.

Before leaving, Vaderluda Eagle's greedy gaze glanced at Serra.

Just a peek, my heart is slandered: What a demon sow, I must let you see my rock hell when I have the opportunity.

Make you my slave and my sow!

That's it.

Calvary will assassinate the group Sanyu, and they have all attacked, targeting the Dragon Empire: Ron.

Seeing this, Serra raised her eyes slightly, her cold gaze, watching all this, her expression as if she was in control.

Sanyu Wuke is a full-time killer, and what he is good at is sneak assassination.

This time, it was bound to take Ron, Serra thought.

After all, she spent a lot of money to invite Sanyu Wu from the Skeleton Society.

More importantly, these three people still sat on the ground, and as soon as they heard that the opponent was the Dragon Empire, they kept asking for more money, as if they were adding money.

No way, Serra could only agree.

So, she reached a short-lived partnership with Sanyu Wu.

To be honest, even if she didn't agree to increase the money, Sanyu Wu would take on this task.

After all, the hearts of the doves, the flageves, and the Vaderludas eagles are all dark and there is no trace of light.

It is what they are looking for, destruction and destruction.

The reason why they asked for extra money is because they also need money, and money can buy equipment to make them stronger.


After nightfall.

The wind is surging, and the dark tide is surging everywhere.

Under the control of Serra, the battle between the Dragon Empire and the Dark Ghost Dominator has quietly begun.

The first force of the Dark Ghost Dominator, the assassination force Sanyu Wu, has already slaughtered.

This is just an appetizer, and if Sanba Wu does not take Ron, Serra also has a follow-up hole card.

In short, before dawn tomorrow, before the sun descends on the earth, she is bound to take Ron and take the Dragon Empire.

As a demon, Serra also has the desire to be a demon.

Her desire for Ron was already full.

From the beginning, he wanted to transform Ron into a demon.

For now, she just wants to take over Ron completely and make him her exclusive demon.

This is the devil's desire, endless greed, boundless frenzy of desire.

As everyone knows, Serra, who thinks he has the chance to win, thinks that he is the perfect assassination plan.

Under Ron's powerful intelligence ability, under the detection of the Black Shadow Corps and the Cat Legion, and the foreknowledge of the divine power of the Air Perception Realm, Ron already knew everything.

Including Serra's sneak attack plan, offensive evolution, and Serra's intentions, everything about Serra, Ron already knows.

Even, what color of fat and big European clothes does Serra wear... Ron knows everything too.

Thanks to Ron's damn ability to foresee, it seemed a little unorthodox.

All in all, in Ron's eyes, Serra is little Sierra ridiculous, and it is true that it is given for nothing.


The other side.

The night is dark and the wind is high and white gives the night.

Serra's white giving action has already attacked!

Sanfe U, captain Madara bears the brunt!

In the central location of Magnolia Town, inside the base camp of the Dragon Empire.

The cold evening breeze blows in through the window, which is very comfortable.

Ron was half-lying on the head of the bed, leaning back with his hands back, his head slightly resting on his arms, looking out the window at the cold full moon.

A black cat was at the bedside, reporting information to Ron.

After the report was completed, the black cat licked the cat's paw, and the person said: "This is probably the case." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Please be careful tonight."

"Do you need us to make a move?"

Ron got up, a little white cat suddenly jumped into his arms, coquettish meow twice, brushed the soft hair of the little white cat, and smiled lightly: "I don't need you to make a move tonight." "

"You guys did a great performance last time."

"I also gathered enough intelligence for me."

"So, this battle, you don't have to shoot."

"Jean Elusha, Miraj, Jubia... They grow up a little bit. "

After speaking, the black cat Yeyi said with a humane head: "Master, I understand." "

"Contact me again if needed."

With that, the black cat night disappeared in an instant.

Disappearing from Ron's field of vision, the little white cat in his arms playfully licked Ron's palm, and then disappeared in an instant.

Ron was not too surprised by this, and he had long been used to it.

According to the intelligence of the Cat Cat Legion and the Black Shadow Legion, combined with his predictive ability, he could deduce.

Tonight, Serra will send the assassination guild Sanyu to attack him.

Of course, this is just a prelude.

Tonight's great battle, starting immediately, has begun silently.

First of all, he has to take three feathers before Serra can continue to play cards and continue to attack.

At this point in his thoughts, the corners of Ron's mouth turned up, it seemed that the battle had started in advance, the battle between the Dragon Empire and the Dark Ghost Dominator.

He took out the magic communication crystal from his arms, dialed the magic communication crystal of Elusa and Jubia, and summoned the two of them.

Due to the current Dragon Empire Guild, there are two buildings, one female and one male.

This is the acceptance of tasks, entertainment, leisure, accommodation... And so on, all as one building.

And Ron's accommodation room is also in the women's building, next to Elusa and Jubia's room.

So, after a while, Elusha and Jubia had already arrived in front of Ron.

Elusa is wearing a very cute little white dress pajamas, which are engraved with cute little rabbit patterns.

Elusa also wears a rabbit-ear-like decoration on her head, which looks very cute.

Jubia was wearing a blue floral pajamas, holding a white sunny day doll in her arms, and said expectantly: "'Lord Ron! "

"You called Jubia so late, is this going to bed?"

This is too punishing! ... The corner of Ron's mouth twitched, helplessly covering his face, unable to complain.

As a result, Elusha also made up for it, her pretty face turned crimson, and said seriously: "Ron, are you planning to let me compete with Jubia for sleeping ability?" "

"If I compete, I won't lose!"

Jubia pouted: "Jubia will not lose either!" "

This... Ron had a black line on his face.

Elusa's competitive spirit is truly powerful.

In strange aspects, it has also produced a sense of competitiveness, and a little unexpected contrast cute.

With a sigh of relief, Ron once again performed a magical skill: Brain melon (Zhao's) collapse!

The two brains collapsed, allowing Jubia and Elusa to sober up a little.

The two held their heads, wailing, and glared at Ron.

Immediately, Ron soothed Elusha and Jubia's little heads and said, "Okay, get down to business." "

"I need you tonight."

Suddenly, the eyes of Elusha and Jubia were shining, like bright stars, shining and shining, do you need them!

Coughing, coughing, clearing his throat, Ron continued, "That is to say, on this evening, the Dark Ghost Dominator will attack in advance. "

"Simply put, from now on, the battle has begun."

Ron then explained the information he had obtained.

And what he needs Elusha and Jubia to do.

Give Elusa and Jubia some tasks, unfold the layout, and face Serra!

After learning everything, Elusa's expression changed suddenly, and she directly activated the [Dress-up Magic], changed into the armor mode of battle form, the whole person was heroic, the contrast was gone, and she returned to the queen's aura again, and said seriously: "President, I understand." "

Jubia hugged the sunny day doll in his arms and said, "Lord Ron, Jubia will also fight desperately and fight for Lord Ron." "

After arranging everything, Ron is ready for Serra's first wave of attacks, the assassination sneak attack of Sanyu!

Just let him, give Serra another big "surprise"!

...... The dividing line....

Vader Ludas eagle illustration.

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