At a time when the turtledove doubts life.

Elusa's fierce battle with the scoundrel.

It's also in full swing!

Iron fist of justice in the face of the scoundrel.

Elusa's eyes shone, [Dressup Magic] activated, and the armor of King Kong has changed her clothes!

The most defensive existence in Elsa's armor, there is no one!

It is a white and dark blue armor with a white shield in both hands.

It features armor covering the entire body to defend against attacks from all sides.

Elusa, under the armor of King Kong, used the King Kong Barrier and combined two shields to create a huge, green, magic barrier that instantly blocked the attack of the cane!

This made the scourge stunned slightly, and roared angrily: "Oooh woo ~ the turtle in the darkness?" "

"It's useless to hide!"

"The righteous cane can break the turtle shell and then annihilate you!"

"All this is for justice!"

After saying that, the fare that finished his mouth continued to attack.

Move: Justice Oooooo

Such a close shelling, a magic bombardment that destroys heaven and earth!

The front slammed on the green magic barrier of the King Kong barrier, boom~ loud noise shook the world.

Stirring up endless gunsmoke, the surrounding air began to distort, raising layers of ripples and ripples, rippling!

After the smoke faded, Elusha, who was holding a double shield, was intact, and even the armor of King Kong was intact.

The cannon bombardment of the cane is like a gua sha, tickling Elusa's double shield.

This made the falcon's expression twist and rush, glaring at the owl's eyes, and roaring!

"How is it possible!"


"Righteous me, I must not lose to darkness!"

Elusa's expression was as cold as frost, and her momentum was terrifying: "Under the armor of King Kong, your attacks will be in vain." "

"No matter how many times you try, it's true."

"Because, the armor of King Kong is the armor I created to protect Ron, and in the name of love, I will never lose!"

The fang said viciously: "No! Dark you, you will never win justice! "

Immediately, the whip unleashed [Jet Magic]: the missile whizzed out.

Two missiles were placed on the back of the wings, directly ejected, and bombarded Elusa at close range again!

In order to achieve the maximum destructive power, the cane is also fighting!


The explosion that shook the building strikes again!

Countless gunsmoke rose up and shrouded the audience!

The brutal explosion wave also flipped the cane into the sky, flew out in embarrassment, and finally fell to the ground.

When the smoke cleared, Elusa remained motionless.

Under the armor of King Kong, under the King Kong barrier, her defense is already invincible!

The falcons tried their best to exhaust their magic power, but they still couldn't shake Elusa by half a point.

At this moment, the pupils of the cane were trembling.

The haze of fear enveloped his whole body, and his body subconsciously retreated, away from Elusa, and said in a trill: "Oooo How can it be! "

"Why... Justice cannot break your defenses. "

At this moment, the whip gasped slightly, and the powerful magic offensive consumed his physical strength, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Elusa's delicate and pretty face was covered with a terrifying haze, and her cold voice recounted: "Ron once said: The battle between magic guides is a competition of magical power. "

"My magic power is far above you, and you naturally can't break my defenses."

With the blessing of the guild's bonds, Elusha's strength at this time was already close to that of an S-class magic guide.

To deal with the falcon, it is naturally a dimensionality reduction strike!

After a pause, Elusa's murderous gaze looked at Xiang Fang, and the monstrous killing intent burst out, drowning Xiang Fang: "You destroyed the guild, unforgivable, damn it!" "

As the Wind Discipline Committee of the Dragon Empire, Elusa is unforgivable to those who destroy the Dragon Empire, and this is her home!!

In the battle just now, the strong attack of the falcon, although it did not hurt Elusa, but the aftermath of the explosion shattered a wall and blasted out a large hole.

Also, the ground is even more miserable, full of potholes, and there is no good place.

At this moment, the gloomy moonlight spilled in through the broken hole, reflecting on Elusha's body, and it seemed that Elusa was like a god of death, reaping life!

The ocean-like murderous aura had materialized, and the black-red mist-like killing intent spread to the body.

Seeing this, Qiu Gollum secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his soul was trembling, and his expression was horrified.

Without hesitation, in the face of life, he chose to follow his heart, that is, to admit it!

Immediately giving up resistance, he gave the standard French military salute, raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said, "Oh, righteous me, I will also succumb to darkness." "

"I surrender, please send me to the Magic Council."

"Righteous me, I don't mind being judged by the Dark Magic Council."

In the face of the current Elusha, Elusa, who has a murderous intent, he wants to go to the Magic Council.

Anyway, even if you go to the Magic Council.

After a while, he will also be able to come out.

After all, he was also used to it, and he had a wealth of experience in entering and leaving the Magic Council.

When the Scourge surrendered, Elusa continued [Costume Magic].

This time it was the armor of the heavenly wheel, Elusa, who had a grim expression, and said, "Ron said. "

"Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows and grows."

"For the bane, the enemy who has no use value must be erased."

Obviously, under Ron's edification, Elusa is now more decisive in killing.


Under the armor of the heavenly wheel.

Elusa wields powerful magical powers.

Dozens of sharp swords had already appeared behind her.

Form a terrifying sea of swords, and are about to annihilate the enemy in front of you - the falcon!

"You committed an unforgivable crime and destroyed the Dragon Empire Guild."

"So, go and die!"

His face collapsed: "Oooh woo - don't you come over!! "

Immediately, the frenzy of the sea of swords, like a tsunami, drowned Xiangqi~!


It was accompanied by a loud noise that shook the heavens and the earth.

Endless gunsmoke flooded the audience, and when the smoke faded, Sanyu Wu - Gang, completely dead!

Under the sea of swords, the cane has become meat mud, and then dissipated.

At the same time, under the sea of swords, the destruction of the guild was even more serious.

All the Scourge destroyed was a wall, but what about Elusa?

In one shot, all the walls on the east side of this floor were destroyed.

There was nothing in front of me, and the eastern walls were all gone, except for some steel bars that were exposed like weeds.

This scene made Elusha cover her face helplessly, and her expression was a little embarrassed and complicated.

Then, I glanced left and right and found that there was no one around.

After all, the entire building is occupied by a few girls.

Therefore, what she does, only she knows, and no one else knows.

At this point in her thoughts, Elusha took a deep breath and made a decision in her heart.

All this, blame the birdman!

Well, it has nothing to do with her.

She was just guarding the guild, a little too hard, a little, a little...

When Elusa took down the scoundrel.

When Jubia took the eagle of Veda Ludas.

The three feathers who came were terrifying, and at this time only the only hope in the entire village, Madara Dove.

Unfortunately, the person Madara met was Ron.

Facing Ron, the momentum of the turtledove had long been defeated.

Just because, before and after the dove, there is a "Ron"!

Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, Madara recovered slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth were raised: "This is illusion magic." "

"Your magic is very strong, and you actually deceived you."

Ron did not deny that this is indeed illusion, divine skill: mirror flower water moon 1v1.

When he launched this move, he only needed to move his mind under the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, and there were no other conditions attached.

So, the moment the dove came in!

Ron had already moved his mind and directly launched the divine technique: Mirror Flower Water Moon 1v1, allowing the turtledove to sink into the world of illusion!

Ron shrugged and quipped, "You're also strong enough to recognize that this is an illusion." "

"Unfortunately, that's not enough."

The dove closed his eyes, stepped out, brandished the long red knife in his hand, and slashed at Ron!

Sword Skills: Multiple Sword Flashes!

Quickly unleashing multiple slashes is a sword technique that transcends space.

The ultimate sword technique, cutting out one after another sword light and shadow in the air!

The divine sword technique made Ron also praise: "Very good, very good-looking sword light." "

End of sword skills: After multiple sword flashes, Madara opens his eyes again.

At this moment, her eyes were no longer calm, full of puzzlement, and muttered: "How is it possible!" "

"After closing your eyes, stop looking at your illusions."

"Under Xia, I have obviously got rid of your illusion, and my eyes are closed."

"Fight by the senses, by the senses, by hearing, by the sixth sense, by intuition, by smell, by experience... Go to battle, why is it like this in the end? "

Can't touch Ron at all!

It seems that Ron in front of him is just an illusory character, and there is no real world character.

Faced with the dove's doubts, Ron looked at the dove playfully, like playing with a kitten he met for the first time.

"My illusion is to control the enemy's five senses, so that a specific object mistakes the posture, shape, texture, touch, and taste of a certain object for an enemy."

That is, flies can be turned into dragons in the eyes of the captives of illusion, and swamps can be turned into flower fields in the eyes of captives of illusion.

Anyone who sees my illusion will always be my captive. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Simple and crude explanation.

Immediately, Ron slowly came to the turtledove.

The unhurried momentum directly crushed the turtledove.

Step by step, eating away at the turtledove's state of mind and making the turtledove completely become his slave, this is Ron's ultimate goal.

"So, you're my slave now."

The dove took several steps back, keeping a safe distance from Ron.

At this moment, she didn't dare to despise Ron anymore!

Serra's intelligence went wrong!

The blue-eyed boy in front of him, although he is only eight years old.

But the strength has already reached the Saint Ten level, and the terrifying talent and terrifying strength caught Madara off guard!

Holding the long red knife in his hand, Madara Dove's mind ran at high speed.

How to break Ron's illusion, only by cracking the illusion, she can win, this is the only chance!

As a result, Ron seemed to read minds, directly cracked the inner thoughts of the turtledove, and quipped: "You must be thinking, break my illusion, you have a chance to win." "

Madara Dove's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth rose: "Yes." "

"In general, illusion magicians have poor physical skills, and the rest of the magic is also poor."

"A magician who is proficient in illusion, cultivating a kind of illusion magic, is already the limit..."

As a result, Ron said directly: "Okay, I have lifted the illusion, you go on." "

Hearing this, the turtledove's pupils quake, completely stunned!

The sixth sense told her that Ron's words were true, and that Ron had indeed lifted the illusion.

So, why did Ron do this?

To toy with her?

When the strong are absolutely confident, they don't mind playing with the weak.

In the eyes of the strong, the resistance of the weak is sometimes a very cute behavior.

For example, when playing with a cat, the cat meows twice angrily, and humans will only find it cute.

However, when in direct contact with the big cat tiger, the tiger's meow twice will only make people feel the momentum of the king of the forest.

That's the difference.

This truth, Madara also understands, is she underestimated?

Since this is the case, she will use her kendo to smash the blue-eyed boy in front of her!

No hesitation.

Hesitate and lose!

So, the turtledove decisively gave a white blow!

Wielding a red long knife, her special move: Moon Stream Garulo Luo Yan, slashed out!

The target locked on Ron, and the moment of the slash released a large number of flames, which were extremely powerful.

This blow of flame slashed and caused the temperature of the room to suddenly rise by dozens of degrees, burning everything in the room to the ground!

Beds, desks, chairs... Everything was burned to ashes, even the walls.

In the face of the furious attack, Ron was still calm, and his pupils reflected the figure of the dove killing.

The roar of flames blew out, causing Ron's forehead hair to sway wildly.

In an instant, Ron quietly activated the Black Dragon God Ring S-Class, releasing the ontology double black dragon on his back!


The double black dragon spread madly from Ron's back.

The hideous dragon, baring its terrifying fangs, tore towards the dove, devouring everything in front of him.

The double black dragon with the power to devour heaven and earth, facing the flames of the turtledove to slash the moonless flow Garulo Luoyan.

In a flash, all the Carolon Yan was devoured!

And, castration is gone, tearing towards the turtledove.

The red long knife was instantly shattered under the bite of the double black dragon and under the cold flickering dragon teeth like tofu!

In front of the double black dragon, in front of the majestic divine power, the turtledove was instantly defeated, and there was no resistance!

In just a second, the battle is over.

Ron instantly disintegrated the turtledove's trick of no moon flow Galuroyan.

Even the long knife of the turtledove's weapon was shattered!

At this time, the turtle dove had been shot out, like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down for several meters.

Finally, it hit the wall, shattered a wall, and then fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

After finishing everything, Ron converged his divine power and converged the divine power released by the Black Dragon Divine Ring S-level.

The double black dragon also disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

Pinching a dove is like pinching a newborn kitten, with ease.

As for why it took so much effort, because Ron was training the turtledove, and if he wanted to completely recover it, he had to break the psychological defense of the turtledove step by step.

First the illusion attacked, and then after the illusion was removed, the double black dragon was also released.

Let the turtledove realize that his strength is invincible.

Completely break the heart of the turtledove and then regain it.

After this wave of operations, Ron's task has been completed.

Next, it depends on the wishes of the turtledove.

If he refused, he didn't mind letting the dove go to ashes.

At this moment, the turtledove that was killed instantly was already stunned.

The blue-eyed young man in front of him was actually a double black dragon Buddha!

Previously, in the legend of the return of the dragon group on the continent of Ishgar, the double black dragon that appeared, the double black dragon that instantly killed the demons of Saint Ten and the Book of Jelf, turned out to be the blue-eyed boy in front of him!

This explosive information made Madara Dove's heart feel as if it had been exploded by a nuclear bomb, and it was difficult to calm down!

Grunting, swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and said in a trill: "You turned out to be a dragon? "

Ron came to the turtledove and caressed the proud dove.

Suddenly, the immortal realm divine power 1v6 released golden holy light, and the divine power continuously entered the body of the turtledove, treating the injury of the turtledove, and earning some extra money by the way.

In an instant, the turtledove was healed.

Moreover, Ron also planted a seed of divine power in the body of the turtledove, which can make the turtledove more powerful.

At the same time, he also makes the turtledove his slave, and once he betrays him, he can let the turtledove die at any time.

After finishing everything, Ron showed a harmless smile and said in a showdown: "As you can see, I am a double black dragon. "

"I can break you or heal you."

"And then, what's next, what are your options?"

"Be my slave or be my revenant."

There is no waiting for the dove to respond.

After this period of cultivation, as well as healing the main character Madara Dove.

Ron's Black Dragon Sky Template Fusion Progress also successfully broke through to 1v11.

The generous reward is also as promised.

This time, the reward turned out to be the new artifact nine.

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