Suddenly, putting a distance between him and Himejima Juna, Ron coughed, cleared his throat, and said, "Just understand." "

In front of Ron, Himejima Junai, Gurefia and other bigwigs, Madara made a promise, as if he was a man.

The strong sense of oppression of the big guys made it difficult for the turtledove to breathe and gasp slightly.

Seeing this, Himejima Zhu Nai gently hugged Madara Dove's shoulder and teased: "Ah la ah la, I will train you well for the newcomer." "

The turtledove was slightly startled, and said with a bow: "Thank you, I will also cheer in the next place." "

Immediately, Jijima Zhu Nai's eyes flashed, and he quipped: "That's right." "

"There is a rule for the sin of our witches."

"When newcomers join the sin of the witch, they have to kiss the guild leader..."

As a result, the words are not finished.

Madara kissed it directly, making Himejima Juno also slightly startled.

She was just joking and teasing the newcomer, and the newcomer took it seriously???

After it was over, Ron looked confused, touched his lips, and then glanced at Himejima Juno and Madara Dove.

Good guy, he called good guy.

It doesn't matter, he doesn't lose anyway.

Madara looked at Himejima Juno with a serious look and asked, "Senior, is this okay 09?" "

Himejima Juno covered his mouth and chuckled: "Ah la ah la, it's still passing." "

"Newcomer, you're so interesting."

Seeing this, Gurefia looked solemn and said, "Okay, let's retreat first, don't disturb the master." "

Hearing this, Himejima Juno and Madara nodded in unison.

Subsequently, the three disappeared and left the room.

They also knew that the next battle was the Dark Ghost Dominator of the Dragon Empire.

In this battle, they were not participants, and they could only silently cheer for Lord Ron.

After waiting for Gurefia, Himejima Juna, and Madara Dove to leave, Ron helplessly raised his forehead, and the corners of his mouth tugged: "Himejima Juno is a witch as always." "

"It's good, I'm used to it."

Next time, is he going to be anti-customer?

Killing Jijima Ju Nai was caught off guard.

After all, it has always been passive and really boring.

While thinking, Ron shook his head slightly, now is not the time to think about this.

It's time to prepare for Serra's next offensive.

After all, Sanyu Wu has already lost.

The first wave of Serra's attack has been a complete failure.

Next, Serra has an even more ferocious offensive, like an offensive of terrifying waves, which is about to strike!

Face a more brutal offensive and face a more powerful and terrifying Dark Ghost Dominator.

Ron also knew that he had to go all out to take down the Dark Ghost Dominator and make a name for himself in the continent of Isugal.

In this battle, he can only win and not lose.

Only by victory can the Dragon Empire Magi Guild be promoted to the A Magi Guild.

Only then can you accept the S-class mission commission, you can face the demon Deliola, you can intercept Hu Ulu, you can intercept Hu Urutia... Wait a minute.

This series of causal effects, this series of butterfly effects, tells Ron that he must take down the Dark Ghost Dominator and take down Serra in order to move forward!

Taking down the three feathers and recovering the turtledove is just the beginning.

Between thoughts, Ron's eyes flickered.

He had planned everything, took out the magic communication crystal from his arms, and first dialed the magic communication crystal of Elusa and Jubia.

Through communication, Ron learns that Jubia has defeated the incoming enemy Veda Luda Eagle, and Elusha has successfully completed the mission and defeated the Raider Scoundrel.

Whether it is Elusa or Jubia, they win easily, and they simply hold the three feathers.

This Poserra's offensive, Sanyu Wu's sneak attack and assassination, was finally given in vain.

It can be called Nakanosuke linkage, two dead and one sent.

Ron was very satisfied with the result.

First praise a wave of Jubia and Elusa, then call an emergency meeting to prepare everyone to face Serra!

When Serra's sneak attack fails, the next step is a head-to-head confrontation!

The next battle is the point, and the Dragon Empire faces the Dark Ghost Dominator head-on.

Immediately, Ron communicated with crystals through magic, and was interested in Miraj, Kana, Rebby... et al., made a contact notice.

The entire crew assembles in the hall for an emergency meeting to face the Dark Ghost Dominator.

During the whole process, Elusha and Jubia were very proud.

Elusha folded her arms in front of her, looked at Miraj with a defiant gaze, full of smiles: "Yo, rib girl." "

"I tell you, I just defeated the Scourge of Sanyu, you know what I mean."

As if showing off, Elusa's tone was full of pride and defiance.

This made Miraj clench his powder fist, bite his teeth lightly, and say: "Abominable! Ron just didn't inform me. "

"If I go, I can also burst Sanyu Wu!"

Elusha ruffled the crimson hair next to her ear and laughed: "That's because I'm stronger." "

"That's why Ron sent me out."

Miraj's fierce gaze angrily looked at Elusha and said angrily: "Fat woman! What did you say? "

"It's clear that I'm stronger, do you want to talk about it." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Elusa was not to be outdone: "Okay! Just what the doctor ordered! "

On the side, Jubia, who was holding the sunny day doll in his arms, weakly raised his right hand and said, "Jubia also defeated the Vaderudas Eagle, and also defeated the Sanyu Wu. "

Kana put her arm around Jubia's shoulders, took a sip of juice, burped a full, and laughed heartily: "Jubia, you are great." "

Jubia smiled lightly: "It's all for Lord Ron." "

Lisanna envied, "I also want to fight.... "

For a while, the scene was chaotic.

The war is imminent, but it is still like this... This made Ron very helpless, took a deep breath, drank fiercely, and drank everyone.

Immediately, Table 020 was solemn and slowly said.

"Okay, listen to me first."

"Tonight, the Dark Ghost Dominator will attack the town of Magnolia and attack our Dragon Empire."

"As you can see, the current Dragon Empire and Magnolia Town are going to survive together."

"If we fail, the town of Magnolia will also fall..."

Under Ron's explanation, Miraj, Elusa and the others stopped fighting and instantly understood the importance of the matter.

It took about ten minutes or so for Ron to tell Miraj, Elusa and others all the intelligence information and important information.

Get them ready for what's next, the Dark Ghost Dominator.

After learning everything, Miraj, Elusha and the others looked solemn and full of fighting intent!

Obviously, their hearts have long been ready.

The previous special training preparations, crazy cultivation, all of which were to face the dark ghost dominator.

The corners of Miraj's mouth turned up: "In that case, the grudge between me and Elusa, let's put it aside for the time being, and take down the dark ghost dominator first!" "

"Elusa, what do you think?"

Elusha smiled confidently: "I agree." "

In the face of big right and wrong, Elusha and Miraj are still very aligned.

Seeing that everyone was in good shape, Ron nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, a plan quietly appeared in his mind, that is, to cut off the beard in advance...

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