Quietly, Serra has already given a white shot, and the crisis has quietly come.

On the other side, Ron, Miraj and the others, when they left Lance Village, the two figures were also rushing to Lance Village at the same time.

These two people, one is poor yellow hair, short yellow hair, lightning sign in the left eye, wearing a music player on the ear, wearing a sportswear, the whole person looks untamed, rebellious period.

The other person is a middle-aged uncle, with an orange back, some small stubble on his chin, wearing a dark green cloak, the cloak has shoulder armor, the edges of the cloak have been badly worn, a strong figure, wearing a dark vest, the whole person hangs a child, a lazy look.

Yellow-haired is thirteen-year-old Laxas, and the middle-aged uncle is thirty-five-year-old Kildas.

The two of them appeared here, naturally for the mission.

At this time, Laxus clasped his arms in front of him and snorted coldly: "Kildas, this broken task, I can do it alone, what are you doing?"

Because demons appeared in the village of Lance, the village chief also issued a mission.

Because of the remote location here, it would take at least two days for a normal magic guild to rush to Lance Village.

And the reason why Laxus came so quickly, because he was already on a mission nearby, was suddenly called over by Makarov.

At this time, Laxus was not extremely rebellious, and he was still more obedient to the president Makarov.

It's just that Laxus didn't expect that Kildas actually came.

Kildas scratched his head and said with a smile: "Because, I am also on a mission nearby, the guild president asked for it." "

Laxus looked suspicious and said, "This is just an ordinary mission, you are an S-class magic guide, I don't think this mission needs to urgently mobilize you." "

"Also, I don't understand, it's obviously just an ordinary task, why should I suddenly come." "

Kildas spread out his hands heartily and explained with a big smile: "Laxus, you are so careful, in a few years, you will definitely be able to become an S-class magic guide." "

"Indeed, ordinary tasks, there is no need to urgently mobilize you, and me. "

"This time, we went to the village of Lance, in addition to completing guild missions. "

"And another, President Makarov's private mission. "

As soon as these words came out, Laxus narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "What task?"

Kildas raised his right index finger and said with a smile: "Invite someone and join our guild." "

Laxus asked, "Who?"

Kildas replied, "Ron, a healing wizard, this is a rare healing wizard."

It's just that the village of Lance is located in a remote location, and the locals just treat Ron as an ordinary wizard, so the news has not spread, otherwise other guilds would have come to rob people long ago!"

"The chairman spent a lot of money to get this information through intelligence traffickers. "

"It is said that the president of the ghost also got this information and planned to invite Ron to join the ghost. "

"That's why the guild leader urgently mobilized us to get ahead of the ghosts and invite Ron to join Fairy Tail. "

In fact, the village of Lance in a remote location all regarded Miraj's magic as a demon, and they naturally regarded Ron as an ordinary magic guide at the beginning, and did not understand the rarity of healing magic guides.

The reason why Fairy Tail is so eager to heal Magi is also because Fairy Tail is a trouble-loving guild with frequent injuries, while the huge guild has only one healing Magister, that is, Polusica, the dragon Grandilie of Adras.

This group of troublemakers is injured every day, and Polusika can't be busy at all!

Therefore, when he heard that there was a good treatment for the magic guide seedlings, Makarov decisively attacked and began to rob people with the ghost dominator!

Not to mention, the Ghost Dominator and Fairy Tail themselves are the Feud Guild!

After understanding the situation, Laxus still looked lonely and arrogant, and snorted coldly: "Cut... What a boring old man, he actually urgently mobilized me for this broken matter. "

For Laxus's reaction, Kildas tried to explain: "Laxus you have to understand that in a guild, combat power is very important, but doctors are also a very important profession, although the combat power of healing wizards is very poor, but it is really important and super rare. "

"Moreover, Polusika is also older and needs an inheritor. "

"Otherwise, the people in the guild are injured, and there is no good treatment for the Magister. "

The lonely Laxus, wearing headphones to listen to the song, has no interest in this and directly ignores Kildas's explanation.

No matter how much it is, it is only a healing wizard, only the weak will not have the combat power to become a healing wizard, even if he Laxus jumps from the eighteenth floor, he will not be interested in the weak and the so-called healing wizard Ron.

Seeing this, Kildas sighed lightly, children in the rebellious period are really difficult to discipline.

Subsequently, the two did not speak in tacit agreement, and although Laxus had a stinky face, he obediently followed Kildas, intending to complete the mission.

After a while, the two came to the village of Lance, but the sight in front of them made Laxus and Kildas slightly startled.

Kildas took out the map, glanced at the map, and then at the village of Lance in front of him, and then laughed: "Hahaha, this broken map actually made a mistake!"

"Free map, sure enough, there are no good things, really a black boss, free things all pit me." "

This stinky uncle, did he even steal the map? The S-class magic guide stole the map? The corners of Laxus's mouth twitched slightly, spitting on Kildas in his heart.

When he raised his eyes to look at the village of Lance in front of him, the village of Reims in front of him was completely different from the village of Lance on the map, too small, only half the size of the village of Lance on the map.

Immediately, he took out his map from his arms, carefully pondered the map, and then looked at the village of Lance in front of him, his expression was startled, and finally his eyes widened.

On the side, Kildas also peeked at the map in Laxus's hand, scratched the back of his head, and complained: "Laxus, is your map also free?"

The green tendons on Laxus's forehead jumped, and he roared: "This is what Lao Tzu paid for!"

"There is no doubt that the village in front of you is the village of Reims, but half of the house has been destroyed!"

Moreover, the power of destruction turned the house into ashes, making it impossible to see that there were originally many houses here, and this terrifying destructive power shocked Laxus's heart.

The expression of Kildas Langdang, who reacted, was instantly solemn, and analyzed: "This place is geographically remote, I investigated before I came, there is only one wizard in Ron, and it was only two weeks ago that he awakened healing magic. "

"Now, there are also villagers nearby who are carrying out activities, indicating that it is not the dark guild or demons, which have destroyed this place. "

Hearing this, Laxus's eyes flashed with excitement, clutched the map in his hand, and muttered in his mouth: "I seem to be interested in Ron now." "

...... Dividing line....

Juvenile Laxus illustration.

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