Inside a gloomy, dark, damp cell.

The eerie, terrifying atmosphere has been filled.

The two white-haired girls hugged each other tightly, their little faces were terrified, and their hearts trembled.

Although, the little purple snake in front of him is very ~ small and small.

But, that's a snake too.

The terrifying scarlet core, the green vertical pupils, the hideous fangs bloom cold... Enough to intimidate the audience, frightening-!

The little purple snake looked up at the white-haired sister in front of him, spitting out the scarlet core, and was gradually approaching the white-haired sister.

This made Yukino and Kuno tremble even more.

Then, Kuno stood in a step, opened his immature arms, and protected his sister behind him: "Don't try to hurt my sister!" "

Xue Nai's heart warmed and muttered, "Sister.... "

At this time, Kagura Mikatzki, who was also in the same cell.

She has long flowing brown hair and bangs, showing a cold and serious expression, and is wearing a light blue floral small skirt.

From the corner, slowly stood up, came to the little purple snake, bent down and squatted, and caressed the little purple snake's forehead.

The whole set of actions, in one go, let Yukino and Kuno directly stunned in place, Kagura is so bold, that's a snake!

I saw that under Kagura's appeasement, the little purple snake slightly squinted its green vertical pupils, and looked comfortable, seemingly without the slightest aggression.

This made Yukino and Kuno gradually let down their guard.

Yukino caressed her chest and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

"Kagura, you are so fierce, this is a snake!"

Kagura's index finger and thumb compared a gesture insulting Kimchi Country, and said lightly: "Such a small snake, what is terrible." "

"What's more, I can feel that she is not aggressive."

"She seems to have been arrested just like us."

"My sixth sense tells me that she's good."


Caught over?

Or is it good?

Kagura's sixth sense is weird.

Let Kuno and Yukino be slightly startled, a little confused.

But they didn't say much either.

Kuno seemed to feel a little embarrassed, and snorted: "Small is small, but that is also a snake." "

"Kagura, be careful, don't get bitten."

"Actually, I'm not afraid of her at all, I just want to protect my sister."

Kagura could see that Yukino and Kuno were afraid just now, and it was normal for girls to be afraid of snakes.

But she didn't debunk Sorai's lie, her little face was full of loss, and she muttered: "Can we still go out?" "

"The Dark Arts Order is too strong, more powerful than we thought."

"Before someone fled, after being caught, those people disappeared in the end, and there was no news... They are said to have died. "

"So, what should we do in the future?"

Now Kagura, after all, is still a girl, her mind is not mature, she will be afraid, she will worry, and she will panic.

Since being captured by the Dark Arts Order, after this period of closure.

Kagura's heart is also close to collapse, on the verge of collapse, no better than Yukino.

Yukino's lips twitched, and she wanted to comfort Kagura.

However, as soon as the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back into his stomach.

She herself was afraid, what qualifications did she have to comfort Kagura?

On the contrary, it was a slightly older Kunoi, who had not yet experienced blackened Kunoi, who was a little stronger, walked over, patted Kagura's shoulder, and snorted: "Kagura"

"You cheer me up a little!"

"It's not like the Kagura I know!"

"Didn't you say that you are going out and still going to find your Simon brother?"

"Didn't you say that there is a girl named Elusa who has helped you a lot, and you want to go out and thank her in person?"


"Don't give up now!"

Kagura raised his eyes, took a deep breath, his tense brows slowly stretched, and smiled: "Thank you!" "

"You are obviously scared, but you are still comforting me."

Kuno puffed out his cheeks, snorted coldly, and said arrogantly: "I'm not afraid!" "

"I want to protect my sister, how can I be afraid, how can I retreat!"

"Besides, I'm going to be an angel..."

Hearing this, Yukino behind him was very moved.

And Kagura also recovered his momentum a little, decided to work hard and strive to get out as soon as possible, and then meet Simon Brother and Elusa sister again!

Just as Kagura was regaining morale.


A noisy sound of footsteps sounded!

Suddenly, Yukino showed fear, habitually afraid!

Hearing footsteps means that the people of the Dark Magic Order are coming!

Seeing this, Kuno and Kagura took a step forward and protected Yukino.

The whole cell was just the three of them, and there was a small purple snake.

The little purple snake looked dumbfounded, glanced at Kagura, and then at the source of the footsteps.

After a while, in the dim corridor, several members of the Black Magic Order wearing black magic robes came to the cell one after another.

They wore black hoods that covered most of their faces, revealing only greedy eyes and a hideous smile.

There were about ten people coming.

The captain at the head was the first to speak.

"Congratulations, you are free."


Kagura, Kuno, and Yukino, who had been tensing their hearts, stood in place.

Stunned, are they free?

Are you sure?

What is this situation?

The captain of the Dark Arts Order continued: "You are lucky, you are the human beings favored by the great Dark Wizard Ancestor Jelf! "

"Be thankful! Rejoice! It is your honor that the great Dark Magus ancestor has always taken care of you. "

"So, you're free."

Yukino's face was full of excitement, were they really free?

Kagura and Kuno are still vigilant, but the Dark Arts Order in front of them is not a good person at all, will they let them go free?

Extremely unlikely!

Almost non-existent!

There was no accident, after a pause, the captain of the Black Magic Order laughed viciously: "Congratulations, you have been chosen by the Pope Pharaoh to become Jelf's sacrifice." "

"It is your luck to be a sacrifice to forbidden magic and to free your lives, this is the path to freedom to another kingdom, thank you!"

"Not everyone has this opportunity."

"You are extremely gifted with magic and fit as a sacrifice, this is your glory!"

"Let us set you free and give you enough freedom to give you the way to heaven!"

As soon as the words came out.

Yukino, Kuno, and Kagura had shocked expressions, and their faces were livid!


Are they going to die?

There is no doubt that the words of the leader of the Dark Arts Sect are equivalent to pronouncing them to death!

In the face of the legendary Dark Arts Order, death is imminent, do they still have a chance to escape?

Chances are zero!

Not the slightest chance!

There is only one road ahead, and that is the road to the abyss of hell.

And there is only a one-way ticket, there is no return, forever sinking into hell, there is no turning back.

It's over.

It's over.

Empty angelic dreams.

Kagura's reunion with Simongo, reunion with Elusha.

All in all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's all over at this moment.

At this moment, Kagura, Yukino, and Kuno looked desperate, their eyes lost their highlight, and they lost any brilliance, like the eyes of a dead man, without a trace of life.

Now they don't know magic and don't have any strength.

In front of the Dark Arts Order, they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they can only wait for death.

Unless Isugar has gods.

But will God be in Ishgar?

Answer: Of course not.

They prayed to heaven, but they were answered only by despair, death, and endless destruction.

Now, Kagura's face was full of despair, he lowered his head and muttered, "God is not in Ishgar, so are we all over?" "

"Can you only meet death?"

"Sorry... Brother Simon, Sister Elusha, we can never see each other again. "

Seeing the expressions of Kagura, Yukino, and Kuno gradually collapsing, he lost his highlighted eyes.

The leader of the Dark Arts Sect was very satisfied, infinitely arrogantly opened his arms, raised his head and smiled viciously, his expression was bloodthirsty and violent: "Gang Gang ~!" "

"Your expressions of pain and struggle are really pleasant!"

"Struggle, no matter how loud you shout, no one can hear you, and it is useless to cry loudly!"

"For there are no gods in this world."

"There are no miracles."

"Obediently welcome death and do the work of the sacrifice."

The leader of the Dark Arts Sect likes to watch these girls, the flowers of hope in the future, dying before death, this is the most wonderful moment in the world, there is no one.

Destroying flowers with hot hands is his favorite thing to do.

There is nothing more pleasant than destroying the hopes of others, destroying other people's lives.

Just as the leader of the Dark Arts Sect wanted to raise his eyes and take another look at Kagura, Yukino, Kuno and the others in despair.

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his neck, and a blood-red color wiped his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to be floating in mid-air.

There is a feeling of spinning, a strange feeling of weightlessness.

Finally, he actually came face to face and saw his body.

His body still maintained its original posture, spreading his arms infinitely arrogantly, but missing a very important part.

The head was gone, only the blood gushing out, constantly spraying on his eyes.

This TM, where did his head go?

Suddenly! The leader of the Dark Magic Sect who reacted found his head.

Oh, it's okay, the head is flying in mid-air to see his headless body face to face, he was assassinated.

Immediately, the pupils of the leader of the Black Magic Sect team shook, his expression changed suddenly, and his face was crushed, which made people despair!



The sound of watermelons hitting the ground sounded, splashing scarlet watermelon juice.

As the head landed on the ground, it rolled on the ground several times like a leather ball.

The headless body that was standing also fell with a bang and fell in a pool of blood.

At the last moment, the leader of the Dark Arts Sect walked to death with endless unwillingness, fear, and shock.

Until a second before his death, he did not understand who had assassinated him.

After the end, Kagura, Kuno, and Yukino still watched the scene in front of them with trembling eyes.

They didn't react at all, and then the leader of the Dark Arts Sect was already on the ground.

Blood was like brilliant fireworks, passing in front of their eyes, blooming in an instant, landing instantly, disappearing in an instant, ending in an instant, and everything was fast.

It was so fast that they couldn't react, and they didn't understand the situation in front of them.

The captains of the Dark Arts Order are dead, are they saved? ... Kagura's little face was nervous and expectant, his hands were tightly pinched at the corners of his clothes, and his teeth were biting his lips, and even biting out a trace of blood.

Along with it, the death of the leader of the Dark Arts Sect.

It was as if in the alley of death that she saw a ray of hope called hope.

Could it be that the gods were really in Ishgar?

Is it her god?

Can they still be saved?

At the same time, Yukino and Kuno thought the same.

Also looking forward to, hoping for a miracle.

In anticipation, next, they saw an even more shocking scene.

Let their hearts also set off terrifying waves, that is....

...... The dividing line....

Sora is illustrated dry.

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