Facing Serra's attack, as well as the attack of the Dark Ghost Dominator, and the behemoth Magic Giant.

All this means that the war is on!

The battle between the Dragon Empire VS the Dark Ghost Dominator has begun!

At this moment, the residents of Magnolia looked shocked and shocked.

"There is a magic guide giant over there in the port, is the magic guild going to fight again? It won't affect us! "

"The Demon Guide Giant has the banner of the Dark Ghost Dominator, and the incoming Dark Guild is the Dark Ghost Dominator!"

"What to do? Are we going to escape? "

For a while, panic spread throughout Magnolia.

In the crowd, two petite figures, in an inconspicuous place, were also silently watching the arrival of the dark ghost dominator.

They are none other than Legieletta, the purple-haired glasses.

and Bisca Cornell, an immigrant from the western continent.

In the original book, both are members of Fairy Tail.

Now, for some special reasons, the plot has changed slightly.

Bis Kaconel immigrated to Ishgar from the Western Continent in advance and has not yet joined Fairy Tail.

Purple-haired glasses lady Lexie Olietta did the same, and did not join Fairy Tail.

For some fortuitous reason, they met in Magnolia and became good friends,

Moreover, none of them joined any of the Magi Guilds.

This evening, when they were shopping, they suddenly saw a dark ghost dominator on the harbor of Magnolia.

This scene made the glasses lady Lexie Olietta stunned slightly, her expression panicked, and said: "Bisca... The Dark Ghost Dominator has struck. "

"I read the Fiore Kingdom Honest Newspaper, which said that the Dragon Empire declared war on the Dark Ghost Dominator."

"Therefore, the target of the attack of the Dark Ghost Dominator this time must be the Dragon Empire!"

Biska pursed her lips lightly and bowed her head: "Yes, the situation is a bit serious." "

"If Fairy Tail doesn't make a move, Magnolia will fall."

"After all, with the current strength of the Dragon Empire, it is impossible to take down the Dark Ghost Dominator."

Le Qi agreed, "Yes, although the leader of the Dragon Empire, Ron, is very handsome. "

"However, the Dark Ghost Dominator is too strong, and even has a magic weapon such as the Magic Guide Giant."

Biska rubbed her eyebrows and said, "I hope the Dragon Empire is okay... The Dark Ghost Dominator is too strong. "

"I heard that the legendary Gate Demon of Hades, the Great Demon Liangyue Tiansera, officially took over the Dark Ghost Dominator."

"So, the current Dark Ghost Dominator is invincible."

Le Qi sighed lightly and said with regret: "Hey, I still hope that the Dragon Empire is okay." "

"After all, that Ron is really handsome."

"He is still a healing wizard, and he is already the president of the Magic Guide Guild at the age of eight."

For the blue-eyed boy, he is also a big celebrity in Magnolia, of course, Biska has also seen Ron many times, and has a deep impression, handsome, but also a healing wizard, but also the president of the Dragon Empire... All the brilliance come together.

"Don't worry, there are still Fairy Tails in Magnolia."

"Fairy Tail will make a move, and the Dragon Empire should be fine."

At this time, a sound of vicissitudes suddenly sounded.

"Fairy Tail will not fight this battle, this battle is the battle of the Dragon Empire."

While speaking, an old man dressed in a clown costume slowly came to Beska and Le Qi's side.

The one who came was Makarov, with deep eyes staring at the incoming magic guide giant in front of him, carrying all the strength of Serra's troops, and the battle was stimulated!

"You guys like Ron."

"That's right, a handsome little fart like Ron is still the president of the Magi Guild, and it's normal to like him." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing this, Biska and Leqi's little faces immediately turned red, all the way to the delicate jade-like ear roots.

The two curled their necks and immediately retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, old man!" "

"We didn't like Ron!"

"Even if we jump from the eighteenth floor, we won't like Ron, don't be kidding!"

Makarov laughed and quipped: "Oh yes? "

"If you like Ron and are interested in the Dragon Empire."

"After this battle, I can recommend you to Ron to join the Dragon Empire."

Hearing this, Le Qi and Biska had stars in their eyes, completely forgetting what they had said a second ago.

After all, the Dragon Empire is also a famous Magnolia guild, and Ron is a Magus Supernova and handsome.

For little girls like Le Qi and Biska, Ron's lethality is simply explosive, it can be called the male version of white moonlight, it is the existence of their hearts, and it is the existence they yearn for.

If you don't like a wizard like Ron, can't you be an uncle like Fairy Tail Kildas!

Le Qi's small face looked forward to it: "Really? "

"But we can't do magic at all!"

Bizka was a little worried: "Yes, can we?" "

"We don't know magic and don't have any combat power, so can we join the Wizards Guild?"

Makarov narrowed his eyes slightly, recalled Ron's personality, glanced at Biska and Le Qi, and said seriously: "According to Ron's personality, you can join the Dragon Empire one hundred percent." "

What's more, Makarov can also feel the magic surging in Biska and Rakki's bodies.

Although it is not Elusa's monster-level talent, it is also a small genius level and will become a good wizard.

What's more, Biska and Le Qi's appearance embryo is simply full, and they will definitely be able to become beautiful women in the future, and Ron's smelly boy seems to be a person who does not refuse to come to the beauty, 863.

Immediately, after getting Makarov's accurate answer, Le Qi and Biska were full of joy that they never dreamed of.

One day, they could even join the Dragon Empire and join Ron's magic guild!

Suddenly, Le Qi and Biska looked excited, and bowed to Makarov with gratitude: "Thank you, old man!" "

Makarov waved his hand and showed a kind smile: "You're welcome, it's just a trifle." "

"The Dragon Empire is a good guild, and you young people with potential can join your favorite guild is also a cool thing."

In Makarov's eyes, Ron's character is still very good, helping Laxus get back on the right path.

Although he is also very optimistic about Biska and Le Qi, the magic guild that the other party loves is the Dragon Empire, and he does not mind the beauty of adults.

That's it.

After a brief episode.

Makarov indirectly helps Ron, recovering two members, Rocky and Biska.

However, throughout the whole process, Le Qi and Biska were still full of sadness.

After all, the Dark Ghost Dominator has killed Magnolia.

This is an extremely dangerous moment for the Dragon Empire!

Seeing Le Qi and Biska's concern, Makarov put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Ron's smelly boy is very strong, stronger than you think." "。

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