Some people rejoice and others worry, when the Dragon Empire is in full swing and morale is high.

The whole Magnolia was also in a carnival, and they were frantically celebrating the Dragon Empire!

After all, the Dark Ghost Dominator is attacking the Dragon Empire, and this is also about Magnolia's survival!

The Dragon Empire is gaining momentum, and the residents of Magnolia are naturally cheering and cheering for the Dragon Empire!

When the Dragon Empire is unstoppable, the person who is worried is naturally Serra.

On the Magic Guide Giant, in a secluded hall.

Serra, who was commanding the army, had a cold expression like frost at this moment, and her beautiful eyes were covered with a layer of cold frost.

The whole person killed unexpectedly, which is shocking!

The Pope Pharaoh and Alia below were sitting on pins and needles, their bodies were like walking on thin ice, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing Serra!

Serra is a veritable great devil, powerful strength, no doubt!

At this time, Alia wiped his tears while crying bitterly: "Good sadness ~ good sadness ~ our army has died." "

"Lord Serra, let me strike and take Ron for you!"

"I have a secret weapon that can definitely take down Ron."

Pope Pharaoh's hoarse voice echoed, "Lord Serra is right. "

"We haven't lost yet!"

"That group of useless waste, if it dies, it will die, and it does not matter if it dies in battle."

"Alia and I haven't made a move yet, the advantage is ours!"

In response to the speeches of Pope Pharaoh and Alia 280, Serra squinted her eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "Activate the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", and let the whole Magnolia be buried!" "

Pope Pharaoh showed a grim look on his face and sneered: "Lord Serra understands. "

"This enhanced version of the Magic Guide Giant has a total of five cannon barrels, and we can blast out five Magic Guide Cluster Cannons "Jupiter" in one go, razing the entire Magnolia to the ground! "

While bursting into tears, Alia said sadly: "Good sadness ~ good sadness ~ the whole Magnolia will go to hell because of the mistakes of the Dragon Empire." "

"It's really exciting!"

In the end, the tearful Alia also revealed a faint imperceptible fierceness and cruelty.

For destruction, both Aliyah and Pope Pharaoh are serious.

For the complete destruction of the Dragon Empire and the destruction of the entire Magnolia, they have long been looking forward to it!

Five-shot magic guide cluster gun "Jupiter"?

One Magic Guide Cluster Cannon "Jupiter" costs 10 million J of Magic Crystals.

The five-shot Magic Guide Cluster Cannon "Jupiter" cost a total of 50 million J Magic Crystals!

This is Chiguoguo's money-throwing offensive, a frenzy of onslaught built with money, about to take the (ajfd) Dragon Empire and bombard Magnolia!

Serra's cold posture, the corners of her mouth tugged: "Go on." "


Pope Pharaoh and Aliyah, who received the order, set out to the control room, intending to launch the five-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter" to destroy the Dragon Empire and bombard Magnolia in one fell swoop!

As for Ron, as long as he catches Ron, whether alive or dead, Serra can transform him into a demon.

Therefore, there is only one purpose now, that is, to annihilate the Dragon Empire and destroy Ron's forces.

At the time of Serra's operation, Miraj, Elusha and others of the Dragon Empire were still marching forward, and they had not yet noticed the danger coming.

The same goes for Makarov, Biska, Rocky and others.

Seeing the unstoppable Dragon Empire, seeing the already invincible Elusha and Miraje, Le Qi and Biska had little faces full of envy.

Biska said enviously: "Elusa, the queen of dragons, is so strong, I also want to be so strong, like Elusa!" "

Le Qi nodded: "Yes." "

"After this battle, with the recommendation of Chairman Makarov, we can also join the Dragon Empire."

"It's such a blessing to be able to join the Dragon Empire!"

During the battle between Elusa, Miraj, Jubia and others, their super offensive has already convinced Le Qi and Biska, making them more yearning for the Dragon Empire!

Can't wait, the next second immediately join the Dragon Empire and become a member of Ron's guild.

Seeing the expectations of Biska and Leqi, with a hopeful expression on their faces, Makarov's deep eyes flickered slightly dazed, and he smiled lightly: "It's so good to be young, I really envy you." "

"Don't be too surprised, this is the strength of the Dragon Empire, the basic operation."

"What's more, Ron, that smelly boy, hasn't made a move yet."

"Ron, it's the real monster."

"The entire Dragon Empire, the only true soul."

Seeing Makarov say this, Le Qi and Biska were also more curious, how strong is Ron?

They themselves are very yearning for Ron, good-looking, powerful, and full of mystery, and they are the same age, Ron's conditions are full of temptation for Biska and Rocky.

Under the expectation of Le Qi and Beska, Elusa, Miraj, Jubia and others have emptied the soldiers of the Dark Ghost Dominator.

This so-called Dark United Army, an army composed of members of the Dark Magic Order and the original Ghost Dominator, has completely disappeared at this moment, completely dead!

With the defeat of the army of dark ghost dominators.

Elusha, Miraj, Jubia and others, and there is no time to be happy in the future.

Next second.

A more ferocious offensive.

It's already here!


The behemoth-like magic guide giant, with a mountain-like body, suddenly released five cannon barrels.

In an instant, in front of these cannon barrels, five huge magic arrays instantly condensed, and endless magical power converged in front of the magic array and condensed into cannons!

This is the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter"! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not one, not two, but five in one go!

Such a terrifying and terrifying offensive made the entire Magnolia instantly quiet!

After all, these five magic guide cluster cannons "Jupiter" down, not to mention Magnolia town, will be razed to the ground in a hundred miles!

This is the power of the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", enough magic cannonballs to destroy everything!

At this moment, Makarov's eyes widened and he said in shock: "What! "

"It turned out to be the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", or five bursts! "

Biska and Lotte were also shocked.

Bizka trilled: "Old man, you have a hand~!" "

"Otherwise, the whole Magnolia will be finished!"

Le Qi's small face was worried, and he echoed: "The firepower of the five-shot Magic Guide Cluster Cannon "Jupiter" is not something that the Dragon Empire can withstand. "

In the face of the brutal offensive of the magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter", Makarov's mind operated, and he also planned to make a move, and he could no longer watch from the sidelines.

After all, this is no longer a battle between the Dragon Empire and the Dark Ghost Dominator.

If this continues, Magnolia will be finished!

This is in stark contrast to the concerns of the crowd.

Ron, who was behind the scenes the whole time, raised his eyes to look at the secret weapon of the dark ghost dominator, the five-shot magic guide cluster cannon "Jupiter".

For such a furious firepower, Ron's leisurely face finally revealed a trace of interest.

Magic guide cluster gun "Jupiter"?

Just to test the effect of FullCounter 1v1.

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