When Ron was holding the demon dragon army, Serra, who was on the side, was full of horror and muttered in a trembling voice: "How... Possibly!"

The army of demon dragons she is proud of, the last hole card, the strongest hole card.

He was killed instantly!

In Ron's presence.

The so-called demon dragon army is completely vulnerable!

At this moment, Serra was still nailed to the sky by the blood spear.

Ron walked slowly towards Serra, and under the influence of his divine power, he wandered through the air and pressed Serra's face.

A face-touching kill sent Serrato a hundred meters away to a dense forest.

It's far from Magnolia, away from the sight of Kildas and others, away from everything.

Letting go of his right hand, Ron moved his wrist and looked at Serra playfully, the corners of his mouth twitching: "Serra, you have two choices at the moment. "

"One is to be my dog. "

"The second is to be my soul. "

Ron was concise and to the point, bursting with extreme malice all over his body, and the double black dragon on his back also emerged, the hideous dragon head pressed directly to Serra's face, and Sen Han's fangs glowed with coldness.

When Ron unveiled the twin black dragons, it dawned on Serra!

This explosive information directly exploded Serra's head, making Serra's heart also turn upside down, her face was full of shock, her eyes lost her highlights, her face was dull, and she muttered in a trembling voice: "No wonder... It turns out that you are the Twin Black Dragons!"

The ultimate malice was still roaring, it was the malice of the twin black dragons, and the overwhelming malice formed the substance, like a black mist, shrouded Ron's body, surging towards Serra.

Let Sierra tremble too!

In the face of extreme malice.

Serra's face was pale, and her heart had already collapsed.

After a moment of silence, Serra finally chose to surrender.

She was originally a dark force, and in the face of the darker Ron, under extreme malice and oppression.

Sierra chose to compromise.

Another reason is that Ron is the essence of the twin black dragons.

That is, the legend of the return of the dragons from some time ago to Ishgar.

The creator of all this is Ron!

This made Sierra look forward to it as well.

What kind of grand show will Ron make next.

She's looking forward to it!

What's more, her original purpose was to capture Ron, transform Ron into a demon, and then discuss demon literature with Ron.

What now?

Plans are a little bit of a sortie.

She was arrested by Ron and reformed by Ron.

However, in the future, there will still be an opportunity to discuss demonic literature with Ron.

At this point, the haughty Serra, bowing her head and eyes, said reverently: "I am willing to serve you, master." "

Slashing Serra's head, the corners of Ron's mouth turned up, the Immortal Realm divine power activated, and golden holy light erupted from his body, enveloping Serra, healing Serra's injuries.

The blood spear had already been drawn, and the wound was healing rapidly.

Eventually, with the divine power of the Immortal Realm, Ron instantly healed Serra.

Let Sierra also be amazed, such a strong healing ability!

It's a divine power!

After this battle.

Sierra had already won over to Ron.

Generally speaking, demons are more pure than humans, the ultimate evil, the ultimate evil, the ultimate destruction... It is a consistent belief to believe in the strong.

However, Ron didn't let his guard down completely.

After Serra's surrender, he still planted the seed of divine power in Serra's body to prevent Serra's rebellion.

After everything was over, Serra, who had recovered her body, had a sultry gaze and licked her delicate red lips: "Master, what should I do next?"

Ron rubbed his eyebrows and smiled, "Join the witch's sin." "

"Become a subordinate of the turtledove. "

"The turtledove will guide you. "

The Witch's Sin is also Ron's power?

Turtledove not dead?

Also joined the Sins of the Witch?

Then, because she joined the witch's sin step because of the slow turtledove, she also became a subordinate of the turtledove???

This series of explosive information made Serra's eyes glazed.

However, in front of Ron, she can only choose to surrender, and can only say yes.

After a moment of thought, Serra said reverently, "I know the master. "

Suddenly, a graceful figure appeared.

It was none other than a turtledove.


Turtledove had been watching the battle, silently protecting Ron.

After the battle, Sierra also officially joined the Witch's Sin.

When Serra joined the Witch's Sin, she became her subordinate. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The turtledove, who knew everything, stood up silently, stood in front of Serra, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said respectfully, "I understand Lord Ron." "

Immediately, the turtledove glanced at Serra and teased with a wicked taste: "Why don't you thank the master?"

Serra was slightly stunned, and then said, "Thank you, master." "

A brief parting encounter.

When we meet again, we are already a matter of fact.

Sierra never dreamed that one day Ikaruga would become her boss.

Facing reality, in the face of a strong Ron, she can only accept it.

Immediately, Ron continued to give orders to Serra and Turtledove.

Let the two of them stay quietly in the witch's sin, waiting for his orders.

Accept everything with the reverence on Ron, Serra, and Turtledove's faces.

After finishing Serra, Ron returned to Magnolia.

This moment.

The audience was shocked.

After ending the Demon Dragon Legion, Ron disappeared directly with Serra, and this scene also shocked the audience.

When the crowd didn't react, Ron returned to Magnolia again.

This made the residents of Magnolia scream and shout, raise their arms and shout!

The heroes of Magnolia are back!

It was Ron who took out the Demon Dragon Legion!

It was Ron who saved Magnolia!

All this is in everyone's eyes.

The absolute strength and arrogant strength are enough to deter the audience and shake everyone's soul.

For a while, the monstrous Na 020 shout resounded through the sky, reaching the sky, shaking the entire Magnoria!




From this moment on, no one dared to call Ron a ghost anymore.

After all, with such a strong strength, it is easy to wipe out the Demon Dragon Legion with a raise of his hand, and it is absolutely violent, which makes people unconvinced!

At this moment, the whole audience was cheering Ron's voice.

At this moment, Magnolia is Ron's home turf.

Ron's blue eyes flickered as if nothing was going on, and he returned to Makarov, Kirdas, Elusa, Miraj, Jubia, and the others.

The members of Fairy Tail around them subconsciously gave way one by one, making way for Ron, and watched Ron move forward with reverence, as if he was paying attention, this is the treatment of the strong.

Makarov was also shocked, Ron's strength had already surpassed his imagination.

Without waiting for Makarov to speak, Ron took the lead and said, "Old man, after this battle. "

"The Dragon Empire can be promoted to the A-rank Wizard Guild. "

"I'm on a mission to defeat Deliola. "

"I'll leave tomorrow. "

"You can help me with this. "

"The formalities are too slow, so I won't wait. "

Time is of the essence.

Ron was clear.

He can wait.

But Ulu and Urutia can't afford to wait.

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