Faced with Ron's request, Makarov was slightly stunned, rubbed his forehead, and said, "Ron, are you sure?"

"That's Deliola!"

"The legendary scourge of immortality, the demon in Jelf's books. "

"Moreover, Daliora is not an ordinary demon, nor is it an ordinary Jerph's Book demon, but a legendary-level demon. "

"You just took down the Dark Ghost Dominator and the Demon Dragon Legion... Need a break?"

Kildas shrugged and agreed, "Yes, I agree with the old man's words. "

"Ron, you need to rest now. "

"After a series of fierce battles, your body and mind are already exhausted... Rest well. "

Laxus had a grim face, folded his arms in front of him, and snorted, "Bastard, don't be reckless!"

"That's a legendary-level demon!"

"Your current energy, your physical strength, your spirit... It's all freezing, and you need to get some rest. "

"Don't die, I'm going to kill you bastard with my own hands!"

Ron frowned slightly at the persuasion of Makarov, Kildas, Laxus, and others.

He can wait, but Ulu and Urrutia can't afford to wait.

If you want to intercept Hulutia, you have to intercept Hululu first.

After all, in the original book, everything Urrutia did was for Uru, learning the Lost Magic Arc of Time, looking for Jelf, and shaping the so-called Great Wizarding World... All this is for Ulu.

So, Ron knows the importance of this task!

It's about everything, it's about Ulu, it's about Urutia.

On the side, Miraj crossed his waist with one hand and a cool expression, and said, "Ron, yes." "

"Let's get some rest. "

"It's time to rest. "

"Let's go together. "

Elusa stroked the crimson hair around her ears and said, "Ron, rest first." "

In the face of everyone's persuasion, Ron narrowed his eyes slightly, spread his hands and said, "This mission, I must start immediately." "

"Because, on the northern continent, there are my friends. "

"And Deliola, the trajectory of its activities is on the northern continent. "

"In recent times, Daliora has been extremely active and has destroyed several towns~. "

"Everywhere Deliora passed, he was reduced to ruins, and this is Deliora, the immortal calamity, the immortal scourge. "

"So, time is of the essence for me. "

Let's talk.

Makarov, Kirdas, Laxus and others suddenly realized.

At the same time, for Ron, I also admire it even more.

For the sake of friends, you can be so righteous.

Just took down the Dark Ghost Dominator, just took the Demon Dragon Legion, just after a fierce battle, and continued to set sail non-stop, continuing to carry out the S-level mission commission.

Is this Ron?

And Elusa, Miraj, Jubia and others can also understand Ron, after all, for the sake of friends.

Time is indeed running out, and lives are at stake.

Seeing this, Miraj took a deep breath and said, "Since that's the case. "

"Ron, I'll go to the Northern Continent with you. "

Elusa chimed in, "I'll go too!"

"I'm better than Miraj. "

Miraj snorted arrogantly: "Dead fat pig, what do you say?"


Elusa and Miraj glanced at each other, their eyes sharp, colliding with fierce sparks in the air, and neither of them would back down half a step!

Lishana waved her hand awkwardly, pushed away Elusa and Mirage, and persuaded, "Sister Mira, Sister Elusa... Stop fighting, stop arguing. "

For this scene, Ron had no choice but to make a move, and the two brains collapsed, one for Elusa and one for Miraj, and said, "Okay." "

"Don't go, any of you. "

"In this battle, you have contributed the most and consumed the most. "

"Now you guys, physical, magical, mental... It has long been hollowed out. "

"Go for a yarn... Are you going to be a drag bottle?"

Hearing this, Elusa was aggrieved and pursed her lips.

Miraj also pouted, looking aggrieved.

Touching the little heads of the two, the silky hair passed through the fingers, and it felt good, Ron soothed: "Okay." "

"Next time, definitely. "

"I'll take you next time. "

"Next time, I'll take you on a bigger mission.... "

Under Ron's painting pie, Elusa and Miraj gradually settled down.

Immediately, Ron decided, let Kana, Jubia, Lisanna... and others, accompanied to the go.

I plan to let Kana, Jubia, Lisana and others improve their strength, improve their skills in actual combat, and improve their experience in actual combat.

To sum up, I plan to train Kana, Jubia, Lishana and others.

After all, at this stage, Elusa and Miraj are strong enough. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, Jubia, Kana, Lisana and others cannot be left behind.

After the decision, Kana, Lishana, Jubia and the others looked excited and full of fighting spirit.

Also, after the battle, Elusa's eyes drifted away, looking around, as if looking for something, and her little face was full of worry.

Seeing the worried Elusa, Ron patted Elusa on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. "

Hearing this, Elusa was slightly stunned, and Ron seemed to see through her thoughts, and said, "Ron... The Dark Ghost Dominator is defeated, and Kagura is gone. "

Ron raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and smiled lightly, "No, Kagura is not missing. "


In the midst of a bustling crowd.

A few delicate figures walked out of it.

They are Kagura, Sorano, Yukino, and Little Purple Snake.

The little purple snake obediently lay on Kagura's right shoulder, and the whole process was very quiet, like a pendant.

Before the Dark Ghost Dominators attacked the Dragon Empire, Ron had already acted, dispatching an army of cats to rob Kagura, Kuno, Yukino and others in advance.

There is also a small purple snake, which is an unexpected giveaway.

The moment Ron saw the little purple snake, the divine power of the Void Realm activated.

Instant foresight, glimpse the future!

Through the divine power of the Void Realm, Ron can know that the little purple snake is none other than Jinana.

In the original book, Ginana is the purple snake of the Six Demon General Kebula, that is, Chuberios.

For the unexpected surprise little purple snake Ginana, Ron is also slightly pleased.

An unexpected gain is equivalent to picking up money, which will make people happier.

Originally, Ron's plan only had Kagura, Yukino, and Sorano... Now there is a little purple snake, which is really profitable!

(Li Nuohao) in an instant.

When Kagura meets Elusa again.

The two women hugged each other and cried.

The scene was warm and harmonious.

Sono and Yukino are also the same for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, and after coming to Magnoria, they completely relaxed and came down to the village.

On the side, Makarov scratched his head, quietly pulled the corner of Ron's clothes, and winked at Ron.

Ron was very confused, and wondered, "Old man, what are you doing here?"

"If you have something to say, just say it?"

Makarov coughed and cleared his throat, glancing at Lucky and Biska from the corner of his eye, and said, "That's Ron." "

"These two girls want to join the Dragon Empire. "

"Hey, hey, I couldn't help but pretend to be a comparison, saying that I could recommend them to join the Dragon Empire. "

"So, can you do me a favor. "

"After all, the Dragon Empire is a great sorcerer guild, and you can be trusted. "

"If it's you, if it's the Dragon Empire, I'm relieved. "。

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