Following Makarov's gaze, Ron saw Lucky and Biska.

One is a glasses girl, and the other is a western gunner.

I have to say that Makarov really has a vision and helped him take in two good talents.

Ron's meaningful gaze stared at Makarov, gently pressed Makarov's shoulder, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "Don't worry, old man." "

"I know what you mean. "

"I'll take care of them. "

After all, giving girls all over the world a home has always been Ron's goal.

After receiving Ron's assurance, Makarov waved his right hand and beckoned Biska and Lucky to come over.

The two immediately greeted Ron, their little faces full of reverence.

After all, in the battle just now, Ron was extremely strong, and he had already convinced them!

Besska's eyes were full of stars, and she said respectfully, "Hello, Lord Ron. "

"My name is Biska. "

Le Qi helped the frame of the glasses, her little face was crimson, and she said timidly: "Hello President, my name is Le Qi." "

After a brief introduction, Ron smiled, patted the two on the shoulder, and encouraged, "Welcome to the Dragon Empire." "

Le Qi excited: "I'll do my best!"

Biska was ecstatic: "Me too!"

Immediately, Lishana came to the two of them, put her hands behind her back, and smiled, "Welcome." "

In this way, under the care of her predecessor Lishana, Biska and Lucky successfully integrated into the Dragon Empire.

With the end of this battle, the Dragon Empire won a great victory, and the harvest was also a huge 500!

Harvested a lot of guild members, Kagura, Sora, Yukino, Little Purple Snake, Biska, Rakki... Wait a minute.

The number of guilds soared instantly, and the strength increased tremendously!

After this battle, the guild level has also been improved again, and so has the divine power of the Shura realm.

After the promotion, Ron also has a chance to get a new chance to summon members of the Ten Thousand Worlds Guild!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ron summoned the redhead to kill Kyrias Gimonri and the president of the company, Asarzl Amery.

The red-haired slayer Gillias Gimonri is a figure in the Demon Academy.

The president, Azazle, is a figure in the enchantment of Iruma-san.

Both are full of talent, and their strength is also full.

Ron was happy with that.

And that's not all!

After this wave of escalation.

His reward is also a dragon-form magic crit boat.

Similar to the cyan Pegasus, the magical crit boat "Christina".

Moreover, the Dragon's Demon Guided Crit Boat is still an enhanced version of "Christina", which is extremely powerful, and is superior to "Christina" in all aspects.

It can be said that this wave of post-war rewards has allowed Ron's power to rise again, reach its peak, and reach a new height!

For the future, Ron is also more hopeful.

After all, the next step is to intercept Hu Ulu and cut Hu (cbdj) Urutia.

Once successful, then the next step is to cut off Hulucy, cut Hubrandish.

That's Ron's plan, cut it all off.

Unlimited, crazy development of the Dragon Empire to make it grow.

At the peak of power, when the Dragon Empire reached its peak.

He will attack with all his might, take down the Kingdom of Fiore, and lead the country to attack the Albarez Empire on the Western Continent.

That's Ron's ultimate goal.

It is still far from this goal.

So Ron also knew that he still needed to work hard.

As for the so-called Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, he is already a traverser, and he has to be stupid to participate in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts. That is really mentally retarded.

The Great Demon Dou is a group of fools, like monkeys, to perform for the stupid fork king in the original book.

You say that the kingdom of Fiore is strong, but this kingdom is still weak to death.

Therefore, Ron has no interest in the Great Demon Fight.

On the day of the Great Demon Fight, he directly started the offensive battle, took down the Fiore Kingdom, and took away the princess, which is more in line with the plot of Shuangwen.

It is for this reason that Ron has worked hard, constantly expanding his power and strengthening the Dragon Empire.

As Ron's thoughts spread, Kagura looked at Ron with grateful eyes and said excitedly, "Thank you, Ron-sama!"

On the side, so did Sono and Yukino, who looked at Ron with reverent eyes and said respectfully, "Thank you, Lord Ron." "

To them, Ron was like a god.

For everyone's thanks, Ron's gaze returned to reality, patted Kagura's shoulder, and smiled, "No thanks. "

"Welcome to the Dragon Empire. "

Elusa wiped away her tears and said, "President... Thank you. "

"You saved Kagura. "

Kagura bowed her head and said, "Yes, without you, we would all die in a prison cell." "

After a pause, Kagura continued, "That's right, Lord Grow. "

"I have a request, I want to ask you. "

"That is, my brother Simon.... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For Simon, Ron is also doing his best, but there are many of them.

Destroy one Order of the Dark Arts, and thousands of more.

Ron just happened to bump into the Dark Arts Order that captured Kagura, Yukino, Kuno and others, and as for Simon and the others, it is estimated that they were also caught by the Dark Arts Order.

As for these Dark Arts Order, Ron is still investigating, but there are no results yet.

However, fortunately, through the divine power of the Void Consciousness Realm, Ron can predict that Kagura's eldest brother Simon is still safe at the moment, so he doesn't have to worry too much.

In the future, when there is a chance, when the target Dark Arts Order is found, it will naturally be able to rescue Simon and the others.

So, Ron informed Kagura, Elusa, and the others of the information he had learned.

Kagura, Elusa and the others, who learned everything, were not too disappointed.

They also knew that the Dark Magic Order was powerful, and there were many Dark Arts Orders in Ishgar.

As the ancestor of the Dark Magister, Jelf, there are many followers, and it is also a normal thing, these crazy cultists, crazy to create the Dark Arts Order, doing evil everywhere, everywhere.

Elusa and Kagura, who knew all this, were also relieved to learn that Simon was safe.

Just be safe!

As long as the people are still there!

They will meet again one day.

In this world, Simon doesn't have a crush on Elusa, nor does he like Elusa.

Simon in this world did not meet Elusa in the Tower of Paradise, so the secret love was not completed.

After receiving Ron's assurance, Kagura was also grateful, and said repeatedly, "Thank you, Ron-sama. "

The corners of Ron's mouth twitched, "It's just a small thing." "

"All in all, your brother will be fine. "

"It's only a matter of time before you meet. "

That's it.

This night, the curtain came down smoothly.

This night, Magnolia, was destined to be an unquiet night.

This night, the kingdom of Fiore, was destined to be an extraordinary one.

That night, the whole of Ishgar boiled again.

After a night of spreading, after the crazy comments, crazy spreads, and crazy reports of the five-star magician and five-star war correspondent MacArthur.

Ron led the Dragon Empire to successfully defeat the big news of the Dark Ghost Dominator, take control of the Great Demon Serra of the Gate of Hades, and instantly kill the Demon Dragon Army... And so on, a series of explosive information.

Ishgar has already been broadcast!

It has already resounded in Ishgar!

Ishugar has already been shaken!

After the night.

No doubt.

The Dragon Empire is rising!

The Council of Magic, the Gates of Hades, the Dark Guild Group... The major forces were also shocked, shocked by the Dragon Empire, and shocked by Ron.

Under their shock, the Dragon Empire broke through strongly, breaking through to the S-level Wizard Guild in one fell swoop!

To Ron's surprise!

It's not a Wizard Guild.

Instead, he was directly promoted to the S-rank Wizard Guild!

After a night, Ron, as the person concerned, set off directly to the Northern Continent as if nothing happened, with the target: Daliora.

Intercept Hulu, Urrutia.

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