The cold northern continent, the ice and snow covered heaven and earth, the snow is white, and the cold wind envelops the whole world.

At this moment, when Ron and the others came to the area of Brago, which was the area where Daliora was active.

It is deserted, sparsely populated, ruined everywhere, full of war, full of gunsmoke, full of desolate atmosphere, full of dilapidated atmosphere.

The few crowds were embarrassed, disgraced, and extremely miserable.

They are all survivors, humans who have survived at the hands of the undead demon Deliola.

When they saw the dragon magic guide boat, they looked at each other, and when they saw the guild crest of the dragon empire, their eyes burned and their expressions were excited, as if they had rekindled the flame of hope!

They all came over one after another, watching the approaching dragon magic guide boat, and discussed excitedly!

"Thank God! It's finally here! The Magic Guild is finally here!"

"Twenty Seven" "That's right, it's still the Dragon Empire, the newly rising S-class Wizard Guild!"

"Great! I heard that Ron, the leader of the Dragon Empire, is an extremely powerful existence!"

"Yes, I've also heard that Ron has the strength of the Holy Ten, a great strength, and there is no doubt that he is enough to dominate in Ishgar. "

"Yes, I'm also very young, only in my forties. "

"What, it's not more than forty, Ron is obviously only in his thirties!"

On this side of the Northern Continent, due to the perennial attack of demons, it is already very good to be able to survive.

As for the news of the wizarding world, they don't know very much, but they know that it is already very good.

Surrounded by everyone, under the crowd of onlookers, under the discussion of everyone.

The dragon's magic guide boat parked on the snow, a huge magic guide boat, suddenly opened the hatch, and several figures slowly walked out.

Facing everyone's gaze, it descended on the area of Brago.

They were Kana, Jubia, and Lisanna.

At this time, they were dressed tightly, wearing down jackets, fleshy, and very cute.

At the end was Ron, dressed in black, and his whole person was very cold.

With divine power, he is not afraid of the cold.

What's more, he also has the divine power of the Vientiane Realm, controlling the visions of heaven and earth, controlling the cold winter, controlling the ice and snow, and the severe cold.

When Ron and the others arrived in the area of Blago.

Kana, Lisana, Jubia and others covered their mouths and chuckled, very playful and cute.

Just because, the nearby residents, the endless discussion also came to their ears.

En was forty years old.

Eun is in his thirties and very strong!

Wrong, I heard that Ron is still a strong man with a strong hairstyle, a bald head!

For the brain supplement of the nearby residents, Ron can only say thank you, thank you, life is beautiful.

The leader of the survivors is a muscular girl with a golden ponytail, similar to Bisji, a full-time hunter, with muscles exploding all over her body.

In the area where the cold wind is coming and the snow is fluttering, the muscular cute girl is wearing a small pink vest, and the exploding muscle lines are shocking!

Almost two meters tall, he came to Ron's side, like a small mountain, and said in a deep voice: "Hello, I am a resident of the Northern Continent, the area of Blago, my name is Bisiji, and I have a lot of advice." "

Burst... It's really called Bisji, the corners of Ron's mouth twitched, the surface was calm, revealing the guild coat of arms on the back of his right hand, showing it to Bisgi and the others, and said, "Ron." "

"The President of the Dragon Empire. "

"Come on a mission to defeat Daliora. "

Let's talk.

Kana, Lisanna, and Jubia also revealed the guild crest of the Dragon Empire one after another, showing it to everyone.

The guild coats of arms of Kana, Lishana, and Jubia are all on the back of the right hand.

is slightly different from the original book, which is the thigh position and the waist and abdomen position in the original book, which is purely a meat sale.

In reality, Elusa, Miraj... And so on, all the female guild members, their guild coats of arms, are all on the back of the right hand, and not in strange places.

After revealing the guild crest, the residents of Blago looked shocked, their expressions were surprised, and their pupils were glazed.

Looking at Ron, my heart was shocked!

Is this Ron?

The new leader of the S-Class Wizard Guild?

It's just a little kid!! (read a violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Bisgi scratched his ears and cheeks, stared at Ron with wide eyes, and said in shock: "Ah~ha~!"

"Imp... Oh no, you're Lord Ron?"

Ron shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching, "I'm sorry... I am not forty years old, nor thirty years old, nor gray hair, nor gray beard. "

"Yes, I'm Ron. "

"Long story short. "

"Lead the way, I'm going to the area where Daliora is now. "

According to the information, Ron knew that the residents of Blago knew the location of Daliora's activities...

So, if you want to find your target in the fastest time: Deliora, it is the best solution to seek the help of the residents of Blago.

Facing Ron's strong aura, Bisiji was slightly stunned, under the muscular appearance, she had a slender heart, and said respectfully: "Lord Ron, I understand." "

"I know that the current Daliora is there. "

"I'll lead the way and take you to your destination. "

Ron bowed his head and said, "Okay." "


The next journey.

It was led by Bisji.

The residents of Blago cheered on Ron.

"Come on, Lord Ron!"

"Come on, Lord Tyrant~!"

"Tyrant, peace in Blago depends on you!"

That's the good thing about being famous, and no one will take Ron lightly because of his age.

For Ron, the inhabitants of Blago behaved with reverence, respect, and respect for the strong.

That's it.

Bisgi boarded the Dragon's Wizard and pointed his sword at the exact point of Deliola!

The other side.

In one of the towns around Blago.

The artillery fire here is full of sky, the smoke of gunpowder fills the whole field, and the fire is soaring into the sky, dyeing the sky red for half a day!

A huge demonic figure is wreaking havoc here, killing everything, destroying this once prosperous town and destroying the beauty of mankind.

This demon is none other than Deliola!

In front of the demon, there were two boys, 1.9 They were scarred, covered in scars, bloody scars, shocking!

In front of the two boys, there was also a mature female figure.

This figure has short dark hair, wears a jacket and trousers, and has a very capable image, and his heroic appearance is completely different from the image of the inhabitants of the northern continent.

This woman is using the Ice Modeling Magic, and using the Ice Modeling Magic, she is fighting against Daliora.

As a result, it was obvious that she was at an absolute disadvantage, and she was covered in injuries.

Not only that, but the most serious thing is the right leg, which is already missing, and the right leg that uses the ice modeling magic to create an ice model is barely used.

In such a disadvantageous situation, this female sorceress of ice-shaped magic is already a candle in the wind, and the small flame of life is swaying in the cold wind, and the flame of life seems to be extinguished at any time.

A haze of despair enveloped the audience in an instant, is it all over? .

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