The battle situation on the scene was terrible.

Deliora has the upper hand.

The Ice Wizard was embarrassed and retreated.

The Ice Wizard was none other than Uru, and behind Uru, those two were Gray and Leon.

At this moment, the town was under the fire of Deliola, and the smoke of gunfire and explosions were endless.

Perdition is only a matter of time.

This is the immortal Calamity Demon Deliola, absolute strength, absolute arrogance, synonymous with natural disasters!

The successive battles made Uru lose his right leg, and his strength was greatly weakened, making it even more difficult to resist Deliora.

While creating a magic circle with both hands, using the ice shape magic, and with a solemn expression, protecting Gray and Leon, Uru said, "Gray!


Between words.

Uru condenses his magic and uses the ice magic IceMake to create an ice shield for defense.

In a flash!

Hold off Deliora's fire!

Boom~ A loud bang sounded!

Stirring up endless smoke and rolling up fierce winds, blowing everything around them, overturning Gray and Leon, the two of them were as embarrassed as dogs.

Ahem, cough~ Gray coughed frantically, spit out blood, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, looked hideous, and roared!

21 "No! I Want Revenge"

"Daliora is right in front of you!"

"This time! I won't run away again!"

Leon hugged Gray's waist, dragged Gray, and shouted, "Bastard!"

"Gray, don't do it!"

"That's Deliola!"

"Legendary level demons. "

"Destroyed several towns, what are you going to do with Daliora!"

"It's because of your willfulness that you privately challenged Dariola that you put Master Uru in trouble!"

"It's all because of you!"

"You're so selfish!"

"If we stay here, we'll only drag down Master Uru, let's go Gray!"

In the face of Leon's persuasion, Gray was indifferent, his expression was hideous, and he fell into the swamp of thinking, he only wanted revenge, he just wanted to kill Daliora!

"No! I'll get rid of Deliora!"

"I've learned a stunt!"

The stunt Gray is talking about is Absolute Ice.

This is a magic that will make the user's body die, and transform one's own body into extreme ice, which is a forbidden magic.

While Gray and Leon were arguing, Dariola continued to attack, condensing mana power in his mouth, and a terrifying mana shockwave blasted directly at Gray!

Seeing this, Uru's eyes lit up, he gritted his teeth, quickly whipped his horse, instantly killed in front of Gray, created a magic circle with both hands, and continued to use the ice shape magic: IceMake [White Rose Garden], frozen the ground around him, and the ice rose that grew from it spiraled to attack Daliora.

While harassing Dariola, Uru creates several IceMake shields.

Layers of white ice shields instantly defend everything and block the mana frenzy!


Under the explosion.

The ice shield exploded and shattered, and the ice slag flew all over the sky~!

Ulu staggered, took a few steps back, and finally stopped retreating, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

Gray and Leon were tossed to the ground again, spitting blood.

Leon took a mouthful of old blood, slashed his head and covered his face, and sprayed it on Gray's body.

Gray looked confused, wiped the blood, and said worriedly: "Leon, are you okay?"

Leon turned pale and said, "Bastard Gray... Run. "

"Don't be here, I'm going to bother the master.... "

At this point, Gray is still determined to take down Dariola.

Put on an absolutely frozen posture and burst out of magic!

"This is my last magic!"

"Gotta be, take Deliola!"

"Avenge Daddy!"

"Avenge your mother!"

"Revenge for the lost homeland~!"

"Avenge the death of humanity~!"

Before he could get out of school, Uru kicked Gray away, interrupting Gray's spell casting, and scolded, "Gray, do you know what kind of magic this is?"

"It's forbidden magic!"

"This is a magic that will cause the user's body to die, and transform one's own body into polar ice. "

"Once you use Absolute Ice, your life will end. "

Gray was stunned for a moment, but still said, "No problem." "

"As long as I can take down Deliola, my life doesn't matter!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Uru was helpless about Gray's willfulness.

Even if you parry Dariola on the one hand, there is also a pig teammate Gray, who is really helpless.

In the face of Gray's willfulness, Daliora will not show mercy to his subordinates, and continues to bombard Gray, grasping the weakness, that is, striking!

This is the devil, vile and shameless!

Although, in terms of strength, Deliora has the advantage.

However, in terms of offense, Daliora is also unusually cunning, and instead of attacking head-on, he chose to sneak attack, hit Ulu's vital point, and bombard Gray!

Daliora also knows that Gray is Uru's weakness.

For a moment, the mana shockwave, as dense as a torrential rain, blasted towards Gray.

Without giving Uru a chance to breathe, Uru could only bite the bullet and defend frantically, resisting the spell blaster, resisting Deliola's attack, and protecting Gray.

Seeing this, Gray's pupils are quake, is this Daliora?

It's so strong!

Completely invincible!

In the face of absolute strength, Gray's heart is close to collapse!

Under the onslaught of Daliora, Uru was defeated and lay in a pool of blood, covered in blood, red in the snow, and dying.

This scene shook the hearts of Gray and Leon.

The invincible master, the invincible Ulu, fell 553.

In front of Deliora, Ulu will also be defeated.

This completely subverted their three views, and in such a desperate situation, they had lost the opportunity to escape.

Daleola's hideous gaze also locked on Gray, Leon, Uru and others, and laughed: "It's over... Tiny human beings~!"

"You're done. "

"Prepare for death!"

"In despair, waiting for death to come!"

A roar shook the heavens and the earth, and shocked the hearts of everyone.

After taking Ulu, Daliola went completely crazy, and extreme malice filled the audience.

Gray and Leon's bodies trembled, trembling like chaff, their expressions distorted and collapsed, and they sat on the ground, their faces full of despair, and they had long lost their fighting spirit.

His eyes were blank, he had lost his highlights, and his will had already been broken.

Not far away, in a ruin, behind a crumbling wall, hides the figure of a petite maiden.

The girl has pink hair and blue eyes, and is a fair-skinned girl with a worried face.

Her name is Shirley Brandy, and she has been hiding here since her parents were killed by Dariola.

Until the appearance of Ulu and others, I thought I had met hope.

As a result, the light of hope was extinguished in an instant, and Uru and the others were instantly killed by Daliora.

It's over.

Is it all over?

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