God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1052: Orc 1!

Europe, the capital of Paris, where the original French capital is located.

In the sky, countless fighters, bombers, and unmanned fighters are flying wildly toward the ground.

Above the ground, the guns rumbling and the fire swept across the battlefield.

On the battlefield filled with smoke, a beast warrior with a scale armor and a body length between three and six meters is madly killed with a beastly warrior who has become a humanoid beast. Both sides are as crazy as a beast. Just like the big beast and the little beast are killing insanely.

In the sky five kilometers away from the center of the battlefield, there is a flying instrument like a white cloud suspended in the void. On the flying equipment like a white cloud, standing a group of three meters to eight meters in height, the whole body is draped. Scaled monster.

One of the heads has a black one-horned head, and looks like a snake's head. A monster resembling a human limb looks at the bottom and smiles gently: "These humans still have some meaning, and they can make these beastized warriors out."

A man with a horse face, with a powerful wave of monsters in the sixth-order **** warrior: "His Royal Highness! Those human beings have made a beastly warrior, but after all, they are not comparable to our truly great orc warriors."

Tyro looked down at the cold and smiled: "It is true, fakes are fakes!"

At this time in the battlefield below, those humanized animalized warriors could not say that they were vulnerable, but under the attack of the real orc warrior, a humanized animalized warrior was directly killed, and the front line was killed. In the constant collapse.

If it is not a human beastly warrior, there are heavy weapons such as heavy artillery and rockets. They have long been killed by those orc warriors.

Just then, thirty-six Thunder fighters suddenly flew from the sky. Attacked the high-ranking orc family standing in the clouds.

A rocket rocket directly hits the high-level of the orc family like a raindrop.

"What a nasty fly, give it to me!"

Tyro brows slightly, and stretches out the right hand that is decorated with the mark of the demon system. He stretches out five fingers toward the sky, and five black black lights with evil spirits are brushing toward the sky.

The rocket that was like a raindrop was directly rotted by the black light, and it was corroded and became a beach waste water falling on the ground.

The five black evil lights swayed toward the thirty-six Thunder fighters in the sky. The thirty-six Thunder fighters were immediately corroded and turned into a mass of pus falling from the sky. underground.

One of the killer squadrons of these heavenly kingdoms, the Thunder fighter plane was in front of the title of His Royal Highness. It was so vulnerable that it was easily destroyed.

After hitting and destroying thirty-six Thunder fighters, Tyro shook his head and sighed: "The lives of these ordinary human beings are really few, killing thirty-six, not the human apostles killed before. One in ten thousand. Red Eagle! The flies in the sky are handed over to you the Red Eagle."


A whole body is like a crystal red feather, and the six-level powerhouse with the general head of the eagle screams at the tarot, and slaps its wings. Flying into the sky made a loud whistling sound.

Suddenly from the clouds, countless monsters with red eagle eagle heads flew toward the thunder fighters, bombers, and fighters in the heavens of the heavens.

The monsters with the red eagle eagle heads flew faster than the speed of sound. After a while, they caught up with the air force of the heavenly kingdom in the sky.

A Thunder fighter flew in midair, and four onboard 5mm cannons slanted downwards with firepower.

The orc warriors of the head and the head were under the bombardment of the cannon and the body collapsed. Blood is splashing.

The three-meter-old orc warriors also have the third-order peak, but their bodies are also unable to withstand the bombardment of the cannon.

Countless fires flashed, and the head of a monster with a height of five meters and a bull's head had a huge blood hole. Countless blood flew out of its mind, letting it fall to the ground.

The human ace driver in the Thunder fighter blew a whistle and smiled: "Get rid of one."

The warriors of the orcs were invulnerable. Even heavy artillery can hardly kill them unless they are in the center of power. Only the fierce Thunder fighter can effectively kill the enemy.

Just as the human ace driver was excited. Four monsters with red eagle eagle heads flew over the Thunder fighter.

An eagle-headed monster was savagely smiling, holding a red-red war spear and stabbing it on the tempered glass of the Thunder fighter.


The tempered glass, which can withstand the heavy machine gunshots, was directly crushed, and the red-red spear directly penetrated the head of the human ace driver.

After a blow to kill the human ace driver, the eagle head

The man flew directly into the Thunder fighter.

There was a burst of gunfire in the Thunder fighter, and then there was no sound. The eagle head, who was bloody, also flew out of the plane, without a trace of scar on his body.

Losing the driver, the Thunder fighter immediately fell from the sky to the ground, and made a huge explosion, turning into a huge fireball.

After a large number of Red Eagle soldiers flew into the sky, the human warplanes in the sky continually fell to the ground, turning into a huge group of fireballs, exploding.

After a while, the air superiority of the Kingdom of Heaven disappeared.

Tyro swept the sky and looked faint: "Thunder Tiger, you are on the Thunder Tigers, crushing the resistance of humans."

When Tyro sent the Red Eagle family to attack the Shenzhou Air Force, he understood that the Air Force of the Heavenly Kingdom would not be the opponent of the Red Eagle family. It was a breeze to destroy the Heavenly Kingdom Air Force. After all, the strongest of the Red Eagles are the third, fourth and fifth powers of the sky system. Many fighters fly at a speed that is far beyond the speed of sound, destroying those human fighters without a slight pressure.

At the top of the eyebrows, there is a lightning bolt symbol, and the thunder Tigers who have the tiger's head are convinced: "Yes!"

After the completion of the language, a Leihu fighter who was led by the sixth-order powerhouse and whose speed surpassed the speed of sound rushed directly toward the human army.

The warrior of the Thunder Tigers did not join the center of the battle, but rushed all the way, destroying the armored forces of countless humans, charging in the direction of the heavy firepower cluster of human beings. All the way, invincible, countless elite human soldiers died and wounded. Heavy, the end of the miserable.

Soon, this elite force deployed by the Kingdom of Heaven in France collapsed immediately, and countless humans died under the attack of the orc warriors.

"The first squadron of the Lei Ying Brigade is completely destroyed!"

"The second squadron of the Leiying Brigade is completely destroyed!"


Among the headquarters of the Heavenly Kingdom of God, one by one came from the front.

In the headquarters of the Heavenly Kingdom of Heaven, the high-level paradise of the gods of heaven is very difficult, and many people even have a trace of despair.

An elder asked with a look of horror: "The elders, what are you doing now? Edward is dead. The twelve apostles have also fallen five. Our most elite Shenguo Guard is about to be annihilated. What should we do now?" ”

The rest of the elders also looked at the great elder Jonas, the ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven, with a look of horror. At this time, as the leader of the heavenly kingdom, the first apostle Edward of the celestial pillar was killed by Tyro from the gate of hell.

The two most powerful killers in the Kingdom of Heaven are the twelve apostles, and the National Guards are not the opponents of the orc strong. At this time, the elders have panicked and everyone is full of despair.

The paradise of the gods deployed in France is already one-third of the power of the gods of heaven. Now the elite troops are easily destroyed by the aliens. The barriers to the west of their heavenly kingdom have been lost. They will face the aliens. Danger.

Even if the great elder Jonas faced such a desperate situation, he still did not waver, but his eyes flashed a firm, slowly saying: "Don't panic! Implement the final plan, and ask for help from Huaxia, please Yue Zhong is the same person in the world." In accordance with the covenant, come and rescue us."

An elder is very worried: "But Yue Zhong was not long ago ~www.readwn.com~ and we are enemies, will he come to save us?"

Before the advent of the Earth's federal government, Yue Zhong and the Heavenly Kingdom were enemies, and the two sides did not know how many. After the emergence of the Earth's federal government, in order to jointly resist the aliens, they barely signed a non-aggression treaty. Reluctantly let go of hatred and jointly resist the enemy of mankind.

Many elders are worried that Yue Zhong will not rescue their heavenly kingdom.

"He will come! You can rest assured that he will definitely come." The elder Jonas was nailed to the railroad and sighed in his heart: "He will come, but he will come, I am afraid of our heavenly kingdom. It will be history."


“Executing the final plan!!”


The great elder Jonas calmly affected other people, and a series of orders were quickly conveyed.

A missile carrying a nuclear warhead flew out of the nuclear silo and flew toward Paris.

The core of the heavenly kingdom is the Germans before the end of the world. Their nest is also Germany. However, in the last two years, they also got a lot of nuclear weapons from France. Now at that time, Jonas they I don't care too much.

Soon, a nuclear missile flew over Paris.

"Is this a missile? I broke it!"

In the clouds above Paris, the sixth-order powerhouse of the Red Eagle family looked at a missile flying from afar, frowning, and directly pulled out the giant bow on the back and fired at the missile.

A bone arrow broke out and shot a missile directly.

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