God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1063: 4 Sichuan gathering place for help!

Taixi disgustedly swept the fifth-order catwoman, and said coldly: "Through my command, everyone is not allowed to pursue. Our immediate priority is to build a solid base."

The catwoman respectfully said: "Yes, Your Highness!"

As a prince of the orc empire, Tessie is not as eager for merit as Tyrone, and his style is his style.

Under the orders of Tessie, the army of countless orcs extended outwards and occupied a large area. At the same time, they began to build simple ruins and defend them.

A steady stream of orc warriors came to the world through the gates of hell.

Throughout France, under the orderly penetration of Tessie, it began to slowly fall into the control of the orc empire.

Such an orderly expansion of Tessie, although the Limo zombie can not wave the army to expel the orc warrior, but also gave Limo zombie the time to compile the French zombies.

Both sides are constantly expanding their power during the small-scale battle.

The orc warriors also really laid the foundation on the earth.

On the other hand, Yue Zhong passed the storm ship and transported a large number of survivors from Berlin back to China. [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

Among the hidden canyons of Sichuan, a door to **** is located in a flat land surrounded by mucus of bacteria blankets.

A third-order mutant leopard climbed from afar, curiously glanced at the mushroom blanket and walked toward it.

When the third-order mutant leopard came to the carpet, suddenly, in the mushroom blanket, an oval object shot a meat hook directly into the third-order mutant leopard hook, forcefully A pull, directly into the carpet.

In the mushroom blanket, the force was stirred for a while, and there was no sound.

Soon, in the mushroom blanket, an oval object was broken directly, with a sharp claw on one end, a slender tail, a slender head, and a sharp-shaped human figure. A stray larva crawled around its body and finally climbed into its abdomen and drilled in.

The humanoid shaped eyelids looked around and looked around, darting away and galloping toward the distance.

The alien horror monster that can kill all the creatures on the planet still comes to the earth through the gates of hell.

There are more than three hundred gates of **** scattered on the earth. Every world may connect with several gates of hell. It is only a defensive door to **** that can only block the monsters that come out of the door of hell. [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

Although Yue Zhong also understands the truth, the power in his hands is only enough to defend several gates of hell. In other places, even if he knows, there is no way. Sending more soldiers is a waste of troops, sending fewer soldiers, purely to let the aliens slaughter.

Yue Zhong has got a lot of powerful technology from different worlds. Many technologies have been developed and put into production, but it takes a certain amount of time to change the troops on a large scale.

In a secret room among the capitals of the Huaxia Kingdom, Yue Zhong slowly opened his eyes and his eyes were full of light.

Yue Zhong’s heart filled with joy and thought: “The fifth key of Yin and Yang’s big handprints has finally been practiced. This secret is really profound and profound, even if I practiced the fifth weight, it took a whole month. This time, I There is another powerful card. Although it doesn't have much effect on the war, it is possible to defeat the opponent with the heads-up to the eighth-order powerhouse."

After evolving to the second-order **** demon, Yue Zhong’s talent became enchanting, and he was able to see through the eyes. The language of any country can be easily mastered in an hour, and it is ten times stronger than the natives. ....

With such a fascinating talent, Yue Zhong learns the yin and yang big handprints before the four weights are easy to master, while the fifth one is it took a month to learn to master. [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

Yue Zhong walked out of the secret room, dressed in a military uniform, and looked beautiful and generous. Chen Yao immediately came to his front and reported: "Yue Zhong, a large gathering place in Sichuan came for help signals, and they were surrounded by the corpse. , ask us to send troops to support. They are willing to attach to the central government."

Yue Zhong heard his brows slightly wrinkled, and then slowly said: "Sichuan? Well, I will take a walk in person."

At this time, the policy of the Huaxia National Region is being implemented, and a large base is under construction. At the same time, many generals such as Ji Qing Dance also led the troops to constantly clear the corpses around the big base city.

There are Ji Qing Dance, Bai Xiaosheng, Zheng Minghe, Zhuo Yazhen, Chen Shenggang, Li Guang, Chen Yu, and Hu Jinmin to attack the zombies around them. All kinds of work are handled by special personnel, and Yue Zhong only needs to grasp the big direction. At this time, Yue Zhong stayed in the capital, and spent a lot of time on the enlightenment secrets. It was indeed a bit boring.

Moreover, in the vicinity of a large base city, it is necessary to station heavy troops and easily be unable to move. The most mobile force that can be mobilized is Yue Zhong himself. He alone can destroy millions of zombies.

Chen Yao smiled gently: "Is it with silver cream?"

The silver frost is very sticky and heavy, and the entire Huaxia country is very clear. [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "No! Silver cream is also an important force. If she guards Tianjing, it will be more secure."

Silver Cream is a seventh-order powerhouse, and the entire Huaxia country is second only to Yuezhong's top powerhouse. She is sitting in Tianjing, and even if she is in danger, she can resist one or two.

After making a decision, Yue Zhong immediately flew in the direction of Sichuan with a battlefield of the Holy Land Guardian carrying the huge storm ship.

On the outskirts of Xicheng, Sichuan, there is a city that has just been built and is surrounded by wooden walls.

Before reaching a canyon in the city, hundreds of soldiers wearing military uniforms armed with guns continued to explode an old zombie.

There are many mountains in Sichuan and many canyons. The city surrounded by wooden walls is built after a canyon that can only accommodate two cars.

It was with the narrow canyon that hundreds of soldiers were able to withstand the canyon, densely tens of thousands of corpses.

On the top of a small hill in the canyon, several military officers wearing military uniforms were watching the distance with a telescope.

A head of the team was somewhat angry and inconsistent: "Brigadier, brothers can't figure out why they want to contact Yue. He is clearly a big warlord who has recovered the capital of Tianjing. And this **** warlord has also established. What **** the new government, clearly is a rebellion!! We are self-sufficient here, so happy, why do you need to contact him, subject to people?" [God system] 123 read novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty three Chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

The head of the head came out, and the rest of the officers on the hill showed a hint of approval.

Yue Zhong was an ordinary person before the end of the world and had no authority. After he created the new government, many of the troops of the old government distributed around the fourth-order were dissatisfied with him. Some are willing to join his new government, others are regarded as rebellious and hateful, and others are in a period of neutral wait-and-see, with various reactions.

At this time, the gathering place was completely determined by the military. They held heavy fists and mastered the lives of those survivors. The feeling of killing and killing them was in my hands. This feeling has caused many people to change their minds.

For the first five-minded, straight-browed, burly, and the eyes of the officers looking at the distance slowly: "Wang cannon, we are soldiers. The military's vocation is to protect the country. Yue Zhong if you have the ability to protect us Country, then we should trust him and do things for him. Protect our country and people. This is what a soldier should do."...

The officer was named Yue Haimin and was a brigade before the end of the world. After the world mutated, he took the opportunity to destroy the zombies, the united forces, and rescued a large number of survivors from the western city from the city, arranged to enter the canyon, and held the canyon by the canyon. The waves of the corpse have been attacked by waves. [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!

Wang Cannon’s eyes flashed a dissatisfied, but his mouth still respectfully said: "Yes! Brigadier."

The Vietnamese people are very prestigious among the troops. Although the Wang cannon has a power, it cannot compete with the Vietnamese people.

The Vietnamese people looked at the endless corpse of the sea beyond the canyon and flashed a worrying color: "And those zombies have evolved stronger and stronger, and our ammunition reserves are not much."

The evolution of zombies is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more tyrannical types. If there is no natural danger, this gathering place has already been broken.

In the eyes of Wang Cannon, there is a flash of disapproval: "Those zombies are evolving~www.readwn.com~ Our brothers are constantly getting stronger. You see, they are not our brothers' opponents at all."

I saw at the entrance to the canyon, more than twenty military warriors armed with magical system weapons blocked the canyon, constantly killing the evolutionary zombies who entered the canyon.

After the military fighters, there are hundreds of military fighters waiting for the rotation.

With the help of natural dangers, coupled with the rotation of nearly a thousand intensifiers, Wang Cannon believes that their canyons are really impregnable and do not need others to save.

"Pharaoh, that little wife was really beautiful that day, was you engaged, cool?" [God system] 123 read novel network first demon system 1063 first thousand zero sixty-three chapter Sichuan gathering place for help!




At the entrance to the canyon, hundreds of military soldiers waiting for the rotation looked at Taniguchi and laughed easily. They are not afraid of those zombies at all.

Just between the warriors and jokes, a small alien larva flashed a vigilant color, swam to a side in the corner, suddenly burst out and jumped directly to the face of the soldier, along the soldier The nostrils drilled into his brain.


Just as the alien larva rushed to the surface, the soldier made a terrified cry.

The hundreds of soldiers turned their heads to look at the soldier, but found no abnormalities.

A soldier is dissatisfied: "Liu Da nose, what is your name? People are scary, scared to death!"

That Liu Da nose just wanted to say something, suddenly a confused in the brain, and then grinned: "I don't remember." (To be continued.

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