God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1066: Fisiniya!

Yue Zhong’s personal combat power is extremely powerful. He is killing aliens faster than other fighters and is much safer. This time he did not bring too many elite Central Army soldiers to come. The most appropriate of these soldiers is to maintain order and eliminate the aliens hidden in the crowd.

Fisiniya brushed a military ceremony to Yue Zhong: "Yes! The leader!"

Fisiniya is far more mature than other girls in her age, and Yue Zhong is also assured that she will command the troops.

After Fisiniya promised, Yue Zhong immediately stepped on the air and walked toward the sky.

"Flying in the sky! Can humans fly to the sky?"

“Is this a skill? Rare flight skills?”


Watching Yue Zhong stepping into the air, Yue Haimin and many other officers flashed a sigh of shock, and felt that Yue Zhong was even more unfathomable.

When Yue Zhongyi left, Fisiniya's eyes were cold and he gave a cold and incomprehensible command: "Liu Xiong, you bring people to maintain order, let all the queues pass through. All the people who do not line up in order to check and leave, to rebel crimes, Ground shots."

Although it seems that Fichnia is only a 12-year-old girl, her heart is very mature and she has seen the darkness of countless people. The number of traitors and spies who executed under her orders exceeded one thousand.

Liu Xiong, a half-step fifth-order Central Army elite unit leader, said: "Yes!"

This Central Army elite also knew that Fisiniya was so powerful that they quickly made a defensive posture and pointed the survivors with Gauss rifles.

Fichnia swept the Vietnamese people and ordered: "The sea brigade commander. The person who directs you, do the work of maintaining order. The survivors who have screened us will be organized to leave here and enter the storm ship."

Yue Haimin looked at Fichnia, who was in front of him, and there was a strange feeling in his eyes. He was a brigade commander, and he had to listen to a fifteen-year-old who was less than a small Loli. This made him feel a bit absurd and hesitated for a while.

Wang Cannon swept Fisiniya and sneered a smile: "Yue Zhong is really confused. Even let a little girl come to command. Little sister, you still go back and hide, give up the command. The commanding battle is adult. thing."

The rest of the officers also looked at the same shape and swept Fisina, and their eyes were different.

Fichnia's eyes swept the officers, and they showed a jade hand.

Brushing, the twenty elite masters standing next to Fisiniya turned the muzzle and pointed to the Haimin people and his eyes were cold. The murder is looming.

Feel the killings of the 20 elite masters, and the officers are all cold.

Fichnia's eyes smokyly swept over the high-level military gatherings of the Haimin people and the high-level military. The cold channel: "Chaohai people, since you joined our new government, we are a member of our military. Military regulations, battlefield disobedience. Directly on the ground. You just joined the Central Army without knowing the rules, the first time even if it is. If you dare to resist again, don't blame me for being ruthless, directly shooting you on the spot."

Feel the chilly eyes of Fisiniya, which is full of killings. The hearts of the people in the sea can not help but give birth to a chill.

"Let me go!! Go away. Let me go, my sister is Li Niugang battalion commander. Let me go!! Otherwise, you can't eat and walk!!"

At this moment, among the people in front, suddenly there was a riot, a young man with a sigh of anger between the eyebrows, crowded under the crowd of several big men, madly squeezing toward the front. The survivors who were weak and weak were squeezed out by the young man.

A soldier’s eyes screamed coldly: “Follow the order, go back and line up!”

The young man screamed at the extreme, screaming loudly: "Do you know who I am? My cockroach is Li Niugang battalion commander, go away!! Otherwise, be careful that I let you kill me!"

Li Niangang is a battalion commander with real power. He is also one of the top executives in this Xinfeng gathering place. Among the Xinfeng gathering places, there is a powerful force. His family members are also arrogant in this gathering place, and they are rampant to the extreme.

The young man who was arrogant and arrogant had just fallen, accompanied by a crisp shot, his head was directly blasted out of a big hole, red and white spattered a place.

At almost the same time, the rest of the Central Army elite also fired a trigger at the side of Li Nianggang's punk, directly exploding those mixed heads.





Looking at this horrible scene, many survivors made a scream of screaming.

The officers who were behind the seas were also chilling. They didn't even think about it. The Central Army soldiers were so ruthless, and those who cut the queue were killed.

A warrior screamed, and the horrible momentum poured out of his body, directly overwhelming those chaotic people: "What mess! Order in order, deliberately create chaos, and shoot on the spot."

The drinker was so drunk, and the survivors were honest, and they were very honest and waiting for the inspection.

Fichnia's eyes swept the officers and looked cold. "Don't organize people? Want to fight against the battlefield?"

A glimpse of the people in the sea: "Yes!"

Li Niang, an officer behind the Vietnamese people, was screaming at Fisiniya, and his eyes were filled with the color of grievances: "Small monks, dare to kill my nephew, I will never let you go. I went back and immediately organized the man, killing your people and taking the battleship away."

After the world mutated, Li Niang just left his nephew a relative, precisely because of this, he only indulged his own nephew. Now killing than Fisiniya, his heart can not help but full of grievances.

Fisiniya swept Li Niang and others and looked at Li Niang just and his confession points: "Slow! You guys come out!"

Under the threat of the Gaussian rifle, Li Niang and others were only able to come out.

Fichnia's eyes waved coldly: "These people are distracted and shot on the spot!"

"Do not!"

In the horrified eyes of Li Nianggang and others, the light of the Gaussian rifle flashed, and Li Nianggang and others immediately killed him.

Seeing the scene where Li Niangang and others were headshot and died, the officers and other officers of Yue Haimin became pale and heart-wrenching.

Yue Haimin’s face was blue and green, and his eyes were cold and glared at Fisinia’s voice: “Miss Fichnia, what are you doing? Why are you killing us?”

At this time, the Vietnamese people looked at Fijiania in front of them, as if they were watching a terrible little demon.

Fichnia's face did not change coldly: "I have the ability to read the heart. This Li Niang just the young man who was just killed, these people are under his heart. He is ready to land on the battleship. When I launched a rebellion, I directly cleared them from these hidden dangers."

Yue Haimin’s face was blue and green, and he thought: “How is it possible to read minds?”

Fisiniya swept over the sea, and the pretty face was like a piece of ice. "You think now, reading mind, how is it possible?"

The people in the sea are shocked: "Is it impossible? Can she really read the heart?"

"You are thinking now, is it impossible? Can she really read the heart? Just, you are very lucky, I can also show you my ability." Fisiniya swept the sea people, a cold smile Pointing to a survivor and ordering: "Blow him!"

A soldier took the Gauss rifle in his hand and shot it directly at the survivor.

Under the bombardment of the Gaussian rifle, the survivor's body was blasted several large holes, and his head was directly blasted, extremely miserable.

Seeing this scene, Yue Haimin’s face changed, and he was about to scream at Fisiniya. From the body of the survivor, he jumped out of the four-shaped cubs, and looked at the elite of the surrounding Central Army. The warrior jumped.

The elite soldiers of the Central Army had long been prepared to shoot directly, and the volley blasted the head-shaped pups, mucus and broken meat.

A Central Army soldier took out a flamethrower and sprayed a flame directly to burn the body of the survivor.

In the body of the survivor, there may be hidden larvae, so for those who have been killed by aliens, the body must be burned immediately. This is the experience that Yue Zhong summed up after fighting with the alien.

The Vietnamese people were silent for a while: "I know, Fisiniya, I will organize the survivors to leave here. However, I reserve the opinion that they will deal with them."

After the completion of the language, Yue Haimin immediately began to organize others to move to the area where the storm ship was located.

Fisiniya is standing on the side of ~www.readwn.com~ as a human radar, scanning those who may be parasitic.

Those who are parasitic by the aliens, their brains will be dominated by the alien larvae, emitting a strange electric wave that ordinary people can't sense. But when Fisiniya touched the radio waves that were fierce and violent and completely different from humans, they could distinguish those aliens. Then he was directly killed by the Central Army elite soldiers stationed on the side.

The number of shaped matures hatched in Xinfeng's gathering place is not too large, only only thirty. The thirty-headed matures are simply unable to strike for Yue Zhong. The only trouble is to find out those aliens.

After spending four hours, Yue Zhong killed the last alien in a dark building.

The number of human survivors who are parasitic is a lot. There are more than 600 people who have parasitic shaped larvae in their bodies. Those parasitized human survivors were immediately killed and the bodies were directly burned.

After killing all the aliens, a sense of urgency rushed to Yue’s heart: “No, the alien has invaded Sichuan. I must immediately leave and take all the people inside the large gathering place. Otherwise, here People will become alien rations." (To be continued...)

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