God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1069: The yin and yang big handprints!

After the right leg of the deep red reaper was shattered, Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a stunned look: "A good fighter!! Awesome intelligent robot!"

"This way, I will be destroyed by it sooner or later. The master of this mechanical empire is terrible. The body of the Crimson Reaper is much worse than the combat robots of the mechanical empire. If I can win a top After the intelligent robot is integrated into the heart of hope, I will have a strong card."

Between Yue Zhongxin and the electrician, he did not dare to neglect, directly opened the powerful shield system of the Crimson Reaper's own body, opened a powerful protective cover, and flew directly toward the holy Guardian battleship in the sky.

Not far away, the huge holy guardian warship is also flying towards this side.

Between a few breaths, Yue Zhong flew to the battlefield of the Holy Land Guardian, and entered the battleship directly along the door.

The huge Holy Land Guardian warship, which absorbed Yue Zhong, immediately opened the protective cover, and a huge protective cover appeared out of the air, blocking it in front of it.

"There is a response, give me a break!!"

The super particle cannon on the body of the huge fighter plane invented by Bartonia madly slammed into the battleship of the Holy Land Guardian.

The super particles that can penetrate the seventh-order powerhouse bombarded the shield of the Holy Land Guardian battleship, smashed and smashed, and consumed a lot of Holy Land Guardian battleship energy.

Yue Zhong grabbed the **** road all the way to the central computer of the Holy Land Guardian battleship and directly took out a data line. Directly inserted into Baliwang.

Baliwang looked at the data line as it approached, and the eyes were full of fear. Loudly screamed: "No! Yue Zhong, you can't do this to me. Don't!!"

The intelligent program of Baliwang judged that if it was inserted by the data line, it would really die and become a slave.

Yue Zhong’s eyes were cold and the plug of the data cable was directly inserted into the body of Bali Wang: “Go to death!”

As soon as the data line was inserted into the body of Bali Liwang, the huge data flow immediately rushed into the core of the intelligent program of Baliwang, just like flooding, completely devouring the core of intelligence of Baliwang, only between two breaths. The bright light in Bali’s eyes immediately became dim.

As a treasure of silver treasure, the power of white clothing is also extremely terrifying, as long as she is invincible within her field.

In fact, every treasure of hope has endless magical effects, of course, to play their role. The conditions required are different. However, among the treasures of hope, the treasure of super artificial intelligence is one of the most practical ones.

In the eyes of Bali, the rapid recovery of the light, toward Yue Zhongdao: "Baliwang has seen the master. From now on, Baliwang is willing to go to the fire for the masters, and he will not leave."

Yue Zhong looked at the eight Li Wang who saluted him. There was a ecstasy color in the eyes: "Good, good, good! Save a seventh-order 傀儡 。. Haha!"

The seventh-order mutant beast nucleus is extremely difficult to find, and Yue Zhong does not have much. He is also reluctant to use the seventh-order mutant beast nucleus to make the 傀儡 傀儡. Now Bai can actually enslave the strong man who has the seventh-order power of Bali Liwang, so that he can't help but feel happy.

To know. Above the earth, the seventh-order powerhouse is almost invincible. And the seventh-order powerhouse is more difficult to come to the earth.

This time. The mechanical empire sent 20 seven-order powerhouses to the earth at one time, and it paid a great price. After all, there is a limit to the gates of hell. At this time, the gates of **** still reject the seventh-order powerhouse of the alien planet. Of course, after entering the Earth, the direct breakthrough into the seventh-order powerhouse, or the earth-based indigenous people such as Yue Zhong, are not excluded.

"Great, these smart robots are mine!!"

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a greedy color, and quickly put on the stealth armor. The whole person’s breath was hidden, and the ghosts flew out of the holy land guardian battleship.

At this time, outside the Holy Land Guardian battleship, the Baltonian incarnation super fighter is engaged in a fierce artillery battle with the Holy Land Guardian warship.

The Guardian of the Holy Land has a huge hull, numerous naval guns, and numerous countless light rains, which have slammed into the super fighters that Bartonian changed into.

The super fighters of Baltonia also opened the protective cover, and the shuttle in the light rain, the shield above the body resisted a large number of artillery fires, and from time to time the super particle guns directed at the hull of the holy land guardian battleship. Directly blasted.

Although the Holy Land Guardian battleship is much larger than the Baltonian avatar super fighter, in fact, it is the Holy Land Guardian warship at a disadvantage.

The Holy Land Guardian Battleship was developed as a large-scale war weapon, and its power is mainly used to deal with a large number of alien warriors.

Bartonia is a terrorist powerhouse with the strength of the seventh-order high-level warrior. Both the speed and the power of individual artillery are far above the sacred warships. Over time, he was able to break the shield of the Holy Land Guardian battleship and shoot down the Holy Land Guardian battleship.

Yue Zhong stealthly flew into the battlefield, and his mind moved and ordered to white: "White, adjust the firepower, and push it to move in this direction."


White quickly reacted and adjusted the artillery fire, forming a terrible firepower net directly to Baltonia, forcing Bartonia to move in the direction of Yue Zhong.

However, Yue Zhong’s expectation, that Baltonia’s movement track is very different, is farther and farther away from his position, and it is difficult to capture.

White greets Yue Zhong: "The remaining hull shield is 43%. According to the opponent's current attack intensity, the hull shield will be broken after five minutes."

"No, you have to kill it. It's hard to steal it from stealth."

Between Yue Zhong’s thoughts, he made a judgment. With a wave of his hand, the body of the deep red reaper immediately appeared, stepping into it one step at a time, the body’s light wings were on display, and numerous rays of light flowed, letting him turn into a streamer Bartonia flew directly.

"Would you like to fight with me? Yue Zhong, surrendered Bali Liwan. Otherwise next year, today is your jealous day!"

Bartonia roared and did not charge toward Yuezhong. Instead, he relied on speed advantage and continued to fly. He adjusted the muzzle and continually bombarded Yue Zhong. It actually used the kite-flying tactics to release the Yue kite.

After Yue Zhong drove the body of the Crimson Reaper, his speed soared to seven Mach, which is a metamorphosis speed for many seventh-order powerhouses.

However, the speed of Bartonia, which is the avatar of the super fighter, is as high as 10 Mach. It is 3 Mach faster than Yue Zhong’s full-speed flight. Yue Zhong, who has always been proud of speed, can only eat dust behind Bartonia and can only be beaten.

At this moment, the eighteen intelligent robots in the rear also opened their mechanical wings and flew over.

Bartonia’s cold threatened: “Yue Zhong, surrendered Bali Liwang and surrendered immediately. Otherwise, today is your day of burial. We will also go to your headquarters in Tianjing, China’s headquarters, and will be owned by your Tianjing city. Kill humans clean. Kill all your friends, family, parents, and women. One does not stay!"

"It is impossible to want me to surrender! And, today, all of you will die!"

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the cold light flashed past. The mechanical light wing behind the deep red reaper flashed, and the air flow spewed, turning into a burning light. In a flash, a smart, blond intelligent robot flew over. .

Between a breath, Yue Zhong flew to the front of the blond intelligent robot, bursting out from the body of the deep red reaper, a dragon hand, a huge world of vitality into a giant hand Grab the blond intelligent robot and squash it directly.

When the blood flashed, the blond intelligent robot was wrapped in blood and could not move at all.

A face-to-face uniformed the blond intelligent robot, Yue Zhong tried hard, the huge **** whirlwind as a meteor flew directly toward the holy Guardian battleship, and in a flash, flew into the Holy Land Guardian battleship. Among them.

When the blond intelligent robot flew into the battlefield of the Holy Land Guardian, it was seized by the eight-year-old who had already waited there, and took it to the central computer to let Bai Yi control slavery.

Bartonia smashed, and a breath flew into the remaining intelligent robot. The change became a human figure, and roared: "Bastard, squash, destroy him!!"

The remaining 18 intelligent robots quickly formed a mysterious array. Each of the human bodies extended all the muzzles, and the endless gunfire, according to the mysterious trajectory, rushed toward Yue Zhong.

Among them, ~www.readwn.com~ six intelligent robots have specially blocked the space, and almost completely blocked the space around Yuezhong. Even the eighth-order junior warrior, if there is no special means, it is difficult to break free.

Blocking space, plus countless artillery collections, the power of this attack, even the eighth-order powerhouse can also kill, the power of this attack, almost invincible.

"Yin and Yang big hand print!"

In the face of the earth-shattering, the horrible blow of burning the boiled sea, Yue Zhong avoids inevitable, the fierce light in his eyes flashed away, the left hand shrouded the endless deep yin light, the right hand shrouded the dazzling yang light, the yin and yang rendezvous , forming a huge yin and yang big handprint directly to the firepower formed by the countless gunfire.

The huge yin and yang big handprints were pressed, and the torrent of the horrible artillery fire collapsed directly, and the blocked space was also shattered and unraveled.

The huge yin and yang big handprints were unrelenting, and the eight intelligent robots were shot at the same time. The three intelligent robots were directly smashed and completely shattered, and they could no longer be recovered.

The remaining fifteen intelligent robots were directly shaken by the horrible force, and countless parts shattered. (To be continued...)

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