God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1074: Exchange Class B particle guns and Class B laser swords!

In the Nagaro virtual network, between Yue Zhong’s thoughts, he could see countless intelligences. He thought his mind and looked in the direction of adjustment. M

In an instant, countless exchanges of information poured into Yue Zhong’s knowledge of the sea.

Among the countless exchange information, there are a large number of mechanical beasts, as well as a variety of super-weapon weapons and spare parts, which are dazzling and dazzling.

Yue Zhong looked at the countless exchanges, and quietly thought: "The ones that can be compared with the mechanical beasts of the fourth-order powerhouse are a meritorious point. It is really cheap. If it is exchanged for 100 million to the earth, That can completely sweep any force."

Those mechanical beasts are good, but the number of 100 million heads of Yue Zhong can't bring them back to Earth, so he quickly gave up on this option and looked at other options.

"This is the battle body of the king of the eighth-order machinery." Yue Zhong looked down all the way, his eyes suddenly brightened, and then his brow wrinkled: "How much? 30 billion merits, it is too expensive."

In this exchange, the strongest is the battle body of the king of the eighth-order machinery. If Yue Zhong can get the battle body of the king of the eighth-order battle, and integrate into the heart of hope, he will enter the body again. Even if it is the eighth-order powerhouse, he may defeat it or even kill it. However, the battle body of the king of the eighth-order machinery is also expensive and scary, Yue Zhong can not be exchanged.

Yue Zhongxin chose to exchange: "No matter what, first exchange a Class B super particle cannon and a B-level laser sword. I have these two weapons in this body, and the combat power is at least ten times."

Suddenly, Yue Zhong’s 100 million merit points quickly disappeared by 20 million.

At a distance of 3,000 kilometers from the battlefield in the wilderness, there is a huge mechanical fortress with a diameter of up to 500 kilometers. When Yue Zhong chooses to exchange the B-class super particle cannon and the B-class laser sword, the huge mechanical fortress door opens. From the mechanical fortress, two meteors flew out in an instant and flew above the ground.

After Yue Zhong’s consciousness exited from the Galois virtual network, he snarled the melee body and madly killed the Galois third-order and fourth-order mutant beasts.

"The B-class super particle gun and the B-class laser sword that you redeemed have arrived. Please pay attention."

Just as Yue Zhongyu stood in the melee body, when a claw smashed the head of a third-order mutant beast, a sound suddenly came into the head of the bull's head, and the trajectories of the two meteors flew quickly. Into its database.

Yue Zhong immediately slammed the melee body and the cows took a step back.

A fourth-order blue-striped scorpion and a black-scale giant python with a five-step body length of more than 100 meters are rushing toward Yue Zhong. Suddenly, two meteors in the sky fall directly, and they blast in the blue scales and black. Above the body of the scales.


Along with a loud bang, the phoenix phoenix and the black-scale python were directly smashed by the meteor falling from the height of three thousand miles, and the flesh and blood splashed. Two huge potholes appeared on the ground. .

Yue made a big step forward, came to the front of the two huge potholes, waved his hand, and from the pothole, he immediately flew out two black armored balls.

The two black armored **** fell into the hands of Yue Zhong and immediately opened, revealing two weapons inside. One is a B-level laser sword with a hilt, and the other is a super-large-calibre B-class particle gun with a muzzle diameter of up to 500 mm.

Yue Zhong pressed the super-large-calibre B-class particle gun to his shoulder. The mechanical cells squirmed and quickly merged with the B-class particle gun. He could clearly perceive that as long as he was able to move his mind, he would be able to The large-caliber B-class particle gun was launched to launch an attack.

"Very good, now I have a strong enough weapon to hunt the seventh-order mutant beast."

Yue Zhong’s gaze looked toward the center of the fighting area. In the central area of ​​the war, there was a huge fifth- and sixth-order mutant beast.

The protagonist of the central area of ​​the battle is not the fifth-order, sixth-order mutant beast, but a seventh-order mutant beast with a body length of more than one kilometer and a thick scale.

The defensive power of the scales of the seven-order mutant beasts is amazing. The main guns of the A-class Viper battleships in the sky can kill a sixth-order powerhouse. However, their main shelling is on the body of those seventh-order mutant beasts, but even the scales of the seven-order mutant beasts cannot be blasted.

Those seven-order mutant beasts continually shuttled among the mechanical warfare herds, and they squirmed a huge body and shot a large number of mechanical beasts into a pile of scrap iron.

A body is up to one kilometer long, and the whole body is red. The seventh-order red-yan dragon with a seven-point resemblance to the tyrannosaurus opens its mouth. The power of the flames, a red flame that stretches for dozens of kilometers falls into the mechanical beast army. .

Under the burning red flame, within the area covered by the dragon's flames, the members of the numerous mechanical beasts were dissolved and turned into a pile of discarded superalloyed water.

Under the red-hot dragon burning, intelligent robots with smart chips were not spared and were easily burned into garbage steel.

A cyan lizard with a body length of one kilometer and a six-tailed tail, flashing in shape, rushed directly into the mechanical beast army with supersonic speed, and the huge tail continually beats, like a road roller, it will be large and large. The mechanical beasts directly bombarded the abandoned metal mass.

Those seven-order mutant beasts are so powerful that each one is as terrifying as a natural disaster. When they charge, the ground shakes and is unstoppable. Even those seventh-order intelligent robots need more than a dozen seventh-order intelligent robots to attack and defend with a seventh-order mutant beast.

Among the mechanical empire, there are not many seventh-order intelligent robots, and they belong to the noble class. The combat power is also extremely tyrannical. In this battlefield, a total of eight seven-order intelligent robots were put into battle. They were a small team and divided into eight teams, which resisted eight seven-order mutant beasts.

However, the number of seven-order mutant beasts is as many as nine, and that a seventh-order mutant beast is not resisted by the seventh-order strong. The seventh-order mutant beast is a body that is up to one kilometer long, covered in black scales, with sharp bones everywhere in the joints of the body, and three seven-step mutant copper hammer black pigs with a tail like a meteor hammer. .

The seventh-order mutated copper hammer black pig was extremely fierce, and with the bombardment of countless artillery fires, it rushed toward the mechanical beast army. Behind it, there are fifty sixth-order mutant copper hammer black pigs and a large number of fifth-, fourth-, and third-order mutant copper hammer black pigs. Under the leadership of the seventh-order mutated copper hammer black pig, this ethnic group left and right in the mechanical beast army, and destroyed more than 10,000 mechanical beasts at every moment.

More than two hundred sixth-order intelligent robots have shown the form of the body, madly attacking the seventh-order mutated copper hammer black pig, except for some sixth-order intelligent robots using B-class weapons, which can damage the seventh-order mutated copper hammer black pig. In addition, the attack of the other six-stage intelligent robots only caused some minor injuries to the seventh-order mutant copper hammer black pig. With the resilience of the seventh-order mutant copper hammer black pig, those injuries have completely recovered between one breath.

The seven-order mutated copper hammer black pig commander his own ethnic group is rampant, the speed of slaughtering mechanical beasts far exceeds the speed of mechanical beast reinforcements and supplements, above the battlefield, dazzling.

Yue Zhong looked at the seven-step mutated copper hammer black pig eyes flashed a touch of burning: "It is!! Opened the first prey, after killing it, you will be able to gain a strong life, let me continue to evolve. ”

Once upon a time, Yue Zhong was weaker than the ants in the seventh-order mutant beast. Even the defense of the other side can not be broken, but now, he has the strength to challenge the seventh-order mutant beast.

Between the thoughts, Yue Zhongyi swayed toward the center of the battlefield as the melee mech was as a ghost.

A large number of third-order, fourth-order mutant beasts are flooding toward Yue Zhong as a tidal wave.

Venom, bone spurs, hail, flames, all kinds of attacks rushed toward the fighters of Yue Zhong. Although Yue Zhong tried his best to dodge, he was still bombarded by the body of many mutant beasts.

However, the defense of the sixth-order fighter A is also terrible, and the countless attacks did not hurt the sixth-order fighter.

Yue Zhong's smashing of the sixth-order melee fighters was madly strangled, and his hands were constantly rotating like a meat grinder. The hard-born creatures smashed a **** path among the mutant herds.

After killing countless mutant beasts, Yue Zhong finally came to the central battlefield.

At that time, in the central battlefield, it has become a huge meat grinder. There are countless rays of light, flesh and blood, and parts scattered. At the same time, the main force in this central battlefield ~www.readwn.com~ has also become a fourth-order, fifth-order mutant beast.

The fourth-order and fifth-order mutant beasts are above the earth, but they are the hegemonic beasts of the hegemonic side, but above this battlefield, they are just cannon fodder, younger brother. The true hegemonic beast is the sixth-order mutant beast and the almost invincible seventh-order mutant beast.

Above the battlefield, you can see huge mutant beasts with a length of 100 meters and a few hundred meters everywhere, as if they were hills.

"First come to open the door."

Yue Zhong's body shape flashed, and quietly jumped to a headless mutant beast with a body length of up to 150 meters. The B-class particle gun that just started was aimed at a sixth-order mutant copper hammer and black pig. Moved the trigger.

A ray of light converges on the muzzle. The next moment, a thick horror of a bucket of water rushes toward the head of a sixth-order mutant copper hammer black pig.

The horrible particle light hit the sixth-order mutant copper hammer black pig, directly through the head of the sixth-order mutant copper hammer black pig, and the blood was crazy from the sixth-order mutant copper hammer black pig. Spewing out.

(To be continued) q

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