God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1105: Taming the crocodile king!

Yue Zhong violently screamed, tamed to launch, a mysterious rune did not enter the head of the eight-step crocodile king: "Accept this mark, do not resist, otherwise, I will kill you." The horrible power of the crocodile king, as long as it is between the movements, can shatter the imprint of the tame. But in order to survive, it bites its teeth and looks at the mysterious rune that has fallen into its soul and is combined with its soul. The mysterious rune of the taming technique was combined with the soul of the eighth-order crocodile king, and there was a connection between the two minds. At that moment, the crocodile king also had a feeling of affection, awe, and Confucianism on Yue Zhong, who had hated it. He shook his tail toward Yue Zhong: "Master, now I have become your pet. In the future, I will do my best to fight for you." "Well, you go outside and take over the big army." Yue Zhong smiled and smiled, and the countless magical spirits on the body of the crocodile king were immediately removed. Out, it was also released from the realm of the devil. The magical spirit of the eight-step crocodile king's body was completely removed. It flew into the air, sucking hard, and the heavens and the earth within a dozen miles were directly absorbed into the body. [God Magic System] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first thousand and five chapters chapter taming crocodile king! After absorbing the strength of the heavens and the earth within a dozen miles, the body of the eighth-order crocodile king quickly began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some small injuries directly healed instantly. On top of its head, it was blown by a broken bow. The huge wounds with a diameter of up to 15 meters also had countless tissue creeps and quickly recovered. The resilience of the eighth-order mutant beast is extremely amazing and abnormal. As long as it is not an attack with the force of the law, or if the brain is bombarded and the heart is crushed, it can be quickly recovered. Of course, restoring serious injuries will also consume a lot of their power. After escaping from the realm of the demon, the eighth-order crocodile king became alive and alive, no longer wilting. After it absorbed a huge amount of heaven and earth, the combat power recovered to 70% of its heyday. The eighth-order crocodile king made a terrifying scream in the animal language: "Stop the attack!!" After hearing the order of the eighth-order crocodile king, the huge mutated bird group stopped using the power of the source to attack Yue Zhong. . "Let's go back to the mountains!!" The crocodile king did not have any explanation, and immediately issued an order. Then the two wings took a shot and commanded the densely-filled fowl mutants to fly toward their nests. [God Magic System] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first thousand and five chapters chapter taming crocodile king! The crocodile king is the king of the mutant birds of the fowl, and its commanding other mutant beasts must be absolutely obeyed. Unless there are other factions of the seventh-order mutant beast, the eighth-order mutant beast will be questioned by its command. "It’s finally gone!!" Looking at the sky, the black crushed mutant animal retreated directly, and the entire underground more than 10,000 human survivors were relieved. Yue Zhong glanced at the direction in which the crocodile Wang flew away. He turned and flew toward the underground command center of mankind. The driver who was locked by the vitality lock was also ingested and flew within ten meters behind Yue Zhong. When Yue stepped into the underground command center, and in the command center, everyone looked at him with awe, worship, and fear. The man in front of him can beat the seventh-order mutant beast and beat the eighth-order mutant beast into a dog's horror. In the history of Galois, thousands of people have not had such perverted powers, they are naturally awe. Chu River came to Yue Zhong and asked with respect and respect: "Excuse me, this adult, may I ask, who are you?"

The rest of the people also looked at Yue Zhong with curiosity and awe, waiting for his response. [God Magic System] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first thousand and five chapters chapter taming crocodile king! Yue Zhong looked around and a strong majesty spread from his body. The people in the underground command center were slightly breathless and almost wanted to kneel. Yue Zhong’s eyes were cold and naked and asked: “I am Yue Zhong, the new owner of the underground city on the 67th. Chu River, Luo Zhide, are you two bases to choose to surrender to me, or to choose to perish?” Chuhe, Luo Zhide two humans There are also many human survivors in the base, and this is not a small fortune. Yue Zhong will never let go. If the two people are not interested, Yue Zhong does not mind killing them. With the strength of Yue Zhong at this time, one finger can pinch the Chu River and Luo Zhide. Between the Chuhe heart and the electric turn, the correct decision was made in an instant. One knee slammed on the ground and swears allegiance: "Chu River is willing to die for the adults!" Luo Zhide hesitated, his eyes and Yue Zhong that murdered A pair of eyes, a tremor in the heart, a chill in the heart directly on the knees on the ground, swearing allegiance to Yue Zhong: "Luo Zhide is willing to die for the adults." Yue heavy hand wave, two watch class communicators Immediately flew to the hands of Chuhe and Luo Zhide: "Very well. You are now going back to organize the manpower and prepare for the migration. These two communicators are for you, and I will give you orders through this communicator." [God Magic system] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first one hundred and five five chapter tame crocodile king! After making arrangements for Chuhe and Luo Zhide, Yue’s heavy hand waved, and the driver immediately came to his body. His mind was moving, and a piece of heaven and earth was directly twisted on the driver’s face. Hey! With a crisp sound, the helmet on the driver's face was directly smashed, revealing a beautiful and beautiful face. Yue Zhong stared at the blond, **** human beauty, faintly said: "Where is the position of the headquarters?" The blond **** beauty shook her head and refused: "Yue major, I know that you are fighting." However, if you want to get the information from the headquarters from me, it is impossible. In my brain, I plant a chip. Once I want to disclose the information of the headquarters to others, my brain's chip will explode. You Nothing can be obtained." Among the Galilean stars, human beings and the mechanical empire have not been eliminated for thousands of years. They naturally have many means to prevent their intelligence from leaking out. It is important to know that the physical brainwashing techniques of the mechanical empire are very powerful, and the human beings caught by them will become traitors, whether they are willing or not. There is no more preventive means for human beings, and it has long been cleaned up by the mighty of the mechanical empire. [God Magic System] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first thousand and five chapters chapter taming crocodile king! Of course, human beings can be engaged with the mechanical empire for thousands of years. One of the most important reasons is that the mechanical emperor of the mechanical empire did not put humanity in his eyes, and did not personally suppress human beings. The king of the eighth-order machinery of the mechanical empire did not pay attention to human beings, which allowed humans to survive. If the mechanical empire is serious and spends a lot of manpower and material resources to kill human beings, then within a year, the human beings in the Galois will be killed at least 90%. "Yes? The chip inside your brain, I will help you out." Yue Zhong smiled lightly, pointing at the **** beauty, a sharp and incomparable world of direct flight, the precision cut very close The head of a **** woman showed a mouth. From that mouth, a small smart chip with a **** blood flew out. With the help of white clothes, Yue Zhong easily sealed the self-explosive ability of the smart chip. When he fingered, a group of micro-mechanical cells flew into the mouth, and the change became the appearance of the smart chip, replacing the smart chip. The function. ....

The speed of this happening is extremely fast. It is only one second. The **** beauty only feels that the brain suddenly hurts. Yue Zhong will force the chip inside the **** beauty head to take the [God Magic System] 123 reading novel network update. God Magic System 1105 The first one hundred and five chapters of the taming crocodile king! After taking out the smart chip, the mechanical cell replaced the role of the smart chip, so that the **** beauty only felt that the brain was slightly uncomfortable, and there was not much obstacle. Yue Zhong gently smiled: "I have already removed the smart chip in your head. Now you should say it? If you don't say it, I can only use some special means to let you honestly explain it. But then, You are also dead." The sexy, blond driver looked at the smart chip suspended in front of Yue Zhong’s body twenty centimeters, stained with her blood, and a flash of horror in his eyes. The **** beauty meditated for a second and quickly replied: "My name is Pova, the human headquarters lieutenant colonel ~www.readwn.com~ is a member of the elite team Cheetah team. I don't know where the headquarters is. The only thing I know is the way to get into the headquarters. There is a hill 100 kilometers west of here, there is a track in the hillside. We can get back to the headquarters by the rail car prepared there. Seeing that Yue Zhong took out the chips in her mind, I knew that Yue Zhong’s magical powers were vast. She also knew that even if she insisted on not saying, Yue Zhong had a way to let her say everything. And she was on the human headquarters. , not too loyal. [God system] 123 read novel network update **** magic system 1105 first one hundred and five chapters taming crocodile king! Yue Zhong brow wrinkled: "No, then your battleship, how come of? Pova quickly said: "We came out by railcar and then obtained the A-class battleship from an underground warehouse according to the guidelines of the headquarters. When we went back, we didn't go back to the A-class warship. Instead, take the rail car back. At the same time, the railcar will also verify our identity. If it is an outsider, it is absolutely impossible to enter the headquarters. " "Oh? interesting! Let's go, let's go to the headquarters. Yue Zhong heard a light smile, turned around and flew toward the distance. At the same time, a vital lock directly locked Pova, and caught flying behind Yue Zhong. All the way, soon, Yue Zhong came to the Pova designation. Within the hills of the hills. There is a long track in the 300 meters underground of the hill. A silver railcar in the shape of a bullet is suspended above the track for a length of one hundred meters. Near the silver railcar, there were various scanning equipments everywhere, and fifty soldiers wearing silver armor spread all over the place and patrolled.

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