God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1115: Shura 1!

The flesh-and-blood army and the steel torrents slammed together, the blood splashed and the parts scattered. .

At every moment, there are countless dinosaur warriors who have died, and each of them has the mechanical beast that has been torn apart by the violent dinosaur warriors.

Yue Zhong did not put the best mechanical beast into the battle this time, but the mechanical beast army in his hands still suppressed the dinosaur army.

In the sky, the large unmanned fighter fleet was also smashed with the mutant dragon group, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

However, in the sky, it is the mutant dragon group that has the upper hand, and those mutant dragons are extremely strong, even if they are bombarded by the particle beam for more than a dozen times, they will not die. Once they are rushed into the drone group, they can easily break those unmanned fighters. And the origin of those mutant dragons is the flame, they spit out a group of black dragons bombarded on those drones, and shot a drone directly.

The ground battlefield Yue Zhong sent the mechanical beast army and the US military remnant team, gradually mastered the dominance of the battlefield. The sky is completely the advantage of those mutant dragons.

"These variants are really powerful, but as long as I kill you, everything can be solved."

Yue Zhong’s eyes swept the mutated dragon group, and his eyes flashed a touch of appreciation. Then his eyes fell on the tyrannical emperor. He stepped out and disappeared from the place, turning into a shadow behind the Black Dragon King. Flash off.

"I still want to come here? Give me a crack!"

The Balong Emperor roared, his foot was on the sky, his body shape flashed, and he stopped in front of the Black Dragon Emperor. He absorbed the strength of the heavens and the earth, and the momentum rose again. He shot a few hundred claws and directly grabbed the past.

The Balong Emperor was evolved from the melee dinosaurs. The melee strength is extraordinary. Every claw that it blasts is exquisite, containing the true meaning of martial arts and extraordinary. Even if it is the eighth-order intermediate human power, melee will drink under his claws.

In the face of the shadow of the sky, Yue Zhong eyes condensed, his hands turned over, a sixth yin and yang large handprint evolution yin and yang from the sky, like the Taishan top, the squatting directly to the Ba Longhuang.

boom! !

With a loud bang, the yin and yang big handprint smashed the subtle claws of the Balong Emperor and printed it on its body. It shattered its arms with hard blood, splashed blood, and flew hundreds of meters away. A big mouthful of blood with internal organs.

After a heavy blow to the Balong Emperor, Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed in the cold, and the footsteps of the footsteps turned into a shadowy image that appeared on the head of the Balong Emperor, slamming his claws toward the head of the Nabo Dragon Emperor. Grab it.

At this time, it was the death of the Balong Emperor. When the old power was exhausted, the new force was not born. It could not avoid Yue Zhong’s killing.

Although Yue Zhong is only a half-step seven-step situation, but the use of secret yin and yang large handprints, with the terrorist power of his devil's body, but is able to beat the eighth-order high-order below the strong.

"Want to kill me? Damn Yue Zhong, this is what you forced me!! I want to go with you! With my body, make sacrifices, the door to the outside world, open!!"

The Naha Dragon Emperor looked at the claw of Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a savage color, and a roar, a burst of his body, turned into a **** fog directly into a blood red bead.

After absorbing the blood of the body of the Balong Emperor, the blood-red beads rose up against the wind, tearing the void, revealing a blood-like world after the void.

From the **** world, there was a **** smell that was so intense and vomiting.

"This is the other world!!"

"Great, I smell the smell of life in this world."

"I want to kill all those lives!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Fight! Fight! Fight!"


The fierce atmosphere of a stock has spread from the blood-like world.

In an instant, a height of two meters, holding a battle axe, naked upper body, wearing a cheekbones necklace, wearing a pair of leather pants, face is very incomparable, a red-haired man from the world, an axe Like Taishan, with the thunder of the general trend, it seems that after a lot of hard work, it is directed to Yue Zhong.

The man’s axe is coming to an extreme, even if it is as strong as Yue, it is inevitable.

Yue Zhongxin thought of a move, while the qi shield was out of his body, and the man was on the other side of the Shield, and the hard-working smashed the face shield. The axe was not reduced. Yue Zhongyu came.

Just at the moment when the face of the qi smashed, Yue Zhong did not retreat, stepping on the footsteps, and slamming toward the man.


Accompanied by a terrible loud noise, the red-haired man was crushed by Yue Zhong’s hard-boiled body and splashed.

Just when the red-haired man was killed by Yue Zhong, suddenly, Yue Zhong’s heart gave birth to a dangerous and horrible hunch. He stepped on the foot and writhed his body hard while he was thinking. A move, a face of the shield is out of thin air, blocking in front of him.

Just in the moment, a war spear containing only **** smell flew directly from the blood-red world and stabbed toward Yue Zhong.

The **** spear with the power of terror, easily tore up Yue Zhong’s vitality shield and directly stab him to Yue Zhong himself.

Yue Zhong had already evaded in the first time, but there are still two blood-stained spears like the poison dragon that spurred toward his own head and the direction of the heart.

In the face of that terrible blow, Yue Zhong’s eyes were cold, his hands gathered together, and he shot a dragon’s hand, and a dragon-shaped gas force bite toward the two spears.

The two **** and horrible war spears smashed, and a fierce violent war broke out from the spear, directly smashing the dragon's anger and continuing to stab toward Yue Zhong.

At that crisis, Yue Zhong's eyes flashed coldly, and his mind was moved. The magical field opened instantly, and the two terrible war spears were directly taken into it.

As soon as the two spears were ingested into the realm of the gods, a fierce violent war broke out.

Under the horrible outburst of the flames, the sacred creatures in the realm of the gods, the shadows of the magic objects in the field of the devil exploded and smashed.

The two spears smashed countless illusions and smashed into the boundary of Yue Zhong’s demon field, and made a loud noise, which made the Yue De’s magical field a vibrate.

However, the two spears that contained the horror of war were finally suppressed by the heavy magic field of Yue Zhong.

Just as Yue Zhong used the magical field to suppress the two spears, a humanoid creature with red-red hair jumped out of the **** world.

Between just a few breaths, more than eighty human figures jumped out of the **** world.

The more than 80 humanoid creatures have men and women, all hair is red and red, and the man is naked and his face is ugly. The upper part of the woman covered the breast with a golden name and a leather coat. The body name was full and the appearance was beautiful, but there was a strong killing between the eyebrows.

Each of these more than 80 humanoid creatures has the horror of the seventh-order peak, armed with knives, guns, swords, cymbals, axes, bows and other weapons. Even a woman, with fierce strength in her hands. The three headed, the suffocating world, turned out to be all eight-order powerhouse. At the same time, their breath is to be much stronger by the Balong Emperor~www.readwn.com~ After more than 80 humanoids jumped out of the blood world, the mouth of the blood world began to close quickly.

A humanoid creature attempted to jump out of the world of blood, but it only jumped halfway, and was crushed by the world of blood, crushed directly into a pile of minced meat, scattered around the earth.

For the first one carrying three spears, the red-haired man with a giant axe stunned Yue Zhong’s demon field, his eyes flashed a touch of excitement and fierceness, and licked his lips: “God field? You Is it a oracle? It is fortunate that the first prey is a sacred person after coming out of the **** cage. We seem to be very fortunate, this oracle is not yet a big success, just a seventh order, we happen to be You can join him and kill him, swallowing his **** magic core and the demon system imprint. Shura. How about watching the night patrol?"

Another man with a two-meter-long sword and a burly red-haired man, looking at Yue Zhong’s eyes, flashed with excitement and fierceness: "No!! Shura. Lei Hao. Shura. Jujube. This **** Those are my prey, you all give me away, otherwise I will cut your head with a sword and use it as a toilet."

A hand-held spear, red hair, body name, beautiful looks, wearing a golden leather coat, only covering the chest, buttocks, other parts of the exposed large white skin, tall and beautiful face of the face, cold, with the same words A violent gas: "Shu Luo. Lei Hao, Shura. Night patrol, both of you are rolling away. This oracle is my prey. If you don't roll, I will use your spear to **** your body." Wear it, then throw it away to feed the dog."

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