God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1130: Hotel conflict!

The mermaid's emperor saw with her own eyes that countless sea people were directly sucked into the dry corpse in the **** rain, and could not help but utter a scream of screams, her eyes were The anger became red and red: "No!!"

The red blood rain is like a devil who harvests biological life. Wherever the blood rain falls, wherever it becomes, it becomes a corpse, and there are countless corpses, like ghosts.

The mermaid's emperor screamed at Yue Zhong and shouted loudly: "Human, your means are so sinister, our seas will never let you go, we will kill you and kill your family." Chapter.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the cold flashed, and a force from the right hand came directly to the head of the mermaid, and the mermaid stunned the past. At the same time, a scorpion was injected into the head of the mermaid: "It’s late! You won’t see that day, honestly be my slave!”

Soon, the mermaid waking up, Ying Ying stood in front of Yue Zhong, and he went to Yue Yue to say a courtesy: "See the master!"

Gao He, who was locked in the arms of Yue Zhong, looked at the mermaid prince who was peerless, and couldn’t help but flash a sigh of envy and envy: "A beautiful person!"

Gao He is also an outstanding human beauty girl. She has always been proud of her own beauty, but in front of the mermaid emperor, she is dwarfed, only able to set off the noble and charm of the mermaid as a green leaf.

Yue Zhong swept the mermaid lady and gave her a name: "I have a sea servant named Hailan, you are called Haimei."

Hai Mei softly agreed. I couldn’t see it at all. Not long ago, she was still yelling at Yue Zhong’s claws, and she was fierce and sinister: “Yes!”

Yue Zhong’s eyes sighed and asked: “I want to know why your sea people will invade the magic capital at this time, and the succession plans of your sea people.”

After being dominated by the shackles, Haimei told Yue Zhong that he was obedient, and soon told his knowledge of Yue Zhong: "Yes! Master."

From the mouth of Hai Mei, Yue Zhong got a lot of valuable information.

Soon after the world's mutating, the sea race evolved to create a smart race, that is, the sea. The royal family among the sea people is the mermaid family. They are talented. Wisdom is extraordinary, and at the same time, no male is needed to breed future generations. At the same time, their offspring are also female.

In that ocean, the number of mermaid families has grown rapidly over the past few years. It already has hundreds of thousands of people. The number of vassal races they dominate is more than a billion.

The first mermaid born in the sea was called Poseidon. She has boundless power and abilities. At the same time, I mastered the ancient weapons left over from many oceans. The mermaid master who claimed to be Poseidon has been hiding in the deepest part of the ocean at the bottom of the ocean. The real power is in the hands of the second mermaid.

It can be said that Haihuang is the true leader of the Haizu. Master hundreds of thousands of fish, dominating 10 billion seas and countless powerful mutant sea beasts.

This time the Hai people invaded the land, which was the action of the Sea Emperor. Haihuang’s plan is to send troops to attack China’s Southeast Asian countries such as China, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam.

The sea people are all soldiers, the body is tyrannical, and there is no need for any logistics. If the army is hungry, it can devour the low-order mutant beasts that come ashore. Therefore, once launched, it is really like the thunder, it is very smooth. If it is not Yue Zhong’s shot, this demon is afraid that it has already been captured by the Hai’s army.

The sea people have a huge advantage over the land races, that is, their mermaid royal family can manipulate high-order mutant beasts, and command the numerous powerful and powerful animal groups of the oceans to attack the land together. If it wasn't for Yue Zhong's repeated adventures, killing countless strong people's constant evolution, and eventually evolving to the eighth-order situation, facing the overwhelming mutant beast, he is also difficult to resist.

"Poseidon? I don't know how strong she is." Yue Zhong thought for a while, suddenly moved in his heart and hurriedly asked: "Hai Mei, where is the specific position of your sea god's temple? According to the location of our human map. ”

As a smart race, the sea is constantly learning and evolving. They have learned a lot of human knowledge before the end of the world and began to create their own civilization. It is this that allows them to go beyond the horrific mutant herd and become a powerful race that threatens humanity. As a high-level member of the sea, Haimei’s knowledge is even richer than many human beings.

Haimei brows a cluster and thinks for a while, which confirms: "The position of our temple of the sea, the corresponding area is below the Bermuda Triangle."

Yue Zhong heard this noun and couldn't help but feel a long breath, and there were countless strange lights in his eyes: "Sure enough, this place!!"

Yue Zhong quickly calculated in his heart: "Now I have to go back and do some preparation. This time I have to go to the temple of the sea, I must bring the three of Fichnia, Haimei and Gaohe. So I Only to get the most benefit."

Fichnia had the ability to read the heart, and in front of her, all the intrigues were invisible. Bringing her a conspiracy to let Yue Zhong see all the people at a glance, and then carry out various designs. Hai Mei is clear that the imaginary information of the mermaid family should also be brought. Gao He has the power to explore treasures, and Yue Zhong is even more impossible to let go. A tyrannical treasure can enhance a lot of combat power.

Making a decision, Yue Zhong took a look at Gao He's side, and a burst of pressure immediately rushed to her, directly stunned her, then forced to tear, directly tearing the space, striding in.

In the United States, before the presidential suite where Yue Zhong lived, two robots with cold faces and humanoid shapes were stationed. These robots with the shape of human beauty are one of the technological crystallizations of the mechanical empire. Unless they are planed or used the most advanced scanners, they cannot distinguish between them and humans. Their bodies are warm, they can eat, and their wounds will bleed. Almost like humans, they are humanoid spies created by the mechanical empire.

In front of the two beautiful robots is a group of superpowers standing in the Superman League.

Lehman screamed at the two beautiful robots: "Two, please let me go, let me see Yue Zhong. We haven't seen him for a few days. Today is the time we have agreed to leave. Please let me Go in and see Yue."

A beautiful woman with long hair in the black waterfall is cold and iced: "The leader has orders, without his orders, no one is allowed to enter this room."

A white middle-aged man who dyed his hair with a colorful nose, a large nose, and a sullen color, asked: "A big shelf, we have raised it a dozen times these days." Seeking the request, how can he not see us at all? And, these days, we have never seen him leave the room, have he been murdered by you? Because you two murdered him, this can not let us meet him."

Hearing the words of the nose ring man, Lehman's brows were slightly wrinkled, and did not correct the rude question of the nose ring. He is also wondering what Yue Zhong might be planning.

At this time, the weight of Yue Zhong is too heavy. If you are friends with it, you can enjoy your life with confidence. If it is an enemy, then the enemy will sleep hard.

Although Huaxia and the United States are still allies at this time, there is no permanent covenant between countries. Even if they are allies, they are still very wary of Yue Zhong.

The two intelligent robots did not say much in a cold, completely ignoring the nose ring man, just when he was the air.

"Mom, skunk. Son, let go!" The nose ring man saw the two intelligent robots ignoring his existence, his face was full of shackles, and he reached out and grabbed a beautiful intelligent robot. .

Before the end of the world, this nose ring man was an American hooligan, tempered, and beaten and killed. When he rushed to become one of the heroes in the Superhero League, he was always respected. Others did not dare to sludge him, let him develop a flying cockroach, a arrogant, unspoken character. .

Lehman's face changed dramatically, his right hand soared, and he grabbed the nose ring, and screamed at the same time: "Jerry, don't do it!!"

The horror of Yue Zhong, the people of the entire League of Legends are very clear, if it is angered, the strong of the entire League of Legends is not enough to kill.

The long-haired beauty of the intelligent robot brow slightly wrinkled ~ www.readwn.com ~ right hand suddenly burst out, like a sharp edge with a phantom in the heart of the nose ring male flashed past, one still braved The heart of the heat appeared in her hand.

Losing the heart, the nose ring man's eyes are full of panic and despair, the body strength completely disappears, and under his horrified gaze, the long-haired beauty intelligent robot's cold pinch pinches his heart completely. Blood and fragments are spattered in all directions.

There was a hurricane around the short-haired intelligent robot on the other side, blowing the pieces of the heart and blood to the side.

"Sixth-order?" Lehman looked at the long-haired beauty robot to understate the heart of the nose ring man, and his face suddenly changed. Even if he is as strong as him, he can't do such an understatement to kill a fifth-order powerhouse. Only the sixth-order power can do this easily.

Seeing that the two beautiful intelligent robots stationed in front of Yuezhongfang were so ferocious, the new heroes in the Superman League of Heroes all changed their faces and dared not go forward to provocative.

Lehman gloomy face asked: "Two, you killed our people like this, don't you give us an account?" (To be continued...)

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