God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1145: 8th order giant!

The eighth-order powerhouse, in any world, can become the strongest of the dominant party. M Yuezhong once went to the hometown of the mechanical empire. Among the entire mechanical empire, the eight-order powerhouse on the bright side has only eight kings of machinery.

However, as soon as I arrived in this great world of the gods, there are dozens of eight-order powerhouses in the same way. A cannibal giant has 13 thirteen eighth-order cannibal giants. Obviously, in this big **** world, there are a lot of eight-order powerhouses.

As soon as I walked out of the small ocean building where Aisha lived, a scene like **** on earth appeared in front of the people. A large number of giants rushed left and right in the Adeniya array, and they took the road to the house. Reaching out, grabbing a famous human from the ruins, and then swallowing those humans directly into the belly in the screams of human horror.

Suddenly, Xi Jie looked into the distance and gave a scream of horror: "That is Haug, don't!!"

I saw in the distance, a giant seven meters tall and grabbed the Hauge with a large caliber rifle, directly grabbed Haug in his hand, and then went into the mouth, it was so stuffy, squatting, biting the Haug In two, the blood and the internal organs are scattered from the big mouth of it, and the **** bloody to the extreme.

Xi Jie looked at the brutal scene of the seven-meter giant who swallowed his partner. His eyes flashed with endless fear. His legs trembled with fear. A pool of yellow liquid wet her pants and dripped toward the ground. drop.

Aisha flashed a mad color in her eyes, holding a huge rifle and pulling the trigger at the eyes of the seven-meter giant: "The beast!! The beast!! Go to hell!!"


With a gunshot, the blood of the right eye of the seven-meter giant flashed, and a fist-sized blood hole was added. A trace of blood spattered directly from the blood hole.

The seven-meter-high giant suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a sly face. A fierce temper was uploaded from the giant seven meters tall.

Amazing by the fierce seven-meter giant, Aisha, the great hunter who has hunted many ferocious mutants, was shrouded in that huge fear, the skin raised the goose bumps, and the legs shook with fear. Can't move.

That Xi Jie was even scared to the ground, fell to the ground, turned around and moved, crying and crawling toward the distance: "Ah!! Don't kill me!! Don't kill me!!"

The fierce seven-meter giant was twisted. Quickly adjusted the direction and launched the charge to the crazy side.

The seven-meter giant moved, the earth shook in its galloping charge, and a huge footprint appeared on the street. Between the two breaths, the seven-meter giant immediately rushed to the front of Aisha, and clawed toward Asha, who had barely reacted.

The speed of the seven-meter giant was too fast. Aisha had no room for rebellion. She could only watch the seven-meter giant screaming at her hand.

At the moment when Aisha was desperate, a cold knife flashed, and the right arm of the seven-meter-tall giant was directly degraded. A large amount of blood rushed directly from the broken arm of the seven-meter-tall giant.

Unlike the **** blood of the human body, the seven-meter-tall giant's body is filled with black blood, and the right arm of the seven-meter giant is degraded. A large amount of black blood sprang up from the right arm of the seven-meter giant like a fountain.

The person who cut off the right arm of the seven-meter giant is Yue Zhong.

After cutting the right arm of the seven-meter giant, he held the alloy knife. Yue Zhong, who was behind the wings of hope, flashed between the head of the seven-meter giant. He held the one-meter-long alloy knife and slammed it. Then he wraps around the head of the seven-meter giant and directly smashes the head of the seven-meter giant.

The head of the seven-meter giant fell to the ground, and a powerful life entangled into Yue Zhong’s body.

After Yue Zhong killed the seven-meter giant, his heart was slightly loose: "It seems that the key to these giants is in the head."

At the time of fighting with Agnes, Yue Zhong spent a huge amount of power directly exploding the head of Agnes, but Agnes did not have any influence, but he gave it to Yue Zhong and killed him. This incident gave him a lot of lessons.

Aisha looked at Yue Zhong who killed the seven-meter giant. His eyes flashed a touch of horror and ecstasy: "Is it Yue Zhong, can he kill a cannibal giant? It's amazing!!"

"Aisha, you are going to take refuge, I am going to kill all the cannibal giants."

Yue Zhong only left a sentence, the wing of hope behind it, flew directly in the direction of the giant crowd.

Seeing that the seven-meter-high giant was killed by Yue Zhong, the eight-headed man eating giants suddenly turned around and rushed straight toward Yue Zhong at the highest speed.

Aisha looked at the eight-headed cannibal giant and rushed toward Yue Zhong, and couldn’t help but screamed: "Be careful!!"

A cannibal giant is extremely difficult, even if it is a master in Adenia town, it takes a lot of money to hunt a cannibal giant. This rushed out of the eight-headed cannibal giant, even if it is the strongest master among Adenia, it must be eaten directly by those cannibal giants.

In an instant, Yue Zhong instantly split into eight figures, eight figures flashed toward the eight cannibal giants, and the heads of the eight cannibal giants flew high and the blood fell to the ground.

Aisha looked at Yue Zhong’s spike in the heart of the eight-headed cannibal giant, and his eyes were full of shocking colors: “Good!!”

After hitting the eight-headed cannibal giant, Yue Zhong directly waved his hand, and the blood of the road directly rose into the sky. In the sky, a large cloud of blood suddenly formed, and then a drop of evil spirits The blood rain descended from the sky and went straight to the giant cluster.

The large blood rain fell from the sky and dripped into the giants. After the giants whose height was less than fifteen meters were eroded by the blood, the water in the body was slowly sucked up and eventually became One has a dry body.

After the blood rain absorbed the blood of the giants, they broke through their bodies and once again fell into the blood cloud of the sky.

Under the sinister **** erosion, a large number of three-meter, four-high giants were swallowed up by the moment, and between one breath, more than 6,000 low-level giants were eroded by the blood rain and turned into dead bodies. .

"Is this the ability of a strong human being? How dare to kill our warriors? It is really a bad animal. Give me a gray!!"

Among the giants, a height of one hundred and sixty meters, all over the body red, the eighth-order fire giant with the natural rune inscribed on the blood cloud in the sky, the fierce light in the eyes flashed, opened blood The basin is big, and it is sprayed directly into the sky.

In an instant, a huge pillar of fire rushed into the sky and directly slammed into the evil blood cloud in the sky.

The horrible pillar of fire burned, and the blood cloud in the sky immediately sounded the sound of Ziz, and the volume continued to shrink, and large black smoke rose.

The nemesis of blood manipulation secrets is some secrets with purification effects such as flames and lightning. When burned by a flame, the blood cloud power is weak.

Under the burning of the flames from the giant fire, the cloud of blood that shrouded a hundred miles disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The length of a body is as high as two hundred meters. The whole body is engraved with a mysterious rune. The whole body is like a jade-like jade giant. Looking at the cloud of flames in the sky, he praised: "A fire is doing well, he is this kind of The venerous blood secrets of the nemesis. When this blood cloud breaks, we can rush into this human town and eat all the human beings inside. The master who uses blood secrets, I must turn off his On all fours, watching him struggle with pain, and finally chewed him directly."

This jade giant is the highest of the thirteen giants. It is also among the thirteen giants. The strongest one has the strength of the eighth-order peak. It is only one step away from the half-step and nine-step.

A body length of up to 140 meters, the body muscles are tight, and the giants with numerous blades grow out loud: "Unfortunately, this remote town does not have too strong humans. If you can eat ten eight eight-order Humans, Ayu bone, you will be able to break through the bottleneck and enter the semi-step nine-order situation."

A Yu bones smiled and said: "The eight-order human is not easy to find ~ www.readwn.com~ I now only need to eat three hundred seventh-order human power strong, can break through the bottleneck, advanced to become a half-step nine-order strong. As long as I eat the power of the human empire, I will be able to advance to the strongest of the half-step and nine-class numbers. By then, we will be able to eat a stronger human empire."

The cannibal giants can enrich other races to replenish their power, while swallowing humans can evolve rapidly. It is precisely because of this that the cannibal giant will be hunted everywhere and hunted directly. Other races are the nutrients of the cannibal giant, and human beings are the source of the evolution of the cannibal giant. ‘

Many low-level giants can grow and evolve rapidly after they have swallowed a large number of humans. Of course, for those eighth-order giants, the devour of ordinary human powers has little effect on them, and they can only continue to evolve rapidly if they are engulfed and strengthened.

"You, these animals, are going to die."

Accompanied by a ghost-like sound, suddenly between the heavens and the earth, for one of the dark, the field of the demon instantly rushed out among the eight-order giants, with endless magic, toward the thirteen heads The eighth-order giant directly shrouded away.

The key to this battlefield is the thirteen eight-order giants. If they die, the entire cannibal giant will only die.

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