God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1166: Green face ghost!

The battlefield of Mero was an ancient battlefield formed in the Battle of the Melo Mountains when tens of millions of years ago, when the true god-level powers ruled the entire world of the gods. In this ancient battlefield, there are a lot of spiritual imprints left by the true god-level powerhouses, war weapons, immortal spirits, space cracks, and dangerous.

Even if the ninth-order powerhouse enters the battlefield of Mero, one will be degraded if he is not careful.

However, at the same time, this ancient battlefield is also full of opportunities. Many of the ninth-order powerhouses have come to this Merlot battlefield experience in the eighth-order world, and they have gained the spiritual brand from the true god-level powerhouse. Infinite benefits, this will be able to break through the bottleneck and advance to the ninth stage.

The reason why the Great God World can have a lot of nine-order powerhouses than other worlds is that one of the most important reasons is that there are many chaotic battlefields left by the real god-level powerhouses in this big **** world. The spiritual brand and strong will of the strongest are all treasures that are good for the strong.

And in this Merlo battlefield, there have even been two horrible, complete gold-level treasures.

Before the Battle of Narlo, Bi Feng stopped and yelled again: "This is the battlefield of Mero. After entering, everyone must be careful. In this Merlo battlefield, not only the strongest of the other three ethnic groups, but also There are countless mutant beasts, fierce beasts, and immortal devils. If you encounter a treasure that is born to be a human race, it may not be our ally."

Yue Zhong looked at the direction of the Merlot battlefield, and suddenly he suddenly said: "This is the battlefield of Mero. It is really a dangerous place. I can feel it vaguely. It is dangerous and careless. I will fall into it. ""

The location of the Merlot battlefield is a huge mountain range that rises into the sky like a ridge of the world.

At this time, the huge mountain range like the backbone of the world has been destroyed by unseen power, and it has been broken into countless sections, but each mountain range is still vast and the area even surpasses the land of the Chinese nation in the earth.

At this time in the Mello Mountains, filled with infinite chaos of energy, Yue Zhong evolved the eyes of the gods. If there is no barrier, you can see the scene thousands of miles away, but he looks in the direction of the Merlo battlefield, only can see the external scene of the Mero battlefield beyond the kilometer, but the scene inside the Mero battlefield is I can't see it at all.

suddenly. Bi Feng’s face changed, and the spirit fluctuated a volume. He directly said: “Hidden!”

Hearing the words of Bi Feng, that was a shot from Yuena, a white gauze flew out, wrapped the four people, and suddenly disappeared from the place.

Not much time. From the sky, suddenly 30 people were more than four meters long, with a human head, but a green face. There is a pair of wings at the back, and there is a sharp one-pointed horn between the forehead, and the strongman of the green-faced ghost family with a skull necklace formed by a gimmick is hung above the neck.

The green-faced ghost is also a race among the cannibals. They come and go like the wind. Be able to fly freely in the sky and hunt humans everywhere. More difficult than the cannibal giant. They are flying races. They are only a little faster than the mutants of the same order, but they are far above other races. Even if they can't beat them, they can easily escape from the hands of strong enemies, and their enemies relax a little. Be wary, they will be taken off their heads directly.

The thirty-faced green-faced ghosts exude a horrible atmosphere at every end. They are all eight-order powerhouses, and ten of them even have a strong scent that rivals the ranks of human beings.

Yue Zhong saw the thirty-faced green-faced ghosts, and when the eyes were bright, if the thirty-eight-eight-order green-faced ghosts were all killed by him, then he would be able to obtain great benefits.

The eighth-order powerhouse is not so easy to encounter. Only one George in the entire Silus Empire is the eighth-order powerhouse. Moreover, Yue Zhong is still unable to slaughter the strong man of humanity, otherwise he will be encircled by the Holy Kingdom of Heaven, and there is no place for the cone in this great world.

In the Xilusi Empire, there are a lot of eighth-order mutant beasts in the forbidden land, but those eight-order mutant beasts have nine-order mutant beasts behind them. It’s okay to kill one or two. But if he kills more, the nine-order mutant beast will never let him go.

However, there is no hidden danger in hunting these green-faced ghosts. In the next task, Yue Zhong has the task of hunting hostile forces, the cannibal temple and the holy demon.

Looking at the green-faced ghosts, Yue Zhong opened his fingers silently, and a nano-mechanical insect that was just like dust was flying out. He quietly flew the feet of the green-faced ghosts, and attached to the past like dust. .

Among the four ethnic groups, the mutant orc group is the most widely distributed, spreading throughout the entire world of the gods, the largest number, but they are also the most loose forces, basically no specific killing behavior against humans. There is also no organization, so naturally no specific object can be hunted.

A green-faced ghost looked at the most magnificent one among the ghosts, and opened the **** mouth and asked: "Night check the ghost, your message is not accurate?"

The night check ghost revealed a sly smile: "There is no mistake. Not long ago, more than 30 human sons entered the battlefield of Mero. Plus other time periods entered the human son in the battlefield of Mero. There are more than sixty humans inside, they are our prey."

A green-faced ghost stretched out the barbed tongue and licked his lips, and smiled cruelly: "Great! Sixty human sons, I have smelled their flesh and blood. Last time, I took that human holy When the female bones are broken, her desperate and painful expression is the most delicious preparation."

A blue-faced ghost brows and wrinkles: "However, sixty human sons, their strength is not weak, if they gather together, we may not be their opponents."

A green-faced ghost chuckled: "Don't worry, humans are generally in groups of four, and in this Merlot battlefield, it is difficult to perceive each other's existence. When they react, we have determined enough The advantage, when you want to kill or want to go, completely in our hands, why bother with them?"

The night checked the ghost and smiled. The flapping wings suddenly flew into the battlefield of Merlo: "Haha! Go in!"

A famous green ghost also flapped his wings and flew into the battlefield of Merlo.

When all the blue-faced ghosts disappeared in the battlefield of Merlo, a veil was peeled off, revealing Yue Zhong and his party. Except for Yue Zhong, the rest of the faces were very ugly.

Biyuna Fengmei frowned: "What to do? This is already a blind spot for the sacred heavenly virtual network. We can't inform the guys inside."

The sacred heavenly virtual network is a virtual network with the sacred heaven as the center and many human empire as base stations. This Merlot battlefield has the power and spirit of the true god-level powerhouse, and the sacred virtual network can't spread to this Merlot battlefield.

Bi Feng was very cautious: "This is not something we can handle. Go back immediately and report it to the above. Let the above handle this."

Ten of the thirty green-faced ghosts have the strength of the Sons, and against such a group of evil spirits, Bi Feng’s strong eight-level peak may not be able to support several moves.

The three people of Biyena also nodded silently. Although they thought they were the pride of the sky, they had unparalleled combat power, but they also knew that sometimes it is wise to carry out the retreat.

"It's better than this. You go back first, and I go in and investigate." Yue Zhong smiled and proposed: "I have a secret method that can easily hide my body shape. As long as I use my secret technique, it is difficult for those ghosts. Discover my existence."

Bi Feng brows a wrinkle reminder: "The unicorn of the green face ghost has the ability to attack the enemy, can solve many hidden secrets. Do you know if you want to stick to this?"

Yue Zhongyu nailed the railway: "I am going!"

The thirty green-faced ghosts are the source of evolution for Yue Zhong. The big complements, he naturally wants to enter the battlefield of Mero and hunt those green-faced ghosts.

At this moment, Anne, who had been cold, suddenly said: "I am going with you!"

The eyes of Bi Feng and others fell on Annie's body, full of doubts. They all know that among the five people, Anne's strength is not top-notch. If it is difficult to confront the green-faced ghost, it is a little careless. There will be danger of corruption.

Among the doubts of the people, Anne said coldly: "In the holy heaven, my strength is really not top, but if it is about the ability to save lives and assist, my ability can be ranked among many saints. More than ten. I can cover you."

"Good! Come with me!"

Yue Zhong smiled lightly, his body flashed, and an instant immediately fell into the battlefield of Merlo.

Anne's figure is also blurred ~ www.readwn.com ~ strange disappeared, but also did not enter the Merlot battlefield.

Bi Feng looked at Yue Zhong and Annie who had not entered the battlefield of Mero. The hands were clenched, and the eyes flashed with strange light. He also wanted to enter the battlefield of Mero and kill him with those green faces. But reason tells him that he entered the battlefield of Mero in this way, and under the predation of the green-faced ghost, he could only be a life of nine deaths.

Azaman looked at the direction of the Merlo battlefield in a complicated way: "Let's go!"

Bi Feng three silent for a while, one turned and flew to the distance.

Shortly after the departure of the three people, from the sky, a huge meteor descended from the sky and landed on the edge of the Merlo battlefield, forming a huge mechanical planet. A top black-powered strongman flew out of the mechanical planet and flew into the battlefield of Merlo.

When most of the top black Devils left, the huge mechanical planet immediately vacated and disappeared into the distance.

In the battlefield of Mero, there is a lot of danger. If the huge mechanical planet enters the battlefield of Mero, the target is too big, and it will be torn into pieces by the immortal demon born in the battlefield.

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