God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1186: Come on!

() Seeing that Yue Zhong was so cruel and killed the members of the arresting group, the human minds underneath were full of fear.

Yue Zhong looked around at the bottom of many humans and said: "From now on, all of you will become warriors until you destroy the entire Honglong Empire. Now you are starting to recruit."

After Liwei, a human warrior who had become Yue Zhongyu quickly stepped forward and began to forcefully recruit soldiers to directly recruit a famous human being into a famous soldier.

Anne watched Yue Zhong forcibly recruiting those humans directly into soldiers. Feng Mei took a look and said to Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong, even if these people are called by you, your heart is not here, it is not of much use."

Those human beings have been captive of the Hongcang empire for thousands of years, and their mentality is completely like that of domestic animals. They dare not resist the Honglong Empire. Even if they are recruited by Yue Zhong, they cannot form a powerful fighting force.

Even if it is a step back, these human warriors are willing to fight against the Honglong Empire, but in front of the Honglong Empire, they can't even count the cannon fodder. Anne couldn't figure out why Yue Zhong had to work hard to recruit these human warriors. ..

Yue Zhong looked at the innumerable people below, like a human being. He said: "I know this. However, Anne, if a race really turns from a slave race to a qualified dominant race, it depends on a few people. It is impossible. They need to stand up and fight with all their strength to enable a race to have a bright future. They are the seeds of the future of mankind in this Honglongxing."

It is not enough to decide how hard it is for a small group of people who are not on the top of the race. otherwise. Even if you can rely on the top of the top to dominate the hegemony, there is no strong leader of the successor echelon, and ultimately the race is only destroyed.

Yue Zhong chose to forcefully recruit the human beings in the Beast City to form a human army, in order to cultivate their fighting consciousness.

Rebellious consciousness and a sense of honor that has been forgotten by countless years. As for the combat power of these human beings, Yue Zhong is not too eye-catching.

Looking at the human being below, Yue Zhong took a bite of a fruit like a burning flame, and as soon as the flame fruit entered the abdomen, a pure force of jīng poured directly into his soul. Repairing the damage in his soul.

This kind of redness is like the fruit of the flame burning, called the flame fruit, which is a specialty of Honglongxing. After swallowing, the people who can make people get great evolution.

Yue Zhong was found in the main government of the city after he captured the main city of the Beast City. With a lot of flame fruit, these flames immediately became the best medicine for his recovery.

At a distance of 5,000 kilometers west of the Beast City, there is a vast expanse of land, and a huge floating island is suspended above the city. A magnificent city with a wall of up to 100 meters is erected around the city.

This city is suspended from a huge floating island. The name is Qinglan Wangcheng. It is the king city of the Qing Dynasty Kingdom.

Inside the city of Qinglan, a hundred meters high, beautiful. On the pavilion of a green lake inside the majestic and luxurious palace, sitting on two hoes, wearing a thin casual wear, the body is barely exposed, and it is a monster with horror.

Among the green lakes, a famous figure is beautiful and beautiful, with a layer of red sè scales, and a red-skinned mermaid with a long red hair is swimming and playing.

The Qing dynasty strongman who exuded the horror of the eighth-order peak gently grabbed a **** human heart in the dining table and put it in the mouth. He chewed it hard and then smiled and said: "Valentin When I came to ask for help, there was a female xìng human eighth-order powerhouse who broke into the Beast City. What do you think of Isador?"

Isadoro browed and quickly said: "Your Majesty, it is easy to defeat a human eighth-order powerhouse, but it is very difficult to kill them. With the strength of our country, we want to kill that human being. The eighth-order powerhouse is very difficult! It is necessary to get help from other countries."

Eight-order powerhouses, each with an unpredictable ability, unless the strength is far above the other. Otherwise, one-on-one, most of the time, an eighth-order powerhouse can only defeat the opponent, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

In particular, the eight-order powerhouse of human beings may not be as powerful as the inferior eight-order powerhouse of the same order, but on the life-saving ability, most of the human powerhouses are more ruthless than the alien strongmen. If a human eighth-order powerhouse wants to escape, it is difficult to catch them even if they are superior to them.

The king of Qingyi drank a cup of virgin blood and smiled lightly: "Yes, it is easy to beat an eighth-order powerhouse with the strength of our youthful kingdom. It is very difficult to kill her, but I have already The request for assistance was made to the four kingdoms of the Ashes Kingdom, the Akasaka Kingdom, the Blue Dragon Kingdom, and the Silver Jubilee Kingdom. The four kingdoms have entered the jǐng ring state, and they have drawn a sharp master and began to weave a huge encirclement network. Surrounded by the Beast City."

The blue-handed king waved a hand and a projection appeared out of thin air, showing the scene in the Beast City: "The human eighth-order powerhouse in the Beast City is an idiot. If she reveals her identity, she will immediately escape. We There are still some headaches, you must ask the Eight Great Kings, or the great emperor to take the shot to destroy her. But she exposed her identity, and even organized the human army in the Beast City, trying to compete with our saints, I really do not know how to live. When we have finished deploying, she will not be able to fly her wings. At that time, if she can give birth to her, I must play with her and then eat her. A human eighth-order powerhouse, think about it, let me drool. It is."

In that projection, Anne stood in front of the human warriors who were being trained. Her eyes were cold and heroic, and her side was followed by more than 20 human generals.

The technology above the Honglong Star is also very developed. It has a satellite satellite. After the fall of the Beast City, there are ten spy satellites watching the Beast City in the night, and all the information is fed back to the Qing Dynasty.

Isador looked at Anne in the projection, and there was a scorn in her eyes: "It’s a woman with a big brain. She thought that with the human beings in the Beast City, we could resist the army of our saints. Stupid to the extreme. Your Majesty, I will definitely give birth to this woman, let your Majesty enjoy it."

The young king revealed a sly smile: "After three days, all the troops will arrive at the designated place. By the time, Isador will see you."

Isador quickly responded: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Three days later, in addition to the Beast City, more than one hundred kilometers away from the area, one after another barracks, from the east, west, north and four directions, surrounded by the entire Beast City group, the Sanctuary The number of troops is more than eight million.

Between the huge barracks, a variety of different mechanical devices were built, forming a huge mechanical network cluster. At the same time, in the huge mechanical network cluster, equipped with a variety of advanced artillery, the Sens muzzle exudes a desperate horror.

A ship of 10,000 meters long flew over the huge barracks, a flash of light, and twelve saints flew down from the light of the ship.

The shape of the twelve saints is not much different, but their scales are gray sè, red sè, blue sè, silver sè, each of which has three people.

The Qing Dynasty King looked at the twelve saints who had landed from the huge ship-type warship. There was a smile on his face and he greeted him forward. He said warmly: "The Ashes, the Red King, the Blue King." You have come, the Silver King, it’s great. When you come, this time, the human eighth-order powerhouse is hard to fly.

The silver eagle king put out his tongue and licked his lips and said: "The young king, the female eight-dimensional strong, we can help you to marry her, but we must also play with her. When eating, We also want to eat a piece of her meat. The meat of the eighth-order human powerhouse, we have not eaten for a long time."

These are called the saints, in fact, the strongest of the beasts are alive, and they like to mate with the female races of all races. And ferocious and good to kill, like to eat the strong among humans.

This time, the four kings came from their kingdom because they wanted to eat Anne, the eighth-order human powerhouse.

Qinglan Wang Shuanglang smiled and said: "No problem, everyone will play together, everyone will eat together!"

In the eyes of the King of the Silver Jubilee, there was a murderous sè, and he directly ordered: "So, the preparation is ready, hands-on!!"

Among the five major races, the silver scorpion family has the strongest strength and the most military strength, even in the land of the king of the Qing dynasty ~www.readwn.com~ it is still in a leading position.

Accompanied by the order of the King of the Silver Jubilee, a famous footboard, wearing intensive armor, carrying a particle cannon, a waist-crossing super-alloyed sword, the saint warrior flew from the ground like a raindrop, and quickly pointed to the behemoth city. Fly in the direction.

This launch, the army of terrorist soldiers formed by a million members of the saint's pedal board, flew in the direction of the Beast City.

One million soldiers flew in the sky, and the scenes were like the disaster of the general squad, and the saints were everywhere.

"Enemy!! Enemy!!"

The scene of the saint's offensive was quickly discovered by the soldiers in the Beast City, and the dense j的ng voice was heard in the city.

After hearing the intensive jǐng report, the soldiers in the Beast City immediately followed the previous drills and hid in the bunker one by one.

However, many human warriors looked at the sky, and the saint warriors who covered the sky, the faces were pale and the body shivered. (To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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