God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1194: Alien strikes!

He shot the black king, and under the gaze of the alien beauty, Yue Zhongshun scraped the wealth of the black king, and then the tearing space disappeared.

In an instant, Yue Zhong immediately passed through countless spaces and appeared in the place where the Fenghuang King lived. He slaps the windy king directly into a meat sauce.

Under the transmission of the brilliant warship, Yue Zhong Shen did not sneak out, tearing the space, appeared in the front of the eight-order king in the Honglong Star, and directly pinched the eight-order king of the Honglong Star and absorbed them. The vitality of life has robbed the wealth they have accumulated.

After the eight-level king of Honglong Star was pinched to death by Yue Zhong, the human army of Anne Commander was unstoppable, attacking everywhere, and directly arresting the cities of the saints, and the saints in the area were also slaughtered.

On the other hand, the army of 200,000 intelligent robots that Cai Wei holds is also based on the Jincheng Wangcheng, and it is built into human power.

Honglongxing is extremely broad. Yue Zhong will massacre the high-level empire of the Honglong Empire, causing the entire Honglong Empire to fall into chaos, but it is not a simple matter to completely conquer this planet.

The number of saints on this planet is too great, and the human beings who have dominated them for countless years are afraid of them and dare not be against them.

The human beings who really dare to fight against the saints are only human beings in the city of Beasts, and those who have deep hatred for the saints.

However, Honglongxing is rich in population resources and extremely rich in resources. For Yue Zhong, such a world is the best base.

Yue Zhong once again handed over 300,000 mechanical beasts in the Star Ring to Anne's command, letting her command the 300,000 mechanical beasts to attack the saints.

Yue Zhong himself is outside the Beast City, using robots and technology derived from the mechanical imperial city to start manufacturing robotic arsenals.

The reason why the mechanical empire can fight for many planets is to defeat and destroy one powerful civilization. In addition to the strength of the mechanical emperor Zu Yuanting, but also because they have a steady stream of mechanical forces.

As long as they have sufficient crystal nucleus and resources, the mechanical empire can use robots to build countless arsenals, build robots around the clock, and form an endless mechanical army to destroy all enemies.

Yue Zhong killed the high-level of Honglongxing and seized a large amount of weapons and equipment and a large number of high-grade crystal nucleus reserves. This enabled the use of intelligent robots to build mechanical arsenals and manufacture robots.

As long as he gives Yue Zhong enough time, he can use the resources of Honglongxing to create an endless battle robot. The combination of those fighting robots will form a terrorist army that will kill the entire saint of Honglongxing.

Earth, the capital of China, Tianjing.

Among the central conference halls, many giants of Huaxia State are gathered, and the leaders of many factions such as Chen Yu, Chi Yang, Hu Yi, Bai Xiaosheng, Li Guang, Ji Qingwu, Chen Yao, Luo Qingqing and Han Yu are among them.

Although Luo Qingqing, Han Yu, Luo Chen and others came from other worlds, they brought a lot of people. In the battle with zombies, mutant beasts, aliens and other monsters, they also made great contributions and successfully integrated. Among the groups of Yue Zhong, they became the leaders of a small faction.

Chi Yang said: "Guangxi base found thirteen cases of abnormally shaped infections. They were infected by the aliens from the sewers. The Hunan and Sichuan bases also found the parasitic parasitic mice in the sewers. For example, the speed of evolution of those aliens is too fast. It has caused a lot of panic among the major bases."

In the eyes of Chi Yang, a flash of exhaustion, solemnly said: "In this month, among the major bases, more than 2,600 ordinary humans have died from various forms of infection, parasitism, and attacks. In the military, there are also a thousand people who have died from alien attacks. Our bounty hunters have not dared to leave the base for 20 kilometers. I hope everyone can brainstorm and find a way to deal with them, otherwise our China will collapse. ""

In the past month, nearly 4,000 humans have died. The entire Huaxia country now has a population of more than 10 million. The death of 4,000 humans has made China's state unbearable.

In particular, those ordinary people who died of parasitic infections have caused great panic in major base cities.

Hu Yi said heavily: "I will talk about it. At present, there are many alien trails in our Huaxia country. From the information taken back by the leader, the reproductive power of these aliens is amazing, as long as there is enough meat to Rapid proliferation in any harsh environment. And their parasitic objects contain various creatures. According to our speculation, they are likely to have produced an amazing number of aliens, with branches in the entire country. ”

"In the process of clearing the corpse and the mutant beast, our Central Army has encountered several corpses and mutant beasts that have been parasitic. Although we have already annihilated those aliens in those few times, but from now on Those aliens have spread all over the country. With their fertility, we will soon encounter the most severe challenges."

Hearing the words of Hu Yi, all people showed a heavy color in their eyes. Alien is the most horrible enemy they have ever met.

Compared with the alien, the zombies, the mutant beasts, and the seas are nothing.

The most horrible thing about aliens is their ability to reproduce. The aliens are mainly produced by the alien queens, which make the aliens grow into paradise [*], and the genes and nutrients that absorb [*] are rapidly evolving. However, if a strange alien leaves the alien queen and goes to another place, swallowing a lot of flesh and blood, it can evolve into a strange queen. Moreover, the alien queen will also give birth to a big belly of a childbirth, and those births will be filled with shaped larvae. As long as their belly splits, there will be countless alien larvae flying out and parasitizing on other [*].

Although the first wave of alien invasion was crushed by Yue Zhong, but the fish that had a strange shape slipped into the Huaxia country, after the evolution and reproduction of these days, the entire Huaxia country did not know how many aliens were hidden.

Yue Zhong has obtained many powerful scientific and technological weapons from various worlds. It is still not a problem for the various human army to use those super-technical weapons to kill some aliens. But searching for aliens is a huge problem. Many of these aliens are parasitic in the body of various creatures, and they do not explode the bodies of those creatures.

Just when the people fell into silence, suddenly the door of the conference room was pushed open. An officer was pale and shouted anxiously. "No, the Guangxi base sent a request for help. They are being attacked by the alien army. According to the scan, the number of aliens attacking the Guangxi base has exceeded 500,000."


Upon hearing this news, the faces of the people suddenly changed.

Ji Qing dance pressed a button in his hand, and one of the display screens in the central command room lit up, and the image from Guangxi was transmitted instantly.

From the mechanical empire, Yue Zhong has obtained a lot of satellites whose technology far exceeds the earth. In the outer space of the earth, there have been fifteen surveillance satellites, constantly monitoring the whole earth.

I saw that at the time of the periphery of the Guangxi base, various forms of alienation were rushing toward the base of Guangxi. At first glance, there were all kinds of looks and sorrows everywhere.

Around the large base in Guangxi, a large number of permanent military forts were built, and among the military forts, a large number of automatic light cannons were equipped.

The automatic light cannons in countless military fortifications appeared indiscriminately, and the mechanical beasts and combat robots deployed around the large bases in Guangxi were also put into the battlefield under the control of white clothes.

Many hand-held particle beam weapons, humans wearing intensive armor also fought on the first line, hiding in a fortress, shooting toward those aliens.

Under the attack of many firepower, a large number of aliens were directly exploding.

However, the fighting power of the aliens is also extremely terrifying ~www.readwn.com~ They are madly rushing into the artillery, and those mechanical beasts and intelligent robots will be directly destroyed by them.

The speed of those aliens broke faster than the speed of sound. As soon as they entered the battle, they immediately penetrated into the military fort built by the large base of Guangxi, and madly destroyed the war weapons in the military fort, and at the same time the military fortress. One of the human warriors killed directly and cruelly.

Once close, in addition to the top of a small wave of human warriors, most of the human warriors will be spiked by those alien moments.

Under the impact of the alien army, each position only resisted less than a moment and then lost. The entire alien army can be said to be in full swing.

In the sky, the Guangxi base has also invested a large number of combat units. Thousands of drones, as well as Thunder fighters and air combat mechanical beasts, joined the battle.

However, the alien army is a special-shaped army that has invested tens of thousands of air warfare units. It is smashed with the air power of the large base in Guangxi. The battle between the two sides is extremely fierce. Every moment, a large number of units fall from the sky.

Under the pressure of the air warfare, the air force of the large base in Guangxi had to fly back into the control area of ​​the ground fort, using the firepower of the ground-based air defense turret and the flying in the sky.

From the central command room, the people can clearly see that the huge alien army has ran out of the 100,000 mountains in Guangxi, forming a sea of ​​aliens, moving in a crazy direction toward the base city of Guangxi.

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