God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1196: jubilation!

After Yue Zhong evolved into a half-step and nine-step situation, Wei can almost rival the semi-god-level powerhouse, and it is very easy to kill millions of low-order aliens.

Semi-god-level powerhouses, each of which is willing to spend time, can erase a race without the protection of the ninth-order powerhouse from the world. After continuous evolution, Yue Zhong finally evolved to the point where he stood on the top of the world.

"That is the leader!!"

"The leader is back!!"

"It's too powerful. It kills millions of aliens in one stroke. The leader is really amazing! It's more than a hundred times more than the legend."


The people who are fighting underneath look at Yue Zhong in the sky and suddenly get excited and talk. Many of the newly recruited fighters originally did not believe in the legend of Yue Zhong. However, at this time they immediately turned into an admirer of Yue Zhong at this moment.

"Long live the leader!!"

"The leader is back!!!"

"We have saved!"


Yue Zhong’s wave of killing and killing millions of alien images was scanned by surveillance satellites in the sky, and those monitoring satellites were about to broadcast this influence to all cities in China. Seeing that the millions of zombies were killed by Yue Zhong, most of the Chinese people gave a heart of cheers.

In the three days when the alien launched the attack, although the entire Xinhua Xiaguo had their efforts in the Qing Dynasty, but in the major base cities, there was still a skyrocketing price and a turbulent situation.

However, after seeing Yue Zhong’s killing and killing millions of aliens, the residents in each base city were stable and full of worship and awe.

"Too great. This guy is no longer a person."

"How can humans evolve to this point? Is this the culmination of human evolution?"


Some of the ambitious people who have the heart to do a great job in this troubled world and try to replace Yue Zhong, see this scene, have a sense of despair in their hearts. In the face of the absolute power of Yue Zhong, all their intrigues and tricks do not play much role. Once exposed, they will also be ruined.

The ambitions who are hidden in the crowd have begun to converge on their ambitions. It became an Anshun people, actively approaching the new government, attempting to join the new government, and developing its own future in the system.

In the middle of the day, Chi Yang looked at Yue Zhong in the image, and he sighed heavily: "It’s good to come back! He is finally back!"

These days, the alien army attacked. The major base markets are in jeopardy and can be broken at any time. The huge pressure made Chiyang, Jiqing Dance and other high-ranking Huaxia countries sleep hard, and they kept sticking in the command center, mobilizing forces and aliens.

If Yue Zhong came back five days later, the entire Chinese nation will be swallowed up by the alien army. More than 90% of humans will become alien rations and parasitic hosts.

One stroke hits a million aliens, and Yue Zhong’s right hand pulls directly toward the void, pulling the void out of a huge cave. From the space cave, a mechanical beast army is swarming like a flood.

Yue Zhong’s empty space was pulled, and in the air, a hundred doors of space were opened, and 300,000 mechanical beasts and soldiers marched out of the door of the space. Three arrows were formed, and they flew directly toward the alien army.

Although Yue Zhong has killed a million aliens in a single shot, there are still a large number of aliens emerging from the 100,000 mountains. If you want to smash those aliens, relying on him alone, I am afraid that it will take ten years to be able to Destroy all the aliens. It is not that he can't kill those aliens, but that the aliens are too scattered, and it is difficult for him to kill those aliens on a large scale.

After releasing 300,000 mechanical beasts and army. Yue Zhong teared the space and strode into it. The next moment immediately appeared before the Sichuan base city, which was fighting with the alien army.

Among the military positions around the Sichuan base city, there are also a large number of aliens that form the army and the warriors and human warriors around the Sichuan base city.

Before Yue Zhong left, there were a number of mechanical beasts and arsenals of mechanical beasts in the major base cities of China.

But on the earth, there are all kinds of monsters everywhere, and it is difficult to mine various resources in the mining area. The number of mechanical beasts is far less than that of Honglongxing.

However, the mechanical beasts that were created have also become the main force to resist this alien. If there are no mechanical beasts that serve as cannon fodder, the human defense line has already been broken.

Yue Zhong appeared in the big base city of Sichuan before the big hand wave. A field of magic that shrouded a hundred kilometers suddenly emerged, and the main forces of the aliens were all rolled up, all of them were sucked into dry bodies.

After killing the main force of the alien, Yue Zhong once again used the splendid battleship to tear the space, appeared in the sky above other big base cities, and directly destroyed the main force of the alien in the field of display magic.

After destroying the main force of the alien, Yue Zhong continued to use the brilliant warships to shuttle through the country, appearing in the big cities all over the zombies, and destroying the main force of the zombies in the field of display of magic.

It only took three days. In the Huaxia country, the main zombies of the major first- and second-tier cities were immediately completely destroyed by Yue Zhong.

Of course, Yue Zhong is only directly destroying the corpse sea that has a large number of zombies, and there are many small stocks of zombies all over the country.

At the same time, under the command of Yue Zhong, a large number of mechanical beasts began to cooperate with human warriors, and began to attack everywhere by destroying the zombies and mutant beasts of scattered small shares and establishing a military base. Steps to expand the range of human activities.

At this time, on the earth, there is a horrible creature of alien shape. Every alien shape is tyrannical and can engulf all life. It is the greatest enemy of mankind.

Under the threat of alienation, if human beings want to expand the trajectory of their activities, they must establish a complete military fortress, centered on the fortress and be careful about the surrounding activities. Can not move to the past, can freely move around the world.

This point, even Yue Zhong is not a good way. One way to deal with the horror of fertility, such as aliens, that can parasitize all creatures is to kill them before they spread. Another way is to have the omnipotence and omnipotence, the power of the gods, to kill all the aliens with the peerless power.

At this time, Yue Zhong only has the power to be a subliminal power. Unless he is promoted to be a true god-level power, it is possible to completely erase the alien race from the earth.

After the death of the main corps of the domestic corpse, Yue Zhong continued to shuttle freely throughout the earth with the help of brilliant warships. He will be the main force of the zombies in the earth, the main corps of vampires and cannibals, dinosaurs, etc. The main army of the major aliens was directly eliminated.

Every day, Yue Zhong can eliminate a lot of life, and take all the vitality of those lives into his body.

At the same time, half of the mechanical beasts produced in the intelligent robot arsenal among Honglongxing were mastered by Anne and continued to attack the saints in Honglongxing. The other half were sent directly by Yuezhong through the brilliant warships. Above the earth.

Those mechanical beasts were produced far and wide, and they fought in the Huaxia country, eliminating aliens, zombies, and mutant beasts, opening up one resource after another for the Huaxia Kingdom.

After recovering the resources, a large amount of resources were mined by those robots, and transformed into a mechanical beast and engineering robot through the transformation of one factory.

Those mechanical beasts were directly put into battle, while engineering robots began to build a mechanical arsenal.

Under the efforts of Yue Zhong, the national strength of Huaxia State is constantly increasing day by day.

At this time, as the first-class enemy of human beings, the means of parasitic mice have slowly occupied the sewers of human bases. However, when Yue Zhong put hundreds of thousands of mechanical beasts under each big base city, the sewers of the human base city reluctantly restored the calm of the past.

Through the sewers, the top officials of the Huaxia Kingdom are very clear, and it is very difficult to occupy the original territory of the Huaxia State. The human survival model will be centered on the big base city and cannot be restored to the past model.

Otherwise, in the past, the towns and counties of the villages and towns, the humans in the village, it will easily become a shaped bait and parasitic host.

After defeating the main force of the major races, ~www.readwn.com~ Yue Zhong, between the thoughts, tore the space, appeared in the deepest part of the Bermuda Triangle, the half-step nine-step dragon Ai Gensi Before: "Old friends, we met again."

Agnes looked at the sudden appearance of Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a touch of shock, but it quickly and very thickly cheeked to Yue Zhong and smiled: "It is you, Yue Zhong, you are actually from the world of the gods Come back. Ok, good, good, your strength has improved very quickly, enough to be my friend. The past things have made him good. We become good friends. I know many secrets of ancient times, I will Tell you all those secrets."

"Very good, after I turn you into a beggar, I will slowly ask your secret from your mouth!!"

In Yue Zhong’s eyes, a touch of cold light flashed directly into the fingers of the universe. In an instant, a cosmic illusion containing endless formation and cosmic truth directly separates the sea and directly smashes against Agnes with the potential of destroying the earth. Go and go.

"The **** little beast, the person who is going to die is you!!"

Almost in an instant, the fierce light in the eyes of Agnes, who was still talking with Yue Zhong, was a horrible breath. From the earth, nine heads with a single-horned python were suddenly shot from the head. The bottom of the sea burst out, opened a **** mouth full of sharp teeth, stinking, containing the true dragon rule, biting toward Yue Zhong. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (.) vote, monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please go to m.. to read. )

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