God and Devil World

Vol 9 Chapter 1211: Breaking out!

As time went by, the strong ones entered the second floor of the tower, flew into the 365 pillars, and turned into a golden dragonfly to undergo crazy evolution. m

Suddenly, the space door trembled, and countless human powers flew out of the second floor of the entrance like a raindrop. There was no trace of a warship.

Almost at the same time, countless demons, cannibals, and some tyrannical races from all over the world also flew out from the entrance to the second floor.

Although the red jade group is very ferocious, but under the siege of the human fleet and many half-step true-level powerhouses, it is still killed.

After the many aliens flew out from the entrance of the second floor of the Tongtian Tower, they quickly moved away from each other and kept a certain Leihuang gods standing in the void, full of remorse: "Damn, the battleship can not pass the space door. If early Knowing this is the case, and those D-class warships will not be brought into the Tongtian Tower."

Those D-class warships that are so powerful that even the ninth-order powerhouses can kill are unable to pass the second floor of the Tongtian Tower, and can only be abandoned by them in the first floor, which makes Lei Huang God Lord they are heartbroken.

To know that a D-class warship is in a large-scale battle, and its power is even above that of some ninth-order powerhouses. Now it is forced to abandon dozens of ships. It is impossible to supplement the savings of the sacred heavens for hundreds of years. come back.

The owner of Yantian God said faintly: "What is this? If we can be promoted to become a true god-level powerhouse, everything is not a problem. If we cannot be promoted to become a true god-level powerhouse, we can only fall into this tower. Those D-class warships are destined to be destroyed, why bother you."

If it can be promoted to become a true god-level powerhouse, the entire world of the gods will become the ruling area of ​​the Terran, and the Wan people will bow down and create dozens of D-class warships, which is a breeze.

Lu Lie pointed to the front and said: "Look!"

The great gods looked at the distance and saw the huge pillar of the sky that passed through the sky and exudes endless light.

"This should be the second treasure of this second layer!!"

Several people, such as Lei Huang, looked at the huge golden pillar, and flashed a strange glow in their eyes. They flashed their bodies and turned into four streams of light and flew directly toward the huge pillar of God.

When Lei Huang and others flew to the 365 giant pillars, they found that each of the 365 giant pillars had been occupied and formed a huge gold. cocoon.

"The beast!! It is full of people!!" Lei Huang's main face suddenly changed, roaring, outstretched giant claws, directly to the golden scorpion under a pillar of God: "Give me away!!"

Lei Huang wants to take the master of the golden dragonfly and enter the pillar of the **** to understand the truth of the universe, the law of true God.

The three powerful masters of the gods, such as the Lord of the Lord, are silently watching the scene. If Lei Huang can tear the golden dragonfly, they will also tear other golden dragons.

Lu Lei, they are trapped in the realm of half-step true-level gods. I don’t know how many years, their biggest dream is to take that step, promote to become a true true-level powerhouse, break the cage, and truly detach.

The spirit claws of Lei Huang’s lord were caught on the golden plaque, and the golden scorpion did not move. From the towering tower of the heavenly gods, a golden light suddenly appeared on the body of Lei Huang. .

Lei Huang was stunned by the golden light, and a scream of screams was utterly screaming. A huge crack broke out in his chest. A large piece of golden blood spattered from it, and he himself fell directly from the sky. It’s down.

The Lord of the Fire God was shocked by the heart, and a flash appeared on the side of Lei Huang: "Lei Huang, how is your injury?"

Lei Huang mouth overflowed with golden blood, pale face, biting his teeth: "I was hurt by the law. If I don't eat the heavens and the earth, relying on my own strength, it will take at least a month to heal. These three hundred and six Fifteen pillars of God, absolutely the horror of the true god-level powerhouse. Damn, we slowed down and lost this opportunity!!"

Lu Ren’s lord and others also looked at the huge pillar of God, and a flash of remorse was in his eyes. If they can enter the three hundred and sixty-five pillars of God and accept the inheritance of knowledge and power inside, there may be hope to step out of that step and be promoted to become a true god-level powerhouse.

Although outside, Lei Huang and other four gods were killing the Tauren Dragon Devil, captured a gold-level Tomahawk, killed thousands of nine-order mutant beasts, and obtained a large number of nine-level mutant animal crystals. Nuclear, but compared with the opportunity to become a ten-order powerhouse, those are as small as garbage.

The Lord of the Fire God looked around and said slowly: "I think that among the towers, the fastest passing talents can get the most benefit. Those who pass the slowest test will get the least benefit."

Lei Huang God and other people heard the words for a while, and nodded silently.

At this time, on the second floor of the Tongtian Tower, there was a mess everywhere. The rare fruits on the ground had long been scraped by the first people who entered Yue Zhong.

However, there are some extremely precious heaven and earth spirits buried in the ground. When the heavens and the earth are just born, they have caused countless battles.

The major races that had just joined forces to reach the second floor of the Tongtian Tower had a fierce conflict and madly killed each other.

Among those people, there are also some guys who have benefited a lot from the first floor, quietly avoiding the whirlpool of the competition, and starting to take the first layer of the heaven and earth spirits, and absorb the second layer of heaven and earth to start hitting nine. Step wall.

The concentration of the heavens and the earth on the second floor of the Tongtian Tower is more than one hundred times that of the first layer. It takes a day to cultivate one day in the second layer of the Tongtian Tower, which is much stronger than the practice of the outside world for several years. And in such a place where the world is full of energy, it is just right to break through the bottleneck and step out of the most crucial step.

Three days, when Yue Zhong entered the third day of the second floor of Tongtian Tower, the 365 golden smashes burst open, and 365 violent ninth-order breaths rose into the sky, alarming The strongest of the second floor of the entire Tongtian Tower.

The four great gods, including Lei Huang, also opened their eyes and swept the perception to the masters of the three hundred and sixty-five golden dragons. They discovered Yue Zhong among them.

"Nine-order advanced!! He was promoted to the ninth-order advanced situation? How is it possible? How could it evolve so fast? Tongtian Tower, this Tongtian Tower is really amazing. Even let him evolve so fast, if you get that The person who inherits the **** column is me, how good it is!!"

When Lei Huang scanned the realm of Yue Zhong, their faces changed a lot, and everyone's eyes were filled with sly colors. When they were just in contact with Yue Zhong, Yue Zhong was only a strong player in the ninth stage. But now, Yue Zhong has evolved into a ninth-order high-level environment. This evolutionary speed is absolutely extraordinary, far beyond their imagination.

The more evolution comes to the end, the more difficult it is.

Numerous powerful people are trapped in the ninth-order primary world. Lei Huang is also a enchanting genius who has triggered the vision of the Tigers and Dragons. It took him 50 years to evolve from the ninth-order primary to the ninth-level intermediate. as long as. It took him three hundred years from the advanced level of the ninth to the advanced level of the ninth. This kind of promotion speed has been very fast in the whole world of the gods, but it is a snail compared with the evolution speed of Yue Zhong. This naturally makes them feel very unbalanced.

When Yue Zhong broke out of the moment, the invisible blade of the 9th-order peak flew silently behind him, and the cruel light flashed in his eyes, and a claw was dug toward the heart of Yue Zhong.

Invisible Blade Devil is also a very powerful and rare species of the Mozu, they are free to perform perfect stealth. Once the invisible blade of the 9th-order peak is able to launch the perfect stealth ability, even the half-step true-level powerhouses can't detect their existence if they are not prepared.

This invisible blade is one of the strongest assassin races among the Mozu. The invisible blade of the ninth-order peak is even stabbed by the half-step true god-level powerhouse, which is terrible.

"I want to sneak up on me? It's really not self-sufficient, give me to die!" Yue Zhong snorted, one turned back, punching the vacuum ~www.readwn.com~ directly to the invisible blade magic.

After being promoted to become the ninth-order senior powerhouse, Yue Zhongling's flesh and meat can be combined to make his perfect demon body play a more terrifying power.

The fist of the invisible blade magic smashed directly, and then its body was also under the horrible power of Yue Zhong, the festival collapsed, and the instant burst, and countless pieces of gold minced were spattered in all directions. .

"Good!! This guy is so strong!"

"How could he be so strong? This guy is just a nine-order senior human, how can it be so tyrannical?"

"This guy, it seems that it is not easy to provoke!"


Watching Yue Zhong’s fist smashed the invisible blade of the ninth-order peak, and the horrible gods intertwined. The famous person looked at Yue Zhong and his eyes were full of taboo colors.

The half-step true magical level of the Mozu, Jaffrey, looked at Yue Zhong with a taboo, and his mind was moving. He was up to ten meters long and had a red-red scale. His face was sturdy and his muscles were strong. A giant gold-bone cannibal half-step true god-level powerhouse said: "Tea Roman, the human must be removed! Otherwise, at his rate of evolution, our Mozu and your cannibals will be killed by him. Our two people join hands. Here, let the Terran be destroyed first!"

Tea Roman took a look at Yue Zhong, and his eyes flashed a savage color. God read a few moments with a few half-step true-level ogres, and quickly responded: "Good!!"

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