God and Devil World

Chapter 21: Level 2 protective clothing

Yue Zhong took the short-haired girl and said, "What is your name?"

"My name is Chen Qing!" the short-haired girl replied quickly.

Yue Zhong asked: "Good! I will take you away. Where is Chi Yang?"

Chen Qing said very quickly: "He is in the girls' dormitory. When the mutation happened, he protected Wang Qian and Zhang Xin and retired to the girls' dormitory."

"Well, you go with me!" Yue Zhong got the information from Chiyang and went out quickly.

Chen Qing is closely following Yue Zhong.

After hesitating, the glasses man and the rest of the people did not keep up with Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong has made it clear that he can't protect them all the time, and they are not willing to leave this small supermarket.

Yue Zhong and Chen Qing left the small supermarket and immediately frowned. He saw Ji Qing dance fighting with the eight head zombies. Among the eight zombies, one is 2 meters tall and the body is very burly. The speed between walking can be comparable to that of ordinary people, and there is no sluggish feeling of zombies.

"10-level power evolution infected L1. Has strong power and steel-like skin. With a viral infection, it can infect the living body into an infected person."

"Not good!" Yue Zhong brows and wrinkles, shouting loudly toward Ji Qing dance: "Ji Qing dance, be careful. That guy is a 10-level power monster."

Ji Qingwu’s novice sticks are like a snake on the head of the head of the zombie. They smashed the zombies one by one and quickly rushed to the L1, the evolutionary infected person. Above the neck of L1.

The one that hit the ordinary zombie's head directly hit the neck of L1, just let L1's head sway slightly.

The L1, who is as tall as a giant, immediately opened his hand to the Qing Dance.

The distance between L1 and Ji Qing dance is too close, and this distance can not be avoided even with the agility of Ji Qing dance.

Seeing that Ji Qing dance is going to be a fragrant jade, she is suddenly between her feet, and her speed is twice as fast as she jumps to the rear, avoiding the blow of L1.

"This is estimated to be the skill acquired by Ji Qing Dance." Yue Zhong’s heart flashed a glimpse of thought and rushed toward the zombie.

After avoiding the L1's killing, the Qing dance kept the crazy high-speed wave of the novice stick to the L1's head.

L1's defensive power is far beyond the imagination of Ji Qing dance. Its head has eaten dozens of records of Ji Qing dance without any damage, but its claws can not catch the skills. Ji Qing dance.

At this moment, a white bone was the first to rush to the front of L1, holding a big axe into a whirlwind with a sound of breaking into the L1.

L1 is to raise the right arm to the right.

The power of the bones is far beyond the Qing dance, and the white bones in the hands are also extremely sharp. L1's right arm was broken by a white bone and an axe. The white bone axe hit the neck of L1 and was embedded, but it was not broken.

L1 was injured and immediately violently up. It stepped forward and slammed into the right arm of the white bone. It punched the right arm of the white bone with a big axe.

"Great power!" Seeing this scene, Yue Zhongzhong’s heart glimpsed. After the continual strengthening of the white bone, its body is already very strong. L1 can only smash the right arm of the white bone with one hand, which is obviously terrible. If this blow is on the human body, it can directly kill human beings.

"Entangled with it!" Yue Zhong ordered the white bones.

The white bone stepped forward and the left arm grabbed toward the white bone axe. Without weapons, even the bones are not the opponents of this L1.

L1 punched the left arm of the bone.

At this moment, Ji Qing dance rushed from the side, a stick hit the head of L1, L1 slammed his body slightly, and its fist suddenly fell.

Yue Zhong took the opportunity to step forward and lifted the imitation Tang knife to the neck of L1.

Accompanied by a sound similar to metal friction, the imitation Tang knife swung under the weight of Yue Zhong, and the head of L1 was smashed hard.

As soon as the L1 skull fell to the ground, a large group of light flashed from the body of L1 and fell into the body of Yue Zhong.

"You upgraded to level 8, please assign 2 points to strengthen points."

As soon as the Emmanuel entered the body, Yue Zhong’s mind raised the sound of the intensified upgrade.

"Strengthen 1 point of physical strength, 1 point of agility!" Yue Zhong ordered.

Physical strength allows Yue Zhong to fight more sustainably, while agility allows him to react faster and faster.

A powerful zombie must have an agile zombie. Yue Zhong needs enough agility to cope with the agile evolutionary zombies that may appear in the future.

After the reinforcement was completed, Yue Zhong fell his eyes on the body of L1.

A skill book and a bronze treasure box, two white treasure boxes, and a black living coin with a face value of 100 were found near the body of L1.

Yue Zhong quickly picked up the skill book near the body.

"Level 1 skill, strength enhancement! After using this skill ~www.readwn.com~ within 30 seconds, the power increases by 10. Use this skill to consume five points. Cooldown, no!"

Yue Zhong quickly grabbed all the treasure boxes into his arms and quickly rushed to the school bus.

Ji Qing Dance, Bai Bing and Chen Qing also followed the school bus behind Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong told Chen Qing: "Chen Qing, you are in the position of the passenger seat for Chen Yao."

Chen Qing walked over to the passenger seat and pointed to Chen Yao.

Ji Qing Dance went to Yue Zhong’s side and asked, “What skill book is that?”

Yue Zhong threw the power reinforcement to Ji Qingwu and asked: "Strengthen strength. Do you think you need it?"

In the previous battle, Ji Qingwu also helped to contain L1, and Yue Zhong did not distribute the trophy to the combat partners.

Ji Qing dance glanced at the strength-enhanced skill book and threw it back to Yue Zhong: "I am a good knife. This skill is not very suitable for me."

The strength to strengthen this skill is too much, and the burden is heavy for Ji Qing. Use this skill, it is better to find a good knife. Just before Ji Qing Dance took L1, there was no way just because her weapon was too bad to effectively damage L1.

Yue Zhong did not have two words, immediately opened the bronze treasure box, this is the first time he saw the bronze treasure box.

The bronze treasure box opened, a bronze light flashed, and a white protective suit without a helmet appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

"Secondary protective clothing, full attribute +5. Can resist small-caliber bullet shooting. Twenty attacks within 20 levels. Durable 20/20."

When Yue Zhongyi saw the properties of the second-level protective suit, his eyes lit up and he immediately said: "I want this equipment!"

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