God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 239: reinforce!

When Dongyi launched the charge, the whole person rushed toward the direction of the Xiaoyanglou as a ghost.

Guo Quan and other five warriors looked at the evolutionary in the East, and madly swept the "shè" toward the east, but their eyes barely captured the movement of the east, but the movement of the gun in their hands was completely Can't keep up. Book group 2

The east-shaped zigzag moves toward the small building at a high speed, and has avoided all the "shè" attacks by virtue of the three-level skill hazard. Even though those bombs hit him, he was able to ask for his "xn" life, but as long as "shè" is not in the middle, then the 35mm howitzer can't cause any harm to him.

Dongyi smugly avoided all the bombs and rushed to the small building. He opened a few shots at the room "én" and smashed the "én" lock, then slammed his foot in the small ocean. Above the big "én" of the building.

The small building was opened by the east, and his smug face "sè" became gray in a flash.

A loud bang, in the moment when the big "én" of Xiaoyanglou was opened by the east, Guo Quan’s sweet potato grenade placed on the big "én" was also blasted, and the horrible explosion would completely devour the east. Directly flying the head of the east, the body was also blown up and smashed and flew to the ground.

"East!! Damn "hun" egg!!!" Zhang Leopard saw that the powerful arrogant evolutionary man was killed by a grenade, his eyes filled with anger and a trace of fear.

The evolutionary has a natural advantage, and once it grows up, its potential is much more powerful than the ordinary intensifier. If it is on the ground, the agile evolver of the East can easily kill the five soldiers of Guo Quan, but he was a momentary intention, but he died in the trap created by Guo Quan. This makes Zhang Bao, who has always been proud of the evolutionary, very angry and frightened in his understanding. The evolutionary should be an invincible existence. The evolutionary person of the East was actually killed by ordinary people. This completely subverts his understanding.

The east was killed, and the morale of the soldiers in Ningguang County was greatly depressed. Dong, Zhangbao, Niusheng, and several of them are the strongest evolutionists in Ningguang County. Such strong people died in the process of attacking Xiaoyanglou, and they gave birth to Xiaoyanglou, which has only five people left. A fearful heart.

"Haha, kill the bastard!" In the small building, Guo Quan and the other four soldiers laughed and laughed.

Dongna’s ghostly speed of completely avoiding the bombs made Guo Quan see the terrorist power of the evolutionist. It is an honour for them to die in their hands.

A soldier worried to Guo Quan and said, "The squad leader. The first round of our bombs is not much. Every 05 micro-rush has only one bullet left. There are only four grenades left. There are still thirty grenades. Nine. I am afraid we can't hold it for too long."

Since the "shè" has been pressed against the opponent's charge, this reconnaissance class with five base bullets is extremely expensive, and the "y" is about to run out.

Guo Quan took out a pot of boiling water and poured a faint slogan. "When you put them near, you can blow them with a grenade!"

Guo Quan saw his four comrades in good faith and apologized. "I am sorry, I should have evacuated you after I destroyed an armored vehicle. This time, I am afraid that you will be killed here with me!"

Gu Lian looked at Guo Quan and laughed. "The squad leader, you are too far out!! We are willing to fight with you in the end. Since we are a soldier, we will die in one day. It is not the death of war in human hands. It is the death of war. Zombie hands. Can fight with the squad leader, I have no regrets! Eighteen years later, it is another hero. Haha!"

"Yes!! The squad leader, killing so many "hun" eggs. We are enough!"


The remaining fighters responded. Although they were "sb", they reached a desperate situation. But morale did not collapse. They used to live in the "ru" in the Qingfeng Village. It was Yue Zhong who recruited them to the army, let them live a good day, gave them strength and dignity, and led them to one after another. victory. They are also willing to fight for Yue Zhong.

Just then, the knife light flashed between. The rear wall of the Xiaoyang Building was opened, and Yue’s major step came in and looked at the soldiers of this class. “Reassure, you will not die!”

"battalion commander!!"

"The battalion commander, you are here!!"


Seeing the emergence of Yue Zhong, Guo Quan and all five of them stood up excitedly.

Yue Zhong patted Guo Quan's shoulder. "This time, thanks to the fact that you dragged them. Let me drag them for a while. Let us all slap them!"

This time, Guo Quan, their scouting class, was able to drag the attack of Ningguang County for so long, which was extremely unexpected beyond the high-level of Yuezhong. After all, Guo Quan, although they are equipped with "jn" good, there are only ten people after all, they are facing more than 1,000 people in Ningguang County.

Guo Quan's efforts have allowed Yue Zhong to gain valuable reaction time. A large net is surrounded by these invading enemies.

"Yes!!" Guo Quan, they were all excited and shouted.

Yue Zhong threw a big bag on the ground, and "lu" had a lot of magazines inside. When Guo Quan saw the clips, they immediately took three of them and added the "y" that they consumed.

Yue Zhong launched a joint protection technique, and strode to the small ocean building before observing the enemy.

Zhang Baoyu hesitated for a while and issued an order to let the "jn" Ying Sanlian charge again.

Under the "b" of Zhang Bao, "Jn" Ying Sanlian once again launched an charge toward the Xiaoyang Building.

Yue Zhong looked at the "jn" Ying Sanlian soldiers of Ningguang County who were charged. They smiled and took out a 05 micro-rush, and swept "shè" to the "jn" Ying Sanlian warriors who were charged.

Yue Zhong’s "shè" slash technique has been very powerful after a lot of tempering. Under his "shè" slamming, a famous "jn" Ying Sanlian warrior is constantly being screened. Kill it directly.

Those "jn" Ying Sanlian warriors also rushed to "Yue" to "hè". Yue Zhong did not evade it at all. A hair bomb "『shè" was on his body, and he was immediately flew up. He was like a moving fierce firepower. He was constantly dying to death. "jn" Ying Sanlian's soldiers killed.

When the 20 "jn" Ying Sanlian warriors were killed and injured by Yue Zhong, the "jn" Ying Sanlian once again collapsed morale. For example, "há" water generally receded toward the rear, leaving only the body of one place. And the wounded.

After these several assaults, the soldiers of the "jn" Ying Sanlian have more than 45 deaths and injuries. The entire company has almost killed and injured more than half, and the morale has almost completely collapsed. Even before the end of the world, the army of many countries would have a morale collapse in the face of such casualties, let alone those militia organizations that are far less than the regular army.

Only the zombies, such as the unwise corpse, "ru" and the mutant beast, which are suppressed by the mysterious level power, can continue to attack with such huge casualties.

Zhang Leopard bites his teeth, and the command of evil is "JN" Yingsi is connected! With four rocket launchers in the past, be sure to break the small building and enemies!"

Zhang Leopard brought a total of eight 40 rocket launchers this time. He intends to use such heavy weapons to kill Yue Zhong and Li Tianyang, but he never imagined that a small number of firepower points could actually put him "b" So embarrassed, he had to use the precious 40 rocket launcher to destroy this fire point.

40 rocket launcher This heavy weapon is also a very precious treasure in Ningguang County, the number is not much. Zhang Bao is also very careful to use. If it is not the 『b』』 to the point of no choice, Zhang Bao will not use this precious weapon.

If Zhang Leopard does not "jn" force to destroy this "b", he will have a stunned firepower point, he will have a psychological "yn" shadow.

"40 rocket launcher!! Finally use heavy weapons?" Yue Zhong looked at the four "jn" Yingsilian soldiers carrying 40 rocket launchers, cold smile, empty contact, four groups of magic inflammation out of thin air, like Thunder is generally on the four 40 rocket launchers.

With four loud noises, the four 40-barrel rockets exploded in an instant, directly killing the four "jn" Yingsilian soldiers together with the surrounding eight soldiers, and screaming.

After the skill of Magical Fire has been upgraded to the second level, Yue Zhong’s “『』” is more comfortable with the magical inflammation, and it is possible to gather four groups of magical **** and attack the enemy in the distance.

After destroying the four 40-barrel rockets, Yue Zhong directly took out the big killer of the qj8-meter heavy machine gun, and swept the "shè" to the "jn" Yingsilian soldiers who launched the charge.

The horrible meter-caliber heavy machine gun is like a crazy killing weapon. Its fire tongue is mad, and a soldier named "jn" Yingsilian is directly intercepted by the heavy machine gun "『shè". The body, the skull burst, the shoulders shattered, and the limbs separated, forming a horrible blood "ru" storm.

Those "Jn" Yingsilian soldiers who launched the assault seemed to send "én" to the Yuezhong massacre. In a short while, more than 20 people were directly blasted like ants, and their deaths and injuries were severe. Their assaults were immediately followed. Disintegration collapsed, fled to a bunker, and thought of the horror scene of the shackles, everyone shivered.

"Strengthen? There are masters in there!! This attack is only afraid of failure~www.readwn.com~ Only the retreat is the best policy."

"Retreat immediately!" Zhang Bao looked at the "jn" Ying Sanlian, Silian, who had been disabled, and changed his face "sè" and quickly issued an order to retreat.

The two battalion fighters in Ningguang County were ordered to retreat. Everyone rushed to the car and no one wanted to stay here.


The two battalion soldiers in Ningguang County were trying to escape by car, but they saw a scene that made them stunned, behind them.

"It's over!! It's blocked behind!!"

"Tank!! That's the tank!! God, that turned out to be a tank!!"

There are four 69 tanks. Seeing the appearance of the four 69 tanks, all the soldiers in Ningguang County had a desperate flash in their eyes, and there was no card in their hands that could compete with the tank. Please remember the URL if you like the "Magic System" written by the asset surge

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