God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 259: Zhang He!

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The second two hundred and fifty-nine chapter Zhang Wo!

In Zhang He’s struggle, the tax official untied his clothes and groped for a while in his thin body. He touched the bag containing more than a dozen prawns and said it was very proud: If the stinky deceives the eyes of Laozi, you are still tender. Because of your attempt to evade taxes and tax evasion, these shrimps are all confiscated."

"Give me back to me, that is the shrimp I caught." Zhang He's eyes burst into red and screamed. Those shrimps are the key to supporting their family for a few days. If they don't have the shrimps, their families will go hungry again.

"You don't give your face a shame." The tax official's face sank and waved. The seven big men were punching and kicking against Zhang Wo.

Zhang He was just a child. In such a punch and kick, he was quickly wounded and wounded, and then threw it into a corner.

"Who dares to evade taxes and tax evasion is such an end?" The tax official's cold eyes swept through the cold-skinned women who were thin and thin. He must use **** reality to shock those who attempt to evade taxes, so that his work can proceed smoothly.

The survivors who came to pay taxes were numbly watching this scene, and when they saw more things, they became used to it and numb.

"How can you abuse the child like this?" At this moment, there was an angry voice.

The tax official looked down the voice and saw a few young men and women dressed in clean, tidy, ruddy faces who were not ordinary survivors.

It was the red dress that blamed the tax official, who appeared pure and sexy.

The tax official glanced at Wen Peishan greedily. Many women in the last days did not get enough nutrients to become yellow and thin. The skin was white to Wen Pei Shan, and the ruddy, beautiful and pure girl was not much.

The tax official looked at Wen Peishan and said, "I am acting in accordance with the rules and regulations set above. What do you disagree with? You can complain to my superior."

Although the tax official also has a background, but he is not willing to look at it with Wen Peishan, it is a big background, a big backstage

"You bastard" Wen Peishan was a little excited to swear. However, her tutor is good, her character is pure, and she can't even deceive others. She can only swear by it.

Yue Zhong looked at this scene, and his brow was only slightly wrinkled. The behavior of this tax official is indeed very jerk. However, this is the end of the world. If the tax official is not fierce, I am afraid that no tax can be collected.

"Yue Zhong, you help me to teach this bastard." Wen Peishan wanted to come and wonder how the lesson could only ask for help from Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong heard a big step forward and he was too accustomed to the behavior of the tax official.

The tax official looked at Yue Zhong and came over and warned: "What do you want to do? I am doing things according to the rules."

The seven great men also came over to Yue Zhong, and they looked at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong coldly stunned the tax official and said: "You have collected more than 50 taxes. I don't believe that you have set a tax that is overcharged, or you want to see it. The sun of tomorrow?"

The upper level of SY City will never be stupid enough to impose a horrible heavy tax of 50 or more. There is only a policy, there is a car, the above policy has changed to the following. In fact, SY City only imposes a tax of 20 on survivors who go to Zijiang to pick wild vegetables and fish, and in the hands of the tax official, the tax is more than 50, and more than 30 rivers enter his personal pocket. .

The tax official lighted up his backstage and stared at Yue Zhongdao: "I am Zhang Xueming. My cousin is the deputy director of the Inland Revenue Department, Wei Tong. Who are you?"

The Inland Revenue Department is a very powerful department both before and after the end of the world. Especially after the end of the world, it is simply the fat difference in the fat, Weitong can become the deputy director of the tax bureau in the SY city, the network must be very wide. Zhang Xueming hopes that Yue Zhong will be able to retreat and everyone will live in peace.

Yue Zhong directly pointed out the identity of Wen Peishan: "You can't see the sun of tomorrow if you are in the palm of your hand. She is Wen Peishan, the daughter of Wen Mayor."

Zhang Xueming’s face suddenly became a white, Wen Wenguo is one of the two giants of the government system in SY City, and the backhand can crush the small people like Weitong and Zhang Xueming. This is the end of life, such as the ant's end, his name is only a small person, even if tomorrow disappears, no one will care, but there are countless people happy that he made a position.

"I am not good, I am all my wrong Miss Wen, I will not dare to say sorry in the future. I am sorry to ask you to spare me this time, I just do things according to the chapter." Zhang Xueming squatted in Wen Peishan In front of him, while fanning his mouth, he cried and pleaded with tears.

Zhang Xueming fanned his mouth very hard, and his mouth was overflowing with blood.

Wen Peishan’s heart is a soft road: "If you count this time, forget it. Return the things you have confiscated to the child."

"Yes," Zhang Xueming stood up and personally walked over to Zhang He and returned those things to Zhang Hedao: "Little devils, these are the foods that Miss Wen has given you, and you are not going to thank Miss Wen."

Zhang Wo, like a wounded lone wolf, grabbed the river freshly and looked at the glamorous, bright and touching Wen Peishan. The lips moved hard and said: "Thank you."

After the speech, Zhang He grabbed the bag and the river turned fresh and limped away toward the distance.

Zhang Xueming looked at Zhang He’s appearance, and his brow wrinkled toward Wen Pei Shanba. “The little devil is really not lifting up Miss Wen. Would you like me to get him back and give a good lesson?”

"No need" Wen Peishan, although some do not like Zhang He's kind of embarrassing appearance, but she is finally good-natured, there is no difficulty in Zhang He.

Yue Zhong looked at the female survivors who were picking wild vegetables near Zijiang, and then looked at the large batch of people who looked far away, as if the survivors of the wood people were slightly wrinkled, thinking for a while, toward Zhang He walked in the direction of Wo.

"Wait for you, wait for me," Wen Peishan saw Yue Zhong gone, and she hurriedly chased it up.

Zhang He walked for a while and looked at Yue Zhong, who had chased him from behind. His hands clasped the bags filled with wild vegetables and said: "What are you doing with me?"

Yue Zhong directly took out a large bag of bread from the backpack and swayed toward Zhang He: "Do you want to have enough?"

Zhang He looked at a large bag of bread in Yue Zhong’s hand and swallowed it. His eyes flashed a greed. He clenched his hands and said loudly: “I will not give my sister to you even if you use more food. Exchange, I will not sell my sister"

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle and knows that Zhang Wo misunderstood: "Sister?"

Yue Zhong opened the condition: "I want you to work for me to help me in exchange, I will let you eat every day, give you half a catty of corn flour. If you do things well, I will give you Canned meat and dried bacon"

Although Zhang He is only twelve years old, he is just a little devil, but he has courage and his own persistence. There are thousands of survivors gathered in Zijiang, but there are very few people who dare to fish in the river. Yue is important in the SY city, and naturally there must be a local helper who is familiar with the local situation.

The upper class of SY City, Yue Zhong has already made the characters of Wen Peishan, Lu Shenguang, and Tai Yiyan. He also needs manpower in the lower level of SY City.

Zhang He has the courage to have his own persistence. Yue Zhong does not mind helping Zhang He

Zhang He’s eyes lit up and asked with a look: “Can you really make me full?”

In fact, there are a large number of survivors in the city of SY. As long as there is food, you can pull out a small force. Zhang He is also willing to join the gangs, but there are no gangs who are willing to take care of them, who are not too strong and will only consume food.

Tong Xiaotong went to Yue Zhong’s side and stunned Zhang He, who seemed to be a small singer, to explain to Yue Zhong: “How can my wife lie to you? Our food is too much to eat.”

Zhang He saw the bright and lovable Tong Xiaotong and the special warrior behind Yue Zhong. He sweared in front of Yue Zhong and said: "This adult, I have no big requirements, as long as you let my brother, My sister can eat enough. I will sell my life to you, what do you want me to do, what do I do?"

Although Zhang He’s grade is small, he is very early. It is definitely not a small force that can pull out so many people in SY City. His investment is only good. His asking price is not high, as long as his brother and sister can have a full meal, he is willing to sell his life to Yue Zhong.

In this end of the world, human life is worthless. In order to have a full meal, countless people are willing to sell their lives. It’s just that in such a ghost world, I just want to sell my life and I can’t find a home.

Yue Zhong asked curiously: "Get up, I want to know, why don't people go fishing near Zijiang?"

The Zijiang River around the city of SY is in the eyes of Yue Zhong. It is a Baojiang River. There is no river nourishment near the Zijiang River. There are a lot of wildflowers and weeds growing in the river. In the Zijiang River, there are a lot of fish. Resources. If this Baojiang River is used well, it will not be a problem to provide meals for tens of thousands of survivors.

The high-level SY city is not a fool, this Baojiang they did not use, a move is a big problem.

Zhang He asked: "This adult, what is your name?"

"I am Yue Zhong" Yue Zhong Shen channel.

Zhang Hefei said quickly: "Yue Boda, there are many fish and shrimps in this Zijiang River, but there are also many horrible beasts in this river. There are tens of meters long snakes and one can The **** fish swallowed by people, and the big crab that can cut a person into two pieces. At the beginning, there were indeed many people who went fishing in the river, but soon those who fished were killed by those beasts. After a few hundred people, few people dared to go fishing in the river."

Hundreds of people died in this Zijiang River and frightened the rest of the survivors. Those people naturally did not dare to go fishing in the river. Therefore, although there is a Zijiang River surrounded by, the river fresh in the city of SY is still a scarce resource.

Yue Zhong continued to ask: "Is the government and the military not sending out masters to deal with those mutant beasts?"

The mutant beast is indeed terrible, but it is not impossible to be eliminated. SY City has more than 100,000 survivors, among which the government and the military are all masters, and dealing with several mutant beasts should not be a problem.

Zhang He thought for a moment and said quickly: "There are some masters who have come to Zijiang to hunt those fierce beasts. They also killed some fierce beasts, but the beasts in the river are too fierce. Those who come to Zijiang The masters of hunting beasts are often eaten, and few masters have come to Zijiang to hunt monsters."

Masters are always scarce resources, and one is dead. Zijiang’s mutant beasts are too many hidden in the water. After the government and military masters killed more than 20 high-strength intensifiers, they stopped attacking the mutant beasts in Zijiang. Because the price is really not worth it.

In the constant conversation with Yue Zhong, Zhang He put the living environment of the survivors of the bottom of SY City together. The most bitter thing in the city of SY is the survivors of the bottom. Although SY City will send some crystal clear porridge to maintain the lives of those survivors, but the relationship is everywhere, many survivors of a bowl of life-saving porridge will be corrupted by the officials responsible for handling. For a woman who sells her body all over the place. Among the gathering places that seem to be refugee camps, there are people selling and selling women everywhere.

Under the leadership of Zhang He, Yue Zhong and his entourage went to a cross-flow of sewage, and the building was broken. There were streets where human feces were stinky.

In that street, a survivor sits numbly on the street~www.readwn.com~ The body exudes a rancid taste. A large number of mosquito flies are extremely annoying in their bodies.

A ragged man with two big dark circles, a cheek in his cheeks, and a woman with a sour smell on his body clutching the hand of a little girl and screaming in front of Yue Zhong’s body: "This grandfather Save you, buy my daughter, a box of instant noodles, as long as a box of instant noodles, I will sell her to you, she will, and you buy her back, she can do anything for you."

The little girl with a small scorpion, hungry like a bean sprout, about 11 or 2 years old, also squatted in front of Yue Zhong and pleaded: "Grandpa, buy me. I am willing to do anything."

Tong Xiaolan saw this scene and couldn't help but ask: "Auntie, this is your daughter, how can you bear to sell her??"

Wen Peishan looked at this scene and couldn't believe it. She was the first time to come to this place. In her thinking, selling things like selling girls will only appear in books, or in the old society of legend. The SY city that her father manages should never have such a thing.

The second two hundred and fifty-nine chapter Zhang Wo!

The second two hundred and fifty-nine chapter Zhang Wo! To the URL

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