God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 262: transaction!

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The second two hundred and twenty-two chapters deal!

The special police officers also acted very quickly and soon surrounded the villa.

"The people inside are listening, you have been surrounded. Now your only way out is to let go of the weapon and surrender immediately. Only then can you have a way to live." Xiao Panshan, the captain of the special police brigade, shouted loudly at the villa. Road.

In the villa, several little girls were looking at Yue Zhong with horror. I don’t know if this man like a **** of killing would kill them.

"Don't worry, I am here to save you." Yue Zhong took a look at the scared little girls.

After the speech, Yue’s major step came to the villa window and said: “I am Yue Zhong of Ningguang County. Today I was ordered to clean up the government scum. You can confirm with Peng Shuji and Wen Mayor.”

Xiao Panshan listened to Yue Zhong’s words, and suddenly he was a little suspicious. Hesitated for a while and did not order an attack. Peng Shuji and Wen Mayor are the two giants of the survivor base of SY City. If these two giants sent people to act, he would not dare to confront it and immediately report the past.

It is not a small matter for a tax bureau to be*. The two giants, Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde, quickly rushed over after hearing the information.

Wen Baoguo looked at Yue Zhong Shen’s voice: "Yue Zhong, you have a big disaster. If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then I have to declare that you are not popular for the SY city base. People, and ordered to pass you"

Yuan Yeshan is not a person who reports to the country, but he is a government official after all. Moreover, Yue Zhong murdered in public, without any cover, and the nature was extremely bad. If it is not the strength of Yue Zhong, and the heavy hand, Wen Wenguo is afraid that he will immediately order Yue Zhong to grab it and throw it into the prison.

Yue Zhong pointed at the battles, like the frightened deer, and the little girl who was holding him around his thighs, said to the warming country: "Wen Mayor Yuan Yeshan, this scum has done this evil thing, shouldn’t it be **** ?".

Wen Baoguo stared at Yue Zhong and said in one sentence: "He is a scum. He is also damn. But after all, he is a government official who wants to take him. He must go to the procedure. No one has the right to try a government official privately. You want him. Life must also take the legal path"

The most important thing for the official is his own life and order. If everyone is so happy and revengeful to Yue Zhong, then the officials in the government agencies will float. This has touched the bottom line of the warming country. No matter how strong the strength of the master, they must abide by the rules of the game they set, this is the insistence of Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde.

Peng Mingde sighed slightly, his eyes flashed a touch of joy, but he hated the iron and failed to form a steel slowly: "Yue Zhong Yuan Yeshan is indeed a scum, but you have no right to privately sanction him only has the right to sanction him. It is the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the court. You have done too much this time, and I can't help you. If you ask me to discuss it before you start, I will help you sanction this scum."

Yue Zhong smiled and said that the deer was the horse. "What are you talking about? I didn't move Yuan Yeshan a hair. When I came in, I saw his four bodyguards kill each other. He was careless and his head was cut by the bodyguard. It’s down. The rest of the people killed each other for a while.”

Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde both frowned slightly, and they were all masters who blinked their eyes, but for Yue Zhong, this kind of light is squinting and saying something is not suitable.

The little girls who were at the foot of Yue Zhong were even more confused. They clearly saw that Yue Zhong had killed Yuan Yeshan’s head.

Yue Zhong smiled slightly and opened his own price tag: "I asked the two to come over this time to discuss a business. I want to buy 400,000 sets of quilts for each of you with 100 tons of grain."

Both Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde are human fine, and naturally understand that Yue Zhong is taking 100 tons of grain and wants to erase this time. Now in the city of SY, a set of quilts can be exchanged for less than a pound of rice. Hearing the words of Yue Zhong, the brows of the two of them were slightly loose.

50 tons of food after the end of the world is not a small amount. In this SY city, 5 kg of food recruiters do a day of thugs, and countless people rush to break their heads. 50 tons of grain can maintain a team of 100 people in the fighting force for 200 days.

Yue Zhong itself is a tyrannical master, but also has a huge force. If it is not a last resort, Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde are not willing to tear the face with Yue Zhong. And Yue Zhong also gave them the steps, as long as the unified official caliber, you can barely cover this matter.

Wen Baoguo was silent for a while and Peng Mingde looked at him with a cold eyes: "Yue Zhong, this time even this kind of thing, I don't want to appear again for the second time. If there is a second time, I can only let People are all over you."

Yue Zhong smiled faintly: "I know."

Seeing Yue Zhong’s unruly guy slumbered, Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde were relieved. For this unruly, fierce and arrogant Yue Zhong is very headache.

"I have a big event and I want to discuss it with the two." Yue Zhong suddenly said.

"What is it?" Wen Baoguo is a bit cold. After Yue Zhongmu was unable to discipline and killed Yuan Yeshan, his goodwill towards Yue Zhong also reduced a lot.

"I want to levy taxes in Zijiang." Yue Zhong smiled and threw a huge bomb.

"Nothing is absolutely impossible" is almost instantaneous, Wen Wenguo and Peng Mingde said in unison.

Taxation is an important source of income for the maintenance of power. Although the Zijiang area is rarely daring to fish in the lower reaches of the river, the tax revenue is less than one ton of fresh gas in a day, but after all, it can continue to get food. This piece of Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde will never let go.

"Please listen to me. I want to clear the mutant beasts in Zijiang. As long as we can clean up the mutant beasts in Zijiang, we will be able to get a lot of aquatic products from Zijiang."

"Since I have to spend a lot of effort to clear the mutant beasts in Zijiang, I can't naturally do it. After the mutant beasts in Zijiang are finished, anyone will enter the Zijiang section where I will clean the mutant beasts and collect wild vegetables. I have to collect taxes 30" Yue Zhong said quietly.

Zijiang is a Baojiang River in the eyes of Yue Zhong, which has a lot of food. If it can be fully utilized, more than a hundred thousand people in the city of SY can eat a full meal.

"In the tax of 30, I will give 5 to the SY city government. If you freely distribute the mutant beasts in Zijiang, 5 taxation will get dozens of times more aquatic products and wild vegetables. Hundreds of times."

Yue Zhong’s words swayed in the hearts of Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde, and they all knew that Yue Zhong’s words were true. Zijiang is indeed a Baojiang River. If there are not too many mutant beasts inside, they will not worry about food.

Wen reported that the country was silent for a while and said directly: "Five or five points, after you clean up Zijiang, we will tax us five or five points."

Yue Zhong is very quick and responsive: "Yes"

Both Wen Baoguo and Peng Mingde are happy in their eyes. Although they both have contradictions, they now want to join hands to kill Yue Yue’s fat sheep. Just the next sentence of Yue Zhong, they made their brows wrinkled.

Yue Zhong said faintly: "If you can send 30 intensives of level 20 or above to help me. Then after cleaning up Zijiang, taxing us 55 points, if you are not willing to send people, then I can only give you 5 after all. On the military side, I also need to leave a copy for them."

If the food is not fat, if Yue Zhong is the tax that dominates Zijiang, even if he spends a lot of effort to clean up Zijiang, others will be jealous. He must also distribute some profits to others. After all, the government and the military are the local snakes of SY City. The capital of Yue Zhong is too small.

Peng Mingde’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the trade-offs slowly said: “Then we took 5. We’ve been a little nervous recently, and there aren’t too many masters available.”

There are countless tyrannical mutant beasts in Zijiang. The SY city government and the military have also played the role of Zijiang and the mutant beasts in Zijiang have fought many times. Even now, there are also government, military, and civilian masters who have killed many mutant beasts in Zijiang. However, the large-scale operation of the Zijiang mutant beast, the government and the military teamed up several times, all defeated, the loss of the powerful master more than 100 people, and several precious evolutionists died in the mutant beast In the mouth, they naturally do not like the actions of Yue Zhong. And even if they don't do it, they also have 5 gains. They are naturally happy to watch Yue Zhong and his team fight and die, and they lose nothing to them. They win instead.

"I am understaffed in SY City. I have to recruit some people and some places to place those people to fight with those mutant beasts. How about selling these two streets in Xinglong Old Street and Nanshan Old Street? I am willing to take 100 tons of food. I bought these two old streets," Yue Zhong continued to ask.

Wen Baoguo faintly said: "Add 50 tons of grain, you will buy the old streets of Xingye."

The three old streets of Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street and Xingye Old Street are all located near Zijiang, where a large number of survivors are placed. Most of those survivors are women, thieves, robbers, children, the elderly, rogues, and black. At the same time, among the three old streets, the sewage flows across the river and stinks. Throwing those three old streets to Yue Zhong, Wen Baoguo can also save a lot of thoughts and a lot of food.

“Thank you for the mayor of Wen” Yue Zhong smiled slightly.

There are also many buildings and units in the three old streets. If you squeeze, you can even live with two or three thousand people. With those three streets, Yue Zhong also has a place to settle in this SY city, or a base. He only paid about 150 tons of food.

After the negotiation, Yue Zhong came to Xinglong Old Street.

When Yue Zhongyi returned to the Xinglong Old Street, he immediately found Zhang He: "Zhang Wo, I want to recruit people, you immediately send out the news, and say that I want to recruit workers who dare to fight in this area. When I am a worker, what do I want them to do, they have to do what the basic daily treatment is to be able to eat enough. Of course, if you make a meritorious deed, I will not ask for a reward of two hundred people, not many Cheng Yu, you Follow him."

Although Zhang He is a young man, he is a mature person, and he is a native. He is very familiar with this area and is very suitable for doing this kind of thing.

"Yesy boss!" Zhang He respectfully responded and retired.

Cheng Yu silently followed Zhang Wo's side.

"What kind of river fresh is Xiaohe Miao today? I use corn flour to change with you. One pound of fresh fish for two pounds of corn noodles. If you let your sister accompany me one night, I can give you two pounds of rice." In a street, one wears The quite middle-aged man got a look at Zhang Wo, n smiled.

Zhang He hated the middle-aged man and looked cold and cold: "The cow boss I am not here to change food."

The middle-aged man in front of him was named Niu Dahui, a businessman who used corn, rice and other foods in exchange for the useful materials in the hands of the survivors. He was also a sturdy character in the area of ​​this survivor.

Niu Dahui turned his face and smiled and said: "Then pay debts. You borrowed four pounds of corn flour four days ago. Now if you still give me six pounds of corn flour, if you still can't, take your sister to give me a debt."

Niu Dahui has been paying attention to Zhang He’s sister. If a beautiful little girl sells it to those big people, she can definitely sell more than one hundred pounds of food. Because of this, Niu Dahui will be able to lend Zhang Wo three pounds of corn flour a few days ago.

Zhang Heyi’s face was black and his teeth said: “I just borrowed three pounds of corn flour for ten days. How can I still have 6 pounds of cornmeal after four days?”

Niu Dahui looked at Zhang Wo with a cold look and said: "Now the food is so lacking. Do I need your cornmeal without interest? I have always had 9 out of 13 loans. The daily interest is 20 and you only have 6 Jin, it’s still cheap, your kid is not fast, but if you don’t have food, I will take your sister to pay the debt.”

Niu Dahui was so good before lending ~www.readwn.com~ the appearance of a good man, but once the debt expires, he will reveal a look of incomparable.

Near that, a survivor was surrounded by numbness.

"Unfortunately, Xiaohe Miao also went to the big dog thief."

"What a pity"


The survivors looked at this scene and talked in abundance. It’s just that Niu Dahui has four burly thugs, and the survivors of this film dare not provoke him.

Zhang He looked at Niu Dahui with an angry look. He didn't think that this scum actually had such an idea.

Niu Dahui stared at Zhang He, who was angry and helpless, with a smug smile on his lips.

The second two hundred and twenty-two chapters deal!

The second two hundred and twenty-two chapters deal! To the URL

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