God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 265: Clean up the gang!

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Chapter 265 cleans up the gang!

"Who is the owner of this basement?" Yue Zhong looked indifferently as the remaining six guards continued.

Looking at the headless body of the guard, the six guards had a glimmer of fear in their eyes. The enemies in front of their eyes are far more than their imagination. However, they still kept silent. The power of the basement owner was extremely large. It was not a good end to betray the owner of the basement waiting for them.

"You can go to death." Yue Zhong directly ordered a guard to cold and cold.

The guard’s eyes flashed a horror, and the whole body trembled loudly and shouted: "I..."

The guard did not say anything. Song Wen slashed his head and cut the head of the guard. The guard’s head full of remorse rolled down on the ground and let the other five guards look terrified.

"You are too slow." Yue Zhong took a look at the body of the guard and set his sights on the other five guards.

"I said that I said nothing to kill me."

"I said don't kill me, I will tell you all I know."


The remaining five guards collapsed instantly, crying and rushing to say everything they knew. They don't want to die in the hands of Yue Zhong.

"It turned out that he was interesting and interesting." Yue Zhong listened to the words of the remaining five guards and got very interesting information.

The 3,000 tons of grain and one battalion weapon stock in the basement is the private wealth of Su Dongming, one of the military's five giants. Among the military, Su Dongming, the division commander, is subject to the checks and balances of the other four heads. Every move in the military will be seen in the eyes.

In order to expand his strength, Su Dongming secretly sneaked out some of the military's materials and transported them to the village. It is pinned on supporting the forces of the people to expand their strength. They never thought that they had not yet started, and the huge amount of materials fell into the hands of Yue Zhong.

These seven guards are also armed with weapons in the elite of the army. Even a gang of more than 100 people can easily defeat those gangs. These seven guards are already the strongest force in the city village where there are no strong masters. It was only Su Dongming who never thought that his materials had been swallowed up by Yue Zhong.

This material is the material that Su Dongming secretly sneaked through the power of his hands. If it is exposed, Su Dongming is afraid that it will be suppressed by the other four giants of the military. The throne of the division is only afraid to sit still.

Although the throne of the commander was only a force that could not be mobilized in the name of the other four reinforcement groups, Su Dongming definitely did not want to go down from the throne.

Since he knew that Su Dongming did not dare to mobilize the army to revenge, Yue Zhong did not have any scruples. Even if Su Dongming knew that this was Yue Zhongqian, he could only interrupt his teeth and swallow his stomach.

The next morning at eight o'clock in the morning, Yunfei, who was dyed with a yellow-haired rebellious, and his father Yunqiang stood honestly in front of the yard waiting for the arrival of Yue Zhong.

The black tiger helped such a black. In the face of the semi-military power of Yue Zhong, he could not afford the wind and waves. A few masters will be able to kill the black gang for this little gang. Yunfei and Yunqiang, their father and son did not dare to spur.

Zhang He walked out and said to Yunfei and Yunqiang: "Yue Boss let you go in with me."

Yunfei and Yunqiang both followed Zhang He toward the villa.

"Sure enough," Yun Qiang walked all the way to see the special combatant who was standing in the villa holding the 05-type miniature submachine gun. His heart was full of shock. Yesterday night, Yunfei went home and persuaded him. He still had some doubts about the strength of Yue Zhong. But today, he saw that the strength of Yue Zhong was only ten times stronger than Yun Fei said.

Yue Zhong took a look at Yun Qiang: "You are Yunqiang?"

Yun Qiang looked at Yue Zhong’s face more and more respectfully said: “The villain is Yun Qiang, Yue Boda. Yesterday, my black tiger helped me to be offended. Please bear with me. Today, I and the dog came to sue you. From now on, my black tiger will be willing to work for you."

After the end of the world, the fist is hard, and the big force such as Yue Zhong does not dare to provoke. Instead, he hopes to invest in Yue Zhong’s squat, so that his backing is harder and his speech is more emboldened.

Yue Zhong faintly said: "I want you to come out and annihilate all the gangs of the three old streets of Xinglong Old Street, Nanshan Old Street and Xingye Old Street. After destroying all the gangs, this area will be handed over to you. You Do you have confidence?"

The three streets and dragons and snakes that Yue Zhong bought were mixed, and the gangs were full of gangs. He had the heart to annihilate all the gangs. Otherwise, this area is a mess, which is very troublesome for him. Just law and order is a big problem.

Yunqiang hesitated and said slowly: "Yue Boda, the strength of my hands can not eliminate so many gangs of Nanshan Street, the Suzaku gang of Xingye Old Street, there are more than one hundred gangs who can fight the core gang , Suzaku helped the group of sly women to have guns in their hands. Our black tigers can fight them."

Although the name of Qinglongbang and Zhuquebang is very impressive, it is only two small gangs. To destroy this small gang, twenty fully armed soldiers can easily annihilate it.

Yue Zhong faintly said: "I will send someone to help you, as long as you take our people to marry their nest, and compile their strengths. If they do not surrender, they will be destroyed. If they surrender, they will receive their strength. Killing people."

Yunqiang’s face flashed a touch of joy and shouted loudly: “I am the boss of Yue, I promise to complete the task”

Yue Zhong swept Yunqiang and looked cold and cold: "Your son Yunfei stayed behind as my guardian. The ugly words are said first. I don't care about what you did before. If you do something that is good for you, then Don't blame me for not being merciless."

In the heart of Yunqiang’s heart, he said loudly: “It’s the big boy who is the father of Yue, and I will give you what I will do in the future. I will definitely ask you first to ensure that you will not do anything that will disappoint you”

Yun Qiang is very clear that Yue Zhong left his son on the one hand to adjust his son, on the other hand to stay personal. If he dares to betray Yue Zhong outside, his son has only one dead end.

However, Yunqiang is even more happy because it means that Yue Zhong really intends to support him. Otherwise there is no need to keep your personal qualities at hand.

Qinglong’s helper, Yu Cheng, was in a state of restlessness. His umbrella on the top informed him that this Nanshan Street had a river dragon named Yue Zhong, so he was careful and careful, and he could not provoke this one to cross the river. Otherwise, he can't keep him.

"Would you like to send a big gift to him today?"

Yu Cheng hesitated a moment, but he had more than 100 core hitters, Qinglong to help him, let him take the initiative to give Yue Zhong a gift, let him pull some of the following. And this did not pass by the head, maybe even let Yue Zhong see him.

A group of Qinglong gangs rushed in and panted, and reported to Fucheng: "Help the gang to help the black tiger to kill people."

Yu Cheng was in a frowning voice: "What is it? What is the black tiger help in the district? Let Liu Liu and Li Bo get rid of them"

Liu Liu and Li Bo are the two masters of Qinglong Gang. They are all intensifiers of level 10 and above, and they have the skills of the demon system. In this kind of gang fight, when the truth is invincible, ordinary gangs are not their opponents at all.

The gang said with a look of horror: "Liu Liu and Li Bo have been killed by the masters who have been brought by the black tigers."

Yu Cheng changed his face: "What?? How can he recruit such a strong master? This kind of master should be the government or the military."

At this moment, there was a sound of shouting and screaming in the notorious place. The fifteen younger brothers of the Qinglong gang escaped into this nightclub as the headquarters of the Qinglong gang.

Yun Qiang smugly walked into this nightclub surrounded by a group of black tigers to help the youngster. He saw the Qinglong help to help him become a success. His eyes lit up and sneered: "Yu Cheng is, you are surrendering today. Still going to die"

The ten black tiger gang's younger brothers held ten 03-type rifles and pointed at them. Only when Yun Qiang ordered them, they would shoot and kill the guys who were in these Qinglong gangs.

With these ten 03-type rifles, Yu Cheng’s younger brother, who is still in a state of cold weapons, rushed up and was only part of the massacre.

Yu Cheng was watching the ten 03-type rifles, and then looked at the six bundles of Liu Liu and Li Bo who were tied tightly. They clenched their fists and looked at each other. They bite their teeth: "Yunqiang, you are Has Yue Zhong been compiled?".

Yu Cheng is also considered a talent. He thought of the fact that he received the black tiger help to provoke Yue Zhong yesterday, and then he guessed the facts of seven or eight points. He is also very clear about the foundation of the Black Tigers. He knows that it is impossible for the Black Tigers to have these ten Type 03 rifles. Otherwise, the Black Tigers in this area will be able to dominate. We must know that the government and the military have strict control over firearms. Yu Cheng was only trying to get two pistols and three 81-type rifles and sixty rounds of bullets.

"Yes, I am now a man of Yue Dao." Yun Qiang is not ashamed but proudly said: "Yu Cheng is, you only have two choices, surrender, or die."

Yu Cheng hesitated, and made a difficult choice: "I fell."

"The helper can't drop us to fight with them." A small leader of the Qinglong Gang has red eyes and shouts loudly.

A slamming shot, the little head of the Qinglong gang had a gunshot eye and fell directly to the ground, motionless.

"Who else doesn't want to drop," said Cheng Yu, holding a pistol, as if looking at a famous person and looking at the people in the Qinglong gang.

In Cheng Yu's icy eyes, the gangsters of the Qinglong gang were chilling and did not dare to talk about turmoil.

Yu Cheng saw the little leader of the Qinglong gang being directly shot and browed and moved, and did not dare to have any objection. If before the end of the world, he can also yell at lawyers and human rights. But in this cruel end of the world, people who disobey will be shot directly and will not tell you about human rights.

The helpers of the Qinglong gang did not dare to spur the thorns. Under the threat of guns, they were honestly shackled by the members of the black tiger gang and tied with ropes.

Yu Cheng was stunned in the face of the glory of the cloud, and he said: "It’s damn, if I first voted for Yue Zhong, I didn’t think I was taken a step by this bastard."

The Qinglong helper was arrested, and the entire Qinglong help collapsed. The Qinglong Gang’s helpers fled the first time after receiving the news.

Yun Qiang took the Green Dragon gang's nest and harvested more than 50 tons of grain. If there is no such grain, it is impossible for the Qinglong Gang to gather more than 100 gangs to hang around.

After **** the nest of the Qinglong gang, Yun Qiang’s enthusiasm gathered in the direction and marched in the direction of Zhuque.

Suzaku helped squat in Xingye Street. This Suzaku gang is a gang whose members are all women. Most of those women are women who have been harmed by men and hate men. The helper Queen Empress Liu Yujiao is also a sultry and slick character, and has more than 100 female helpers. Under the command of Liu Yujiao, the women of the Suzaku Gang can also fight and fight, not weaker than men, and even more vicious.

Among the Suzaku gangs, there are more than five rifles, and the strength in this area is really strong. Black Tiger Gang and Qinglong Gang were not willing to provoke Suzaku to help this terrible woman.

The news of the Suzaku gang was also very well-informed. After the Qinglong gang was smashed out, it immediately sent a unit to Nanshan Old Street to grab the ground and hit the troops of Yunqiang.

A normal body~www.readwn.com~The skin is white and beautiful, but the face has a long knife mark that completely destroys her pretty face. The four sisters Zheng Zhu of the beautiful girl Suzaku looked at the big army. Yunqiang’s voice is extremely cold and cold: “Cloud boss, where are you going?”

Twenty-three young women holding watermelon knives and machete behind Zheng Zheng were stunned by Yun Qiang. As long as Zheng Zheng ordered, they would rush to hack the men of Yunqiang.

The Suzaku help can survive in the end of the wolves, and also has her skills. The women they helped were very united. Zheng Zheng’s order, even if they know that they will die, they will rush to fight the enemy.

Yun Qiang stunned Zheng Xiao’s eyes and smiled coldly. He directly threatened: “Zheng Zheng, we, Yue Zhongyue’s boss, want to compile you, surrender immediately. Otherwise, die.”

The good men who don’t beat women or kill women are in the end of the world, but few of the leaders who can survive will never be so worried. If women block their way, they will kill them.

Chapter 265 cleans up the gang!

Chapter 265 cleans up the gang! To the URL

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