God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 278: Mutant crabs!

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The second hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the mutant crabs!

Seeing the horrible scene, the nails of Xinglong Street fled from Xinglong Street and fled to other places. Even their private property is gone.

Yue Zhong quickly caught up with the second-order mutant black fish that was held by Xiaoqing, and immediately took out the PF98 120mm anti-tank rocket launcher and pulled the trigger to a second-order mutant black fish.

A flash of fire flashed a rocket on the head of a second-order mutant black fish, directly exploding a huge blood hole, bloody. It immediately squirmed and screamed on the ground, struggling on the ground.

With the strength of Yue Zhong, it has been very difficult to deal with a second-order mutant black fish, which is extremely expensive. He can only use the PF98 120mm anti-tank rocket launcher as a big killer to deal with second-order mutant blackfish. So far, there are no mutant beasts that can withstand the PF98 120mm anti-tank rocket launcher. The only regret is that using the PF98 120mm anti-tank rocket launcher to hunt the mutant beast can not get the enhancement of the magic system.

Another second-order mutant black fish was furious, opened a huge mouth, and a group of green mucus shells rushed toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong's figure flashed, constantly avoiding the bombardment of mucus shells.

Taking advantage of the second-order mutant black fish to attack Yue Zhong, Xiao Qing is flapping his wings like a sharp arrow from the sky, two claws like a hook, piercing the head of the second-order mutant black fish, grabbing it directly The second-order mutant black fish rose to the sky and flew to the height of more than two hundred meters before it was dropped.

The huge second-order mutant black fish fell on the ground, and was immediately shattered by the huge inertia. After a few struggles, it immediately died.

The four second-order mutant blackfish died, and the overall situation has been fixed.

In the vicinity of Zijiang, Yue Zhong recruited more than 13,000 people and spent nearly a month digging out a large pit. The soldiers of the special war camps were very embarrassed to introduce those mutant black fish into those big pits. Hands-on the mutated black fish.

The masters of Ji Qing Dance, Yao Yao, Zhuo Ya, Gu Zhixing and Cheng Yu are directly hands-on, hunting those mutant black fish. It’s only a matter of time before the mutated black fish.

Yue Zhong holds a black tooth knife around him and does not shoot. His current level of reinforcement is already very high. It is difficult for him to upgrade the ordinary mutant beast. Only hunting the second-order mutant beast can make him quickly strengthen.

Over time, a head-changing black fish was killed by Yue Zhong’s special combat battalion soldiers, and there were fishy smells and **** smells everywhere.

Yue Zhong saw the situation fixed, and immediately came to the body of the second-order mutant black fish that he had hunted. He saw the body of the second-order mutant black fish with the black tooth knife and drilled into the second-order. In the body of the mutated black fish, a red blood essence and a white crystal nucleus were found from the inside of his head.

Yue Zhong just got out of the body of the second-order mutant black fish, and his face changed dramatically.

I saw the water ripples near the Zijiang River. A large crab with a large basin and a pair of thick pliers climbed out of the water.

"The 13-pole mutant beast mutant crab is a very ferocious group of mutant crabs. The mutant crabs in groups are a nightmare for many creatures."

The mutant crabs have only 13 levels, but they are thousands of them. They are so dense that they climbed from the Zijiang River to the shore. As soon as they landed, they climbed to the mutant blackfish next to the Zijiang River, and began to dismember the bodies of the mutant blackfish with the two big pliers.

Yue Zhong looked at the dense crab, like an ant, and shouted loudly at the intercom: "The warriors who withdrew the special battle camp withdrew the stone and adjusted the soldiers of the eighth battalion."

Those mutant crabs are low in level and weak in strength. Even if they are thousands of heads, they are not afraid of it. However, the number of mutant crabs is more than 10,000. Even if the entire special battle camp is filled in, it is not the opponent of the mutant crabs.

Ji Qing danced the intensive mutant crabs and directed them to the distant and Cheng Yu. "There are two people who go to the front line and dig the blood. The rest of the people dig up the blood of the mutant beast." Retreat to Xinglong Street."

The distant, Cheng Yu, and Ji Qing dances all invested a lot of skill points in the direction of agile direction. The three of them are also the most confident masters who can get out of the crab group.

After hearing the orders of Ji Qingwu and Yue Zhong, the masters of the special battle camp quickly broke the head of the mutated black fish in front of them, dug the blood essence inside, and then strode to the direction of Xinglong Street. .

Everyone in the special battle camp can easily eliminate dozens of mutant crabs, but the number of mutant crabs is hundreds of them, and they can only turn and run away. Otherwise, they will be surrounded by those mutant crabs, and they will only be able to fight and die.

There are a large number of mutated blackfish corpses near the Zijiang River. The mutant crabs are surrounded by the bodies of the mutant black squid, and their sharp tongs are used to dismember the corpses of the mutated black fish.

Those mutated **** fish body is full of treasure, especially the blood and nucleus in the body of the four second-order mutant black fish is a good baby, Yue Zhong naturally can not stand those mutant crabs to smash his loot . He waved the black tooth knife in his hand and madly killed the mutant crabs and rushed toward the remains of the remaining three second-order mutant black fish.

Xiaoqing in the sky also landed on the ground, one foraging the mutant crabs of the size of the washbasin. Those mutant crabs have always been used for it. It has two wings and two huge winds that will blow the mutant crabs around them so that they can eat leisurely.

The distant, Cheng Yu, and Ji Qing dances all killed the mutant crabs all the way, and quickly came to the heads of the elite black fish to break the heads of the **** fish and search for the blood and nucleus inside.

The number of mutant crabs that flowed from Zijiang exceeded 30,000. The huge crab group was more than 10,000 attracted by the body of the mutant blackfish, and the bodies of the mutant black fish were madly dismembered nearby. In addition, the remaining 10,000 mutant crabs crawled toward Xinglong Street.

Chen Shi looked at the tens of thousands of mutant crabs that climbed up to Xinglong Street and shouted loudly to the newly formed Eighth Battalion Soldier: "Fire the killings of those crabs. Let’s add a steamed crab this evening. Who can be more than a few times?"

"I want to eat three"

"I want to eat two big crabs."


With the sound of a scream, the newly recruited Eighth Battalion soldiers fired guns at the crazy crabs.

Although the mutant crabs are much older than the zombies, they are far less horrible than the zombies. Although they are many in number, in the eyes of the soldiers of the eighth battalion, they are just a fat meal. They are not afraid of those big crabs at all.

A hair bullet hit the body of the mutant crab and directly hit the body of the mutant crab to the ground. Those mutant crabs are a tyrant, but on the land, the ability has dropped by more than five layers. In the dense rain, there are constantly mutated crabs being dropped.

In order to deal with the possible large-scale mutant beasts, Yue Zhong transferred 20 kinds of 56-type light machine guns and five 56-type heavy machine guns from Ningguang County.

This is the fire on the dense mutant crabs, those type 56 heavy machine guns, and spit out fierce fire tongues, those mutant crabs were beaten in those dense rain.

The eighth battalion fighters also played very fiercely with the Type 03 rifle. The mutant crabs were almost sliced ​​and cut down by the metal barrage.

If human beings face such a casualty rate, they are afraid that they have already collapsed, but those mutant crabs have rushed into Xinglong Street with a lot of casualties.

At this time, the masters of the special battle camp and the melee masters in the eighth battalion rushed to fight with the mutant crabs that broke through.

One of the battles with the mutant crabs, the soldiers of the Yuezhong Department knew why the mutant crab was a thirteen-polar mutant. Although the speed of the mutant crab is not very abnormal, but the defense is very tyrannical, the intensive warriors holding the imitation Tang knife can not open their carapace, must be the strength of more than 20 points to be able to hold the imitation Tang knife Open their carapace. Moreover, those mutant crabs are endless, and the double-clamps can be torn apart by the fish skins of the 30-grade mutant black fish. The ordinary people will be directly clamped off one leg by being clamped by them.

After a fierce battle, Yue Zhong’s eighth battalion fighters had six people who had broken their thighs by those mutant crabs and then climbed over the neck by those mutant crabs.

Seeing that the mutant crabs were on the offensive, the eighth battalion fighters began to throw grenades, and those grenades fell like raindrops in those mutant crabs~www.readwn.com~ hard to kill those mutant crabs Countless, slightly relieved the pressure on Xinglong Street.

It’s just that there are too many mutant crabs, and those grenades and machine guns are not able to block the charge of the mutant crab. As the battle progressed, the casualties of Yue Zhong began to rise slowly.

"Eat crabs"

At this time, a group of about 100 survivors rushed into the battlefield with shovel, sticks, baseball bats, and big hammers, and attacked those mutant crabs with their shovel, stick, baseball bat, and big hammer. .

Under the mad attack of those survivors, more than forty mutant crabs were killed by the scrambled shells of the survivors. After killing more than forty mutant crabs, the survivors dragged the bodies of the crabs and left the battlefield happily.

When the survivor of the team had just left, another group of survivors rushed in with red eyes, waving a simple weapon to capture the mutant crabs.

The second hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the mutant crabs!

The second hundred and seventy-eight chapters of the mutant crabs! To the URL

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