God and Devil World

Chapter 28: firearms

Chen Yao just breathed a sigh of relief, dried his tears, and quickly came to sit on the cab.

Yue Zhong ordered: "Go to the police station."

Chen Yao immediately launched the school bus and headed for the police station.

Yue Zhong said to Chi Yang: "Chiyang, you are here to protect them. I went in and searched for weapons. What is wrong, call me immediately!"

Can kill S1's master Ji Qing dance because of Chen Yao's relationship with fractures and injuries can not fight, Yue Zhong can only let Chi Yang stay behind to protect the Qing Dance.

Chi Yang picked up the copy of the Tang dynasty's imitation Tang knife to Yue Zhong's short response: "You can rest assured."

It was clear that Yue Zhong, Bai Gu and Chi Yang quickly rushed down from the car and madly killed the zombies hovering around the school bus.

After killing the dozens of zombies hovering outside the school bus, Yue Zhong and Bai Gu quickly rushed into the police station.

Just entering the police station, the five faces were bitten and ruined. The zombies dressed in police uniforms immediately came to Yue Zhong and the white bones.

Yue Zhong stepped forward, and between the knife flashes, three zombies were killed.

The remaining two zombies were also easily killed by white bones.

After killing the five zombies, Yue Zhong walked over to them, put on gloves and took off their guns at the waist.

Among the five zombies, three waists were equipped with pistols, and Yue Zhong got three 54-type pistols and 15 rounds of bullets.

Yue Zhong directly included the pistol and bullets into his backpack. Compared with his unreliable shooting technique, the imitation Tang knife in his hand is more likely to kill the zombies.

Yue Zhongyi looked for a short time before he came to the gun storage room.

The gun storage room and the ammunition storage room are the top priorities of the police station. Each one is equipped with an iron gate and an anti-theft net. The front of the heavy-duty gate is a tightly closed iron gate.

Yue Zhong glanced at the tightly closed iron gate and ordered the white bones: "Give me the door!"

The bones were ordered by Yue Zhong, and the axe was slammed on the iron gate.

At this time, the bones have been upgraded to level 9, and the physical quality is 80% higher than that of ordinary people. The power of the whole force is extremely terrifying. A loud bang, the iron gate was actually sunk by a large axe, and revealed a deep axe mark.

After a series of eight axes, the bones opened the lock of the iron door and pushed the big iron door open.

"Do not move, raise your hand!"

The iron gate just opened, and there was a resounding voice inside.

Yue Zhong fixed his eyes and saw that he was in the gun storage room. One of them was wearing a police uniform. The chest was choppy and the face was very beautiful. The policewoman, who was about twenty-five years old, held a 54-type pistol and pointed at him.

When Yue Zhong looked at the female police officer, the female police officer also carefully looked at Yue Zhong. When she saw the special bones around Yue Zhong, the eyes flashed a touch of incredible. The sergeant is only something that will appear in the magical legend, which is impossible to see in the world.

"White bones, grab her!" Yue Zhong body flashed to the side, commanding the bones.

The white bones took orders and strode over the policewoman. The right paw was as fast as a meteor and caught the policewoman.

boom! boom!

The sound of a crisp gunshot sounded, and the woman police did not hesitate to shoot a few shots on the bone.

The bullet hit the white bone and sneaked into the bone of the bone.

The bones just trembled, and immediately caught the female policeman's right hand, took her pistol, and then pressed the policewoman to the ground with brute force.

After the sound of the guns disappeared, Yue Zhong came in from the main entrance.

"Who are you? Here is the police department's gun storage room. If you break into the house without permission, it has already constituted a crime." On the ground, the female police officer said with a loud voice.

Yue Zhong walked in front of the female police officer and waved her hand. The white bone immediately released the policewoman who was suppressed by it: "My name is Yue Zhong. Sorry, the world has changed. I need weapons to arm myself and live better. Going. Besides, I don't have any malice. The police officer, what is your name?"

"My name is Su Ruxue. What is this?" After Su Ruxue stood up, he pointed to the special skeleton white bone standing next to Yue Zhong and asked Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong asked: "Is that voice that claims to be God? Did you hear it?"

"Hear it! Did you hear it?" Su Ruxue's face changed. She thought that the strange voice was heard by her alone.

Yue Zhong explained: "This is the ability I have acquired in the magic system, or one of the skills."

Su Ruxue flashed a flash of hot air and asked: "How can I have that ability?"

This special skeleton is not afraid of bullet shooting, and has extraordinary combat power. Su Ruxue also wants to acquire such magical ability.

Yue Zhong said in an understatement: "As long as you dare to kill the zombies ~www.readwn.com~ After obtaining the corresponding skills book, you will be able to acquire the corresponding skills."

"Are you a gun keeper?" Yue Zhong asked Su Ruxue.

Su Ruxue shook his head and said: "No! Can you return the gun to me?"

"No!" Yue Zhongyi refused. He can't let a person who doesn't know hold a weapon that can threaten him.

Level 2 protective clothing can resist the shooting of small-caliber bullets, but the protective suit does not have a voyeuristic, as long as a bullet hits the head of Yue Zhong, he will die.

"Destroy this safe!" Yue Zhong glanced at the gun safe in the room and ordered the bones.

The white bone swung the big axe, and the axe and the axe smashed over the lock of the gun safe. After the three axes, the lock of the safe was smashed.

Yue Zhong opened the gun safe, which showed a row of guns.

"54-type pistol, 79-type submachine gun, 85-style sniper, good things, really good things!" Yue Zhong looked at the firearms in the gun safe in the eyes of a burst of surprises.

Firearms represent strength, and only with a strong force can they survive better in this last age.

Yue Zhong has not been afraid of ordinary zombies after several reinforcements at this time, but he has limited strength after all. Moreover, the close-fighting warfare consumes a lot of physical strength, and with the hot weapons, he can live better.

Yue Zhong quickly packed the guns and carried some of his own, so that the bones were also backed up.

Yue Zhong glanced at Su Ruxue and asked: "Are you planning to stay here, or will you go with me?"

"I am going with you!" Su Ruxue did not hesitate and immediately said. Staying here is only a dead end, she still does not want to die.

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