God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 288: Take the bridge!

Zijiang Bridge, which is an important road leading to the north of SY City, is also the only traffic artery leading to Ningguang County in SY City. If you don't take the Zijiang Bridge, you have to detour to Ningguang County for nearly 80 kilometers from SY City, and there are other roads outside the SY city's sphere of influence. Therefore, this Zijiang Bridge is almost equivalent to the lifeline of the entire SY city.

Therefore, on the Zijiang Bridge, there are also more than 20 police officers stationed, guarding the two ends of the Zijiang Bridge.

Zhang Cheng is a police officer in SY City. He is a deputy director and has been stationed on the Zijiang Bridge for a long time. He is very satisfied with the job, not only can he eat enough every day, but also get 30 pounds of rice a month. 30 pounds of rice in this end of the world is a small wealth, enough to let him play a few small beauty.

"Head!! Do you want to come to a game?" A small policeman shouted at Zhang Cheng. In the room, six policemen are playing with landlords and Zha Jinhua, and those bets are their wages.

"You play!!" Zhang Chengyi smiled.

At this moment, suddenly the door was opened by a person, a soldier with a type 03 rifle rushed in, pointed at them with a gun and said coldly: "Do not move! Raise your hands!" ”

Zhang Cheng, the seven policemen, immediately raised their hands. In this end of the world, it is not a rebellion against the era of peace. I am afraid that it will be a scene of being killed.

"This big brother! Is there any misunderstanding?? We don't seem to offend you?" Zhang Cheng looked at the military uniforms of the soldiers and asked with courage.

The head of a soldier shouted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, several soldiers rushed up and **** Zhang Cheng’s six people: "Shut up, give me quiet!"

This police station was easily won by Guo Quan.

Although there are more than 20 police officers stationed near the Zijiang Bridge, the police officers are very vigilant and have weak combat effectiveness. When they did not understand what happened, the Zijiang Bridge was taken very easily by Guo Quan.

It is very simple to win the Zijiang Bridge, but it is an extremely difficult task to hold the Zijiang Bridge.

In the first place, Guo Quan took control of several streets around the Zijiang Bridge, and the survivors of those streets were directly driven out.

At the same time, Guo Quan also sent a company of soldiers to quickly attack the police agency on the other side of the Zijiang Bridge.

Under the circumstance, all the police agencies on the other side of the Zijiang Bridge were destroyed by Guo Quan, and all the police officers were disarmed and shut down.

At the same time, the soldiers who prepared the first regiment began to build a fortification under the command of Guo Quan. As long as there is no heavy artillery bombardment, those fortifications can play a big role.

"Guo Quan, what are you doing?" Guo Quan's behavior was quickly known by the two giants of the SY city government. Wen Baoguo personally entered Guo Quan's defense zone for the first time, and asked him.

Guo Quan went to: "I am executing the order of the Yue team!!"

Wen Baoguo Tieqing’s face commanded: “Leave here! Let me leave here immediately, otherwise I will announce that you are an unpopular person.”

Guo Quan said coldly: "Before the Yue team did not return. We will not leave."

Wen Baoguo stared at Guo Quan. After a moment of silence, he suddenly asked: "What happened on the front line?"

Guo Quan hesitated for a while and said to Wen Wenguo: "Luo Tianyi and Su Dongming took the lead to escape. The entire line of defense has collapsed!! This time we attacked the zombies, we have already lost!! A large number of zombies are advancing toward us!!"

Wen Baoguo heard the news, like a blue sky, and confirmed to Guo Quan: "Is this true?"

If it is true, as Guo Quan said, the situation has really deteriorated to the point where it is out of control. This time, the main force of the military went to the zombie army, and everyone was confident. No one would have thought that the military with all kinds of advanced weapons would be defeated by the stupid zombies who had no heads.

We must know that the military had completely smashed the 700,000 zombies of the entire SY city, and it only consumed a lot of ammunition and a small number of soldiers. This time everyone still believes that the military defeated the zombie army only spent a lot of ammunition, but did not expect the military to be defeated.

Guo Quan said coldly: "This is the message that the Yue team told me. If you don't believe it, you can ask Shen Hongyang yourself."

Wen Baoguo did not care about Guo Quan's indifference and immediately returned to the government. People contacted Shen Hongyang to confirm the authenticity of the information in Guo Quankou.

"What to do?" Wen Baoguo first found Peng Mingde to discuss.

Peng Mingde thought for a moment and said quickly: "There are only two ways to go now! The first road is to mobilize the masses, the whole people build fortifications, distribute weapons to the people, and join the military remnants to hold SY city. The second road is Give up SY City and immediately organize the mass transfer!"

Wen Baoguo shook his head and said: "The corpse is defeated by the military. How can ordinary people be their opponents? The first road you said won't work."

There are more than tens of thousands of survivors in the city of SY, the number is far above the military soldiers, but those survivors are hungry and thin, and the body is weak. They are simply vulnerable, not to mention and possess a large number of evolutionary zombies. The corpse is fighting.

Peng Mingde frowned slowly and asked: "Then we can only give up the transfer of SY city. However, where can we transfer with more than 100,000 people?"

Yuezhong’s Ningguang County and Qingyuan County are naturally safe, but Peng Mingde does not want to bring those survivors to Yuezhong’s place. When the hundreds of thousands of people went to Yue Zhong’s hands, his city party secretary would have no power.

Wen Baoguo was silent for a while, and firmly said: "The transfer to Yuezhong County of Ningguang County! Ningguang County is very large, squeezed to accommodate more than 100,000 people is still no problem."

Although Wen Baoguo also has all kinds of stigma that is an official, he values ​​the rights in his hands. But he has his own bottom line. He will not ignore the lives of more than 100,000 people for his own rights!

Peng Mingde hesitated for a while and shook his head: "Slow down!! Maybe things are not as bad as we think!!"

The power of this thing is really wonderful. To give up the power in your hands, it takes a lot of courage and perseverance. Peng Mingde is not willing to give up his rights in the hands of the last moment.

Peng Mingde did not agree with Wen’s proposal to transfer all survivors to Yuezhong Ningguang County, but began to organize survivors to start construction of various fortifications in the direction of SY County.

Guo Quan is very calmly organized. The survivors of Yue Zhong’s family have left the city of SY and moved to Ningguang County.

On the other hand, two hours after Yue Zhongyi went to the Hukouxia and Special Warfare soldiers and the zombies, a large group of zombies circumvented them and launched an attack against them.

The soldiers of the special warfare camp were ready, and they were tied together one by one with a long rope, and then the rope was tied to Xiaoqing’s leg.

Xiaoqing shot his wings and immediately rose to the sky. The soldiers who had carried out the special battle camps flew one by one. The warriors of those special combat battalions are enjoying the rare journey of taking off in the air.

Yue Zhong and Zhuo Yazhen, Ji Qing Dance, and Tong Xiaotong were sitting on Xiao Qing’s back.

Tong Xiaotong held Yue Zhong tightly, and his face was cozy.

Yue Zhong is holding the delicate body of Zhuo Ya, who is delicately fragrant and fragrant.

When Xiaoqing flew, the hurricane was too big, and all the people did not speak. They just hugged together and enjoyed the rare peace.

Xiaoqing flew for a while, Yue Zhong took a picture of his body: "Flying a little lower, Xiaoqing!"

Upon receiving the order of Yue Zhong, Xiao Qing immediately flew down and made a low-altitude flight.

Yue Zhongyu was on Xiaoqing's body and looked down.

Xiaoqing’s flying speed is extremely fast, and he has already caught up with Xu Zhengguang’s department for an hour.

At this time, hundreds of S2s at the rear have already caught up.

However, Yue Zhong Department has been very experienced in dealing with S2 with super high speed.

Five infantry fighting vehicles tied with steel wire rushed toward the S2 at a constant speed.

Those S2s are extremely fast, and they hit the steel wires between the infantry fighting vehicles one by one, directly under the influence of their own forehead and the forcing force of the infantry fighting vehicle. The wire cut off his head.

In addition to the five rampant infantry fighting vehicles. One barbed wire has been taken down and joined together. These wire meshes are useless for L2, a force-type zombie that is not powerful, and is extremely useful for these S-type zombies. Many S2 hit the barbed wire and fell over the barbed wire. Then they were shot by the soldiers at close range~www.readwn.com~ and some soldiers wearing the variegated water snake scales, holding the imitation Tang knife even dared to cut down the S2 heads.

As soon as the flares were lifted up, the area was illuminated like a white. The soldiers of Yuezhong Department and the S2 sides fought fiercely. Even though the soldiers of the Yuezhong Department responded to the law, the speed of the S2 was too fast. From time to time, there were still soldiers who were directly scratched by the S2 and directly scratched the pigskin.

In the fierce battle, Xiaoqing slammed his wings and landed on the ground.

Yue Zhong jumped from Xiaoqing’s back and launched a skill step. He rushed into the zombie group and waved a black knife that had a blade length of two meters to kill a dead body.

The soldiers of the special war camp also untied the ropes and joined the battle group.

As soon as the soldiers of the special battle camp joined the battle group, the remaining more than one hundred S2 zombies were quickly killed. In particular, Xiao Loli’s performance was particularly dazzling. Her speed was far above that of S2. She saw her body flashing, and the head of S2 fell directly on the ground. She hunted the zombies faster than Ji Qing Dance and Yue Zhong should be faster.

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