God and Devil World

Vol 3 Chapter 296: Cruel cold rain!

The second hundred and ninety-six chapters of the cruel cold rain!

"You grabbed my can!! You grab my can!!"

Just as Xu Yang took the troops to inspect, suddenly a child shouted and shouted a middle-aged man who had just received a can.

The middle-aged man flashed fiercely in his eyes and kicked the kid on the child. He kicked the child to the ground: "Bunny scorpion! You* called an egg!! I am using the shell for the old man." Canned! You call again, Laozi will abolish you!"

"Stop!!" Xu Yang brows and walks over and asks: "What happened?"

The middle-aged man nodded to Xu Yang and said: "This brother!! This little rabbit smashed me to grab his can. This can is obviously I used bullets. The staff there can testify for me!!"

Xu Yang glanced at the staff member.

The staff member quickly nodded: "Yes! The can is really replaced by a bullet casing."

Xu Yang glanced at the child and said coldly: "Little devil! What do you have to say?"

The child stood up and looked angry at the middle-aged man and said to Xu Yang: "This man is grabbing my bullet casing and changing the can!! There is a can in his underwear. Do not believe you." Look!"

Xu Yang ordered: "Catch him!"

Two soldiers walked toward the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man changed his face and stepped back. He shouted in his mouth: "When the soldiers are going to kill!! When the soldiers are going to kill! Help!! Help!!"

The middle-aged man was the leader of a group of thieves before the end of the world. After the end of the world, he also pulled a group of younger brothers. He shouted like this, and his companion hidden among the survivors immediately encouraged him: "When the soldiers are going to kill!! They are going to kill us!! We are going away!"

After the words, the thieves took the lead to escape to other places.

Human beings have a herd behavior. Under such rumors, many survivors involuntarily followed the thief and fled in all directions.

In the distance, Guo Quan looked at the faces of those who fled, and changed his face. He bit his teeth and shouted loudly: "Open the gun!!!"

For a moment, the machine guns of the survivors who had been the most accurate were all fired. The intensive bullets fell into the crowds who tried to escape, and instantly cast the survivors who tried to escape. 4∴8 (six)

In just a few dozen seconds, more than two hundred people fell into a pool of blood, and the pain was extremely 呻yín. Guo Quan is very helpless and painful. There are only three hundred people here. To suppress the riots of tens of thousands of people, and to suppress them without using iron and blood, these tens of thousands of people can destroy hundreds of them.

"Who dares to escape! Immediately shoot! Who dares to swear! Immediately shoot!! Immediately squat on the ground! Do not luàn move! Luàn move luàn runners to die!!" Xu Yang face sè iron blue, direct rifle directed at the provocative incident The middle-aged man's head pulled the trigger.

A slamming shot, the middle-aged man who was somewhat proud of had a blood dòng and fell directly to the ground.

In the crazy sweep, the survivors screamed in horror, and they squatted on the ground. The body shivered and did not dare to move.

Xu Yang's face sè Tieqing, walked in the direction of the rumor: "cào* bastard! You are a group of bastards! We kindly want to give you this group of * a way to eat for you! Give it to you! You group The anti-bone actually added us to the luàn. What exactly is the **** spreading rumors here?"

For a moment of silence, all the survivors were silent. Under the steadfast social atmosphere, everyone has swept away the mén snow, and no more hassle has become the rule of law for all. Those who spread rumors are obviously a group, and they don’t want to get into trouble.

Xu Yang flashed a fierce light in his eyes. More than a dozen fighters came over with a 03-type rifle, pointing to the survivors who said evilly: "Don't you say yes? Good! Have a bone! Come on! Prepare to shoot these * **** !! Who the mother dared to spread the rumors, the people next to know not to report, shot together!!"

Looking at the guns of the black sè, the survivors can no longer remain silent, and the guys who screamed at the crowds yelled loudly: "Don't shoot!! This is this guy!! Just this guy is spreading Rumors!! It is him!!!"

Those who spread the rumors are not good at seeing the situation, but they also swear by the words: "It is obvious that you guys spread rumors and dare to say me!!"

Xu Yang directly dragged out the identified survivors and found a guy who was rumored to be rumored by many people, and made people cut off the head of the rumored rumor.

Seeing the spewing blood, the survivors were caught in fear.

Xu Yang looked coldly at the survivors who had been arrested and said coldly: "If you don't be honest, you can be decapitated! If you refer to someone who has identified others, I can give you a way to live. Huluàn climbs other people. The hún ball, once I was verified, I was directly on the spot!"

Under the brutality of Xu Yang’s cruel ròu, those who spread rumors were quickly found out. The two men were directly beheaded, and a man was directly shackled. The man who was shackled had not died for a while, but struggled on the ground for a while before he died.

Seeing the scene of savage and **** horror, the survivors were full of shock, and did not dare to change.

A soldier pointed at the seven people who had spread their rumors after surrendering and asked Xu Yang: "Lian Chang! What about these hún eggs?"

Xu Yang waved and said: "Take them into the scum camp!"

When the scum camp was used as the heavy artillery corps of Yue Zhong, it was in the absence of manpower.

After processing the dazzling hún eggs, Xu Yang went to the group of survivors and picked up a loud megaphone: "You are all good to listen to the old bastards! If there are people scattered again Rumors. You must get the first time to get rid of the rumors. Otherwise, all of them will go to the scum camp to fight the zombies in the first line. Also, everyone can only get a can. If someone is arrested and found by others, Lao Tzu will send the canned person to the scum camp!"

In the process of such high-intensity migration, a second-order can is almost equivalent to the life of an ordinary survivor. Taking away the canned food, it is equivalent to taking away the lives of others. Xu Yang naturally has to deal with it harshly, and under the severe torture, he can shock the survivors’ luck.

The survivors looked at the fierce and sinful Xu Yang, and they all looked terrified. I dare not say luàn again.

Xu Yang took a second-order can and threw it to the little boy: "This is yours! Eat him soon!"

The little boy immediately opened the can, and ate it with a big mouth. The canned food had just entered the abdomen, and the little boy felt a warm current flowing through his body, which restored his weak body to some vitality.

At this moment, in the sky, a drop of raindrops seemed to be hail and smashed.

"Damn God!" Xu Yang looked at the sky, the heavy rain that slammed down, could not help but swear.

Under the sloppy rain, the tens of thousands of survivors who had gathered together were beaten by the heavy rain. They looked at Xu Yang with fear and the machine guns around them, and did not dare to make any difference.

"What should I do now? The battalion commander!!" Xu Yang was drenched into a soup by the heavy rain. He came to Guoquan and shouted loudly! !

"Immediately organize personnel to cross the bridge!!!" Guo Quan looked at the scene very heavy rain, biting his mouth chún狠狠 said.

Xu Yang's face sè: "What? Now crossing the bridge? Those hún **** have no rain gear, they will be wet by heavy rain!!!"

Guo Quan flashed a bit of pain in his eyes, and then immediately turned to the endless firm to give the order: "There are still 7 hours. The corpse will be in contact with us!! Now the bridge is not even 10,000 people! Back There are still 130,000 people!! Everyone must cross the bridge now! This is the order!! To execute the order, all the consequences will be borne by me!!"

This command can be said to be very cruel!

It’s raining down now, and the tens of thousands of survivors have no rain gear, and they are physically weak. If it is forcibly crossing the bridge, it will be drenched by the heavy rain. Even if there is no death on the spot, I am afraid that many people will catch a cold and have a fever and fall on the chuáng.

Although Yue Zhong’s hand has a baby like a life-saving grass~www.readwn.com~, the life-saving grass does not have any healing effect on the case of treating a virus such as a cold or a fever. There are not enough doctors and yào things in sy city. It is conceivable that there will definitely be many people who died in this rainstorm.

Xu Yang’s face is screaming: “Yes! The battalion commander! I will go to the order! All the consequences, I will bear with you!”

After the words, Xu Xuyang went out to give orders, driving the tens of thousands of survivors to start crossing the bridge in the order of children, nv, men, and old people.

Children are the future of mankind, and nv people can have children. Although very cruel, the elderly, especially those with no special skills, were placed in the final bridge. They were placed in a building near Zijiang, and only after the main force had crossed the bridge could they be able to turn them. Unless they are very useful people like doctors and scientists, they can get special privileges.

In the torrential rain, tens of thousands of survivors were driven to the Zijiang Bridge and headed for the other side. After passing the Zijiang Bridge, it is necessary to take more than one mile to enter the building for a temporary rest. It is only safe to pass the Zijiang Bridge.


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