God and Devil World

Chapter 3: Zombie rampage

"It's amazing!" Yue Zhong looked at the attributes of the bones, and he was happy.

The growth of the white bone far exceeds the body of Yue Zhong. The upgrade has added six attributes, and the average quality has exceeded 10% of the average person. With such a strong helper, his chances of living in this world are a bit bigger.

Without any hesitation, Yue Zhongqiang endured the stench of the zombies, and once again pushed the computer desk in the dormitory, the quilt, the pillow and the door and window.

Although those sundries can't resist the attack of the zombies, they can play the role of delaying the opponent's actions.

In addition to a strange force, the first level of zombies has a very obvious weakness that is slow. If you do not encounter a number of zombies, only the hands have long weapons, ordinary people can still deal with them.

However, if you are surrounded by dozens of zombies, you will be dead.

Blocking the door, Yue Zhong was able to breathe a little in the room full of stinking, zombie bodies. The experience just made it really makes him somewhat unacceptable. If it wasn't for him that he got the skills to summon the bones, I was afraid that it would become a zombie at this time.

In a narrow environment, a zombie is difficult to cope with, and the three heads together, Yue Zhong is simply not able to compete.

After a slight breath, Yue Zhong immediately began to rummaging through the dormitory to find available resources. He quickly found a bundle of climbing ropes for hiking in the dormitory, a hiking backpack, four bags of instant noodles, and a bag of half of the egg yolk pie.

This dormitory has a small terrain and makes good use of the terrain. It is best for Yue Zhong and Bai Gu to deal with the zombies together. However, there is a key issue. This male dormitory has eight floors, each with 20 dormitories. There are 12 people in each dormitory, and a total of 1920 boys live. Although a large number of people went out on Sundays, there are still more than 600 people left there. It would be terrible if one third of those people became zombies.

The most important thing is that there is not much food and pure water reserves in this dormitory. Yue Zhong did not know if the current tap water was infected. He did not dare to drink anything except pure water.

Yue Zhong quickly used a climbing rope to make a knot on a wooden high-low bed, and then threw it along the climbing rope toward the window.

Seeing that the climbing rope went smoothly, Yue Zhong took a bench and sat down on the sink next to the window sill. He took out the telescope and looked out to observe the situation outside.

The white bone was left by Yue Zhong to be vigilant.

At this point the whole school seemed to boil, and some of the students rushed out of the dormitory building, followed by the rickety zombies behind them.

A lot of students glared at a certain part of the body, and the painful color of their face was obviously injured.

A boy did not pay attention to his feet while running. When passing through a body, suddenly, the body reached out and grabbed his calf and gave him a glimpse. The boy was immediately thrown to the ground.

"Zhang Ming saved me!!" The boy screamed in horror at the friend in front of him.

Zhang Ming looked back at the boy and glanced at the zombies chasing after him, his eyes filled with fear, and turned his head and did not return to escape.

"Zhang Ming! Zhou Feng! Help! Save me!!" The boy screamed in horror.

Zhou Gai, who was one meter tall, heard the boy’s cry for help. He hesitated. He looked back and saw that the man who had been stumbled had been smashed to the ground by eight students, crazy. Biting, only the voice of the boy’s sorrow.

Zhou Feng saw this scene, was scared to a soft leg, and then fled to the outside without heading back.

Eight zombies were biting on the boy's body, and the boy's sorrowful voice quickly disappeared.

The rest of the boys are crazy to escape to the outside.

The entire campus has been tangled up at this time, and everywhere, students can be seen running away with horror and zombies chasing after them.

There were suddenly many students and a large number of zombies on the road without too many people. From time to time, students suddenly squirmed on the ground, and when he stood up again, he became a zombie.

There is a panic atmosphere in the campus.

Yue Zhong looked at everything that happened below, and couldn’t help but look at it. At this time, on the road below, the students were attracted by a large number of zombies who came to the boulevard and spread all over the place.

On the road leading to the small supermarket on campus, there are also 20 zombies standing on the road, completely blocking the road leading to the small supermarket and the road outside the school.

The six boys who rushed out of the boys’ dormitory saw the zombies on the road leading to the school gate and stopped.

As if feeling the breath of life, the six zombies immediately turned to the boys, the road to the school gate is not spacious, the six zombies have almost completely killed the road, with few gaps.

The eight zombies that had just finished eating at the rear of the boys also staggered toward the six.

The zombies on the passage leading to the campus gate and the zombies that followed them were formed.

At this critical juncture, the two boys screamed in horror and rushed toward the zombies in front. One person holding a novice stick and smashing it on a zombie, knocked the zombie to the ground.

The other person was taking the opportunity to rush out of the gap.

The remaining student was blocked, and one step later, a large hand extended to his arm and grabbed his arm firmly.

"Don't! Help! Help!" The student was terrified~www.readwn.com~ Waving the novice stick in his hand and covering his face to grab his zombie, and the arm of the zombie was broken.

The three-headed zombies were squatting at the opportunity to hug the student, and opened a **** mouthful of bite on the student’s neck.

"Ah!! Help!!" The student suddenly screamed with screams.

The three zombies have firmly put the student together and started eating bloody.

The other two zombies were also attracted by the **** smell, and they rushed to the student, but they bit the body of the student.

The student who had just rushed out of the encirclement had just ran out of nowhere, and was immediately surrounded by zombies above the passage, drowning in the corpse and making a tragic sorrow.

The remaining four students saw the scene and their eyes were filled with horror.

One of them was "stunned" and was scared to fall to the ground.

"Going on the tree!" A tall boy was quite calm. After looking around for a week, he climbed to a big tree by his hand.

At the main campus of Yunhua University, trees are planted everywhere to green the environment.

The other two boys also climbed up the big tree with their hands and feet.

"Save me!! Chen Gang! Help me!!" The boy who was scared on the ground was also driven by the instinct of survival, watching the three people who were climbing the tree screaming loudly. He won't climb the tree.

Attracted by the scream of the boy, the zombies within a hundred meters of the body trembled and began to move towards this side.

The zombie army formed by dozens of zombies is enough to tear any resistance in the university into pieces.

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